Effects of Anxiety on Heart Disease


12 February 2019

Health & Fitness

Heart Disease

Stress and anxiety have become serious problems that people are facing in modern times. Researchers have proved this that anxiety has the connection between heart disease and many other health issues. This issue has become prevalent enough that should raise an alarm and make all of us think of efficient ways to keep anxiety under control.

In this article, we are going to talk about the effects of anxiety on heart disease and why you need to do all you can to stay relaxed and avoid stressful situations.

Effects of Anxiety on Heart Disease:

Heart and general health monitoring apps:

It’s strange to consider that applications that are meant to help people keep track of their health could actually be more harm than good.

According to many physicians, apps could lead to unnecessary anxiety and there is plenty of evidence to back this up. The evidence comes in the form of the close relation between anxiety and heart disease.

When people are constantly checking their apps and seeing heart rate spikes, their anxiety levels are going to rise. If they are monitoring their heart rate and other vitals all day long, they are going to start worrying about things that they would normally not even notice. This alone is a serious problem.

The use of various health apps is a good idea in some ways. But it proves to be problematic for those who suffer from anxiety. No application should ever diagnose any kind of heart disease or potential issue (in fact none of them are actually capable of true and accurate diagnosis!). But many of these apps do attempt that and they even warn users of possible serious conditions.

The best way for apps to be effective and avoid raising alarms or making assumptions is for them to be strictly used for heart rate monitoring, but even them, they can cause unnecessary anxiety.

Studies that link anxiety and depression to heart disease:

Washington University conducted studies that shed light on the connection between heart disease and patients that experienced anxiety and stress. It was determined that the number of patients who experienced anxiety is more likely to suffer from other heart-related conditions as well.

While these studies are not conclusive, they do raise concerns. It has been widely documented that people who suffer from stress and anxiety are going to deal with health issues more often.

Experts believe that untreated blood pressure is a factor:

Leading cardiologist Simon Stertzer has previously discussed how high blood pressure is one of the factors that contribute to heart disease. This is definitely something that many heart patients worry about and their concerns are justified. The heart is a very complex organ and everything that happens in our bodies affects it in one way or another.

Poorly treated blood pressure problems are often going to lead to heart disease, but blood pressure problems have also been linked to anxiety, so there is an obvious concern and anxiety seems to be right in the middle of the problem.

Critical factors that predict the risk of heart disease:

Heart disease continues to be a very common topic of discussion for many reasons. This a huge health concern all over the world, but it also continues to be a mystery in many ways. Fortunately, more discoveries are being made all the time and other treatment options are also available.

This article from Digital Authority Partners covers some of the most important and critical factors that predict heart disease (with a very cool infographic!). This includes age, social and economic factors, lifestyle factors and environmental pollution. It’s important to note that stress and anxiety are always considered lifestyle factors.

It seems like people are learning to live with stress and anxiety now and that is a very bad thing. Most people admit that they feel anxiety and stress all the time, but they have learned to live with those feelings.

They feel that they have this problem under control but their anxiety is causing all kinds of health issues. Learning to relax is going to be essential to fight anxiety.

The main causes of anxiety:

There are many causes of anxiety in modern times. Some of the most common and relevant include drugs, alcohol, caffeine, thyroid hormone problems, and certain medications. Then you also have the stress of life, with everyone being so competitive and time management being such a big deal, people are more stressed out than ever before. This is often going to lead to anxiety.

Keeping your body healthy with a good diet and exercise is always going to be an important thing to consider. If you feel your dietary habits are bad and you are living a sedentary life, you might want to make some changes as soon as possible.

How to get rid of anxiety:

Anxiety can be very difficult to handle for some people. The problem can be so serious that they require medication just to function properly. If you feel like you are experiencing anxiety, you might want to look for ways to start dealing with it naturally.

Practice breathing exercises:

This is a great way to relax and to lower your anxiety levels. You could learn this by practicing yoga. There are many benefits to Yoga, but lowering anxiety is your priority in this case.

Exercise often:

Being active and exercising outdoors is always a great way to get rid of stress and anxiety. A large number of individuals claim that their anxiety levels are much lower after they workout.

Get rid of junk food and sugars:

It seems almost unavoidable to eat food that is bad for us sometimes, but the more you avoid sugars and general junk food, the better your body is going to perform. Anxiety and stress are also linked to bad dietary habits.

Final thoughts:

The more we learn about anxiety, the easier it becomes for us to figure out how to deal with this problem. Knowing that your heart is greatly affected by anxiety should be a warning sign that everyone needs to keep in mind.

This knowledge can help prevent serious issues with heart-related problems.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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good oral hygiene

Is It True That Good Oral Hygiene Can Reduce Cancer Risk?

Cancer remains one of the biggest killers in the world. In fact, as the average age of the population increases, so does the number of people dying from cancer. It is the second leading cause of death across the globe, second only to cardiovascular diseases. Oral cancer is deadly, but the patient has to go through a severe, painful procedure during a cancer diagnosis. But a good oral hygiene habit minimizes the chance of cancerous cell growth in the mouth area. Reduce Chances Of Cancerous Growth With Oral Hygiene The good news is that in many cases, cancer can be treated if it is detected early. But, of course, it is even better to identify what increases cancer risk and reduce these factors in our daily lives.  You may be surprised to realize that regular visits to a good dentist, such as this dentist St Leonards, can reduce the risk of cancer. Cancer can spread to any body part like the lungs, uterus, mouth area, neck, and intestine. Every cancer treatment process is painful. But among all areas, the mouth and the neck areas are some of the sensitive parts of the body. Therefore, you can quickly reduce the chances of cancer by maintaining good oral hygiene. Is There Any Connection Between Overall & Oral Health? Your mouth is full of bacteria, the majority of which are beneficial to maintaining the balance in your mouth. Some of the bacteria even help to prevent tooth decay. However, some have less honorable intentions. These are the ones that react with the sugar in your food and create acid. This attacks the tooth enamel and damages it, increasing the risk of cavities. But, it also does something else, it allows bacteria to get into your bloodstream. There is a vast number of blood vessels in and around your mouth. Bacteria in your blood can travel to other parts of your body and cause issues. But, you can build up good oral hygiene habits and control harmful bacteria production. Research suggests that bacteria in your blood can travel to your brain and contribute to developing diseases such as Alzheimer’s. However, research is ongoing. Is Poor Oral Hygiene Linked With Oral Cancer? The more considerable risk at present from poor oral hygiene is oral cancer. Recent studies have shown there is a link between people with poor oral hygiene and oral cancer. It is believed that the harmful bacteria in your mouth can cause healthy cells to ‘go bad.’ This is often the beginnings of cancer and, if left unspotted, will develop into oral cancer. It is more likely to occur if you smoke or chew tobacco and have poor oral hygiene. Your genetic disposition or cancer in your family can also influence the likelihood of it happening. Good oral hygiene is the key to minimize the higher risk of cancer. If you have these types of bad habits like chewing tobacco or smoke, get rid of the habit fast to maintain oral health. How Regular Dental Visits Help? A regular visit to the dentist, at least once a year, will help any issues in your mouth to be spotted early. Your dentist gets a better view of your teeth, gums, and even your throat than you do. If they notice anything unusual or different from usual, they will investigate further.  This will help to ensure any issue is caught early and can be treated. Of course, good oral hygiene reduces the risk. That means brushing your teeth twice a day for at least two minutes each time.  In addition, you should floss daily, and mouthwash can be beneficial. If you have any concerns about your oral hygiene procedures, you should chat with your dentist. They will guide and even show you to help you get it right. It’s in their interests as well as good for your teeth and overall health. Conclusion: Good oral hygiene is not only helping you to keep your mouth clean and hygiene. The overall health benefits of a clean mouth are undeniable. So better take care of your mouth and teeth to keep your body healthy and fit. So how are you planning to minimize the chances of cancerous cell growth? Start with maintaining your mouth health. Read Also: How Cold Weather Affects the Cancer Patients Early Symptoms and Signs of Breast Cancer

dental care tips

Dental Health: 6 Essential Dental Care Tips You Need to Know

Approximately 27 percent of adults have untreated tooth decay. Nearly half of those over the age of 30 show signs of gum disease. According to a study, older adults with dementia have worse oral health. In general, Alzheimer's disease patients have a higher occurrence of periodontal problems. Clearly, we need to do a lot more to take care of our smiles. The problem is, many adults think that if they simply brush their teeth twice a day and floss once, then they've done their job. While these two things are certainly very important, there is more to good oral hygiene than just a simple brush and floss. So, what exactly do you need to do to take care of your teeth and mouth? Here are some essential dental care tips you need to know. 1. Brush More: Many people think that brushing twice a day is enough to have clean teeth. The problem is that we don't spend enough time brushing our teeth during each session. The average person spends about 30 seconds to a minute brushing their teeth. Experts recommend dedicating at least two minutes to this task as it helps remove more plaque. In fact, a study has found that brushing the teeth for two minutes removed 26 percent more plaque than brushing for 45 seconds. Furthermore, doing it for three minutes removed 55 percent more plaque than brushing for just 30 seconds. If you have trouble figuring out how long you've brushed or if two minutes feels like an eternity to you, try listening to a song or watching a short Youtube video while you do it. Those two minutes will fly by, and your teeth will be plaque-free. 2. Floss and Do It the Right Way: While nearly everyone brushes their teeth on a daily basis, only 40 percent of Americans floss every day and 20 percent don't floss at all. Even though flossing is just as important as brushing, for some reason, it's taken a back seat. Flossing does a lot more than just remove that big piece of spinach you got stuck in your teeth while eating dinner. It helps: Remove and prevent dental plaque Prevent gum disease Increases the effectiveness of brushing Reduces inflammation in your gums Of course, you also need to make sure you're flossing the right way. Use a piece of floss that is at least 18 inches long. This will help ensure you're using a fresh piece of floss for every tooth rather than reinserting bacteria you just removed. If you struggle to get to each space in between your teeth, consider buying disposable floss picks or investing in a Waterpik. 3. Clean and Change Your Toothbrush: Contrary to popular belief, it's no need to cover your brush after using it. In fact, this may actually cause new bacteria to breed. Instead, simply rinse your toothbrush after using it and allow it to air dry. Also, never share your toothbrush with anyone, even family members. Remember to change out your toothbrush (or brush head if you use an electric toothbrush) every few months or so. Using it for more than a few months won't allow you to get the best clean as possible. 4. Use the Right Brushing Technique: Most people tend to brush their teeth in a back and forth horizontal motion. However, this brushing technique will not give you the best clean. Instead, hold your toothbrush at an angle of 45 degrees and brush your teeth using short back and forth strokes. Then, clean the backs of your teeth and front anterior area by holding the toothbrush vertical and brushing with small strokes. If brushing the right way seems like a pain to you, invest in an electric toothbrush. Electric models take care of the motion for you - all you have to do is make sure you're hitting the backs and fronts of each tooth. Also, don't forget to brush your tongue as well. Plaque can build up on your tongue, which may lead to oral health problems and bad odors. A gentle, quick brush of the tongue is enough to keep it clean and healthy. 5. Watch What You Eat and Drink: Unfortunately, certain drinks and foods aren't just bad for our waistline; they're bad for our teeth as well. What you eat and drink can have a major effect on your oral health, so it's important to be aware of what foods and beverages are good for your teeth and which ones are not. When it comes to beverages, water is undoubtedly the best one for your teeth. Drinking water after every meal helps remove some of the negative effects of acidic and sticky foods. Beverages that should be avoided include sodas, juices, coffee, dark teas, and red wine. Sodas and juices contain sugars and acids that can wear your teeth down and cause bacterial growth. Coffee, teas, and wine tend to stain your teeth. Crunchy fruits and veggies, certain types of cheese, and fish are all teeth-friendly foods. Avoid candies, white bread and simple carbs, and anything with high amounts of sugar. 6. Visit Your Dentist Every Six Months: One of the most important things to do is visit your dentist every six months. The dentist does a lot more than just get your teeth cleaned. He can also remove plaque buildup, identify cavities and other oral health problems, screen for oral cancer, and take X-rays of your teeth to keep track of their progress. Even if you brush and floss every day, it's still very important to visit your dentist twice per year. This company can show you more services that a dentist offers. Ready to Put These Dental Care Tips to Good Use?  As you can see, there are lots of dental care tips that can go a long way toward good oral health. If you have any questions about these tips, let us know in the comments below. Looking for advice to keep your smile healthy? Click here to find out more! Read Also: 5 Ways To Prevent Severe Dental Problems How You Can Effectively Ease Pain Caused By Braces: Top Tips

skin rejuvenate

Ways to Rejuvenate Your Skin in Montrose

Are you concerned about rashes on your skin? Do the wrinkles bother you? If it is so then you need not to worry anymore, as you can go select skin rejuvenate for your skin to look younger. Sun heat, skin discoloration, acne, wrinkles, and visible blood vessels cause your skin to look dull or older. Different skin treatments are available to treat the different aspects of skin damage. Some of the treatments are cosmetic surgery, medical treatment, and treatment with the help of some herbs. The benefit of skin rejuvenation: It helps to give you more even skin tone It helps to get rid of wrinkles and other aging lines from skin It refines the skin texture and makes the skin glowing It treats the skin related issues like dry skin, acne, and redness It also helps to eliminate rashes and signs of blood vessels  Treatments of skin rejuvenation with medical dermatology   There are several ways of skin rejuvenation treatments that you need to consider with the medical dermatology. 1. Acne You can get acne treatment according to your skin type like the skin rejuvenation in Montrose. The professional will give you medications as per your skin type. Acne is a common problem for people with oily skin and their marks make sin dull. It is better to treat them well to get the acne free glowing skin. 2. Rashes Rashes can be of any type like itchy skin, redness of the skin due to sun heat etc. They may trouble your whole day and makes your skin look dull. But you can get an appointment with professionals in Montrose to get some relief from rashes. Medical experts can help you by providing you with the best advice and medications. 3. Skin cancer Skin cancer is a serious problem which not only dulls your skin but also makes you feel low by energy all the time. You can consult a dermatologist in Montrose for the treatment of your skin cancer at the time. Medical surgeries are available to help to get rid of skin cancer, the doctor will examine the stage of your cancer then gives you the required treatment. Below are the problems which need skin rejuvenation with the help of cosmetic dermatology: 4. Wrinkles With the growing age, fine lines start coming on face area and these fine lines are termed as wrinkles. A cosmetic dermatologist treats wrinkles in many ways one of them is Botox. It is a proven anti-aging drug. It eliminates the face wrinkles as when it injected in the affected area of face it weakens the muscles and therefore muscles will not contract anymore and there will be no wrinkles on the face. 5. Hair removal Is hair on body irritates you? If yes then, you can get remove your unwanted hairs permanently with the help of professional in Montrose. There are many treatments cosmetic surgeons provide for the removal of hair; one of such them is laser treatment. You can select best-suited treatment according to you for removing hairs and to become more attractive and beautiful. 6. Uplift The Lips, Eyebrows Cosmetic surgery also gives you the option to make your look more attractive and beautiful by uplift your lips and eyebrows. You can get treatment for your skin tightening and for changing the shape of lips from any expert professional in the field. Skin rejuvenation gives you vibrant, younger look and it will also help you to gain self-confidence. You can select any of the above mention treatments according to the problem of your skin and resolve that issue. Go to the best professional for treatment of your skin problem, also you should make some lifestyle changes for natural recovery of your skin problems. Final Take Away   Hence, these are some of the facts that you have to take care of while you want to develop your business in the right direction. Develop a business plan that can work well in your favor. Do not make your choices in the wrong direction as you have to develop proper means of skin rejuvenation for improving your skin tone in the correct manner. Read Also: 7 Anti-Aging Tricks And Tips To Get Youthful Skin Like A Teen 10 Foods For Vibrant, Glowing And Younger Skin