If you’ve reached a weight loss plateau, fix your sleep

Published on: 24 July 2017 Last Updated on: 24 February 2020

Trying to lose weight but it’s not working?

Yes, we understand your frustration. You are just zeroing into what exactly is hampering your weight loss, but all in vain. You are doing all the right workouts and you are following a strict diet. Then what’s going wrong?!

It is natural and obvious to blame your workout regime or your diet. But sometimes, none of them are real issues.girl-asleep-middle-of-workout


While you are busy choosing between following a new work out session and changing your diet, you probably don’t give a second thought to the most crucial part of the day- sleep!

And you’re not the only one; many fail to understand the importance of sleep.

It is the key that boosts your reward for the diet and fitness efforts. It’s almost too easy to relate and connect the dots, considering the statistic for obesity and those who suffer from sleep deprivation.

So what happens when you get less sleep?

When you have had a bad night of sleep, you tend to wake up exhausted, dazed and a little grumpy. The truth is that apart from your body and brain, it is also your fat cells that respond in a similar way. When deprived of sleep, you suffer from “metabolic grogginess.”

The hormones that control your fat cells may respond aggressively when you are sleep deprived. Your body’s ability to use insulin (the master storage hormone) declines drastically and eventually gets disrupted.

Fat cells start removing the fatty acids and lipids from your bloodstream and prevent storage when insulin stops functioning. The fats start to circulate in your blood and pump out more insulin.

The excess insulin starts storing all the fat and that too in all the wrong places. This means fat gets accumulated in tissues like your liver. This is how you tend to become fat and get diabetes.



Take your time to do the research and find more detailed advice on crafting a smart, healthy sleep regimen, from choosing a good mattress to organizing around your sleep needs (our favorite source of sleep tips, reviews and tips is TheSleepStudies.com).

If you are tired, you are going to start craving for more food!

Your hunger is controlled by two major hormones; leptin (produced in your fat cells) and ghrelin.

If your body produces less leptin, the more likely your stomach will feel empty. And the more ghrelin your body produces, your more a subjective feeling of hunger will be simulated. This happens although you would be trying to increase the number of calories you burn.


So, in turn, this increases the fat that is stored in your body. Sleep deprivation makes it impossible for you to control the leptin and ghrelin production in your body.

Also, when you don’t get enough sleep, the cortisol levels rise in your body. And you already know that the loss of sleep causes your body to produce more ghrelin. A deadly combination of high ghrelin and cortisol levels shuts down those parts of your brain that make you feel full and satisfied after a meal. This means you will be hungry all the time!

More injury, the more rest you need

Your reflexes also take a toll when you are sleep deprived. Your judgment is impaired and you may not be responding as accurately as you should be. And this can be extremely dangerous especially if you are dealing with heavyweight items.

Keep in mind that your body needs sufficient time to rest so that the cells can be regenerated and repaired.

So, now you know what to change- your sleep pattern!

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Melasma Treatment Cream

What Is Melasma Treatment Cream? And How Does It Help Uneven Skin Tones

Melasma cream may be a great solution if you want to even out your skin tone. It has many advantages over other treatments that can help reduce the appearance of discoloration and unevenness on your face. Let's look at some of the benefits of melasma cream It's Quick And Easy To Use Melasma treatment cream is easy to apply and requires minimal effort on your part. All you need to do is follow the instructions on the packaging and allow the product to absorb into your skin for maximum effectiveness. This means you won't make a significant time commitment; apply it in the morning or evening, and you're good to go. It's Safe For All Skin Types One of the great things about melasma treatment cream is that it’s safe for all skin types, from oily to dry and everything in between. This makes it an ideal choice if you have sensitive skin, as no harsh chemicals or ingredients could potentially irritate or damage your complexion. Can Help Reduce Pigmentation Issues Melasma treatment cream can help reduce areas of pigmentation such as age spots, sunspots, freckles, dark circles, acne scars, and post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation. While many different types of creams are available on the market, those specifically formulated for treating melasma are usually the most effective in reducing these issues. It helps Lighten Dark Spots Quickly Melasma treatment cream can help lighten dark spots quickly when used as directed - often within a few weeks of use. This makes it an ideal treatment option if you want faster results than other methods like chemical peels or laser treatments. Plus, since applying is easy, you won’t have to worry about taking extra time out of your day for treatment sessions or appointments with a dermatologist. Long-lasting Results Without Surgery Unlike surgery or more intensive treatments such as laser therapy, melasma treatment cream provides long-lasting results without any downtime or risk involved with invasive procedures. Once applied regularly over six weeks, it can help reduce discoloration and brighten your complexion without any pain or discomfort associated with surgery or laser therapy treatments. Affordable Cost Compared To Other Treatments Compared to more expensive treatments like chemical peels and laser therapy sessions, melasma treatment cream usually costs significantly less, making it an affordable option if you’re looking for quick results without breaking the bank. It can Be Used Alone Or In Combination With Other Treatments Depending on your individual needs, melasma treatment cream can be used alone or in combination with other treatments, such as chemical peels or laser therapy sessions, for optimal results. If one method isn't working well enough, adding another might give you better outcomes. The Benefits Of Melasma Treatment Cream - In Conclusion Melasma treatment cream is a great way to tackle discoloration and unevenness on your face safely and effectively, whether used alone or combined with other treatments. From its quick application process to its affordability compared to more expensive procedures, there are plenty of reasons why this method should be considered when improving skin tone. You never know what kind of effects this simple treatment could have on improving your overall complexion. So why not give it a try? Read Also: 5 Most Exciting Facial Treatments For Smooth & Gorgeous Skin Ways to Rejuvenate Your Skin in Montrose Essential Health Benefits of Coconut Oil

Back Pain

Easy Ways To Prevent Back Pain With A Seat Cushion When You Are Seated All Day Long

Most people think that just because you have a job where you sit all day long that you have it made. Well, this is not the case at all. In fact, it is far more likely that you will injure your back from sitting as compared to individuals that up and moving around. In fact, research that dates back to the 1950s shows a direct correlation between back pain and individuals that remain seated all day. It was also discovered that bus drivers are far more likely to suffer from heart attacks when compared to the conductors on the same bus. If you are an individual that sits all day long then these facts are probably truly frightening. Well, do not fret because there are some easy ways that you can prevent lower pain back. Get Exercise When You Can: Most people know that they should be exercising, but they simply just don't do it. They either convince themselves that they don't have the time or they are just too tired after eight hours of work. Well, you might be surprised that one hour of exercise and combat the effects of sitting for eight hours. One hour of exercise could cover your whole workday. Exercise doesn't have to be something that is dreaded or physically draining. You don't have to go to the gym and hits the weights. You can simply choose an activity like rowing, walking, or biking. Turn that exercise into a hobby and it will be easier to get motivated to do it every day. Take Advantage Of Back Stretching Exercises: It doesn't matter how many hours of the day you sit there are a number of back stretching exercises that you can take advantage of to help ease the soreness and pain. You can do these exercises when you are not at work or on your lunch break and they can help prevent injury or even provide relief if you are already suffering an injury. The best two exercises available are plank and 2-point superman. You have probably heard of the plank before as it is an extremely common exercise. It basically just involves laying on the floor with your forearms in front of you with your elbow in line with your shoulders. Once in this position, you will lift yourself up onto your toes and elbows for 15 seconds. The 2-point superman will require you to get on all fours and straighten your right leg behind you while raising your left arm in front of you. You will literally look like Superman flying through the air. You will want to hold this position for 10 seconds and then switch to the other side. Take Advantage Of The Right Posture Products: Many people know that posture is important, but that doesn't make it easy to maintain the right posture at all times. This is especially true if you have already developed bad posture. Well, there are a number of products available on the market like the coccyx cushion that can help make your posture better. These cushion products are also equipped with 100% memory foam with no additives. They are literally made of the same material that can be found in the world's leading memory foam mattresses. Such cushion with these abilities can be used to improve bad posture and relieve leg pain while driving or sitting for extended periods of time. Constantly Change Seating Positions: If you work in an office you have the advantage of getting up and moving around, but if you are a driver this is probably something that won't be available to you. Well, this is where changing up your seating positions can come in handy. Every hour so make sure that you are shifting around in your seat to prevent yourself from staying in the same position for an extended period of time. Read Also: What Are The Benefits Of Using A Pedal Exerciser? What Are Virtual Reality Workouts And How Will They Affect Exercise?

Premature Ejaculation

What You Can Do About Premature Ejaculation

Premature ejaculation, though a common condition in the male population, incites much concern and fear, especially if it transpires quite periodically. Instead of going through unverified channels to purchase cheap yet health-hazardous products, get priligy in the UK and follow these steps in dealing with PE. Premature ejaculation can also result from a lack of confidence arising out of the size and shape of your penis. It is exactly because of this reason that experts recommend that men who are conscious of their penis size should look at taking help from scientifically proven penis straighteners. If you want to know more about the products, please visit- https://jesextender.com/penis-straightener/. How To Deal With Premature Ejaculation: 1. How’s Are Your Stress Levels? Stress is often the cause of premature ejaculation in most. Yet it is the factor given the least attention. Mental stressors, as well as those similar to these, will prevent you from relaxing during coitus. It may sound ironic, that your blood vessels need to be relaxed in sexual intercourse. But biological observations show that the blood vessels connecting your bodily systems towards the reproductive system (i.e. CNS, cardiovascular system), along with the blood passageways in and around the penis, are greatly in control of erection and ejaculation. Of course, this is not to downplay the role of your central nervous system, where it all begins. We set this as number 1 on this list because it’s the variable that permits you the most control over, managing PE. Manage your stress. Commonly, stress has to do with heavy workloads and little rest or little sleep. Try to create a schedule (and working habits for efficiency) that will have you operating at your optimum without “overworking”, whilst leaving you with at least 7 hours of sleep every night. That is, amongst the rest of the leisurely activities in your day today (i.e. time with your family, etc.). You may immediately notice that after sticking to this new “balanced” schedule, PE, along with your prescribed PE medications, will appear less frequently. Plus, stress management is beneficial for your overall well-being, too. 2. Decreasing Sensitivity Of The Penis In Coitus: This isn’t the most conventional of the approaches towards moderating the occurrence of premature ejaculation. However, decreasing the sensitivity of the penis through the use of condoms has been proven effective for a number of patients. Penile sensitivity is not the root cause of premature ejaculation. But it is one of the minor factors. Note that the major root causes have to do with neurotransmitter blockage, blood, and blood vessel occlusion, and decreased capacity of the reproductive system (and its organs) to respond accordingly, from arousal to ejaculation. Then again, one of the most practical steps you may try to observe is wearing a condom. It isn’t fool-proof. Condoms are made so that they do not stand in the way of allowing sensory components to be activated around the penis, as close to when it does, when there isn’t a condom around it. In contrast, it still very lightly hampers sensation. A fraction, to say the least. While taking prescribed premature erection medication, it will be beneficial to be in the habit of wearing a condom during coitus, to aid the first. 3. Erectile Dysfunction Medication Is NOT Premature Ejaculation Medication: Though both treat male-targeted disorders, their functions are different from one another (as are ED against PE). If you also suffer from erectile dysfunction and have started undergoing treatment through ED medication, go to your telehealth physician and inquire about a prescription for PE as well. Your physician will then understand what treatment to prescribe, as ED medication may prompt the frequency of PE. The first has to do with causing an erection for a period as close to average as possible, enough for coitus. Hence, there’s some sort of delay in the process which may be what’s causing your PE. Be sure to get a diagnosis for both. Read Also: What You Need to Know When Having Gallstone Surgery 9 Ways Allergists Deal with their Own Allergies