How to Prepare for Current Affairs for UPSC 2020

Published on: 30 November 2019 Last Updated on: 09 December 2019
Union Public Services Commission

The Union Public Services Commission (UPSC) conducts the Civil Services Examination (CSE) every year and it is believed to be one of the most difficult exams in the country. Comprehensive preparation, consistency, determination and hard work are a few things needed to sail through all three levels of the UPSC Exam, which are as follows:

  1. UPSC Prelims
  2. UPSC Mains
  3. UPSC Interview/ Personality Test

The Union Public Services Commission conducts this exam in order to recruit various candidates for the Central and All India Services. While lakhs of aspirants in the country appear for the examination, only a few hundred serious and well-prepared candidates will make it to the final list. It is absolutely possible to crack this exam. What is needed is a proper strategy and rigorous preparation. What gives an aspirant an edge over many hardworking peers in the examination is how well he/she is updated with Current Affairs. Read on for the best sources to cover current affairs for UPSC 2020.

UPSC Current Affairs Preparation

Current Affairs has gained increasing importance in both the UPSC Preliminary Exam as well as the UPSC Mains Exam. Therefore, it must be an indispensable part of your everyday preparation.

Daily Newspaper Reading

  • It is very essential for an aspirant to choose a newspaper of choice and read it meticulously every single day without fail.
  • “The Hindu” Newspaper is considered as the Bible for UPSC preparation.
  • Making short notes from the newspaper will also prove to be beneficial at the time of revisions while helping you remember the concepts better.
  • Start reading the newspaper at least one year prior to the date of your Preliminary examination.

Current Affairs Magazines

  • During the mains examination, an aspirant is expected to present his/her views about a topic in a clear and concise manner within the given time frame.
  • The aspirant can gather fodder from the newspaper, but in order to understand various dimensions of a given topic, it is essential to follow one or two current affairs magazines.
  • A critical analysis of a topic would help the aspirant answer better at the time of the mains examination.
  • Some examples of Current Affairs magazine are:
    • Kurukshetra
    • Yojana
    • India Yearbook

Exploiting the Internet

  • There are various websites and UPSC online materials to help the UPSC aspirants in their preparation for the exams.
  • Specifically, with respect to current affairs preparations, there are various initiatives like daily quizzes, issues in the news, everyday news analysis, etc.
  • The aspirant must pick and choose one or two such initiatives to add value to his/her preparation for the civil services exam.

News Channels and Debate Shows

  • Studying continuously for a long duration might become monotonous.
  • In order to make learning less boring, one can watch various debate shows that involve veterans, experienced people, field experts, etc. such as Rajya Sabha TV.
  • Their opinions and suggestions can be used as strong points to support one’s answers in the mains examination.
  • At the same time, you can learn how to express your views during the UPSC personality test.

YouTube Videos for UPSC Content & Current Affairs

  • Certain concepts or issues in news require detailed study to be understood well.
  • There are many channels on YouTube that post current affairs videos which will help an aspirant understand and remember such concepts better.

There are plenty of options when it comes to current affairs sources for UPSC Exam. Like the saying, “Many cooks spoil the broth”, one should not refer to all the sources but stick to one reliable source.  Another important aspect to be considered is Revision. Thorough revision is a must, in order to remember the Current Affairs portions and its link with the UPSC Syllabus.

If the aspirant follows a good strategy with determination and consistency, it is possible to crack the UPSC Civil Service Exam in the first attempt.

For tips on covering current affairs for the UPSC examination, daily video analysis of “The Hindu” Newspaper, and other current affairs updates, subscribe to BYJU’S YouTube channel.

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Common Study Problems And How To Deal With Them

Student life can be challenging, especially as people transition through multiple stages of their academic journey. From managing time and studying effectively to dealing with the pressures that come with college life, students must find ways to navigate through these experiences successfully. This paper aims to discuss the various issues that students commonly face in relation to their studies, as well as provide strategies and solutions for addressing them. Common Problems Faced by Students 1. Time Management Issues Time management is a major problem faced by many students today. With increasingly packed schedules due to personal commitments, extracurricular activities, and more; it’s easy for other aspects of life such as studying and completing assignments to fall by the wayside. Writing admission essays can be particularly stressful and time-consuming, as they often require specialized knowledge of the application process. offers a solution to this problem by providing students with access to experienced admission essay writers who can help craft their essays in an efficient manner to ensure that all deadlines are met with ease. 2. Poor Study Habits Poor study habits can also present a challenge for students and are often caused by bad time management or lack of focus. This includes procrastination, not attending classes, relying too much on technology, forgetting to take notes, and failing to prepare adequately for exams. 3. Lack of Motivation and Interest Sometimes students can have difficulty staying motivated due to a lack of interest in the subject matter or feeling overwhelmed by the amount of work that has to be done. In these cases, it’s important to identify why the student is struggling and come up with strategies for increasing their engagement with their studies. 4. Peer Pressure and Social Anxiety Students may also face pressure from peers and/or struggle with social anxiety as they transition into college. This can be particularly difficult for those who are not used to being around large numbers of people or who feel uncomfortable speaking up in class. 5. Financial Struggles and Stressors Many students also struggle financially due to the cost of tuition, books, and other expenses associated with pursuing a degree. Stress levels can become high as students balance their studies with the need to make money in order to stay afloat. 6. Poor Mental Health and Trauma-Related Issues Finally, poor mental health can present an additional challenge for students as they face academic pressures while coping with underlying issues such as depression, anxiety, PTSD, addiction, etc. It’s important for students to reach out for professional support as needed in order to deal with these issues effectively. Solutions to Help Address the Above Problems A. Establishing a Schedule and Setting Priorities The first step in addressing many of the challenges that students face is establishing a schedule and setting priorities. This includes creating a plan for studying, taking notes during lectures, breaking down large tasks into smaller chunks, and finding ways to spend time with friends without sacrificing their studies. B. Developing Effective Study Techniques & Approaches Developing effective study techniques can also be helpful in managing student workloads more efficiently. This includes using flashcards, mnemonic devices, summarizing material, and other methods that can make studying easier and more enjoyable. C. Finding Supportive Resources & Establishing Healthy Money Habits It’s also important for students to seek out supportive resources such as counseling or mentorship programs in order to get the help they need. Additionally, establishing healthy money habits can be beneficial for managing finances throughout college life. This includes budgeting and finding ways to save money on necessities such as textbooks or basic living expenses. If students find themselves struggling to keep up with the demands of college life, can provide assistance with essay writing and other academic tasks. D. Seeking Professional Help as Appropriate  Finally, it is important for students to recognize when professional help may be necessary for addressing the various challenges they face during their studies. This could include seeking therapy or medication if needed, talking to a professor or academic advisor, or connecting with peers who can support them. In the case of research papers, can provide valuable support in helping students to tackle the complexity of researching and writing a successful paper. By taking the steps above, students can better manage their studies and find balance in their college life. Establishing positive habits, taking advantage of available resources, and prioritizing self-care can help create a successful and rewarding experience. Conclusion The transition to college can be a challenging yet rewarding period of growth for many students. By recognizing the common challenges they face and using the solutions outlined above to develop effective coping strategies, students can successfully navigate their academic experiences and make the most out of their collegiate years. With some dedication and perseverance, students can set themselves up for future success by establishing healthy habits that will last a lifetime. Read Also: How Students Can Earn High Grades In Science Assignment Writing Mass communication students: (All You Need to Study at Home) Why it is important to study Masters’ Degree in Data Analytics? 5 Reasons Students Need Technology In The Classroom

Online Degree

3 Reasons Why Online Degrees Are Better

With the ability to practically achieve anything online, you can purchase a car, buy a stereophonic sound system, even buy your education. As a student, you’ve chosen to earn your education virtually. Students from all walks of life, from all stages of careers, are choosing to study over the internet. There are many reasons why an online degree is so attractive. But this route is not for everybody. Reticence, as well as time freedom, is still necessary to accomplish this goal. Be keenly aware that online does not mean easy and quick. Your search for alternative education will be significantly influenced by tuition costs, government cuts, and course deficits. Online learning is as effective as customary education. As a degree seeker, you can begin your school search through various government departments. There are literally hundreds of reasons for attaining an online degree. You should keep in mind these three top incentives before deciding on any. 3 Reasons Why Online Degrees Are Better: Freedom Variety Acceleration Reason # 1 - Freedom: Studying anytime, anywhere is absolute freedom. Your hectic life will undoubtedly benefit from an educational lifestyle free from traversing from one end of campus to the other. School now fits your schedule instead of you altering your life to fit it. Study on your terms, you are in command. Reason # 2 - Variety: Every conceivable subject is being offered online these days. The degrees you can earn online are limitless. As an independent learner, the most effective learning method will be at a self-paced speed. Higher education today offers a variety of course options no matter what you are studying. The choices are unlimited from a career diploma to a postgraduate. Reason # 3 – Acceleration: Learning at a rapid pace through an accelerated online class will definitely usher you closer to your goals a whole lot faster. Colleges offer 6, 12, and 15-week courses. Faster completion opens up a bunch of options to better fulfill your time. Speeding through college should give you your desires for that dream job or career without delay. Veterans Can Profit Online Too: If you are a student and a veteran, “college programs for veterans” should be your primary search term on the internet. Veterans, active duty officers, veteran dependents and children of active duty personnel should all be able to profit from online education. There are many federal programs, scholarships and financial aids at your disposal. Most veterans usually scramble to claim their tuition and health care. Although these mutual benefits are considerable, they neglect to properly claim other life-improving and family care programs. The benefits from these other programs would instantly lower their general expenses. There are plenty of governmental awards you may typically qualify for. Below is a comprehensive list of college programs for veterans that provide academic aid to them and their dependents. Montgomery GI Bill Post 9/11 GI Bill American Patriot Scholarship Marine Corps Scholarship Foundation Air Force Aid Society Merit Scholarship Fisher House Foundation Scholarships for Military Children Dolphin Scholarship Foundation Navy League of the United States Loan Repayment Program Navy College Fund National Call to Service Program Military Graduate Medical Education Veterans Education Assistance Program Reserve Officers Training Corps Vocational Rehabilitation & Employment Program Reserve Educational Assistance Program The Aid and Attendance Program Certification programs On the Internet, where everything is accessible, available are some of the world’s best educators. This is where online education becomes more profitable than a typical higher education. Online, you can locate the finest in any field of study and consume that research at your own speed. As long as you are connected to the internet, the world is your oyster. Read Also: Online Services To Help Student Ten Ways Technology Is Impacting Modern Education

Online Statistics

Things You Need To Know About Online Statistics Studies

Millions of students around the world take a few online classes or study thoroughly online. Looking at why and how far online education has come, it was just a matter of time before this eLearning platform gained the popularity it now enjoys. If you are looking to pursue statistics, one of the decisions you will be required to make is to choose between studying online and sitting in a classroom. While you likely have studied in a classroom before and know what it entails, you might not be as familiar with online learning. Here, learn five things you need to know about online statistics studies. 1. You Get Enough Support and Study Aids Most students erroneously assume that learning online is impersonal and that students lack the support they need to get through their courses; this is not necessarily true. Most online learning institutions invest heavily in their platforms to ensure their students get the support they need from when they join to when they graduate. Most of the platforms you get today allow you to communicate pretty easily with your instructors. There are also numerous other studies aids available online to help you study. Visit this URL to see an excellent calculator for your statistics classes. 2. You Get More Flexibility In-person classes require you to follow a standard schedule; this means having standard times for when you have to sit in class. However, this does not offer much flexibility as you then have to plan your life around your classes. Online classes work oppositely. Once you register, you get your class lectures online. With this, you can choose to study at times that are most convenient for you. 3. They Are Cheaper Studying statistics online is more affordable compared to in-class learning. Institutions that offer online education need little in terms of physical infrastructure. They are also able to have a lean staff. Ultimately, these translate to lower utility bills, staff salaries, and infrastructural upkeep costs. On the flip side, traditional learning institutions have both teaching and non-teaching staff to pay, multiple campuses to manage, and so on. This means high overheads. Unfortunately, these costs are passed on to students in terms of higher tuition fees. If you consider learning statistics online, you will be happy to know that it will cost you less than taking traditional classes. 4. Time Management Skills Will Be Critical As you may already know, an online statistics class comes with a lot of flexibility. While this can be advantageous, it can also be your undoing if not handled correctly. If you opt for online statistics courses, time management will be critical. You will need to look at your schedule and plan how to attend your classes, revise, attend group work, do your assignments, and so on. Because life has multiple competing needs for time, it is easy to find oneself neglecting their school work. But, unfortunately, this does nothing to ensure good performance. Students who succeed with online learning exhibit good time management skills and the discipline to follow through with their study schedules. 5. All Online Statistics Courses Are Not Equal All traditional learning institutions are not equal; neither are online courses. Some institutions are recognized as leaders in specific disciplines and ranked higher than others. As you seek to take your studies online, be sure to research how good the statistics programs in your institution of choice are. Ultimately, you want to pick a solid school to get your certifications. Not only does this give you a quality education, but it can also give you a better learning experience and an edge in the job market. Read Also: 6 Affordable Online Courses You Should Take How to Learn Artificial Intelligence And Machine Learning Is an online degree in business management worth it? Why are More People Heading to Online Colleges?