A Guide To Ear Wax Removal From Camden Opticians

Published on: 03 July 2017 Last Updated on: 09 August 2019

Ear wax may not be the most pleasant of subjects up for discussion but the fact is that it performs a very necessary purpose in keeping our ears clean and germ-free, as well as preventing water or foreign bodies from entering the ear canal.

Normally, the ear does a perfectly good job of self-cleaning but some people are more prone to excessive buildup of earwax which can lead to problems if not treated. These can range from the simple but irritating blocked ears to more serious problems like earache. Here, Camden Opticians provide us with a guide to ear wax removal for those thinking they may need it.

Causes Of Ear Wax Build-up

This common irritation can be a result of:

  • Producing very hard or dry ear wax, especially in elderly people
  • Constant use of implements like cotton buds to try to ‘remove’ the wax – this only serves to push the wax further into the ear canal
  • Bony growths in the outer ear canal or having narrow or hairy ear canals
  • Persistent use of a hearing aid or earphones

Problems With Ear Wax Build-up

Excessive ear wax can cause various symptoms some of which can require urgent treatment by a GP. You know you have an ear wax build-up if you have any of the following symptoms:

  • Earache or more severe and persistent pain
  • Itchiness
  • A feeling of fullness in the ear
  • Infection – evidenced by pain and a feeling of wetness and the production of pus; there is often a bad odour associated with this
  • Tinnitus – loud rushing or ringing noises in the ear that won’t go away
  • Dizziness
  • Hearing loss

There are several products on the market that promise to soften and assist in the irrigation of ear wax but these are seldom successful and can, in some cases, make the problem much worse. Hearing loss arising from infection is the most serious issue associated with a build-up of ear wax and this is why, if you think your ears are blocked, it is imperative that you see a professional for ear wax removal in London who can help using the very latest painless and safest Micro Suction technique. They can also offer advice on how to properly care for your ears to prevent any further recurrence of the problem. You should never attempt to remove ear wax yourself as you run the risk of pushing it further down the ear canal and causing damage to this delicate structure.

The Effect Of Ear Wax On General Health

Excessive ear wax may seem to be a trivial problem but for some people it can severely impact on their health. A buildup of wax in the ear, apart from giving you a feeling of fullness which can be irritating in itself, can cause you to feel dizzy and nauseous and can even lead to you losing your balance – a condition called vertigo. Repeated infection resulting from ear wax impaction can lead to permanent damage of the inner ear structures. The consequences from this can be seen in permanent and debilitating hearing loss which in turn can affect all areas of your life. Imagine feeling ‘left out’ of conversations at work or in social situations because you cannot hear them properly. Imagine also having to suffer repeated pain because of infection.

Read also: The Relationship Between Oral Health And General Health

Benefits Of Professional Ear Wax Removal

There are, as we said earlier, dangers involved in attempting to remove ear wax by yourself. Not only can you not remove it at all but push it further in, you could actually remove too much and risk leaving the ear exposed to external bodies.

Having the procedure done by a professional who has the knowledge and expertise to do this safely will in the long run be beneficial for your health and well-being.

Read also: E-Cigarettes: How They Effect On Your Oral Health


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hair regrow

How Can You Let Your Hair Regrow Naturally?

If you are experiencing hair loss or looking for ways to improve your hair quality, there are wide arrays of natural methods to choose from. Since ancient times, people have been using natural products to regrow their hair and ensure their health. You too can opt for home remedies as a first step to prevent hair loss and grow your hair naturally. However, there are a few things that need expert attention. So, it’s recommended to go to hair care experts that can deliver the best consultation and treatment for mens hair regrowth California. The following article explains a few methods and remedies that you can try. Methods to Prevent Hair Loss Haircare – It’s essential to wash your hair but not too often. Try to reduce the use of blow-dryers, hair dyes, and other chemical treatments. Massage – Massaging the scalp increases blood flow to the hair follicles and can increase hair thickness. Nutrition – There is a direct connection between hair loss and deficiency of nutrients in the diet. Some of the nutrients essential for healthy hair are iron, zinc, vitamin A and E, and selenium. Stress – Stress or trauma can shrink the hair follicles and prevent them from growing. Therefore, proper sleep and exercise are vital to combat stress and improve hair quality. Natural Remedies Here are some of the natural remedies that you can try for healthy and beautiful hair. Red ginseng - Red ginseng is known to promote hair growth when used as a supplement. While the process that makes this happen is not clear, one theory suggests that red ginseng helps in indirect stimulation of the hair follicles. Fatty acid - The use of omega-6 fatty acid arachidonic acid works wonders for hair growth in women by promoting a faster production of hair follicles. Viviscal - Viviscal is a natural hair growth supplement that is quite helpful to treat temporary thinning of hair. Geranium oil - Geranium oil is beneficial in the treatment of hair loss. It can be used by adding a few drops into a shampoo or conditioner. Coconut oil - Coconut oil has long been in use due to its hair nourishment properties. It can treat damaged hair of various types as well as reduce the protein loss from the hair shaft. Aloe vera - People in ancient Egypt were aware of the powers of aloe vera as a natural remedy for various ailments. Hair loss is one such condition that aloe treats. Rosemary oil - Many pieces of evidence have shown that the use of rosemary oil can significantly increase hair count in individuals. Conclusion Often times, losing hair can be the cause for low self-esteem and confidence. Searching for a cure can be frustrating as well. While there’s no alternative for healthy lifestyle changes and natural remedies to encourage hair growth and stop hair loss, sometimes, you get better results when you go to professional haircare experts. If you are worried about your hair health, find the best treatment centers for men’s hair regrowth in California. Read Also: Best Hair Loss Treatment: 5 Questions To Ask Yourself Before Getting One Proven Ways To Grow Hair Faster And Stronger Fue Hair Transplant. All You Need To Know

Your Breath

How To Eliminate The Smell Of Garlic And Onion From Your Breath

As delicious as garlic bread is, it does leave a tangy aroma that follows you around for a while. If you love nothing more than fresh spring onions with your salad, people would certainly know what you’ve been eating! Your breath deserves freshness and overeating garlic and onion can spoil your breath. As we approach another Christmas and New Year, you can expect to be enjoying some spicy food. Here are a few tips for fresh breath after consuming garlic or onions. 1. Apple & Fresh Mint - No one knows exactly why apples and mint leave work as well as they do at removing the pungent smell of garlic and onions. If you have some crispy apples, eat one after your meal; this will effectively null the smell. Cooked apple is also effective at dispersing the aroma of onion and garlic from your breath. 2. Antiseptic Mouthwash - The longer you swill with antiseptic mouthwash, the better. Some people carry a little hip flask, which isn’t filled with whisky, and that allows you to swill when out and about. As soon as you have finished your food, go for swill and that will have a positive impact on your breath. 3. Essential Oils - Adding a tiny amount of essential oil to an alcohol-based mouthwash will certainly aid in the fight to kill bad breath, while these amazing essences are also healthy in many other ways. If you are in need of a dental check-up, try one of the dentists North Shore, Sydney has or a dental clinic in your location. 4. Tongue Cleaning - Some of the garlic or onion residue will be present on the tongue and a session with a tongue scraper is advised. The correct way to use such an implement is to start at the back and scrape forward gently, which should result in some white residue. You can rinse and repeat until there is no more residue. 5. Green Tea - A cup of hot green tea after eating pungent food is a very effective way to eliminate bad breath; of course, you could drink it cold, which many people prefer, especially in the hot summer months. A long tea glass with a sprig of fresh mint is a cool idea; after hot dogs and onions, this will be refreshing. 6. Spearmint Gum - Some say that chewing spearmint gum is the most effective way of dealing with bad breath, which is why so many people chew gum during their day. This is also an effective way to stop oral bacteria from gaining a foothold and with sugar-free products, you are not damaging your teeth. 7. The Importance Of Hydration - You might think that a lack of water has nothing to do with bad breath. However, you would be mistaken; a dry mouth is a perfect environment for oral bacteria to chow down. Drinking 6-8 glasses of water per day is considered normal. We are certainly not saying you shouldn’t indulge in garlic and onions, as they offer many health benefits. With the above tips, we hope that you can mask the smell until the next time! Read Also: Understanding Dentures And How To Take Care Of Them At Home or At the Dental Clinic: What Canadians Should Know About Teeth Whitening The 3-Step Guide To Getting Your Very Own Custom Night Guard

Eating Versus Exercise

Eating Versus Exercise With Your No Contract London Gym Membership

You have decided that you want to lose weight. The question is whether you need to address your diet or your exercise, and which of the two will have the most profound effect on helping you achieve your goals? Should you keep a food diary, eat “cleaner” or is it simply the case that you need to use your no-contract London gym membership a little bit more often? Here we try to give you an answer, and hopefully, by the end of the article, you’ll realise what work needs to be done, and where your focus should be. So if you’re looking to make a change, but are unsure in which direction to head off, then read on. Easy Formula: They say that the secret to losing weight is easy – you should all eat less and do more. Simple right? But if it were that easy, you would all eat less and do more! This is just a sweeping statement that doesn’t address the nuances of everyday reality – so, what about the real question, what is more important, eating or exercise? You will already know that you are meant to exercise moderately every day and of course that you should make every effort to eat a little healthier – less sugar, less saturated fat, and fewer calories. But again, it is very easy to say this, and very difficult for you to do it! Calories: They say that a pound of fat is “worth” about 2500 calories. So, if you want to lose that pound you need to become calorie deficient. If you are looking to lose around a pound a week, then by becoming calorie deficient by 500 or so calories a day will mean that you are 3500 calories down by the end of the week. If you do this, then you should lose that pound, and maybe a little more. But how do you get deficient in calories? Starvation isn’t the answer as it poses a real health risk. Think instead of that figure of 500 calories. Now think how long you’d need to be on a treadmill in order to burn those 500 calories, it’s a long time right! Then work out how to cut 500 calories from your diet, losing the biscuit with your tea maybe, or drinking less alcohol. Now doesn’t that seem easier to do than sweating on a treadmill for an hour or so?! Time: You need to think about the time that you engage in various activities. If you utilise your no-contract London gym membership 3 times a week for 2 hours a time, that’s 6 hours. However, that leaves 162 more hours when you are not training. Of course, those 6 hours are very important for improving your stamina, strength, toning, and muscularity, but it is clearly a very small percentage of your week. The impact that remaining 162 hours will have is clearly going to be greater. Now, of course, it is true that you do not have to be in the gym in order to exercise, and that you can do so at any time in the week, but the likelihood is that the real efforts will be confined to the gym, and anything else will just be a bonus. Increasing activity will help, if you use the stairs instead of the lift, walk an extra bus stop or better still take your dog out more, then you’ll get some benefit. But if you then spoil all of this through poor food choices, you’ll not only become disheartened, you’ll likely give up and then you’ll still have the poor diet, but with no exercise at all! That’s a real recipe for disaster. 80/20 They say that in terms of weight loss that there is an 80/20 split between diet and exercise with diet being the greater part. That doesn’t mean that your exercise should be ignored, or that it is simply unimportant, it isn’t, but it just puts it into perspective. Diet alone may not lose you as much weight as you’d want, nor will exercise alone be able to battle your poor food choices. What works is a combination of both. You do need to keep an honest food diary, take selfies of your body-shape and measurements, but you also do need to work up a sweat at the gym, push yourself and your body to new heights and work hard. You probably already knew the answer in the back of your mind, and it will not be easy. It will, however, be more than worth it, so make those changes today! Read Also: Lose Weight: What Is The Best Way To Lose Weight? What Are Popular Mind And Body Exercises Available At A Gym?