12 Mind-Boggling Effects of Technology on the Brain

Published on: 12 February 2019 Last Updated on: 08 August 2019
effects of technology on the brain

The effects of technology on the brain are very real, and very polarizing. Many people love the potential value that technology can have on our ability to function in the world. Others have the idea that the effects are negative and limit us in many ways.

The reality is probably that there are good and bad effects. In any case, side-effects of technology on our minds are worth looking into so we can be aware of them and notice ourselves being affected.

Here are a few interesting ways that technology is affecting human minds.

The Effects of Technology on the Brain:

We’ll touch on a few of the negative and positive effects to give you a well-rounded idea of where we are at in relation to technology. There’s no doubting the value of unlimited information, but it’s difficult to deny the addiction and change in social behavior that technology can bring.

Let’s get started.

1. Our Taste Buds Can Respond Differently to Food:


Once upon a time, the dinner we prepared for ourselves was a welcome meal that we took for what it was.

Research has shown that people who scroll through images of meals on Instagram and Pinterest before they eat actually enjoy their meal less. The idea is that the perceived value of the food online diminishes how you feel about your own food by comparison.

2. We Can Relax About the Small Details:


Our ability to access unlimited practical information at a moment’s notice frees up a lot of time for us to relax and enjoy what we’re doing. Things like directions, hours of a store, and more are all things that we would sweat once upon a time.

Those details are now guaranteed to be available at all times, so we don’t need to think about them until we need them.

3. Our Memory Could Be Diminishing:

Our brains are complicated and adaptable to the way things are changing. When we notice an area where we can free up more room to think about other things, we do so.

What we’re talking about is the need for us to remember trivial information. Little things like directions, phone numbers, historical facts, actors’ names, and more are all things that our brains know we can look up on our phones.

That means we don’t have to set space aside to remember those things, so, more and more often, we don’t remember them. We just pull out our phones and look the information up.

4. Social Development:

The overwhelming presence and use of social media is a brand new thing in the scheme of human development. Within the last decade, children have gone through adolescence with benefit and harm of social media on their lives.

The self-consciousness of a virtual self is a new thing, and we have yet to fully grasp how it will change people in the long-run.

5. Lesser Concern for Safety:

One of the overwhelming benefits of technology on our brains is that we are now more comfortable with our safety.

As technology advances, our physical and financial safety improves. Studies have shown that the absence of this kind of stress is greatly beneficial to the health of our brains.

6. Sleep Disruptions:


A lot of evidence suggests that the light emitted from our laptops, smartphones, and tablets sends conflicting signals to our bodies. Our circadian rhythms are thrown off, with our bodies taking light as a message to stay awake.

You may have noticed that it’s difficult to get to sleep after a long night of using the computer or extended cell phone use.

7. Attention Span:

Information comes to us quickly and we can consume it fast, too. There aren’t a lot of pieces of the modern technology puzzle that require people to sit and think, focus, or pay attention anymore.

Seeing as we are regularly using technology, it means that we are regularly not developing longer attention spans.

8. New Forms of Identity:

One interesting change that technology has brought is the ability to construct an identity through the technology you possess. One clear example of this is the split between Mac and PC users.

Things like Nixon watches and other items can help a person to express how they feel as a person.

9. Self Help:

Interestingly, the problems or stressors that are sometimes caused by technology can be solved by it too. Take anxiety, for example.

The anxiety related to excessive social media use could be partially treated by applications or information found online that is intended to treat anxiety.

10. Improved Decision Making:

While parents everywhere are concerned about the impact of first-person shooters and similar games on their kids’ brains, evidence suggests that such games could have benefits on cognition.

Vision and decision making skills are improved in some cases when individuals spend a lot of time playing games like first-person shooters.

11. Memory Formation:

The use of phones in situations that previously were absent from technology has a potential effect on our formation of memories.

While we’re swiping away, life goes on around us. Our concentration is situated on the screen, distracting us from the sensory information that converges to form concrete memories.

12. Interconnectedness:

Subcultures and groups of like-minded people have the ability to connect on levels that were never thought possible in the past. One group of people who like a specific film can have hours and hours of discussion with a similar group across the world.

Not only that, but those groups can expand outward, recruit new members, form friendships, and that group will create subgroups. The point is, people are interconnected to others in the world who share their interests and beliefs.

Jump Onboard and Be Mindful:

The effects of technology on the brain are very real, and sometimes it’s difficult to tell what is helping and what’s hurting. In most cases, the value of an effect will depend on the person.

Technology is here to stay, though. Everything from interviews to paychecks is handled online, and we have the information to keep you informed and on top of things.

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signs of drug use in teens

Not On the Straight and Narrow: 4 Telltale Signs of Drug Use in Teens

Did you know that 6.1 percent of 8th graders, 9.6 percent of 10th graders, and 12.4 percent of 12th graders admit they have used an illicit drug recently? With such shocking statistics, it's clear to see there is a growing problem among young people. During the troublesome teen years, it's common to experiment with new things. But this may lead your child down a dark path. You may wonder how to tell if your child is using drugs. Fortunately, there are clear telltale signs of drug use in teens. Read on to find out if your loved one has fallen off the straight and narrow. Telltale Signs of Drug Use in Teens: During their teens, young people have to deal with many physical and emotional changes. This can make it difficult to pinpoint whether drug use is the problem or it's simply a case of rebelliousness. Looking for these next four signs will help you to know for sure. 1. Use Your Senses: When your teen comes home, what can you smell on their breath, on their clothes or in their hair? Are their eyes red with constricted pupils? Signs of crack use also include blistered lips or burnt fingers. Your teen may also rapidly lose weight, as they will be spending their allowance on their fix instead of food. If they are inhaling drugs they may also have respiratory problems, such as coughing or constant sniffing. If they are injecting they may have track marks on their arms. 2. Behavioral Changes: Another way to tell if someone is on drugs is if you notice their behavior has changed dramatically. Of course, arguing, anger, and moodiness may be part of the troublesome teen years. But if you also notice them defying your house rules, disappearing for long periods of time, and other reckless behavior it may be a sign of using. After a night out with friends, is your teen clumsy, laughing hysterically, and obnoxious? Or do they look exhausted, jittery, or queasy? These behavioral signs are common with teens who take drugs. 3. Caught in the Act: If you find drugs in their room or on their possession you've caught them in the act. Some other drug-related paraphernalia may include: Tiny plastic bags with powder residue Roll-ups Tin boxes Syringes Burnt teaspoons or crack pipes If you find any of these items, try not to overreact. Confront your teen, it may be an honest mistake after all. 4. Social Changes: Your teen's grades may be declining dramatically. Or they may keep on skipping school and other social activities that they previously enjoyed. Another sign of someone on drugs is if your teen ditches their friends to hang out with another unknown crowd. You may also notice items or money missing from your home. This may mean your teen is stealing to fund their habit. Monitor any alcohol you have in the home as they may use it for payment. Time to Take Action: If you can see any or all these signs of someone on drugs, it's time to take action. Encourage them to get support from professionals. Lincoln Nova Vital Recovery has created a unique program that can help people to recover from addiction. Find out more here. Some Things are Worth Fighting For: Of course, these signs of drug use in teens may vary from person to person. But one thing is for sure: they are going to need you to fight alongside them on their road to recovery. To keep your family close-knit and strong in times of distress, check out these fundamental pillars of a happy family. Read Also: American Healthcare And Its Woes Passing A Marijuana Urine Drug Test- How To Pass Pee Narcotics Tests


Importance of Addiction Rehab Centers for Addicts in Colorado

It is a sad one, but the truth is that the drug addiction problem is becoming more and more prevalent around us. It is high time all hands are on deck in dealing with this menace that is plaguing our society. To do this, the addicts, their loved ones, the government, and the society at large need to put certain (drastic) measures in place. People also need to be enlightened about the problem. Societies need to be enlightened on is addiction treatment options and the most effective ones. Speaking of enlightening people on addiction treatment options, this article will do some justice to this. This is by discussing the most effective approach to treating people that have a drug addiction problem. We cannot stress enough how important this subject is, so everyone is advised to read on. Some of the Wrong Approaches to Rehabilitating Drug Addicts We did mention above that society is deep into this problem called drug addiction. The stats are not encouraging, and measures need to be put in place to deal with this problem. One of those negative stats is how no fewer than 500,000 lives are lost annually as a result of drug abuse. This is sad enough, but it would only get worse with time if care is not taken. A joint effort from stakeholders is one of the things it would take to avoid this and make the situation better. Other than this, more should be done to avoid the mortality rate caused by drug abuse. To do this, getting addicts the help that they need is important. This is why you need to understand the right and wrong approaches to treatment. This part will focus on the wrong approach while chipping in the importance of the right treatment approach. 1. Sole Dependence on Religious Centers A notable philosopher - Karl Marx, defined religion as the opium of the masses (people). His point was that people turn to religion at the expense of taking decisive actions. Unfortunately, this is one of the things that have intensified the drug addiction problem plaguing our society. Religious solutions are sought instead of taking the affected person to a facility capable of helping. Often, some people only reach out to rehabilitation centers when the situation is out of hand or close to that. To set the record straight, you should know that the earlier a drug addict gets the needed help, the better for that addict. This does not rule out the fact that religion can help through prayers and instilling the right beliefs. Religion can even help avoid the problem in the first place. For more on this subject, you can read this article. However, it should not be a substitute for consulting top rehab centers when the problem is glaring. This is where sole dependence on religion can become a problem. 2. Ostracizing the Addict There is a stigma associated with people that are into drugs. This is why some people even try to be discreet about their dependence on the substances until it becomes too glaring. Some families, colleagues, neighbors, and the society at large sometimes resort to ostracizing the addicts. This is because their lifestyle is considered a shameful one. Truth be told, it is even worse when this comes from family and friends. The reason is that this makes the addicts more dependent on these substances. Some of these families, friends, and colleagues justify their actions by thinking that ostracizing the addicts will cause them to turn a new leaf. Unfortunately, this is not how it works. It is even very likely that such people become more dependent on these harmful substances. For this reason, the thought of ostracizing such people should not even be considered. A good rehab center should be consulted instead. This is the best approach to dealing with the situation. 3. Penalizing Drug Users There are offense levels attached not only to the sale but the use of controlled substances here in Colorado. You should even know that the legislative arm of the Colorado state government has a habit of revisiting laws on the subject. This is quite understandable given the drug addiction problem that has become very prevalent as mentioned earlier. But the ideal thing is going back to the drawing board after seeing how the law has helped or not. Unfortunately, these punitive measures have done very little to address the problem. And just so you know, putting a drug addict behind bars does not solve the problem. It could even complicate things as withdrawal symptoms can set in and this could be life-threatening. Other than this, it should be noted that even correctional facilities in Colorado and other states are not rid of these substances. This is considering how they get smuggled in one way or the other. For more information on this, you can visit: https://www.usnews.com/ For this reason, getting the addicts the help that they need from top rehab centers should be prioritized over taking punitive measures. This is not saying that the law should not take its course but that getting addicts the help they need should come first. Why Rehab Centers Are Important for Drug Addicts We have stressed repeatedly how checking into a rehabilitation center is the best way to help a drug addict. Some of the reasons why this is the case include the following: 1. Their Pain Is Understood Everyone or most people understand that being hooked on these substances is bad. However, most people do not understand the pain that these addicts go through. Fortunately, the professionals at a good rehab center understand their pain and this is why they are in a good position to help. 2. Proven and Effective Treatment Methods There are several sides to treating these individuals and this depends on the peculiarity of the situation. Proven and effective treatment methods are used in these centers. Wrap Up We have discussed the wrong and right approaches to treating drug addicts. As explained here in this article, the right approach should be used when the need arises. This is instead of considering other ineffective alternatives. Read Also: 5 Topmost Life-Altering Advantages Of Drug And Alcohol Rehab Are You Sick and Tired of Drugs? Spot It Early: 9 Common Signs of Addiction You Need to Look out For Addiction Treatment: 11 Tips to Find the Best Rehabilitation Center

how long does pre workout last

How Long Does Pre Workout Last? – Best Ways to Maximize It 

How long does pre workout last? - Once you consume pre-workout, its effects last for 3 to 6 hours in your body. Basically, the job of a pre-workout is to improve your physical and mental performance during exercise. If you want to consume pre-workout, you have to consume it as energy shots or as a powder that you mix with water. In this article, you will learn about how long a pre-workout lasts. Apart from that, you will also learn about the key factors that influence a pre-workout’s duration. Moreover, this article will also explain how to maximize the duration of pre-workouts. Hence, to learn more, read on to the end of the article. How Long Does Pre-Workout Last? Generally, a pre-workout has a noticeable effect for 1 to 2 hours when you are working out. However, the ingredients remain in your body for around 4 to 6 hours. In fact, the ingredients of a pre-workout supplement remain in your system. Basically, it depends on the amount of caffeine it contains. Here are a few points you must consider about pre-workout duration: Peak Effect: For a pre-workout, after you consume it, you will feel the most intense effects within the first 30-60 minutes. Caffeine Half-Life: Caffeine is the primary contributor to the duration of a pre-workout. In fact, the duration of caffeine is around 5-6 hours. Hence, it takes longer for the body to eliminate half of what you consume that has caffeine in it. Individual Variations: The amount of time up to which a pre-workout lasts also depends on your individual bodily factors. For example, how good your metabolism is or how sensitive your body is to caffeine matters a lot. Key Factors That Influence the Duration of Pre-Workout Depending on the amount of pre-workout you consume, you will experience a rise in physical and mental energy for 30 minutes to 2.5 hours. Moreover, the pre-workout stays in your body for a much longer time due to caffeine content. The following are some of the major factors that influence the amount of time a pre-workout will last: 1. Dosage The pre-workout dosage affects the amount of time up to which you will experience its benefits. In fact, the more pre-workout you consume, the longer it will have an effect on you. Moreover, if you take higher doses, your energy levels will remain high between these periods. Also, there shall be lower feelings of exertion. Generally, this is the effect of individual ingredients. However, always remember to take a dosage that your nutritionist recommends. 2. Ingredients in Pre-Workout The common ingredients of pre-workouts include caffeine, beta-alanine, creatine, etc. Basically, these ingredients determine the amount of time the pre-workout affects you. In fact, each ingredient offers you something different. Hence, a pre-workout with more than one thing will affect you in different ways. a. Caffeine Caffeine is present in multiple beverages, energy drinks, and tea. Generally, you will experience the effects of caffeine for 2.5 to 4.5 hours. However, depending on your personality and your body type, this will vary a bit. b. Nitrates Most pre-workout supplements contain nitrates and amino acids. This helps in producing nitrate oxide, which helps to produce a higher amount of oxygen than the body needs during exercise. However, once you consume it, nitrate will remain for 1-3 hours. c. Beta-alanine This is a type of amino acid that comes with multiple benefits. However, you must consume it before you start exercising. Such a pre-workout will offer you higher aerobic and anaerobic endurance. Apart from that, you will benefit from higher muscle mass, better capacity to exercise, and a reduction in lactic acid buildup. 3. Personal Tolerance If you use pre-workout consistently or for a long period of time, your body will start tolerating it and its effects. Hence, most experts recommend that you use pre-workout in a cycle. For example, you take a pre-workout for six weeks and then take a break of six weeks from using this supplement. Hence, after you retake a pre-workout later, it will have an effect on your body. This is a useful way to make the most of pre-workouts. 4. Workout Intensity and Duration The workout length and effort level influence how long the pre-workout lasts. For instance, your body might use up individual ingredients faster when you are in a high-intensity workout. However, if you resort to lower-intensity training, you will not fully utilize your pre-workout to the fullest. Hence, you will not experience all the benefits it offers. Actually, pre-workout is useful for high-intensity exercises. Apart from that, some studies suggest that if you consume pre-workout before cardio, it will be beneficial for you. How Long Do Specific Ingredients Last? Generally, it depends on the individual when it comes to the duration of specific ingredients like beta-alanine and caffeine can vary a bit. However, in most cases, you can notice the effect of caffeine within 30 minutes to an hour. Also, the effect of caffeine can last for 2-3 hours. This is because caffeine has a half-life of 3-5 hours. On the other hand, the half-life of beta-alanine is about 25 minutes. Hence, you will experience the effects of beta-alanine for a shorter period of time. 1. Caffeine  Caffeine is the primary stimulant in most pre-workouts. Generally, you will notice its effect for 1-2 hours. Moreover, its half-life can be extended by 3-5 hours. Also, its effect depends on your metabolism and workout intensity. 2. Beta-Alanine Beta-alanine causes a tingling sensation in your body since your body absorbs it faster. Here, the effect of beta-alanine peaks within 30 minutes. Also, it will last for about 2-3 hours. 3. Creatine Creatine is actually a muscle-building ingredient. In fact, you need to consistently use it for a few weeks if you want to fully saturate it to muscle stores. Also, its effects last much longer than immediate pre-workouts. 4. Nitric Oxide Boosters  Nitric oxide ingredient in pre-workouts has an effect on blood flow and pump duration. This actually helps you with better endurance levels. Nitric oxide provides more oxygen in your body when your body needs it. In fact, once you consume it, it will peak after 1-3 hours. How to Maximize the Duration of Pre-Workout? If you want to maximize the duration of your pre-workout, consider taking it around 30 minutes before you start working out. This way, you give your body enough time to absorb all the ingredients inside your pre-workout. Also, you must avoid taking it too early since the effects might diminish before you start your workout. However, make sure you stick to a dose that is recommended for your case. Apart from that, it is important to hydrate your body. Drink plenty of water during and after the workout. This will maximize the absorption of supplements. Moreover, make sure to choose a pre-workout that has a long-lasting effect (for example, creatine). On the other hand, try to be mindful of caffeine. Too much caffeine is not good for anyone. Additionally, if you are sensitive to it, adjust your dosage accordingly. However, if you want more energy to sustain in your body, consider consuming a pre-workout with creatine in it. Potential Side Effects and How They Relate to Duration The following are some of the potential side effects of pre-workouts: headaches stomach upset nausea anxiety jitters dehydration an increase in heart rate sleep disturbances Generally, these side effects vary in terms of intensity depending on the time and duration of use. If you use pre-workouts for the short term, you can see only mild side effects like mild stomach upset, jitters, a little increase in heart rate, etc. These problems go away once the effect of the pre-workout is gone. On the other hand, if you use pre-workout consistently, there is a greater risk of severe side effects. For instance, you might face caffeine dependence, dehydration, higher blood pressure, heart issues, sleep disruption, etc. Apart from that, it also depends on the sensitivity of the individual to the ingredients. Moreover, make sure not to take pre-workouts close to your sleep time as it can impact your sleep quality. What Happens After Pre-Workout Effects Wear Off?  Here are a few things that might happen after your pre-workout wears off: You will feel a drop in your energy levels. This may result in a reduction in performance. Slight irritability and agitation are common. Moreover, your individual caffeine sensitivity also determines your loss of energy and performance. Summing Up How long does pre workout last? - Now you know the answer to this question. Generally, the effect of pre-workout lasts for 30 minutes to 1 hour. However, it still stays in your body for 3-5 hours. However, these numbers might vary depending on your individual physicality, sensitivity, and metabolism. Do you have more information to provide regarding the timing and duration of pre-workouts? Please share them in the comments section below. Read Also: Morayfield Fitness Unleashed: A Journey Into A Unique Fitness Experience 4 Tips For Getting Starting With Your Fitness Journey Today