Should You Be Friends With Your Co-Workers?

Friends With Your Co-Workers

An average person spends about 90,000 hours at work. These hours are equivalent to one-third of a person’s life. During this time, there are higher chances that an individual will meet new people at work. There are also chances that an individual would want to make friends with their colleagues.

Making or not making friends with co-workers can be an individual preference as both decisions come with an array of advantages and disadvantages.

Being friends with your co-workers has been proven to help increase job success. At the same time, many strongly believe that people who work in a toxic environment should avoid making friends with colleagues.

The question arises: should you be friends with your co-workers or not? If you want to know, read on.

Job Satisfaction

Undoubtedly, many people spend most of their time at work, which is tiring. That is why many people try to diversify the working process with friendly relations.

Findings have shown that when people make friends with their co-workers, it helps increase job satisfaction. Moreover, it helps perform better at different designated tasks and can motivate people to want to take part in other projects.

Making friends with co-workers can bring higher morale, so you are always motivated to perform at your best. You will want to show more commitment to your work and the organization as a whole.

Your colleagues will always motivate you whenever you feel down or tired about a specific task. Even when you are off from work, they can always cover for you, especially when you have an unfinished project that is due.

Mutual Trust, Care, And Respect

Beyond discussing workplace-related matters, there is more to getting along with your co-workers. Think about a nice time after work hours.

Spending some time at the cinema or doing outdoor activities at the weekend can positively impact your friendship. You can enjoy a better work relationship by asking each other questions freely, discussing ideas, and solving issues.

Indeed, the friendship you build at your place of work can sometimes last for a lifetime whether you remain in the organization or not. A workplace friendship built this way will create more respect, trust, and care. You would always want to check and look after each other.

According to the Australian Institute of Management’s poll, good relationship with co-workers is an integral part of finding friends for a long time.

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Employee Engagement

Employee Engagement

Friendship with co-workers can be a great way to increase employee engagement. Seeing a close friend who is busy with tasks assigned to them can motivate you to engage more.

This is backed up by a workplace study by Gallup in 2012 where employees who worked in the same place with their close friends admitted that seeing their best friends at their workplace helps them engage better in the working process. When workers became more professional at work, they ignored friendships.

Psychological And Social Support

Findings have shown that women are more enthusiastic about making friends at their workplaces to get emotional and social support whenever they are stressed.

Men, on the other hand, want to make friends with co-workers that will benefit their careers. They also want to make friends to help them finish pending tasks or job duties whenever they arise.

If you have friends at work, you feel happier and more supported which results in the improvement of your psychological state. You can always ask for help or advice, or just tell something that is bothering you.

If you want to make friends at work but do not know how, find phone numbers or emails of people you work with. You can do it on Nuwber, BeenVerified, or AnyWho. Try to find their social media accounts and send them a nice message.

Why Should You Not Make Friends With Your Co-Workers?

Too many benefits lie in making friends at the workplace. However, you may also be doing more harm than good if you do not know how to handle being friends with people you work with. Here are some reasons why workplace friendship may not be good for you.

1. Fallout Can Be Unpleasant

To be honest, if you prioritize socializing with your friends at the workplace over your office duties, your work process will suffer and may lead to unproductivity.

You will make a smart move if you do not mix personal interests with office duties because when the friendship hits a rock, the outcome will be negative.

What if you divulge career-related information to the wrong person? The outcome may be more terrible. It may take a toll on your emotional being and overall wellness.

If you do not make friends with your co-workers, you will not have an emotional attachment to gossip at the workplace. You will not be concerned with unnecessary discussions or workplace politics.

You can then focus better on assigned tasks. Do not forget that you can always enjoy your job even when you are not closely related to those you sit with within the cubicle.

2. Co-Workers Can Question Your Motives

 Co-Workers Can Question Your Motives

This is another reason why being friends with your colleagues is not worth it. In some cases, if you have a good rapport with your boss, co-workers may accuse you of being a favorite worker, especially if it is related to being promoted. This is why it is often better to remain neutral and not build strong friendships.

Every step you take becomes suspicious and co-workers may use anything against you that may cost you your promotion, especially if you have gossiped about your boss in the past.

3. Jealousy May Set In

There are chances that you will have one jealous person among your fellow employees. Take, for instance, if you are someone that loves nice wear.

Others who have no taste in fashion may think you are trying to stand out. Even if this does not relate to the way you dress, jealous colleagues will not hesitate to hate you for anything when you are doing well.


Making friends with your colleagues can be good and at the same time something that should not be worth considering. In most cases, it is best to stay neutral. However, both decisions come with pros and cons.

When you decide to think about whether to make friends at work or not, compare all the benefits with the drawbacks and make your choice.


Abdul Aziz Mondol is a professional blogger who is having a colossal interest in writing blogs and other jones of calligraphies. In terms of his professional commitments, he loves to share content related to business, finance, technology, and the gaming niche.

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Real Estate

You Need to Know the Pros and Cons of a New Career in Real Estate

Will a career in real estate work for you? It can be an exciting and challenging career change. Deciding on whether or not a real estate career will work for you depends on your personality. You will discover a new level of independence at work and there will always be new challenges. Before you dive in, consider some of the pros and cons of a career in real estate. Pros of Becoming a Real Estate Agent: 1) Money – Real estate agents work on a commission. Whenever you sell (or help your clients buy) property, you earn a percentage of that sale. Given that property is usually the most expensive purchase and investment the average family makes, that’s a large chunk of change. There’s no salary cap. If you can find a way to make a million dollars on commissions, there’s no one to put a cap on your earnings the way there would be in a salary job. 2) You’re Your Own Boss – Working as your own boss, you’ve got an unprecedented level of freedom to come and go as you please and vacation when you want. 3) Excitement – Real estate agents are constantly on the move. They’re always out there meeting new people and making new deals. If you’re the type to get bored at a desk job where every day feels the same, a real estate career will shake things up. 4) Knowledge & Experience Pay Off – The more you know, the more you sell. If you love to learn new things and experience more, it’s a career path that will pay off. You will have the chance to become an expert, not just on a neighborhood or types of property, but how to work with people and make sales. Cons of a Real Estate Career: 1) Getting Started – The flipside of working in a commission-based industry is that it takes time to get started. If you’re working for yourself, there’s no one to pay your salary when you’re not making sales. It will take time before you can find clients and make sales, so be prepared financially to survive until you get the ball rolling. Many people start off part-time until their careers develop. 2) You Need Discipline – The downside to working as your own boss is that you need discipline. No one’s going to make sales and put money in your pocket if you’re spending all your time at the beach. 3) You Need to Know when to Take a Break – For others, the problem might be the exact opposite. If you’ve got a workaholic streak, you’ll need to discipline yourself to put the work away when it’s time to rest and recharge. Find a way to disconnect from your job and relax. Real estate can be an incredibly rewarding career if you’ve got the personality to thrive in an environment where you’re independent and constantly meeting new challenges. Earning your real estate license is something you can do quickly and cheaply. With online real estate schools like RealEstateU, it doesn’t take long to start getting your real estate license. Don’t worry if you’re not an expert in homes or home renovation. Your ability to tell whether a home has hard or soft water will not determine your success as an agent. The ability to work with people, work hard and go above and beyond for your clients will ultimately matter much more! However, the more knowledgeable you are in all facets of real estate, the better you will be at ensuring your clients make educated, long-term decisions. Once you sign up for online real estate classes, you’re free to complete them at your own pace. They will prepare you for your state real estate license exam, and most states require you to complete the courses before you try writing the exam. With online real estate courses from real estate, you get all the resources you need to succeed at your exam, including video/audio lectures, a 200-page PDF textbook, and lessons from top real estate experts. Get started on your career change today. Sign up for online real estate classes and be your own boss. Read Also: How Many Jobs Are Available In Real Estate Investment Trusts Is Computer Software Prepackaged Software A Good Career Path? What Are The Three Components In The Youtube Ecosystem?


Ten Interview Tips that Might Surprise You: The Medical Edition

For many, interviewing for new physician employment or placement is a nerve-wracking experience. However, it doesn’t have to be! Here are ten interview tips for medical professionals that will help smooth the way to your new hospitalist jobs in Ohio, Pennsylvania or any other area around the world. 1. Prepare (Yes, Even More!): Sure, you’ve read the job description for the position you’re interviewing for, and you’re knowledgeable about your capabilities and your specialty.  That’s not nearly enough. Read also: How To Crack Civil Service Exam In One Attempt First of all, it’s a good idea to prepare yourself for each interview by doing some in-depth research on the practice you’re interviewing with. A quick glance at the website is good, but there’s much more you can do. Plug the practice’s name into a search engine and see what else there is to know. Do they participate in education, charity, or research? How involved in the community is the practice? Not only will this help you ask meaningful questions during your interview, but it will also give you a head’s up about the practice’s organizational culture. 2. Dress the Part: You’re not going to show up in sweat pants… we hope. But did you know you can be too overdressed as well? Or that the way you dress might suggest a conflict with the practice’s company culture that you wouldn’t intend to advertise? A three-piece suit might be overkill, especially at practice with younger physicians. A wacky tie might be a bad idea if the practice values a serious demeanor. Or, these things might earn you brownie points with the interviewer. The point is: you really can’t know for sure. Keep it classic and professional with a business suit in traditional color—this goes for men and women alike. 3. Know That It’s Not Just the Interviewer You Need to Impress: Did you know that some practices send out a survey to everyone you interact with on interview day? Well, even if you know for a fact that this one doesn’t, don’t forget that it’s really the entire office that’s doing the interviewing, not just HR or one other doctor. Maybe the head of the medical practice isn’t going to ask the receptionist her opinion, but you can bet your bottom dollar that if you make a very poor impression on her, she’ll bring it up herself. Be courteous to everyone you encounter. 4. Ask The Right Questions: For your first interview, you want to spend as much time on questions that tell you more about the practice, its policies, and its culture. And don’t forget about the practical things: the levels of support staff doctors can expect, the staff hierarchy and reporting structure, the technological resources you’ll have at your disposal (or not), the on-call coverage policies, and so forth. Asking about these things presents you in a professional light, and gives you a great deal of information about what actually working for the practice might be like. 5. Write Your Questions Down: If you’re thinking, “I’ll never remember all of that!” don’t worry, because our next tip will help you out big time: write your questions down and bring them with you. While you may think it makes you look unprepared, the opposite is true: you appear to be a well-organized, detail-oriented person, and that’s just what you want. 6. Practice a Practice-Centric Attitude: Until you’ve actually received an offer, it’s not a wise idea to ask a lot of questions about benefits and the like during the interview process. Asking about the base salary prior to the interview is fine—there’s no need to waste their time or yours if it’s not suitable.  Everything else can be left alone until the actual negotiating begins. This shows you’re more interested in the practice than your own gain, and that you don’t have a me-me-me attitude. Read also: Comic Relief for College Students 7. Don’t Dis Your Last Employer: No matter how much you dislike your last employer, you absolutely should not say anything negative about them in the interview. You don’t need to lie—just keep your phrasing as neutral as possible. Being a negative Nancy gives you no advantage and can be very detrimental. 8. Project Confidence: The key to projecting confidence is moderation. Be professional and friendly.  Don’t fidget or slouch. Answer the interviewer’s questions and then ask a few of your own—keep the conversation going. 9. Don’t Forget to Follow Up:  Actually, start following up before you even leave the premises! A simple “when can we touch base” or asking the interviewer how they’d like to proceed is fine. 10. Silence Your Devices: Don’t forget to silence your phone or other devices before the interview. It’s distracting (not to mention rude) to be receiving calls or notifications during the interview process. Read More:  5 Questions To Ask Yourself While Finalizing An E-Learning Platform For Quality Education Upcoming Educational Trends In 2017 10 Tips For Writing A Dissertation

conceptual skills

Building Your Conceptual Skills A Guide for Career Growth

“The ability to work with abstract ideas & concepts-” or, how Americal social psychologist Robert Katz would describe conceptual skills. In fact, he said it was one of the basic skills which every manager should have! Interestingly when psychologists test an individual’s aptitude of whether they will be a good leader, conceptual skills are one of the top meters of measurement. Now, what are conceptual skills? Is it just some abstract word? Or is there a scientific definition of this soft skill required from their employees by corporations nowadays? Most importantly! Can you hone your conceptual skills as an adult again? Without any further ado let’s discuss the improvement areas required to build a conceptual skill, and the different means by which you can improve it. What are Conceptual Skills? Everyone can decipher something simple and covert, but it takes special skills to understand the deeper meaning behind abstract issues. Most importantly, if these abstract matters pose a challenge and will require impromptu solving. conceptual skill is about leaping beyond the daily mundane activity or being short-sighted. It is about seeing and articulating the bigger picture so that others sense it too. For example, if you are working on a particular Search Engine Optimization strategy for your new website, you cannot ask for quick results. You will require a long-term vision to see what can happen if you continue with the formula for at least a month or two.  This skill also requires a fair amount of research and dissection knowledge, seeing beyond the written words and literally deciphering the concept within. People with good conceptual skills are often good at sales, market prediction, consumer/customer psychology, and chess (during their off time). Conceptual skill is not a vague word but rather a compilation of eight examples of conceptual skills that you should always be working on. Analysis (there is a difference between seeing & observing what you see thoroughly). Communication (the ability to articulate in understandable words what you observe). Creativity (the ability to observe something with a unique imagination as opposed to everyone else). Critical Thinking (trying to understand what the view is not showing at first glance). Leadership (the ability to show the same to others and help them on that path). Organization (this is not just organizing tangible items but organizing one's own thoughts & understandings). Planning (Only observation & comprehension is not enough. Enough planning skill is required for proper implementation) Problem Solving (the ability to execute resilience in the face of challenges). Building Steller Conceptual Skills Do not worry, when I saw everything, I needed to do to build conceptually skillfully, I was also overwhelmed. Where to start & where to finish? Most importantly, do I tackle it all at once? Or do I go about it one by one? To begin with, when you are learning a new skill, you only tackle it in a timely manner. If you try to do everything at once, you do nothing properly. So, it is always better to learn one skill at a time. However, these are soft skills. How can I learn them like I am learning from a college lesson? This is also another valid question, do not worry, there are mindful activities, and daily challenges you can pursue to learn these better. How to Learn Conceptual Skills Better Here is a step-by-step guide to begin learning your conceptual skills. Remember, these skills take time to learn!  It is not a matter of six months or a year, but a lifetime journey.  However, there are means in which you can check your progress. One of the biggest ones would be how your lifestyle & work personality changes from the time you begin learning this skill. Step 1: Know Your Strengths & Weaknesses Never start with an unknown skill; rather, begin with something that you are already aware of. A good way to start is by doing a SWOT analysis of yourself. Begin with marking the things you are good at (among the eight criteria given above), and the ones you need to work on. If you are hypersensitive & can get easily overwhelmed, then begin with perfecting your strengths rather than concentrating on your weaknesses. For example, I am anxious, so I began by polishing my creativity skills, which I was already good at. This gave me the motivation to tackle my weaknesses next. However, if you are a motivated person , begin with targeting your weaknesses. Especially if this is all for interview prep. Step 2: Do Something Everything If you have been on a learning journey for quite some time, you must have heard these words of wisdom - “Consistency is better than striving for perfection.” Therefore, whenever you of building any skill, the first task is to ensure you do something every day. Yes, there will be days when you will need more optimal motivation to sit with your skill-building activity. But, if you're incorporating the activities into your daily routine, you should be able to see changes in time. Step 3: Real Life Execution A learned skill is useless if you cannot execute the same. Unfortunately, no one is going to stand with a placard shouting - “This is your moment.” Whether it is a situation at home or a conflict in the office, you will have to step out of your comfort zone and step into the challenge. No, it won’t be easy, but rather a mindful decision you take every day. Before you feel overwhelmed with the idea of stepping in and solving a situation you are not called for, remember - Everyone feels insecure about their professional skills at some level (no matter the years of experience).  You could work in the same industry for decades and still face something new. Learning has no end, so find your opportunities in everyday instances. Conceptual Skills – How to Improve it We have already discussed conceptual skills. Now, let’s understand how to improve these conceptual skills. All You Need is Challenge! Achieving professional success is more than just meeting deadlines or ticking boxes. It's about mastering the right skills & focusing on conceptual management skills that give you an edge.  Let’s break down eight essential skills you should focus on—and a weekly challenge of self-intervention for each to help you improve. Analysis The difference between seeing and truly observing lies in depth. Analyzing is all about dissecting what you see and finding hidden patterns. Challenge: Pick one topic or event daily and write a quick summary. Then, dig deeper—what did you notice beyond the obvious? Communication It's not just about speaking or writing; it’s about making your thoughts clear to others. Effective communication bridges the gap between observation and understanding. Challenge: Practice summarizing complex ideas in simple terms. Try explaining a work concept to a friend with no background in your field. Creativity Creativity isn’t just about thinking differently—it’s about connecting the dots in unique ways others might miss. Challenge: Choose a random object daily and brainstorm five unconventional uses. Push your imagination! Critical Thinking Sometimes, what’s not immediately visible holds the key. Critical thinking pushes you to question the obvious and explore hidden layers. Challenge: Read a news article or watch a documentary. Then, list three assumptions it makes and challenge them. Leadership Leadership isn’t just about guiding others; it’s about showing them a clearer path by sharing your unique insights. Challenge: Each week, identify a workplace situation where you can take initiative. For example, you could guide a colleague through a process or host a quick knowledge-sharing session. Organization Beyond tidying up your desk, organizing involves structuring thoughts and ideas efficiently. Challenge: At the end of each day, spend 10 minutes categorizing your tasks, ideas, and notes. Organize them into clear categories for better clarity. Planning Good ideas need solid plans to come to life. Proper planning bridges the gap between ideas and successful execution. Challenge: Pick a small project this week (e.g., organizing a team lunch or personal task). Break it into detailed steps and set mini-deadlines for each. Problem-Solving Life throws curveballs. Resilience in problem-solving helps you bounce back, adapt, and find innovative solutions. Challenge: Take on one issue nagging you at work or in life. Brainstorm multiple solutions, pick the best one, and act on it. Final Note! Incorporating these challenges weekly could transform how you approach your work. The more you practice, the sharper these skills become.  Building conceptual skills isn’t a one-time task; it’s a continuous journey. Each skill strengthens your foundation for long-term career growth.  By practicing regularly and embracing challenges, you’ll develop a sharper mind, better communication, and a unique approach to problems. Remember, growth isn’t just about working harder—it’s about thinking smarter. Ready to level up? Start your first challenge today! Read Also: Beyond Code: The Soft Skills Every Web Developer Needs For Success 5 Tips To Get Started In Your Teaching Career