Harmony In Art: Soul App And WABC Illuminate The Canvas Of Inclusivity


29 January 2024


Soul App

As winter’s icy grip tightens its hold, China’s well-known social app Soul App and the WABC Art Way Foundation in Shanghai took it upon themselves. They wish to kindle a heartwarming flame through a unique exhibition that envelops the season in a radiant glow. 

This exhibition was all about allowing children dealing with autism, known in China as “children of the stars,” to flex their creative abilities and express themselves through the medium of art and colors.

The collaboration between WABC and Soul App was not just to underscore the importance of kindness and patience but also to elevate public knowledge and foster a deeper sense of inclusivity toward autism.

An Introduction To The Exhibition…

Most of these paintings that were part of the exhibition were so much more than just regular works of art. They were extraordinary creations by remarkably talented children. In every one of these creations, each stroke of the paintbrush captured a spectrum of themes infused with the unique creativity, enthusiasm, and vigor of each young artist. 

And because these artworks were so extraordinary, Soul did not want to limit them to just a physical exhibition. So, the Soul App team took on the responsibility of transforming these artistic creations into a channel for change.

By digitalizing these masterpieces, Soul created a collection of art-inspired merchandise. The proceeds from the sale of these products were pledged to support WABC’s initiatives for autistic children. This transformative process not only amplified the impact of the children’s art but also channeled the collective goodwill of the community towards a cause that transcends the canvas.

The collaboration between Soul and WABC was meant to go beyond the realms of just art as well as philanthropy, and that is exactly what the event did. The exhibition not only showcased the works of these extremely talented children but also worked as a transformative bridge that allowed children with autism to communicate and connect with the world in their own special way.

What Made Them Different And Unique?

Each painting on display had a unique backstory, and the artistic flair of the creator brought it to life on canvas. From the stunning sunset that spread its last bit of orange glow over the seascape to the gathering of twinkling stars across the cosmic sky and the earth depicted as a colorful ball exuding energy all around, every painting was a portal into the imagination and artistic genius of the “children of the stars.”

Artists like Yangyang, Ah Ye, and Jielin brought together a medley of styles and stories that were as awe-inspiring as they were diverse. For instance, Jielin put her savant skills to work by painting an imaginative representation of space and time as viewed and perceived by her. While each painting was no doubt a personal narrative, it also offered an overall glimpse into the unique minds of autistic kids. 

So, each of these paintings contributed in its own way to building autism awareness, challenging stereotypes, and above all, fostering a more inclusive society.

Held for 8 days from December 18th to 25th, the event known as “Painting Away Loneliness Fur-ever,” unfolded its enchanting narrative at No.794 in Shanghai’s Julu Road. Beyond being a visual feast of artistic expressions, the exhibition became a haven, as the venue was transformed into a cozy, tranquil refuge adorned with stuffed toys and plush, soft materials. This carefully curated ambiance aimed to do more than showcase art; it sought to dissolve the barriers of loneliness, aligning seamlessly with Soul’s overarching vision of a world without lonely individuals.

Physical Exhibition Space

While the physical exhibition space provided a tangible experience for visitors, Soul recognized the importance of extending the warmth and inclusivity of the event beyond geographical constraints. For those unable to attend in person, Soul App facilitated virtual participation by engaging in discussions under the hashtag #MeltLonelinessTogether. This online dialogue accomplished two important goals. First, it contributed to the exhibition’s digital presence. Second, it echoed the collective warmth generated by the physical event.

Because the physical exhibition space was embellished with fluffy decorations, ornaments, and mesmerizing plush dolls, the event became more than just a fundraiser. The environment was skillfully designed to instantly alleviate visitors’ loneliness. So, the warm as well as soothing atmosphere became a space where emotional connections could flourish, further reinforcing the collaborative spirit between Soul App and WABC.

What Was There For Consumers? 

Soul extended an invitation to its consumers to explore the online exhibition version through an assigned in-app website page. But this page too, was more than just a virtual gallery. It built a foundation on which the event itself was built, and the goals of awareness and inclusivity were met.

 So, it had comprehensive information about the exhibition, the painters, and of course, the exhibits. The hashtag #MeltLonelinessTogether encouraged users to both discuss and share their opinions on the exhibition, amplifying its impact on social media platforms and fostering a digital community committed to the cause.

The event was a roaring success not just because it involved people coming together for an exceptional cause but also because Soul App and WABC have been collaborating for a while to increase awareness of social issues.

In the past, they partnered to host a variety of events, which included:

  1. The Different Socks Day, a charity event organized to promote inclusion as well as acceptance for individuals suffering from Down Syndrome, cerebral palsy, and autopsy. 
  2. The exhibition of “Special Doesn’t Mean Lonely”.
  3. An event for “Soul’s Happy Star Home” event, 
  4. The “Stars Meet Songs”, was an online music party and a philanthropic event aimed at infusing adoration into the lives of the “children of the stars.”

The coming together of Soul and WABC was bound to be a symbiotic association with the latter committed to public advocacy and the former involved in offering young people a platform to contribute to philanthropy and make a difference in their own lives and the weaker sections of society by extending kindness to all.

Established in 2016, WABC has long been associated with campaigns that were organized to raise awareness about community and public issues. Also, they have been providing no-cost art therapy to individuals with developmental disabilities and intellectual deficits. 

Parting Thoughts

As far as Soul App is concerned, almost 80% of total users belong to Generation Z, and these youngsters are keen on engaging in charity and volunteering work. Hence, it was a given that they would be involved in causes and campaigns that matter and are meant to make a difference.

So, as the app continues to encourage warmth and foster its reputation on the platform, it remains dedicated to supporting highly vulnerable communities. Through a virtual social playground that organically expands based on user creativity, Soul strives towards its vision of a world where no one feels alone. This commitment goes beyond sporadic initiatives; it has become an integral part of Soul’s identity—a platform that not only facilitates connections but also nurtures a spirit of giving back.

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Abdul Aziz Mondol is a professional blogger who is having a colossal interest in writing blogs and other jones of calligraphies. In terms of his professional commitments, he loves to share content related to business, finance, technology, and the gaming niche.

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App Developers

5 KPI’s All App Developers Should Track

So, you have an app or game in the Android marketplace, and you want to know how it’s doing. Do you have any idea how strong your apps influence is? How big is your core audience? Who are your daily engagers? What is the average length of time someone uses your app? These are just a few of the fundamental questions that every app developer should know the answers to. Here we will cover the five Key Principle Indicators (KPIs) that show how an app is performing in the marketplace. KPIs Explained: In Android app development, specific data entries are collected to determine how an app is performing and is being received by the Android community. These indicators are referred to as key because they are critical in the understanding of an apps influence and performance. It is important to have this data at your fingertips if you want to take your brand to the next level. These indicators may tell how many users have downloaded your app or how many people have uninstalled your app. There are dozens of KPIs that a developer can analyze. The following five factors we will be focusing on giving you an excellent general glimpse at data that is of great interest to the developer. 1. Downloads: This metric is a given for every type of app in the marketplace. Every developer wants to know how many people have downloaded their app. The download phase is the initiating phase of the lifecycle of an app. This will tell you the percentage of people that could be interested in using your App. No other activity is possible without the initial download taking place. Assure that you are accurately tracking your app download numbers. Therefore, knowing the number of people who have downloaded your app is the starting point for business success. 2. Installs/Uninstalls: Although Installs and Uninstalls are two different metrics, they are so closely linked, that we are grouping them together here. We mentioned that you want to assure that you are accurately tracking your installs, and this is because the number of installs will give you a more accurate calculation of how many people have not only downloaded but also installed the app. It is the true measure of how any people find your app to be relevant after downloading. Your Uninstall data shows you another vital factor. It is essential to be realistic about how many people are currently maintaining the presence of your app on their device. The Uninstalls number is your reality check for current users. 3. Daily Active Users (DAU): The Daily Active Users (DAU) is a metric that shows you who your truly loyal base of users are. The individuals that use your app daily represent your core community of customers. These people are also likely brand ambassadors that promote your app to their networks. Knowing the people who are actively using your app is critical as it shows how the market is embracing the service you provide.  Having so many people downloading and not using your app is a clear indication that you need to do something about it. 4. Session Length: If you really want to know how engaged people are with your app, you will want to pay attention to the Session Length data. This will let you know how long users are engaging with your app. This information helps indicate when improvements may be in order. 5. Crashes: This metric should be taken very seriously because if it is ignored, it can hurt the rating of your app. If people begin to get frequent crashes, it can indicate that there is a bug in your app. If you see the number under Crashes increasing, you want to investigate this right away. Read Also: Things To Look Out For While Hiring Health App Developers How To Make Money From Resale Apps

Screen Time

Looking To Control The Screen Time Of Your Kids?

Key points It is important to teach your child healthy screen habits so they can stick with them as they become more independent. Healthy habits established in early life are more likely to continue into childhood and adolescence. You can help your child establish healthy screen time app limits by gradually changing her routine, talking to her about technology, helping her change her screen time habits, and creating a supportive environment. Make sure your child understands the importance of balancing technology (ie screens) with other activities, such as playing games, reading, socializing with others, or using their imagination. Keep your child safe online by setting up a children's account with parental controls and warning them not to share personal information with friends online. While screen time can be very enjoyable for you and your child, too much screen time can lead to negative behaviours and emotions. For this reason, it is important to monitor screen time and encourage your child to balance it with non-screen activities. Ninety per cent of today's children are exposed to screen-based activities before the age of These early years are extremely important for a child's proper growth and development, so it is important to minimize excessive screen time. Habits formed during the early years can last into adolescence and adulthood. Children trust you to teach them healthy screen time habits with FamiSafe apps when they are young so they can maintain those habits as they become more independent. They also trust you to create an environment where they can connect securely. Research shows that Limiting Screen Time comes with Several Benefits Many parents, educationists and counsellors ask this exact question. They want to find out the relationship between screen time and personal development in a child. Let us look at what some reputed and credible studies tell us about the same. A landmark study conducted by researchers in Canada showed that screen time in young kids, ages between two and five years old can limit or deter personal development. This is contrary to what most parents think. ‘My young kid has started using a smartphone at such an early age’- is a common statement you will hear these days. What parents do not realise is that screen time leads to poor development of communications skills like speaking, and other motor skills like reflex actions and so on. Researchers are categorical in saying that young kids should not be exposed to too much screen time whether it is on television, or on smartphones and laptops. Why you should Limit the Time Spent by Children on the Internet? According to scientists, increased screen time can take a toll on the health of youngsters leading to early onset of harmful diseases. Studies have shown that sitting long hours in front of the computer can lead to issues like diabetes, blood pressure and a slowdown of the auto-immune system. Parents should ensure that their kids are spending as much time engaging in physical activities and reduce screen time on an everyday basis. Famisafe features: Famisafe blocks access to pornographic sites for children. It also prohibits access to betting, gambling and casino sites as these are unhealthy for young minds. The GPS function of the Famisafe app allows you to put up a geofence around your kids’ safe and unsafe locations. This allows parents to see where their kids are at all times. The app goes one step further by offering real-time cell phone monitoring and tracking to parents. This shows who they are talking with, what apps they are using and a host of other things. Any kind of unauthorized activity is automatically blocked by the Famisafe App. This includes browsing in Private Mode. What are the Top Benefits of using the FamiSafe App for your Kids? Online Protection- It is important to ensure that your kids are browsing the internet in a safe and secure fashion. The FamiSafe App blocks malicious content and allows your kids to never fall prey to sexual paedophiles or other anti-social elements looking to exploit them in a financial way. Restricted Access and Controls- The FamiSafe app automatically limit access to sites, which are not suitable for young minds. For example, casino sites, betting platforms and gambling portals. All this can be restricted and blocked, even in private browsing mode. Control over Browsing History- Some kids would never want their parents to know what they have been consuming online. They take great pains to ensure that they delete their browsing histories. However, with FamiSafe, parents can have real-time access to their kids’ browsing history. Protection against Paedophiles and Kidnappers- There are tons of people on the internet who have used the pandemic to start preying on innocent children. They offer money, gadgets and other freebies to win the trust and confidence of kids and they start exploiting them. The app guards against these. The Bottom Line- As parents, we can never be fully sure of what our kids are up to these days. While we want to ensure that we do not turn into helicopter parents, we also do not want them to get into any trouble. The internet is not a safe place for a young child. It can condition the mind in dangerous ways, leading to major issues and crisis-like situations. With the FamiSafe app, parents can be certain that they will be able to protect the interests of their kids online in the best possible fashion. If you are a parent who is serious about preserving the dignity, freedom and rights of their kids, you should try out a great screen time app like FamiSafe right away. Here are the download links- Google Play App Store  Amazon Try the software. Thank you for reading! Read Also: Removal of Android Screen Lock with iSkysoft The Best Pranking Apps in 2020 With 2018 Coming to a Close, Here Are Our Favorite Apps of the Year Best Deleted photos recovery Apps for Android Best iPhone Spy Apps Without Jail breaking

Time Card App

Is A Time Card App Really Necessary? Data Points To Yes!

Owning a company and running a store is tedious; it is not always easy to track everyone and know what they are doing. A time card app allows you to run your store or company more efficiently as a manager or business owner. It provides many benefits that you may not know about. While a job clock may not help with everything, it can be one of the best ways to reduce stress in your life and make things a bit easier. Is a time card app necessary? All of the research data we have indicates that implementing a time card app is needed to run your business correctly. The previous ways of manual tracking time, scheduling, and processing payroll are outdated, stressful, and costly. You may not be aware of this but calculating everyone’s time by hand to send to the payroll company takes an insane amount of time. Needing to be there at the physical location to ensure everyone punches in takes time away from more critical business tasks. It is essential as a manager or business owner to keep up with the latest trends and tools that could help run a successful business. The Data That Points To Yes- If you have yet to hear of a time card app’s benefits, it’s time to learn. They are incredibly beneficial to a business, and because of that, many companies are adopting these systems to automate time tracking and scheduling. No matter the size of your company, a timekeeper app can allow you to efficiently and effortlessly track employee work hours and time off. It enables you to schedule your workers based on their preferences and your business needs. Prevents Buddy Punching: Buddy punching is a term that is often associated with those who are punching time for someone else who is not physically present. This means someone is getting paid for the time they are not working. Usually, friends will do this for one another. Using a time and attendance app, you can prevent buddy punching and other forms of time theft, saving your business thousands of dollars each year. Offers Advanced Reporting: Having advanced reporting options is crucial for a business owner. These reports allow you to see things like labor costs, which is often one of the most significant expenses you will face, and it will enable you to compare it to what your company made that day. Reports can also be used to determine the productivity of your employee. If you find someone is taking too long on a project, you can adjust your staffing levels or get more hands-on on the project. Automates Payroll: Calculating employee work hours by hand is one of the easiest ways to make payroll mistakes. Not only are clerical errors frequent, but manual payroll processing can be incredibly time-consuming. Having a time card app that automatically tracks employee work hours and transfers that information to your payroll provider is crucial to ensure paycheck accuracy and employee happiness. Improves Scheduling: Another fantastic benefit of using a timesheet management app is that it improves the scheduling process. It allows you to create a schedule in advance and send out notifications to your entire team. Employees can easily swap shifts or scheduled days off through the software. Employees also can enter their preferred working hours, which allows you to create shifts based on employee preference and your business needs. A time card app can be one of the most essential tools that can significantly impact your business. It can help you save tons of stress in the future and can boost your team’s happiness when they know you are paying attention to the amount they work. If you wonder if this system is necessary, it is, and it’s time to make the switch. Read Also: Brief Mobile Trading Apps Comparison Dominant Mobile App Trends To Keep An Eye On Top 10 Apps for Team Communication and Remote Work