With 2018 Coming to a Close, Here Are Our Favorite Apps of the Year

Published on: 04 January 2019 Last Updated on: 24 February 2020
favorite apps

Every year, people from all over the world download hundreds of billions of apps.

Which ones are actually worth giving up space on your phone or computer for, though? How do you know which apps you should download and which ones you should skip?

Read on to learn about some of our favorite apps of 2018. You can use this list to help you decide which apps to look into and which ones to pass on.

Google News:

Google News

Every day, we’re bombarded with news stories and it can be hard to keep everything straight. Even if you watch the news every day, you can still end up missing major events.

Google News is a great app that helps you keep up with the latest news stories. It’s well-designed and easy to navigate.

It also strikes a good balance between personalizing your news feed and showing your varying perspectives on popular topics.

Otter Voice Notes:

Otter Voice Notes

featured image: youtube.com

Do you hate typing out notes on your phone, computer, or tablet? Are you tired of looking for those little scraps of paper that have important pieces of information scribbled on them?

Try using voice memos instead. Otter Voice Notes is an app that uses AI to learn your voice and transcribe your voice memos so you can return to them later.

You can also go back and add notes and photos for context so your memos are easy to understand when you need them.



featured image: saferinternet.org.uk

Apps don’t always have to be about function. There are plenty of fun apps that you ought to consider downloading.

One of the best apps of 2018 is TikTok. It may not have been developed in 2018, but TikTok made a major comeback this year.

This fun app is free to download and makes it easy for you to make all kinds of fun and hilarious videos with your friends and loved ones.

Hotspot Shield Free:

Hotspot Shield Free

featured image: phpnuke.org

Apps aren’t only for your phone and tablet. There are also some great apps out there that can help you stay organized and protected while using your computer.

Of all the Mac apps available on the app store, Hotspot Shield Free is one of the best. This is especially true if you frequently rely on public Wi-Fi.

Hotspot Shield Free is an app that secures your computer and internet browsing when you connect to the Wi-fi network in restaurants, coffee shops, libraries, and other public places. It allows you to choose the IP of a specific country and access services that might otherwise block you.



featured image: problogbooster.com

Did you know there are apps out there designed to help an app creator make their own app?

If you’re interested in building your own app but aren’t sure how to do it, BuildFire is a great tool to have in your toolbelt.

BuildFire gives you the option to build your own app from scratch or work with a certified professional who will do all the heavy lifting for you. The choice is yours!

Adobe Premier Rush:

Want to edit videos on the go? If so, you need to download Adobe Premiere Rush today.

This app is easy-to-use and can handle multiple video clips at once. It offers all the same tools as a professional video editing software, but it’s intuitive and perfect for putting up high-quality videos.

You also don’t need to have the paid desktop version of this program to make use of the free mobile app. If you do have the paid version, though, you can sync it with the app to work on projects no matter where you are.

Asphalt 9 Legends:

Another fun app to download when boredom strikes is Asphalt 9 Legends. This game will take you back to your childhood arcade days, but with much better graphics.

This racing game is easy-to-master and features a realistic lineup. It’s the perfect game to play when you want to relax, zone out, and have some fun.


There are tons of free photo editing apps out there, but they’re definitely not all created equal.

Filto is one of the best free photo editors that will let you add a variety of filters and effects to your photos and videos. It’s easy-to-navigate and provides you with both subtle and more extreme editing options.

Filto also lets you re-size photos and videos to the perfect aspect ratio.


With reports of hacking coming out every day, password security is more important than ever before.

If you’re willing to pay to keep your passwords safe, consider downloading 1Password for your computer.

It’s not a cheap app by any means, but it allows you to create a master account for all your passwords and confidential information. As a result, you only have to remember one password instead of dozens or even hundreds.

This is an especially useful tool for those working in the corporate world.

Heimdall Parental Control:

Worried about your child’s mobile device usage? Now, you can use your own phone or tablet to exercise more control over what they use and how often they use it.

Heimdall Parental Control is an app that you install on both your child’s mobile device and your mobile device. Then, you can control various aspects of their usage. For example, you can block specific content or the installation of new apps.

Many of the features on this app are free. You can also pay for a premium version if you want even more control over what your child sees and how they use their particular device.

Want to Learn About More of Our Favorite Apps?

These are some of our favorite apps from 2018. But, there are lots of other great apps out there, including older programs that we use on a regular basis.

If you want to learn about other great apps, be sure to check out the technology section of our site today.

There are tons of helpful articles here that will teach all about the best personal and professional apps you ought to be using.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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Mobile App

7 Reasons Why Your Business Needs A Mobile App

Are you a businessman? Then, you need to convert your website into an app NOW! If you are thinking you already have a responsive website, then think again. In this smartphone-driven world, having a responsive website is not enough. You need to go where your users are.  With the increasing number of mobile users, it is a necessity to have a mobile app for your business. If you are still not convinced why you need a mobile app, read these reasons given below. They will surely change your mind. 1. Increased Number Of Mobile Users It is seen that the number of mobile users has elevated drastically over the past few years. As it takes more time to load a website on the desktop, people prefer the mobile phone over desktops. They like to have access to everything on their mobile phones. If you are not good at technology and want to create websites or apps you can look for easiest web page builder platforms online. 2. Increased And Accessible Audience With a mobile app, you are going closer to your customers as it offers a personalized user experience. You will be more accessible to your customers as you will be only one click away from them. Also, you can provide better services based on their interests, location, and more. This, in turn, will increase your company’s productivity and prove your loyalty to them. 3. Easy To Read And Share The Content Having your mobile app, the user can effortlessly visit it anytime without having to access a desktop or remembering your address. They can easily read your content without the logging into the system every time as your icon will be at their fingertips. Apps also make sharing of the content effortless as users are already logged in to their accounts.  This brings more traffic and users to your website. Read also: 5 Importance of proofreading your website content 4. Increased Audience Engagement Push notifications are the best part of mobile apps. You can easily reach your users and let them know about your updated features and content. You can also send custom messages that will keep your brand fresh in the user’s mind, which in turn increases traffic to your app. You can also present your customers with great offers and discounts based on their likes and dislikes to increase their engagement. It is not difficult to convert your website into an app. You can easily find a free website builder for mobile apps on the internet. 5. An App Increases SEO Google has started to link your website to the application. So, an app will be a must-have in the future time if you want to be in good eyes of Google. It will not only increase traffic but also rank you on Google. Read also: How to Monitor the SEO Health of Your Website 6. Elevate Your Brand With increasing technology, people are looking forward to new technologies every day. If you keep up with the latest trend, you are more likely to increase your business. People spend more time on their phones, so this increases your brand name if they can reach to you through their phones. 7. You Can Have More Control Over The Customer Experience With mobiles apps, you can design a unique and influential user experience according to their device and needs. It also allows you to have a faster interface for great speed. Mobile apps let you have all the basic information about your users such as their experience, likes, dislikes. So you can consider these and give them the best service. These are the reasons why you should convert your website to a mobile app. Now, you know all the benefits of having an application. So, what are you waiting for? Find a free website builder for mobile apps now!

is whatsapp safe

Is WhatsApp Safe: What You Need To Know

WhatsApp has evolved from being just an instant messaging app to becoming a social phenomenon. It processes over two billion messages daily. However, despite its massive popularity, security experts have pointed out the app's less-than-ideal security features. They have particularly the level of communication security it provides. WhatsApp is constantly at the center of rumors and controversy. Is WhatsApp safe? In this article, we will debunk some of the myths surrounding WhatsApp and WhatsApp getting hacked. WhatsApp And Hacking: Overview Before the latest updates, WhatsApp did not encrypt the messages that you used to send with the help of the platform. This made it easy for anyone connected to the same network to see messages that were sent. To address this issue, WhatsApp released a new version. It includes message encryption to ensure the security of user communications. However, recent reports indicate that the encryption used is not strong enough, making it possible to intercept communications even with this new version. Moreover, it's because the encryption code that WhatsApp uses for Android devices is an MD5 hash of a device's IMEI number in reverse format. On iOS devices, WhatsApp generates encryption keys by duplicating the MAC address of the Wi-Fi interface and generating an MD5 hash. It is partially true that WhatsApp is not entirely secure, intercepting and decrypting messages requires that the attacker is connected to the same Wi-Fi network as you. They will also need to know your device's IMEI number and have enough computer knowledge to capture network traffic. This will help them calculate the MD5 hash of the IMEI number and decrypt messages. By taking some basic security measures, you can continue using WhatsApp without compromising your privacy. One such measure is to avoid using WhatsApp on public Wi-Fi networks. For example, those found in airports or coffee shops, as these networks may not be secure. Additionally, it's important to use basic security measures on your Wi-Fi network to prevent unauthorized users from connecting to it.  Myth 1 Banning WhatsApp can save you from recordkeeping fines.  Reality: Firstly, there are numerous instances of businesses paying astronomical fines to authorities when their employees use WhatsApp in a non-compliant manner. Recent FINRA fines, where US regulators discovered that businesses had implemented ineffective channel blocks, brought this to light. According to our 2023 Industry Insight survey, 59% of participants said their organization had outlawed the usage of WhatsApp and related apps. However, only 2.6% of respondents thought that outright banning would be a good idea. Besides, employees still use WhatsApp even after the channel is blocked, whether they like it or not. This is due to a number of factors, including the app's widespread use in daily life, its simplicity in texting, voice messaging, and attaching files. Furthermore, it also has a tendency for client-facing teams to use the apps that their clients prefer in order to streamline communication. Ban or no ban, teams will continue to communicate using WhatsApp. Companies that use it with non-compliance will continue to face fines from regulators. Is WhatsApp Safe? Yes. Myth 2 You don't need a dedicated WhatsApp business account – sending personal chats is fine. Reality: Nothing about utilizing WhatsApp for business purposes should ever become personal. Regulators won't view it that way, even though employees may believe it's acceptable to speak with clients (or discuss business-related issues) via personal WhatsApp accounts. This is due to the fact that messages sent through personal accounts are not recorded and kept in a messaging archive. This makes it impossible for regulators or internal auditors to review them to determine whether or not discussions and activities are appropriate. Regulators detest few things more than irreversible data. The emphasis now clearly lies on individual accountability when it comes to utilizing private devices for illicit conversations. Your WhatsApp Business account includes a business number linked to it for a reason. In other words, guaranteeing that conversations are documented in a compliant manner removes compliance concerns while allowing staff members to keep up connections with clients and contacts on their favorite platforms. Is WhatsApp Safe? Yes. Myth 3 All  WhatsApp data collection solutions are the same. Reality: Incomplete data may hamper compliance attempts. Besides, delays in investigations can arise from not knowing which messages are transmitted, to whom, or when. Regulators won't condemn you or shrug their shoulders if you don't know all the answers. Some companies claim that their solutions for communications would guarantee that all of your data is safe. But message emulators, like"app wrappers," and scrapers, have significant technical drawbacks. These third-party services can not guarantee completeness, and they may record all WhatsApp messages sent from a device, including private ones, or cause metadata loss. Above all, due to insufficient data collection, you run the risk of regulatory fines and reputational harm. Additionally, using a solution with direct API connectivity with Meta is the only method to ensure complete data capture since it allows you to obtain your data directly from the source. Is WhatsApp Safe? Yes. Myth 4 The collection of WhatsApp data through third-party APIs is a comprehensive and compliant collection. Reality: The likelihood of weak connections increases with chain length. Although it could save internal work, licensing your communications acquisition solution to several suppliers adds risk and might even be against your terms of service. Operational concerns associated with third-party indirect API solutions include hacker assaults and infringements on user privacy and security. Your client information will be at risk if a data breach happens farther down the multivendor chain. Besides, they will still hold you legally liable for the resulting damages. The solutions are integrated, direct, and end-to-end, preventing possible financial and reputational effects. It provides you full visibility and control of your data without having to worry about a cascading effect. All you need to do is enable it. Is WhatsApp Safe? Yes. Myth 5 You can't use WhatsApp for business communications – it's just not compliant. Reality: Although it may appear impossible to use WhatsApp for business interactions due to all of these beliefs, the actual question is: can you afford not to? It's quite likely that your teams have begun using it to communicate with your clients and that they will be utilizing it in the near future. However, it's never easy to get employees to support compliance, so forcing them to give up WhatsApp or utilizing a completely new communication channel isn't the best course of action. Is WhatsApp Safe? Yes. Wrapping Up In conclusion, organizations cannot bury their heads in the sand and rely on a risky third-party solution or channel ban, as authorities are adopting a zero-tolerance approach towards non-compliance. We now have a few options for folks who are trying to dispel the stereotypes and want to use WhatsApp for business. If you have thoughts to share or want to know is WhatsApp safe, please leave a comment below. We would love to hear from you! Read Also About: Why You Need A Secure Wifi Connection In Shared Space? WhatsApp Not Working: Why It Happens And How To Fix It Your Wrist, Your Chat: Setting Up WhatsApp On Apple Watch


Brief Mobile Trading Apps Comparison

Mobile trading apps represent a great complementary tool to the web-based trading platforms and other financial portals. There are more than 40% of all traders at a global scale using mobile trading platforms on a constant basis. The quality of these apps could have a significant impact on a trader’s performance. This is the reason we will make a brief comparison of some of the most popular ones. No trader can afford to be glued to his laptop or computer screen at all times. Most people are on the go, working with clients, going to meetings, traveling half their days and so on. This is where Mobile Trading Apps have become such lifesaver. They are important not only for people who are working as brokers but also for normal human beings. Saxo Bank Mobile App: A Danish investment bank, providing online trading and investments for retail and corporate clients, Saxo Bank is currently one of the most popular choices among traders. Its mobile trading had been developed inside the company, available both for Android and iOS free of charge and it is also one of the most appreciated mobile platforms on the web. Among its main functions, we should mention trade execution and order management, portfolio management, chart analysis, and portfolio performance indicators. Some of its strengths are good search function, a great variety of order types, price alerts, order confirmation, and a user-friendly interface. Two of the weak points of the Saxo Bank mobile app are no fundamental data and no two-step authentication login. Find Mobile App: Although developed by a relatively-new brokerage company, the FINQ mobile trading platform is being used by 70% of the company’s clients. Finq.com is a growing online broker in the Asian markets and one of the reasons for that has to do with its proprietary platform, both Web-based and mobile. The mobile trading app offers access to the full functionalities of any real account, with features like account verification, deposit, and withdrawals, seen with very few other companies. Customer support, Traders Trend Bar, and Trending Now asset list are just a few of the features that are available in the app. Finq.com clients also have access to all the 2,100+ assets available for trading using the mobile app. Robinhood Mobile App: One of the companies that optimized its services for millennials, Robinhood has an intuitive and well-designed mobile trading platform available for its clients, with additional security features like using fingerprint sensors for accessing the app. Among its main features, we could mention trade execution and order management, market information about the assets, watchlist, interactive charts, and fundamental information. It stands out when it comes to the user interface and login authentication methods + price alerts and order confirmation. The main downside of the Robinhood platform has to do with the basic interactive charts. Conclusion: A Mobile Trading App helps ease the understanding of the market and encourages quick decision-making. Sometimes a deal needs fast reaction times. Reacting now and one hour later could means loss of millions. This is why you always need to be on the go when it comes to the market. Read Also: What To Expect When You Become A Forex Trader Dominant Mobile App Trends To Keep An Eye On Two Trusted Forex Robots In 2019 And Beyond