Harmony In Art: Soul App And WABC Illuminate The Canvas Of Inclusivity


29 January 2024


Soul App

As winter’s icy grip tightens its hold, China’s well-known social app Soul App and the WABC Art Way Foundation in Shanghai took it upon themselves. They wish to kindle a heartwarming flame through a unique exhibition that envelops the season in a radiant glow. 

This exhibition was all about allowing children dealing with autism, known in China as “children of the stars,” to flex their creative abilities and express themselves through the medium of art and colors.

The collaboration between WABC and Soul App was not just to underscore the importance of kindness and patience but also to elevate public knowledge and foster a deeper sense of inclusivity toward autism.

An Introduction To The Exhibition…

Most of these paintings that were part of the exhibition were so much more than just regular works of art. They were extraordinary creations by remarkably talented children. In every one of these creations, each stroke of the paintbrush captured a spectrum of themes infused with the unique creativity, enthusiasm, and vigor of each young artist. 

And because these artworks were so extraordinary, Soul did not want to limit them to just a physical exhibition. So, the Soul App team took on the responsibility of transforming these artistic creations into a channel for change.

By digitalizing these masterpieces, Soul created a collection of art-inspired merchandise. The proceeds from the sale of these products were pledged to support WABC’s initiatives for autistic children. This transformative process not only amplified the impact of the children’s art but also channeled the collective goodwill of the community towards a cause that transcends the canvas.

The collaboration between Soul and WABC was meant to go beyond the realms of just art as well as philanthropy, and that is exactly what the event did. The exhibition not only showcased the works of these extremely talented children but also worked as a transformative bridge that allowed children with autism to communicate and connect with the world in their own special way.

What Made Them Different And Unique?

Each painting on display had a unique backstory, and the artistic flair of the creator brought it to life on canvas. From the stunning sunset that spread its last bit of orange glow over the seascape to the gathering of twinkling stars across the cosmic sky and the earth depicted as a colorful ball exuding energy all around, every painting was a portal into the imagination and artistic genius of the “children of the stars.”

Artists like Yangyang, Ah Ye, and Jielin brought together a medley of styles and stories that were as awe-inspiring as they were diverse. For instance, Jielin put her savant skills to work by painting an imaginative representation of space and time as viewed and perceived by her. While each painting was no doubt a personal narrative, it also offered an overall glimpse into the unique minds of autistic kids. 

So, each of these paintings contributed in its own way to building autism awareness, challenging stereotypes, and above all, fostering a more inclusive society.

Held for 8 days from December 18th to 25th, the event known as “Painting Away Loneliness Fur-ever,” unfolded its enchanting narrative at No.794 in Shanghai’s Julu Road. Beyond being a visual feast of artistic expressions, the exhibition became a haven, as the venue was transformed into a cozy, tranquil refuge adorned with stuffed toys and plush, soft materials. This carefully curated ambiance aimed to do more than showcase art; it sought to dissolve the barriers of loneliness, aligning seamlessly with Soul’s overarching vision of a world without lonely individuals.

Physical Exhibition Space

While the physical exhibition space provided a tangible experience for visitors, Soul recognized the importance of extending the warmth and inclusivity of the event beyond geographical constraints. For those unable to attend in person, Soul App facilitated virtual participation by engaging in discussions under the hashtag #MeltLonelinessTogether. This online dialogue accomplished two important goals. First, it contributed to the exhibition’s digital presence. Second, it echoed the collective warmth generated by the physical event.

Because the physical exhibition space was embellished with fluffy decorations, ornaments, and mesmerizing plush dolls, the event became more than just a fundraiser. The environment was skillfully designed to instantly alleviate visitors’ loneliness. So, the warm as well as soothing atmosphere became a space where emotional connections could flourish, further reinforcing the collaborative spirit between Soul App and WABC.

What Was There For Consumers? 

Soul extended an invitation to its consumers to explore the online exhibition version through an assigned in-app website page. But this page too, was more than just a virtual gallery. It built a foundation on which the event itself was built, and the goals of awareness and inclusivity were met.

 So, it had comprehensive information about the exhibition, the painters, and of course, the exhibits. The hashtag #MeltLonelinessTogether encouraged users to both discuss and share their opinions on the exhibition, amplifying its impact on social media platforms and fostering a digital community committed to the cause.

The event was a roaring success not just because it involved people coming together for an exceptional cause but also because Soul App and WABC have been collaborating for a while to increase awareness of social issues.

In the past, they partnered to host a variety of events, which included:

  1. The Different Socks Day, a charity event organized to promote inclusion as well as acceptance for individuals suffering from Down Syndrome, cerebral palsy, and autopsy. 
  2. The exhibition of “Special Doesn’t Mean Lonely”.
  3. An event for “Soul’s Happy Star Home” event, 
  4. The “Stars Meet Songs”, was an online music party and a philanthropic event aimed at infusing adoration into the lives of the “children of the stars.”

The coming together of Soul and WABC was bound to be a symbiotic association with the latter committed to public advocacy and the former involved in offering young people a platform to contribute to philanthropy and make a difference in their own lives and the weaker sections of society by extending kindness to all.

Established in 2016, WABC has long been associated with campaigns that were organized to raise awareness about community and public issues. Also, they have been providing no-cost art therapy to individuals with developmental disabilities and intellectual deficits. 

Parting Thoughts

As far as Soul App is concerned, almost 80% of total users belong to Generation Z, and these youngsters are keen on engaging in charity and volunteering work. Hence, it was a given that they would be involved in causes and campaigns that matter and are meant to make a difference.

So, as the app continues to encourage warmth and foster its reputation on the platform, it remains dedicated to supporting highly vulnerable communities. Through a virtual social playground that organically expands based on user creativity, Soul strives towards its vision of a world where no one feels alone. This commitment goes beyond sporadic initiatives; it has become an integral part of Soul’s identity—a platform that not only facilitates connections but also nurtures a spirit of giving back.

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With an adept skill of curating content on multiple genres, Mony has harnessed success as a Content Writer quickly. Find her sharing profound thoughts and opinions on lifestyle, beauty, fashion, pets, and parenting.

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How to Make Facetime More Enjoyable

Facetime easily connects us to our loved ones and friends anytime and anywhere. It has made communication more accessible for everyone especially if we live in different parts of the world. It’s available in Apple products, like the iPhone, iPad, and iTouch. You can stay in touch no matter where you are. If you love Facetime, here are some tips on how to make it more enjoyable and memorable: 1. Use Effects or Filters: Source If you would like to play around during your conversation, Facetime offers a lot of filters to choose from such as animal filter, black and white effect, dreamy backgrounds and even scary ones and much more. How to use Effects and Filters: Launch the Facetime app on your gadget. Choose the person to call and tap on audio or video. Tap the filters icon on the left of the red circle. Select the filter you like and then tap the small x on the side to return to the call. 2. Use Animoji and Memojis: Source Animojis were a big hit with IOS 11. A friendly lion, happy bear, cheeky Chinese dragon head, and a talking skull will mimic your facial expression in real-time. How cool is that? There is also the Memoji. This feature lets you customize the look of the avatar close to what you look like in person! These are the new features of Facetime using the new IOS 12 that will truly make your conversation more fun and exciting. How to use Animojis and Memojis: Launch the Facetime app on your gadget. Make a video call and then tap on the box showing your face. Tap the effects button on the left side of the red circle. Select the Animoji or Memoji icon. Pick out your preferred Animoji or Memoji avatar.= For the Memoji avatar, you can personalize the skin tone, face shape, length of hair, eye color, nose, mouth, and even your brows. It will look just like you in a cartoon way! 3. Talk in Group Chats: Source This is the most popular feature for family and friends who want to get together. You could be planning a special event, grand reunion, or simply a quick lunch date. You can add up to 31 people and that is a big meeting indeed. You can use a phone stand <do-follow> if you think your group chat will last for a while. This way, your hands are free to relax and do other stuff. How to make group calls: Launch the Facetime app on your gadget. Make a video call and tap + to add a person. Enter the contact name, number or email. Tap the added person to Facetime. Add up to 31 people to join your group chat. 4. Play Conversation Games: To spice up your Facetime conversation, there are lots of new stuff to try to make your regular talks livelier, such as having conversational games. This will surely improve the quality time with your loved ones. This would come in handy when you ran out of things to say but still want to carry on with the talk. Here are some games you can try out on your next Facetime call. Two Truths and One Lie- This game is when you have to tell each other two truths and one lie which varies anything from your childhood days up to present. The other person has to identify which one is the lie and why. You take turns in this game. Song Lyrics- If you and your family or friends are music lovers, then this game is perfect for you. One person will have to sing a line from the song and the other person will need to guess the title. You can score on the correct titles and decide on the punishment or dare for the person who will lose. Movie Lyrics- On the other hand, if you are both movie lovers, then famous and best movie lines can be your game. The other person can guess the correct movie title from the dialogue given. There are thousands of lines to choose from especially on all-time favorite movies. Conclusion: Facetime is an awesome way to connect with your family and friends. It allows you to have quality time with them even when you’re not living under the same roof. Try out these awesome tips to make your conversations more fun and memorable! Read Also: Smartphone Addiction In Our Era Why Your Business Needs Call Center Tracking

Creating A Patient-Friendly Healthcare App

Seven Stages To Creating A Patient-Friendly Healthcare App

Innovative technologies made providing medical services in a remote format possible. It allows you to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of medical care, greatly facilitating the work of medical personnel and providing convenience for both patients and doctors. It explains the significant proliferation of healthcare applications. Benefits Of Healthcare Applications There are situations where healthcare applications are much more effective than traditional healthcare. We list the main advantages of medical applications: provide prompt medical assistance, eliminating the need to visit a medical facility; patients feel more comfortable when providing medical services; improving the quality of the information collected; significantly reduced financial costs for both medical institutions and patients; ensuring optimal communication links between the parties; attracts more users to use applications due to the availability of various useful tools. It is the presence of such significant advantages that stimulate developers to create healthcare applications. By ordering outsourced healthcare software development you'll access top-notch quality, accelerate your product's delivery, save on costs, and unlock endless possibilities for your business ideas. Consider The Main Stages Of Creating Applications For Healthcare Healthcare applications focus on digital patient records, drug prescribing, and remote appointments. No matter what your healthcare application is about, there are seven key steps to successfully building it. Decide On An Appointment Before starting development, you should decide on the purpose of the healthcare application. There are many assignments, but we will list a few examples to help you solve the issue of product scaling: for the management of medical data – assisting medical professionals and patients in the exchange of medical information, as well as scheduling appointments with a doctor; for medical personnel and medical organizations – they are larger and include more functionality; for patients – designed to help patients effectively and quickly – they are simple and include a wealth of wellness information providing essential health support. When you understand the purpose of a medical application, you will be able to understand its scope and structure for development. What Will Be The User Audience? When creating a healthcare application, you need to consider the user audience. It would be best to understand how precisely the completed application will be aimed at the age category, social component, etc. An application designed for patients should include specific recommendations for improving well-being and information about various diseases and medications. In addition, it is necessary to provide for the control of the symptoms of diseases and the prescription component for their treatment. For example, it is essential to include information about staying well with various chronic diseases. Define Platform It is necessary to choose a platform for developing a medical application. On which mobile devices it should function and which operating system it should support (or support for both systems is beneficial). Always carefully approach this issue, considering the user audience and age categories. Ensuring The Competitiveness Of Products Currently, there are a vast number of applications for health care. Therefore, the development should consider the missing thematic or user niche or the existing non-competitive medical application. The right approach should ensure a high rating of the created products and bypass competitors in many aspects. In addition, it is recommended to provide unique and valuable functionality that allows you to solve many issues (medical staff, patients) that were not previously solved using existing healthcare applications. Be sure to think of quality content that includes essential and helpful information. The more your product differs from the current one, the more successful its entry into the user market will be. Availability Of Key Functionality Each medical application has different ways to access information, and accounts, get medical care, and more. Therefore, it can take time to determine which functionality to use in product development. Here are some examples of options that you need to consider when developing a medical application: individual reports of patients about their state of health, allowing you better to navigate the existing risks and methods of treatment; analytical reporting with charts – allow users to monitor their actions and assess the situation; The presence of chats and the possibility of video communication – are essential for providing medical care remotely, especially when there is no opportunity to visit a medical facility; The toolbar is necessary for both patients and physicians, providing information collection and helping to prescribe treatment promptly; tools that allow you to receive various notifications, electronic prescriptions, and reminders. The more thoughtful the functionality is, the more the user audience will be attracted to the developed healthcare application. Design Development Design is important when creating a medical application since a high-quality and well-thought-out interface is essential for users. We list the most important properties that must be taken into account when designing products: ease of use; font size and type – straightforward and easy to read; clear navigation; High-speed loading – find a balance between powerful functionality and fast loading of the application. A well-designed interface will increase the rating of your medical application. Product Promotion After the launch of the application, it is essential to promote it to spread and increase the user audience. It is necessary to use wide advertising, including social networks. We've covered the most critical steps in developing a healthcare app. If you correctly consider all these aspects, then the success of your created products is guaranteed. 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Cocospy Review: The Best Snapchat Monitoring App in 2019

Introduction to CocoSpy: Cocospy is a module spy and monitoring app. This lets you monitor others smartphone without them knowing. It is compatible with both Android and iOS device.  Now you can view someone else smartphone usage and location from your device. It's easy to set up and use. The best part is, you don’t have to root or jailbreak your device to use it comes with a full suite of features and we are going to discuss them. How does it work? Cocospy is easy to use. You don’t have to be a tech expert to use it. Get the premium version and follow the instructions for how to install it. The process is simple, and if you need help, the support team is available for it. Keep it hidden and make sure the target does see it. The only person who should know about this app is you. It doesn’t matter how hard the target user search for it, The shouldn’t find it. Access the control panel from your device, and from here you can access the target’s text messages, phone calls, media content and even Live GPS Location. Once the app is downloaded, you better install it on your phone. The control panel is your operation center, and it can be used for more than monitoring the phone. You also have to track it, download the user logs and take care of other things. System Requirement and Installation: The app runs on both iOS and Android. You don’t have to jailbreak or root your device to do it. However, make sure your device meets the following requirements: Android Version 2.1 or later (you don’t have to root it) Compatible with iOS 9 or later (no jailbreak needed) Appl ID and password of the target device You need physical access to install the software on the target device. Just get the device for 5 minutes or less, and you will be fine. You can enable iCloud backup on the phone, enter Apple ID and password to your control panel. The installation process is very easy. Once you buy the module, you will get an email with login info and instructions. You will also get the installation dashboard which will guide you through the whole thing. Follow it, and you will be fine. Features: Following, we are going to describe the advanced features of Cocospy Spyware app: Social Media: You can monitor snapchat with Cocospy. Don’t worry; the story doesn’t end here; you can also keep an eye on other social networks like Facebook, Twitter, etc. Live Control Panel: You get a live control panel with Cocospy. It is user-friendly and comes with features like time triggers, display options, and real-time monitoring. Text Message Monitoring: View his text messages and see who your child talks to the whole day long. Phone Call Monitoring: Keep tabs on the target by listening to and even recording their phone calls. GPS Location Tracking: Now you can track the location of the target phone with GPS location tracking. You can also keep tabs on the location history of your target. Browser History: Check what he has been doing on the internet with the websites he visited in the past. You can also view his saved bookmarks. Photos: Every snap taken from his device are updated to your control panel for you to see. The pictures have other information as well. These included the time and date when they were taken. Contacts: See who your child is talking with. View his contacts and learn more about the company he keeps. Conclusion: Most of the features offered by Cocospy are found in other spy software. But what sets this one apart from others is the reliability and price point. You don’t have to spend a fortune to get the premium person of this software, and it's easy to use. For these reasons, we believe Cocospy is a far better option. Read Also: Effective Contribution Of Educational Apps 8 Best Shopping Apps For 2019 Why Spy Phone Are Beneficial To Use? High Technology Devices For Better Life Smartphone Addiction In Our Era