An Overview of Schizophrenia

Published on: 14 March 2016 Last Updated on: 12 July 2021
An Overview of Schizophrenia

Schizophrenia remains one of the most misunderstood mental health disorders in the U.S. Many people assume that schizophrenia refers to a complete inability to accept life. However, schizophrenia actually describes a severe, chronic brain disorder characterized by abnormal thought processes and rationale. Many of the symptoms of schizophrenia are similar to other mental health conditions, which makes accurate diagnoses difficult for mental rehabilitation experts.

Prevalence of schizophrenia

Schizophrenia affects between 0.5 percent and 1 percent of individuals around the globe. The first episode tends to occur at age 21 for men and age 27 for women, explains the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). About 33 percent of those with schizophrenia attempt suicide and 10 percent will succeed. In a Canadian study, schizophrenia diagnoses resulted in a total cost of $6.85 billion for the U.S. and Canada.

Risk factors

Across mental health facilities, mental health professionals have yet to determine an exact cause of schizophrenia. However, a family history of schizophrenia, exposure to toxins while in utero, increased immune system response, older age of a person’s father, and exposure to psychotropic substances during adolescence have been thought to be the primary risk factors for developing schizophrenia (Mayo Clinic).

Signs and symptoms

The signs and symptoms vary from person to person. According to the Mayo Clinic, most signs and symptoms reveal abnormal brain functioning and include the following:

1. Hallucinations :

Hallucinations may involve any of the five senses; however, hearing voices is the most common hallucination

2. Delusions:

 Delusions are similar to hallucinations. Delusions occur when a person has a false belief about a given event or situation. For example, a person may believe he or she has a role in global politics when it is not true

3. Thought disorders:

Thought disorders are unusual, counter-productive ways of thinking

4. Movement disorders:

 Movement disorders are characterized by repetitive, involuntary movements, which are most commonly noticed in the face. Alternatively, someone with schizophrenia may become catatonic, which means he or she does not move at all

5. Disruptive emotions and behaviors:

Emotional states in schizophrenic individuals may mirror the ups and downs of other mental health disorders, such as bipolar disorder.

6. Poor cognitive functioning:

 Someone with schizophrenia may be incapable of understanding information and making decisions on the basis of the information. Furthermore, working memory and difficulty concentrating are common aspects of poor cognitive functioning

Treatment Options

Depending on the severity of the episode, treatment for schizophrenia may occur in inpatient mental health facilities. However, outpatient treatment is a vital aspect of treatment after discharge.

1. Antipsychotic medications:

Antipsychotic and atypical antipsychotic medications focus on eradicating the symptoms of schizophrenia. Some of these medications may cause serious side effects

2. Psychosocial treatment:

 Psychosocial treatment involves teaching a person to readapt to life through physical, speech, and occupational therapy

3. Integrated Treatment :

If a person with schizophrenia has a co-occurring mental health disorder, the treatment must include address all other disorders

Although schizophrenia can present some of the most difficult symptoms in mental health therapies, the disorder can be effectively managed. However, understanding the symptoms and treatment options of schizophrenia plays a significant role in preventing the disorder from developing further.

Abdul Aziz Mondol is a professional blogger who is having a colossal interest in writing blogs and other jones of calligraphies. In terms of his professional commitments, he loves to share content related to business, finance, technology, and the gaming niche.

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Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent Fasting: How Does It Work and Crucial Things to Consider?

Most of us would prefer to lose a few KGs or pounds quickly before going on a summer vacation. However, it is difficult for anyone to change his/her life-long eating habits. Because most diets that follow a predetermined diet or exclude whole food groups are never really a long-term solution. In fact, you can lose weight noticeably in a very short time through diet cures. As soon as the cure is over, you gain weight again just as quickly. Even worse, nutritionists warn that lightning diets can even cause additional weight gain. However, fasting has been rediscovered in recent years. While diets usually harm health, fasting is said to have numerous health-promoting effects. In particular, the intermittent fasting is to prove the support fat loss, to lower blood pressure and inhibit inflammation. We have summarized for you how interval fasting works and how it can be combined with taking natural hemp oil. What Is Intermittent Fasting and Why It Is Practiced Fasting is understood as voluntary withholding of food for spiritual, health, or other reasons. You must not be underweighted and have enough fat reserves that can supply the body with energy during the period. In most of human history, fasting was part of everyday life. Because hunters and gatherers could not keep their food for long without freezers. Whatever was found or captured had to be eaten quickly. That's why nutritionists are convinced that fasting regularly is more natural than snacking all day long. This change in our eating habits could have made obesity more common than ever. Several individuals fast for many days or even weeks. However, this method is unsuitable for most of us. There comes interval fasting (or intermittent fasting) into play. In contrast to conventional diets, it does not require tiny portions and no omission of favorite foods. In other words, it is not like a traditional diet. Rather, it is a planned eating behavior, in which one limits the food intake to a certain period of the day or the week. How Does Therapeutic Fasting Affect the Body? There are many different reasons why fasting is practiced. In the past, it was more often a religious or cultural tradition. But so-called therapeutic fasting has also been practiced for a long time for medical purposes. The term therapeutic fasting refers to the practice of fasting to promote health and well-being. Further studies have recognized the positive effects of fasting for rheumatism, high blood pressure, and high levels of fat and sugar in the blood. Another health benefit of fasting is the onset of autophagy after 16 hours without food. This is a vital process that some describe as the body's “recycling program.” This is because cells that are damaged or are no longer needed are disassembled and recycled. With this form of cell cleaning, autophagy ensures that we have healthy body cells and a strong immune system. How Long Should You Fast? There are two popular and best methods: 16:8 – Meals are scheduled so that there are 16 hours between the last meal the day before and the first meal the day after. The first meal of the day starts an 8-hour period in which you eat. After that, a fasting period of 16 hours begins again. 5:2 – This method divides the week into fasting days and non-fasting days. On 5 days you can eat normally, on 2 days you fast. Since this reduces calorie intake, both methods should lead to weight loss. Just make sure that you continue to eat normal servings. Otherwise, despite fasting, you might consume as many calories as you normally would. What to Pay Attention To? It is recommended to start with a shorter fast. For instance, you can get used to not eating anything after 6 in the evening. If you then have breakfast at 7 in the morning, it is already 13 hours in which you have had no food. From here you can slowly feel for long periods. The 16:8 method is the best long-term option for most. It is very easy to follow to them by adjusting your daily routine. Some skip breakfast, others dinner. Over time, the body gets used to it and the "diet" becomes a lifestyle. During this, apart from food, calorie drinks are also avoided. You should only drink a lot of water. Unsweetened tea or a bowl of thin vegetable soup can also be enjoyed. There should always be a break of at least 4 hours between each meal. Take a little walk right afterward, because exercise is good for digestion. During this time, it is also important not to eat snacks. When the blood sugar rises, the body begins to release insulin, and the fat loss stops. In some cases, this can even lead to food cravings. Nevertheless, be careful not to eat larger portions than usual. It is also recommended to eat healthy sources of protein and plenty of vegetables. This way you will be full for much longer and fasting will be easier. But people with any medical conditions should consult a doctor before starting this fasting. CBD Oil in Combination with Intermittent Fasting CBD users who would like to start with intermittent fasting and those who want to make fasting easier with CBD often ask themselves whether one can and should safely combine the two. Fasters already know that MCT oil is a suggested supplement when you are on interval fasting. It is an extract from coconut oil that is often touted as a “keto booster.” Slowly body begins burning reserved fat and it is called Ketosis This can only happen if no carbohydrates are available. The result is straightforward - we lose body fat and weight. Exactly this principle also works with interval fasting. Another dietary supplement that is being used more and more by fasting people is CBD oil which can be bought from online dispensary Canada. Due to its effect on the endocannabinoid system, which affects many important body processes, CBD can support interval fasting in various ways. A study showed that it can encourage metabolism. It is therefore considered by experts as a potential means of treating and preventing obesity. There is also evidence that it can inhibit appetite. The well-known cravings of marijuana do not come from CBD, but from THC which can, you get from stashclub. For example, while high-THC medicinal cannabis is used by cancer patients to stimulate appetite, CBD can do just the opposite for many users. Can CBD Oil Break Fasting? Most people do without any calories when fasting. Since CBD oil is made with a carrier oil such as hemp seed oil, coconut oil, or olive oil, every drop has calories. Technically speaking, it could, so to speak, interrupt fasting. Intermittent fasting can be avoided by simply consuming the CBD product of your choice during the period in which you eat. Another recommendation from fasters is to use an MCT-based CBD oil because the combination of these two agents most effectively supports ketosis during fasting. Many fasters swear by CBD and therefore take it to help them get by without food and to prevent food cravings. For example, even if you tend to eat from stress and anxiety, it could help you to be successful in fasting. Read Also: 7 Health Benefits of Black Seed Oil You Need to Avoid These Foods for Breakfast 5 Best Sports To Lose Weight Fast in 2020

Symptoms of Menopause

Top 5 Life Hacks of Dealing with the Symptoms of Menopause

It is every woman's dream to dwell in her youthful years forever. Unfortunately, life is a wheel that keeps turning and change is inevitable. Just because you're now entering the menopause stage doesn't mean that your life is over. There always is a perk to every stage of life and focusing on the negatives only blurs your sight of the good things. Truth be said, menopause strings along troublesome effects. It may seem like the end of the world when you're experiencing hot flashes or mood swings. However, you can stay ahead of the game the natural way. 1. Hot Flashes This is the most complained about symptom in regards to menopause. The random changes from sweaty to chilly temperatures are disturbing. However, just because it's normal doesn't mean that you should sit around waiting for it to disrupt your life. You can gain control over it ahead of time by avoiding situations such as; hot tubs, hot drinks, spicy foods, alcohol, stress, hot showers, intense exercise, white sugar, caffeine and hot weather. Although there aren't many studies backing this up, soy products are also thought to help control the irritating hot flashes. In addition to these, you may also want to give Black Cohosh a try. These are available as health supplements in health stores. Black Cohosh is believed to regulate night sweats, hot flashes, and mood changes. 2. Unreliable Mood Changes Our bodies have a mind of their own and we sometimes can't control what happens whether we like it or not. Another con symptom to expect during menopause is unstable mood swings. Just because you can't get hold of the burning urge to sob five minutes after sharing a hearty laughter with your friends doesn't mean that you should settle for it. There is scientific evidence proving that Omega 3 Fatty Acids supplements are highly effective in the treatment of menopause-related mental health problems. These include distress and mild depression. For better results, you may need to pair this up with exercise, ample rest and a healthy diet. 3. Vaginal Dryness Menopause does not necessarily mean the end of a healthy sex life. You may notice increased bouts of vaginal dryness during intercourse but nothing that a good tube of lube won't fix. Since there are many products out in the market, you may want to consult your doctor before settling for a particular one. There are special lubricating gels that are specially designed for menopausal women hence feel a bit more comfortable for you. 4. Weight Gain Noticed the numbers going up on your scale? Well, this is common during menopause. Unlike the common teachings that fats are to be avoided to prevent weight gain, you should actually incorporate then in your diet now. Yes, they may have more calories than proteins and carbs. However, fats are vital for hormone production, increased metabolism and lowering inflammation levels which are all key to effective weight loss. Always go for healthy fats such as unrefined oils which are rich in Vitamin E. This is effective in regulating estrogen production. You may also want to invest in flaxseed oil, coconut oil, palm oil, and extra-virgin olive oil. You may also find healthy oils in coconut milk, nuts, avocado, wild seafood, and seeds. You may be pardoned for considering a laxative for weight loss. However, this is highly discouraged as it only leads to water loss which is quickly gained back thereafter. Stick to healthy weight loss choices. 5. Disturbed Sleep Are the tossing and turning driving you nuts? Worry not, there's a natural curb to it. The first step is getting your sleep routines in check. Go to bed at a particular time and stay there whether you're sleepy or not. With time, your body will sense bedtime ahead and start the shutting down process. You will notice yourself feeling drowsy whenever it's close to your bedtime. Avoid vigorous activities such as workouts and keep off caffeinated drinks in the afternoon. Sipping on some warm milk and herbal drinks may help you sleep better. Move the television, laptop, and phone from your bedroom as they are easy distractions. Menopause may be a challenging stage of life but it doesn't last forever. Stick to these routines even when you wish they results would kick in much faster. Avoid harmful practices such as consuming a laxative for weight loss in the attempt of speeding up the results. This will only lead to water loss which is quickly gained back thereafter. Besides this, laxatives may lead to internal damage which is definitely not worth it. There are a lot of benefits to reap from nature if you only give it a chance.

Vaginal Dryness

Women should know about Vaginal Dryness and its Treatment

Every woman faces vaginal dryness at some point in their life. It is a condition that occurs when the moisture level drops down from the vaginal lining. The lining of the vagina is always lubricated with a thin layer of clear fluid. This fluid is essential to keep the vagina healthy, thick, and elastic. Vaginal dryness can occur at any stage of life and cause great discomfort and irritation. Lack of vaginal moisture can also impact your sex life heavily. Vaginal dryness is a condition that occurs due to a drop in estrogen levels. Estrogen a female hormone is essential and plays an important role in maintaining the moisture level in the vaginal lining. Vaginal dryness is most often observed in women after menopause when the female hormones like estrogen start to decline. Many women experience vaginal dryness as a symptom of the aging factors and try to ignore it, without seeking any treatment. Every woman should consult their doctor if they experience any discomfort or pain during sexual penetration. Luckily, there are a lot of treatment options available for vaginal dryness. What causes dryness of the Vagina? Vaginal dryness is one of the most common symptoms of menopause. However, many other factors can contribute to vaginal dryness in women at any point in age. Some of the causes are mentioned below; Vaginal dryness is a precursor of low estrogen levels in the body and during childbirth and breastfeeding conditions the level of estrogen declines leading to vaginal dryness. Women suffering from cancer and undergoing chemotherapy sessions and radiation therapy Surgical removal of the ovaries due to tumor or disease. Consuming anti-estrogen medications which are prescribed if a woman is suffering from uterine fibroids or endometriosis. An autoimmune disorder like Sjogren'ssyndrome which causes swelling of the tear as well as the salivary glands also promotes vaginal dryness by infecting the tissue lining of the vagina. Medicines that are taken during cold, are helpful in drying up the eyes and the nose. However, their adverse effects can also dry up the linings of the vagina. Antidepressants consumed by women can cause vaginal dryness in women and lead to side effects from a sexual point of view. The symptoms may cause a drastic drop in libido, and reaching orgasms. Smoking is also known to contribute to vaginal dryness, as it has been found that women who aggressively smoke tend to achieve menopause at earlier ages. Symptoms and Diagnosis of vaginal dryness: Dryness of the vagina can cause symptoms that may include burning, intercourse pain, itching, dryness, irritation, and discomfort in the vaginal area. Any of these symptoms faced by women for a prolonged period of time should not be ignored and one should immediately consult their doctor or gynecologist. Your doctor may ask you about your past health and analyze your symptoms, their duration. After knowing your symptoms the gynecologist will conduct an examination around the pelvic region and check for any redness or thinning of the tissue or lining of the vagina. This examination will also eliminate other possible causes of vaginal dryness like urinary tract infection, urinary incontinence. The doctor may also ask you to undergo a Pap test for a better diagnosis. Medical treatment: Vaginal dryness is a result of the decline in a female hormone called estrogen. Estrogen therapy can help get rid of such problems by relieving vaginal symptoms. Estrogen therapy is best suited because through the topical application the drug is absorbed at a lower rate reducing the risk that can happen when estrogen is consumed in the form of a pill. There are quite forms available as topical estrogen therapy which includes. Topical estrogen cream: there are so many formulations available, which contain estrogen in cream and can be applied directly around the vagina region. Scientific studies have shown that estrogen cream is effective when curing the dryness issue. These creams have proven to reduce the symptoms of dryness, burning, and itching of the vaginal area Vaginal ring. This is another formulation that contains a flexible ring where it can be easily inserted into the vagina. This ring is known to release the estrogen in very low amounts over a period of time and help relieve the symptoms of vaginal dryness. Vaginal tablet: These dosage forms are designed to be inserted directly into the vagina with the help of an applicator. The dosage form contains estrogen which is slowly released in the presence of vaginal fluid. However, every woman should consult their doctor regarding estrogen therapy, especially those who have previously experienced a case of breast cancer. Estrogen therapy is to be taken with caution in pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers. Off-The-Shelf Treatments: Off-The-Shelftreatments include the use of lubricants. The lubricants are available in two forms which include water-based lubricant or oil-based lubricant. Doctors recommend the use of water-based lubricants over lubricants that have a high dosage of oil in them. Because oil-based lubricants can cause irritation and breakage of condoms during intercourse. Lubricants are available over the counter and help in treating vaginal dryness by moisturizing the inner lining of the vagina. Home remedies: One can prevent vaginal dryness from happening by adopting certain lifestyle changes and including good foods into their diet which includes the following Smoking has been identified as a risk factor for vaginal dryness. Smoking has anti-estrogenic effects that can cause a decline in the levels of estrogen. Estrogen is known to play an important role in lubricating the vagina. Doing regular exercise boosts up the blood circulation in the body and helps maintain normal hormonal balance. Consuming at least 2-3 liters of water daily and keeping you hydrated, to retain the moisture levels in the body. Regular sex- Practicing regular sex can help increase the blood flow to the vaginal tissues, and stimulate moisture production during arousal. Using skin-friendly compounds: The tissue present in the vagina is very delicate and contains good bacteria’s that help clean the bad things naturally and maintains the pH of the vaginal fluid. Using products like harsh soaps, fragrances, and other dyes can irritate the vaginal tissue promoting vaginal dryness. So, try to inhibiting the use of these products to prevent vaginal dryness. Also, using clingy synthetic materials as your undergarment can promote vaginal dryness by restricting the movement of air. Try using cotton and skin-friendly undergarments that soothe your vagina by promoting airflow. If you are also facing problems with vaginal dryness, try to keep it lubricated all the time by following all the mentioned parameters above. A lubricated vagina can make you feel good, fresh, young and can also protect you from harmful bacteria. Read Also: Can Breast Augmentation Cause Cancer? What To Do If You Facing Foreclosure? Testosterone Replacement Therapy What To Expect Just Not Feeling It? Tips For Getting Your Sex Drive Back