Keys to Become a Successful Lawyer

Published on: 04 April 2019 Last Updated on: 23 July 2021
Become a Successful Lawyer

One of the most renowned professions in the world is that of being an attorney. There’s a pretty wide stereotype when it comes to those in the legal world. Most people carry a preconceived notion that these are essentially high-quality professionals with a lot of knowledge, shark-like instincts, and high-class life. What it all boils down to, however, is the job itself: defend and protect their clients to the best of their abilities.

A boss lawyers hold several keys to unlock success.


One of the main traits of any lawyer worth their salt is being able to communicate. This goes for every aspect of the job—clients, opposing counsel, even staff. It is unavoidable to enter debates or even heavy discussions, such as when there is a division of properties amongst heirs or attempts at settlement during a divorce. Being a good communicator is crucial in handling one’s practice and one’s cases.

Always Learning:

Times change, and there are usually exceptions to every rule. Being able to do research and find factual information that can prove helpful to a present case is essential. Cases outside of one’s preferred field can always fall into one’s lap, and being open to learning more will not just benefit that case but future cases as well. On top of that, while anyone can do research, developing that as a skill will also be of great assistance in the courtroom.

Lawyers that want to experience real-life training and education should opt for trial lawyers college. This will help them work with the best legal minds in the business and understand the inner workings and intricacies of the profession. How good you are as a lawyer depends a lot on the kind of courtroom experience that you are able to gather. By being a part of reputed institutions, you can expect those kinds of experiences even when you are completing your college education as a lawyer.


A mess is equivalent to stress in most cases, but even more for lawyers. Don’t jump to a conclusion that this means there is a need for “Marie Kondo”-level tidiness. There is, however, a serious need to be organized to the point of being able to work with a clear mind and find what one needs in an instant. The neater a file cabinet is, the better. This also applies to digital spaces—not having a cluttered desktop and knowing where to find a certain PDF can make a huge difference.


It’s one thing to be aware of what one wants. It’s an entirely different thing to keep an eye on the prize no matter what happens. Staying focused is vital to achieving a vital end goal such as winning a case. Keeping a level head and being able to stay set on a specific objective allows for a clear mind and the ability to make the right decisions. The most dedicated of lawyers can be inundated with multiple factors throughout several trials, yet remain unfazed. This is a big advantage and a definite necessity to reach success.


While the ideal is usually for cases not to drag on very long and for deals to close right away, patience is actually incredibly helpful. This is a skill learned and practiced during law school, which takes years to complete. Patient lawyers usually get better deals for their clients and allow for the proper questioning and cross-examination of witnesses. Rushing through things can lead to missing out on key pieces of evidence or a change of heart amongst parties that could greatly affect the case. As the old saying goes, “slow and steady wins the race”.


In this day and age, reputation is still quite important. The law profession is no stranger to this, especially since clients will always consider what other people have to say about the lawyer’s body of work—and how he or she was to work with. It’s also no secret that mudslinging, while a very low and unethical blow, is a tactic that some people will resort to in order to force an outcome. Having a good reputation will not only attract more clients, but it will also serve as a defense for any unpleasant situations that may arise.


While this may seem to be a purely professional trait, it actually works both ways. Having a good personal network is just as important in the law profession as having a good professional network. This doesn’t just mean knowing the right people or having connections in the right places—it also means developing a good reputation for being personable. Calling in favors or asking for help is made several levels easier when there’s a reliable network to pull from.

Fighting Spirit:

The first step towards any action is the intention and feeling behind it. This applies to all things, but even more so to lawyers. Having a sense of fight over flight every time is absolutely helpful in the law profession. All the other keys—focus, organization, networking, patience, communication—all boil down to putting up a fight. This doesn’t mean physical brawling, of course. It refers more to a keen sense of aggression in terms of going straight for what the end goal is: winning the case at hand.

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5 Actions To Undertake After An Accident

Road traffic crashes take about 1.3 million lives each year. More than 20 to 50 million people get fatally injured in road accidents. Most of these accidents happen due to ignorance of safety rules and regulations instilled by the government. One should always keep in mind the protocols created by the government. Getting in an accident is unpredictable, and you need assistance in multiple categories to get out of it with minimum loss. Here Are A Few Steps You Must Undertake After An Accident: 1. Get a Physical Checkup Accidents can cause multiple injuries, and some can be fatal. Even if you feel fine after an accident, get a complete physical checkup from a hospital. You may or may not have a concussion from the shock or hit on the head. If you feel nausea, dizziness, pressure in the head, and sleepy rush to the hospital immediately or call the emergency helpline to get assistance. A physical checkup is necessary for any unfortunate health incident, and it should be a priority. 2. Take Your Car to A Mechanic The second most vital step that one must undertake to reduce losses to a minimum amount is to get your car checked. Take your vehicle to a skilled mechanic and explain the nature of the accident. In an accident, cars can lose a few parts. Make sure to buy quality products from the best car parts store. Get your car fixed on time and from a reliable store if you want to resurrect your automobile from the incident. 3. Document the Incident to the Authorities Take all the necessary information from the other party involved and report the accident to the authorities. Call the police while you are still on the site to prevent yourself from any grave allegations. Note the number plate, color, model, and brand of the other vehicle involved. Ask the vehicle owner about their insurance policy, and don't start an argument until the authorization arrives. 4. Contact the Insurance Company If you do not have an insurance policy for your vehicle, your losses are unimaginable. In an accident, you can claim two types of insurance, health and vehicle insurance. Contacting your insurance agency on time will get you a quick refund on your liabilities. The insurance claims may take time, but an instant report will start your refund process. Take multiple pictures of the accident site to prove the accident and document it properly. Related Resource: 5 Different Types of Car Accident Claim 5. Collect Witnesses When two parties are involved in an accident, it can quickly become a legal matter. You need to contact the independent witnesses for your accident. An independent party is someone who is not related to you in any way. Confirm your accident story with the independent witness and make sure you both are on the same page. An independent witness can be tangible proof of your innocence in the accident. If any member of your family gets a wrongful death, you will be able to sue the other party for their negligence and misconduct of the vehicle. You will be able to recover financial, emotional, and other damages. Even if you are a skilled and careful driver, you may forget to take proper actions while in an accident. Keeping all these actions in your mind will help you recover from the unfortunate accident. Read Also: 4 Ways To Prevent Common Household Accidents Important Terminology In Filing For A Car Accident Claim 10 Tips to Prevent Truck Accidents: The Complete Guide for Truck Drivers

Human Rights Legislation On Disability Discrimination Cases

The Impact Of Human Rights Legislation On Disability Discrimination Cases

Within the realm of disability law services in Canada, human rights legislation has a significant and far-reaching influence on disability discrimination cases. This article delves into the critical function that human rights legislation serves in molding the legal environment for individuals with disabilities, emphasizing its impact on discrimination cases and the quest for equal rights and opportunities. The Cornerstone Of Human Rights Legislation Disability law in Canada is underpinned by a foundation based on the pillars of equality and non-discrimination. Human rights legislation at both federal and provincial levels acts as a potent tool in protecting the rights of individuals with disabilities. These laws expressly forbid discrimination based on disability and create a structure for addressing complaints through legal channels. Characterizing Disability Discrimination Human rights legislation offers a precise explanation of disability discrimination, encompassing both direct and indirect forms of unequal treatment. The legislation acknowledges that discrimination can appear in multiple settings such as employment, housing, education, and public services. By explicitly naming disability as a forbidden ground for discrimination, the legislation sets the stage for addressing systemic obstacles that individuals with disabilities might face. The Principle Of Accommodation And Obligation To Accommodate A key principle in human rights law is accommodation, where employers, service providers, and schools must make reasonable efforts to meet the needs of disabled individuals, ensuring equal access to opportunities. This emphasizes the range of disabilities and the importance of disability lawyers, such as Disability Lawyer Toronto. Legal Remedies In Discrimination Instances Human rights statutes offer an essential path for individuals seeking legal redress in situations involving disability discrimination. Those who feel subjected to discrimination can submit their complaints to provincial or federal human rights tribunals. These tribunals possess the power to judge cases, grant relief, and mandate institutions to adopt measures that encourage inclusivity and eradicate discriminatory practices. The Evolving Landscape Of Case Law As disability discrimination cases are brought before human rights tribunals and courts, the legal landscape continues to evolve. Landmark cases set precedents that shape the interpretation and application of human rights legislation. These decisions not only guide future cases but also contribute to the ongoing development of a more nuanced and comprehensive understanding of disability rights within the legal system. Intersecting Forms Of Discrimination And Multiple Factors Legislation regarding human rights takes into account the interrelationship of various types of discrimination, recognizing that individuals may experience numerous types of discrimination concurrently. For those with disabilities who also identify with marginalized groups based on aspects such as gender, race, or sexual orientation, the legislation offers a foundation for confronting the combined impact of discrimination and seeking justice on overlapping grounds. Educating Society And Promoting Inclusiveness Apart from legal procedures, human rights legislation serves a crucial role in enlightening society and nurturing an inclusive culture. Awareness programs and educational efforts focused on disability rights help alter societal perspectives and break down preconceptions. By advocating for a wider comprehension of disability and individual rights, human rights legislation acts as a driving force for societal transformation. Obstacles And Prospects Despite considerable progress in the realm of Canadian human rights legislation relating to disabled individuals, several challenges remain. Enforcement methods, barriers to accessibility, and protection gaps persist as areas requiring attention. Addressing these issues offers prospects for refining the law and enhancing disability legal services to better accommodate the varied needs of the disabled community. Within the scope of Canada's disability law services, the influence of human rights legislation on cases related to disability discrimination is profoundly significant. This legal framework explicitly outlaws discrimination acknowledges the obligation to accommodate and cultivates an environment of inclusiveness. Human rights legislation serves as a fundamental building block in the ongoing quest for equal rights and opportunities for people with disabilities. As the legal environment continues to develop, human rights legislation persists as a potent instrument in molding a fairer and more inclusive society. Read Also: 3 Personality Traits of a Successful and High-Ranking Criminal Lawyer 5 Reasons Why You Should Take A Criminal Lawsuit Seriously Criminal Case – Dos And Donts

Employment Attorney Law Firm In California

Why You Need To Consult With Employment Attorney Law Firm In California?

In the cases of whistleblowers, or employees who have been returned to the workplace after winning a wrongful termination suit, any action taken by an employer that is "materially detrimental" to an employee is considered retaliatory under the law. The following are examples of materially detrimental actions: Dismissal Being moved to a less desired position Being passed over for a promotion Not being hired/promoted are all examples of adverse employment actions. In addition, significantly unfavorable actions are measures that an employer might use to discourage an employee from engaging in a protected activity are also prohibited. Some of these unfavorable actions might include: Negating compensation for work. Click here for more on employee compensation. Suspending Any abuse or threats Damaging, erroneous assessments of, or reports about, family members' treatment So What May You Do Without Fear Of Reprisal? According to the statute, workers are shielded from retaliation for engaging in certain "protected activities." The following statutes establish these guaranteed rights, and the EEOC is responsible for enforcing most of them. Relevant laws are: Specifically, the (ADA), The Age Discrimination in the Workplace Act (ADEA) The Title VII of the Civil Rights of 1964 Section 501 of said Rehabilitation Act There are also laws protecting employees' right to fair compensation and privacy of medical information and the safeguarding of employee privileges The US Dept of Labor established OSHA to shield workers who blow the whistle by filing complaints or exercising their rights from any kind of reprisal. Go to for additional information. There are strict deadlines for reporting retaliation that must be met before a claim can be filed with OSHA. Three Broad Types Of Lawful Pursuits These broad categories are summarized in this article and include the vast majority of legally sanctioned pursuits: If an employee has a good faith and reasonable suspicion that their employer is engaging in unlawful conduct, he or she has a duty to disclose this suspicion, either to the company's internal compliance department or to the appropriate authorities. An employer cannot take any action against an employee that would have a "materially detrimental effect" because of this protected behavior. Real-world scenarios where an employee could disclose criminal activity include: Disclose sexual harassment incidents Having experienced prejudice of some kind Confronting dangerous workplace circumstances and reporting them False claims that the employer violated the law by not paying overtime or providing mandatory breaks What is known as "whistleblowing" is a distinct field, however, any of these circumstances may be covered under the broad term of whistleblowing. Possessing And Using One's Employee Rights Many different agencies, both federal and state, have tackled the issue of protecting workers' rights. Limits on drug testing, the right to a minimum salary, paid and unpaid parental leave, the ability to return to civilian employment after military duty, the right to a safe and healthy workplace environment, etc. all fall within this vast category of employment law. The threat of retaliatory wrongful termination ( exists whenever an employee seeks to exercise a legal privilege that is not to the liking of the employer. Here are some frequent instances in which an employer may retaliate against a worker who is only asserting his or her rights: Making a request for reasonable accommodations due to a disability or religious beliefs Asking for a cut of tips received Using paid time off for things like medical leave or civic duties like voting or jury duty Taking part in a government inquiry - Employees have the right to take part in any legal proceedings, including investigations and hearings, that involve their employer. This includes situations when an employee is asked to testify against their employer in court or when they voluntarily offer information to government authorities about the company's procedures. There is an almost infinite list of potential motives for retaliation against a worker. Retaliation cases have the largest volume and proportion of all EEOC claims. Retaliation allegations have been on the rise over the years, now making up about 45 percent of all claims filed with the commission. Verifying Retaliation These three conditions must be met before an employee may file a claim with the EEOC against their employer: There had been a protected event. Employer reprimand or discipline All of the aforementioned are linked together because of a causal relationship, which proves retaliation. It is reasonably difficult to prove the third criterion, the connection between the employee's protected action and their subsequent firing. There can always be a “reason” for employee termination, especially in a right-to-work state. This means any and all evidence to the claim must be handled in a timely and efficient manner by an employment attorney to provide the appropriate documentation to file a case. The link might be established based on either direct or circumstantial evidence. Finding remarks in writing or verbally that show the case is an example of direct evidence, whereas circumstances that suggest retribution were taken into account indirectly are examples of circumstantial evidence. The burden of proof is with the employee; it is not on the employer to refute the allegation. For retaliation to be presumed to have taken place, there must be evidence that supports that likelihood. Protections Against Retaliation If the court finds that retaliation occurred, the following compensation is possible: Pay in advance or readmission to work pending employment Discretionary funds The costs you spent before, during, and after your employment ended unfairly Legal costs and time in court Compensation for mental anguish Damage awards against private companies as punishment In many instances of retaliation, the parties are able to come to an agreement out of court and avoid going to trial. The amount of a retaliation settlement is determined by the nature of the dispute and the likelihood of the result. Companies often choose to settle employment disputes rather than risk the high costs of litigation if an employee has a compelling case. However, it is always important to speak with a professional employment attorney as quickly as possible in order to ascertain the validity of your case. Read Also: Can an Employee Claims for a Personal Injury When Working From Home? 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