Is WhatsApp Safe: What You Need To Know


20 November 2023


is whatsapp safe

WhatsApp has evolved from being just an instant messaging app to becoming a social phenomenon. It processes over two billion messages daily. However, despite its massive popularity, security experts have pointed out the app’s less-than-ideal security features. They have particularly the level of communication security it provides.

WhatsApp is constantly at the center of rumors and controversy. Is WhatsApp safe? In this article, we will debunk some of the myths surrounding WhatsApp and WhatsApp getting hacked.

WhatsApp And Hacking: Overview

WhatsApp And Hacking: Overview

Before the latest updates, WhatsApp did not encrypt the messages that you used to send with the help of the platform. This made it easy for anyone connected to the same network to see messages that were sent. To address this issue, WhatsApp released a new version. It includes message encryption to ensure the security of user communications.

However, recent reports indicate that the encryption used is not strong enough, making it possible to intercept communications even with this new version. Moreover, it’s because the encryption code that WhatsApp uses for Android devices is an MD5 hash of a device’s IMEI number in reverse format. On iOS devices, WhatsApp generates encryption keys by duplicating the MAC address of the Wi-Fi interface and generating an MD5 hash.

It is partially true that WhatsApp is not entirely secure, intercepting and decrypting messages requires that the attacker is connected to the same Wi-Fi network as you. They will also need to know your device’s IMEI number and have enough computer knowledge to capture network traffic. This will help them calculate the MD5 hash of the IMEI number and decrypt messages.

By taking some basic security measures, you can continue using WhatsApp without compromising your privacy. One such measure is to avoid using WhatsApp on public Wi-Fi networks. For example, those found in airports or coffee shops, as these networks may not be secure.

Additionally, it’s important to use basic security measures on your Wi-Fi network to prevent unauthorized users from connecting to it.

 Myth 1

Myth 1

Banning WhatsApp can save you from recordkeeping fines.


Firstly, there are numerous instances of businesses paying astronomical fines to authorities when their employees use WhatsApp in a non-compliant manner. Recent FINRA fines, where US regulators discovered that businesses had implemented ineffective channel blocks, brought this to light.

According to our 2023 Industry Insight survey, 59% of participants said their organization had outlawed the usage of WhatsApp and related apps. However, only 2.6% of respondents thought that outright banning would be a good idea. Besides, employees still use WhatsApp even after the channel is blocked, whether they like it or not.

This is due to a number of factors, including the app’s widespread use in daily life, its simplicity in texting, voice messaging, and attaching files. Furthermore, it also has a tendency for client-facing teams to use the apps that their clients prefer in order to streamline communication. Ban or no ban, teams will continue to communicate using WhatsApp. Companies that use it with non-compliance will continue to face fines from regulators. Is WhatsApp Safe? Yes.

Myth 2

Myth 2

You don’t need a dedicated WhatsApp business account – sending personal chats is fine.


Nothing about utilizing WhatsApp for business purposes should ever become personal. Regulators won’t view it that way, even though employees may believe it’s acceptable to speak with clients (or discuss business-related issues) via personal WhatsApp accounts.

This is due to the fact that messages sent through personal accounts are not recorded and kept in a messaging archive. This makes it impossible for regulators or internal auditors to review them to determine whether or not discussions and activities are appropriate.

Regulators detest few things more than irreversible data. The emphasis now clearly lies on individual accountability when it comes to utilizing private devices for illicit conversations. Your WhatsApp Business account includes a business number linked to it for a reason.

In other words, guaranteeing that conversations are documented in a compliant manner removes compliance concerns while allowing staff members to keep up connections with clients and contacts on their favorite platforms. Is WhatsApp Safe? Yes.

Myth 3

Myth 3

All  WhatsApp data collection solutions are the same.


Incomplete data may hamper compliance attempts. Besides, delays in investigations can arise from not knowing which messages are transmitted, to whom, or when. Regulators won’t condemn you or shrug their shoulders if you don’t know all the answers.

Some companies claim that their solutions for communications would guarantee that all of your data is safe. But message emulators, like”app wrappers,” and scrapers, have significant technical drawbacks. These third-party services can not guarantee completeness, and they may record all WhatsApp messages sent from a device, including private ones, or cause metadata loss.

Above all, due to insufficient data collection, you run the risk of regulatory fines and reputational harm. Additionally, using a solution with direct API connectivity with Meta is the only method to ensure complete data capture since it allows you to obtain your data directly from the source. Is WhatsApp Safe? Yes.

Myth 4

Myth 4

The collection of WhatsApp data through third-party APIs is a comprehensive and compliant collection.


The likelihood of weak connections increases with chain length. Although it could save internal work, licensing your communications acquisition solution to several suppliers adds risk and might even be against your terms of service.

Operational concerns associated with third-party indirect API solutions include hacker assaults and infringements on user privacy and security. Your client information will be at risk if a data breach happens farther down the multivendor chain. Besides, they will still hold you legally liable for the resulting damages.

The solutions are integrated, direct, and end-to-end, preventing possible financial and reputational effects. It provides you full visibility and control of your data without having to worry about a cascading effect. All you need to do is enable it. Is WhatsApp Safe? Yes.

Myth 5

Myth 5

You can’t use WhatsApp for business communications – it’s just not compliant.


Although it may appear impossible to use WhatsApp for business interactions due to all of these beliefs, the actual question is: can you afford not to? It’s quite likely that your teams have begun using it to communicate with your clients and that they will be utilizing it in the near future. However, it’s never easy to get employees to support compliance, so forcing them to give up WhatsApp or utilizing a completely new communication channel isn’t the best course of action. Is WhatsApp Safe? Yes.

Wrapping Up

In conclusion, organizations cannot bury their heads in the sand and rely on a risky third-party solution or channel ban, as authorities are adopting a zero-tolerance approach towards non-compliance. We now have a few options for folks who are trying to dispel the stereotypes and want to use WhatsApp for business.

If you have thoughts to share or want to know is WhatsApp safe, please leave a comment below. We would love to hear from you!

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Sarmind is a Writer and an aspiring Editor who has experience in various short and long-form niches. Her academic pursuits intensely mold her industry background in content creation. She holds a Master's degree in Literature, and when not writing for professional purposes, she can be found re-reading old classics of Jane Austen and the Brontë sisters. She is super fond of cats and enjoys hours of doom-scrolling through memes on social media while cuddled up with a cup of desi chai. She likes to think she is an intellectual badass (colloquial: nerdy bore), and now all she needs is a sewing kit to complete the look!

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Soul App

Harmony In Art: Soul App And WABC Illuminate The Canvas Of Inclusivity

As winter's icy grip tightens its hold, China's well-known social app Soul App and the WABC Art Way Foundation in Shanghai took it upon themselves. They wish to kindle a heartwarming flame through a unique exhibition that envelops the season in a radiant glow.  This exhibition was all about allowing children dealing with autism, known in China as "children of the stars," to flex their creative abilities and express themselves through the medium of art and colors. The collaboration between WABC and Soul App was not just to underscore the importance of kindness and patience but also to elevate public knowledge and foster a deeper sense of inclusivity toward autism. An Introduction To The Exhibition… Most of these paintings that were part of the exhibition were so much more than just regular works of art. They were extraordinary creations by remarkably talented children. In every one of these creations, each stroke of the paintbrush captured a spectrum of themes infused with the unique creativity, enthusiasm, and vigor of each young artist.  And because these artworks were so extraordinary, Soul did not want to limit them to just a physical exhibition. So, the Soul App team took on the responsibility of transforming these artistic creations into a channel for change. By digitalizing these masterpieces, Soul created a collection of art-inspired merchandise. The proceeds from the sale of these products were pledged to support WABC's initiatives for autistic children. This transformative process not only amplified the impact of the children's art but also channeled the collective goodwill of the community towards a cause that transcends the canvas. The collaboration between Soul and WABC was meant to go beyond the realms of just art as well as philanthropy, and that is exactly what the event did. The exhibition not only showcased the works of these extremely talented children but also worked as a transformative bridge that allowed children with autism to communicate and connect with the world in their own special way. What Made Them Different And Unique? Each painting on display had a unique backstory, and the artistic flair of the creator brought it to life on canvas. From the stunning sunset that spread its last bit of orange glow over the seascape to the gathering of twinkling stars across the cosmic sky and the earth depicted as a colorful ball exuding energy all around, every painting was a portal into the imagination and artistic genius of the "children of the stars." Artists like Yangyang, Ah Ye, and Jielin brought together a medley of styles and stories that were as awe-inspiring as they were diverse. For instance, Jielin put her savant skills to work by painting an imaginative representation of space and time as viewed and perceived by her. While each painting was no doubt a personal narrative, it also offered an overall glimpse into the unique minds of autistic kids.  So, each of these paintings contributed in its own way to building autism awareness, challenging stereotypes, and above all, fostering a more inclusive society. Held for 8 days from December 18th to 25th, the event known as "Painting Away Loneliness Fur-ever," unfolded its enchanting narrative at No.794 in Shanghai’s Julu Road. Beyond being a visual feast of artistic expressions, the exhibition became a haven, as the venue was transformed into a cozy, tranquil refuge adorned with stuffed toys and plush, soft materials. This carefully curated ambiance aimed to do more than showcase art; it sought to dissolve the barriers of loneliness, aligning seamlessly with Soul's overarching vision of a world without lonely individuals. Physical Exhibition Space While the physical exhibition space provided a tangible experience for visitors, Soul recognized the importance of extending the warmth and inclusivity of the event beyond geographical constraints. For those unable to attend in person, Soul App facilitated virtual participation by engaging in discussions under the hashtag #MeltLonelinessTogether. This online dialogue accomplished two important goals. First, it contributed to the exhibition's digital presence. Second, it echoed the collective warmth generated by the physical event. Because the physical exhibition space was embellished with fluffy decorations, ornaments, and mesmerizing plush dolls, the event became more than just a fundraiser. The environment was skillfully designed to instantly alleviate visitors' loneliness. So, the warm as well as soothing atmosphere became a space where emotional connections could flourish, further reinforcing the collaborative spirit between Soul App and WABC. What Was There For Consumers?  Soul extended an invitation to its consumers to explore the online exhibition version through an assigned in-app website page. But this page too, was more than just a virtual gallery. It built a foundation on which the event itself was built, and the goals of awareness and inclusivity were met.  So, it had comprehensive information about the exhibition, the painters, and of course, the exhibits. The hashtag #MeltLonelinessTogether encouraged users to both discuss and share their opinions on the exhibition, amplifying its impact on social media platforms and fostering a digital community committed to the cause. The event was a roaring success not just because it involved people coming together for an exceptional cause but also because Soul App and WABC have been collaborating for a while to increase awareness of social issues. In the past, they partnered to host a variety of events, which included: The Different Socks Day, a charity event organized to promote inclusion as well as acceptance for individuals suffering from Down Syndrome, cerebral palsy, and autopsy.  The exhibition of "Special Doesn't Mean Lonely". An event for "Soul's Happy Star Home" event,  The "Stars Meet Songs", was an online music party and a philanthropic event aimed at infusing adoration into the lives of the "children of the stars." The coming together of Soul and WABC was bound to be a symbiotic association with the latter committed to public advocacy and the former involved in offering young people a platform to contribute to philanthropy and make a difference in their own lives and the weaker sections of society by extending kindness to all. Established in 2016, WABC has long been associated with campaigns that were organized to raise awareness about community and public issues. Also, they have been providing no-cost art therapy to individuals with developmental disabilities and intellectual deficits.  Parting Thoughts As far as Soul App is concerned, almost 80% of total users belong to Generation Z, and these youngsters are keen on engaging in charity and volunteering work. Hence, it was a given that they would be involved in causes and campaigns that matter and are meant to make a difference. So, as the app continues to encourage warmth and foster its reputation on the platform, it remains dedicated to supporting highly vulnerable communities. Through a virtual social playground that organically expands based on user creativity, Soul strives towards its vision of a world where no one feels alone. This commitment goes beyond sporadic initiatives; it has become an integral part of Soul's identity—a platform that not only facilitates connections but also nurtures a spirit of giving back. 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Best iPhone Spy Apps

Best iPhone Spy Apps Without Jail breaking

Every relationship is built on one major factor which is trust. If that comes under question, you know you are in a difficult situation in your life. You know you are in a questionable position when you are answerable to your partner on whom you are cheating. For the same reason, your Smartphone is not just your phone but also your friend which is there by your side in such situations. Nowadays, most Smartphones have an in-built feature for tracking down activities. Such in-built features were originally built to track your phone down in case of any theft or loss. If not this, then there are many apps to catch a cheater which you easily download on your partner’s phone and track their activities down. But, if you are an iPhone user, it becomes a different game altogether. So here we are trying to compile a list of apps to make the tedious process of finding an idea app easy. Read More: Top 5 Digital Wallet Apps For Android mSpy: The mSpy without jailbreak for Apple products is an ultimate quick-fix that helps you gather information and have access to WhatsApp, text messages, iMessages, call logs, contacts, web browser history, events, notes, and contacts. All you need is a correct Apple ID and you will be able to track exactly what the person is doing. This app is not just used to track your partner but even to keep a check on your child’s activity and even keep track of your employee’s activity and mind you without sabotaging the person’s privacy on which you are tracking. XnSpy: Another jailbreak application that gives you a dynamic feature that covers all your monitoring requirements which are needed by any individual. With this app, you can easily keep track of call records, iMessages, text messages, gallery pictures, calendar activities, browsed internet history, stored contacts, and any other information related to it anytime and anywhere. All you need to do is to have a list of Apple credentials and enter the same details required to have all the monitoring reports and spy accounts. Mobistealth: This app is made in such a way that it tracks very minutely every detail. And by detail we mean, it can even record the call conversations along with the surroundings listening just by triggering the microphone. If that wasn’t enough to blow your mind, another feature it has is to track the entire data of the target user’s Smartphone and simultaneously upload the same on your personal web account. This helps you maintain and keep the details of the records as well. This app helps you track SMS History, Web History, Call History,  WhatsApp Chats, Skype Chats, Line Chats, Contacts, Viber Chats, KiK Chats, and even pictures and videos. Like a cherry on the cake, it even provides you with free updates. Highster Mobile: This app comes with many features and is ideal for parents who are trying to keep track of their child’s features. One spying element it has is that it accesses your camera and obscurely clicks the pictures of the target’s surroundings. This feature is an ad-hoc feature with the already existing ones which provides an access to all the apps, galleries, web browsing, and many more. This app can be remotely installed on the target’s iPhone and with just one click you can easily monitor their activity. Spyera: Just like its unique name, this app has some unique features which will leave you dumbstruck. It comes with an alert wizard option that notifies you if the target fails to comply with your instructions. Say, for example, if they visited any restricted area marked by you or communicate with any of the contacts blocked by you, then you will immediately get notified via text or email. It also has a password grabber feature which gives access to all the passwords of the target without them knowing. It also has an eavesdrop feature that helps you record those conversations with the people whom you had marked red in your list or who were under suspicion. The kind of features available on all these tracking apps is just mind-blowing to the next level. You can literally stalk every of their move with just one click. However, one should keep in mind that there can be legal implications since you are invading someone’s private space, so make sure you are secretive about your moves. Also, this can prove to be a threat to someone’s safety as well if someone manages to get their personal information and track their every move. Just know one thing, that technology is created to help us in our day-to-day activities and make life easier and not to make someone else’s life difficult. So, therefore make sure that your motives behind using such apps are good. Read More:  Top Apps To Help You Manage Your Money App Development Benefits: Here’s Why You Should Go Mobile 5 Actionable Mobile Marketing Tips That Drive Sales How Social Media Playing A Role In Career Building? How to Unlock iPhone Carrier (Apple iPhone Unlocking Service)

Downloading HD Videos

Popular Apps for Downloading HD Videos

When it comes to the question of downloading HD videos to your computer or your phone, there are various options. Let us explore the list of popular downloading apps. Once you are using for the first time, you need to download an SFHlper basically an extension of Chrome. This provides an opportunity to download videos easily. A bad impression of this app is ads, but a suggestion would be to leave it behind. When it comes to downloading it provides an innovative and easy way to download the videos in the form of adding letters. In fact, YouTube HD videos can be saved in the form of MP4 online option with a save form option. The answer seems to be dead easy. Catchvideo Your search for a simple and easy YouTube online video downloading platform ends with the app. This app is bestowed with robust downloading capabilities. It has an intuitive interface that enables you to save video files without any major glitches. The moment you go on to acquire the URL of the original video, choose the ideal video platform and with the download option, you can downloading HD videos. Being a web-based application and user can download YouTube videos without the need for switching any device. A point mentioning is that it only goes on to support online videos that are at a resolution of 720 p and above. Y2 Mate As all of you might be aware that YouTube is the second largest search engine for its popular video contents. A notable feature is that the speed is increasing with every passing year as YouTube download masters are paving way for the popularity charts coupled with the fact that the webmasters are looking for a share of the pie every year. Yes Y2 mate is one of them and the rank of Alexa tends to grow in 2018. In fact, it can be downloading HD videos from the social network and convert into the format of your choice. One of the easiest ways would be to copy-paste the link manually on to the given area. Online video converter What are the reasons why a video become intriguing and exciting? From a personal point of view, a good video is not only about telling a compelling story. This should give a visual feeling that you are part of the surroundings. Another option to save HD videos without any loss of quality is an online video converter. The main reason why people love in love with this online video converter is that supports any browsers. Vidmate The last and the most popular among the lot, Vidmate app has gone on to create flutters within a short span of time. The best about this app is that it is free of charge and you do not have to spend a single penny. In addition to this, it allows you to download a host of videos from various websites without any hassles. Just copy-paste the URL on to the app and the video is downloaded. Read Also: How To Download Music From YouTube How To Download Facebook Videos On Android? 7 Of The Best Entertainment Apps On Android Movavi Video Suite Review: A Comprehensive Tool To Create Videos