WhatsApp Not Working: Why It Happens And How To Fix It!


03 November 2023

Social Media

whatsapp not working

Thousands of users appear to be unable to use WhatsApp every other month. A number of users complain on Twitter about not being able to send/receive messages on the social messaging app.

One of the most widely used instant messaging apps available today is WhatsApp. Many rely on it for everyday communication. You can only imagine how annoying it can be when WhatsApp stops functioning out of the blue.

WhatsApp may stop functioning for multiple reasons. While certain WhatsApp problems are unavoidable, there are other issues that you may resolve to resume sending and receiving messages.

Are you also having trouble using WhatsApp? Do you want to know why your phone isn’t working with WhatsApp and how to fix it? We want to help. The causes of WhatsApp not functioning on your phone are listed below, along with some potential fixes.

Why Is WhatsApp Not Working On My Phone?  

Why Is WhatsApp Not Working On My Phone?

Here’s a swift look at a few of the issues that could cause WhatsApp to malfunction on your phone:

  1. Internet connectivity
  2. WhatsApp is dated
  3. Account deleted
  4. Smartphone expiry
  5. WhatsApp server down

Internet Connectivity   

Internet Connectivity   

WhatsApp may not be functioning on your phone because you may have neglected to turn on the internet. Or there may be a problem with connectivity. Sending and receiving calls via the instant messaging app requires being online.

To find out if your internet is functioning, you might try using different programs or browsers. If something appears to be wrong, make sure you are connected to Wi-Fi or mobile data. You can always get in touch with your internet service provider if nothing else works.

WhatsApp Not Working: How To Enable Data Connectivity  

To allow internet connectivity on your device for WhatsApp to work, you need to keep your mobile data on. If not, you must be connected to an active Wi-Fi. Here’s how to activate your phone’s mobile data.

To enable mobile data on both iOS and Android smartphones, slide down the notification panel and hit the arrow icon. In case you cannot locate it, proceed with the steps listed below to activate the internet on your device:

  • Open Settings.
  • Go to the SIM card and mobile data or Mobile Data management section, depending upon the OS you are using.
  • Toggle the Mobile data switch.

WhatsApp Is Dated  

WhatsApp Is Dated  

Verify that your WhatsApp is up to date if everything else with your internet connection seems normal. WhatsApp frequently stops supporting older versions, which might leave your data vulnerable to hackers. WhatsApp releases new versions with enhanced security and other features frequently.

The app can stop functioning if your WhatsApp is using an outdated version for an extended period of time. You’ll receive a notification saying that in order to continue using WhatsApp, you must update. It’s time to upgrade WhatsApp if you receive a message like this when you launch it. To update WhatsApp, click the Download icon located at the bottom of the screen.

WhatsApp Not Working: Ways To Update WhatsApp   

Here’s how to manually update the app, in case you’d like to:

  • Launch the App Store and Play Store, then look up WhatsApp.
  • To update WhatsApp, click the WhatsApp search result and press the UPDATE option.
  • It is not usually necessary to update WhatsApp frequently in order to utilize the service. But to stay safe, make sure you’re using the most recent versions in order to avoid any problems.

Account Deleted   

Account Deleted

This can also be the cause of WhatsApp not functioning properly on your device. It’s possible that WhatsApp erased your account if you haven’t used it in a long time. In the event that your account is inactive for 120 days, WhatsApp retains the right to remove it.

Whatsapp claims that it takes these precautions to protect users’ security and privacy. WhatsApp won’t erase your account as long as your smartphone is connected to the internet and has WhatsApp installed. The only thing you can do in this situation if your account has been destroyed is to make a new one.

Smartphone Expiry  

Smartphone Expiry 

Each year, WhatsApp publishes a list of gadgets that violate the platform’s security and privacy guidelines. WhatsApp is forced to stop operating when the business stops providing support for these smartphones. Most of these gadgets are running outdated operating systems (OS). Recently, WhatsApp support for Apple’s first-generation iPhone SE, iPhone 6S, and iPhone 6S Plus, as well as handsets running Android 4.0.4 and earlier versions, was discontinued.

As of right now, the app is limited to Android 4.1 or later, iOS 10 or later, and KaiOS 2.5.0+ devices. You should absolutely check the status of your operating system and upgrade to the most recent version if it’s available if WhatsApp isn’t working on your phone.

WhatsApp Not Working: Checking For Updates  

Here’s how to check for updates on your iPhone and Android smartphone.

  • Open up the Settings app on your phone.
  • Look for updates to the software.
  • Select the Software update option and then click Check for updates. Install any updates that are available by downloading and installing them.

To use WhatsApp on your phone, you must have a suitable device. If your phone doesn’t fit the minimum requirements, your only option is to think about upgrading.

WhatsApp Server Down  

WhatsApp Server Down

This has to be the most obvious reason, that is beyond your control. If WhatsApp is unavailable, it won’t function on your phone. Occasionally, a glitch in WhatsApp’s servers could make it impossible for you to send or receive messages or even make phone calls. As it’s a backend problem, your only options are to verify if the servers are truly down and bide your time till WhatsApp provides a solution.

You have no choice but to wait until the massive instant messaging company resolves the problems if this is the case.

Wrapping Up  

These were the potential causes of WhatsApp not functioning on your device, along with potential fixes. The remedies provided in this post to fix WhatsApp not working are thorough. After reading over these answers in detail, you will be well-equipped to protect yourself from scenarios that could cause you distress when using WhatsApp.If you have thoughts to share or questions to ask about WhatsApp not working, please leave a comment below. We would love to hear from you!

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Sarmind is a Writer and an aspiring Editor who has experience in various short and long-form niches. Her academic pursuits intensely mold her industry background in content creation. She holds a Master's degree in Literature, and when not writing for professional purposes, she can be found re-reading old classics of Jane Austen and the Brontë sisters. She is super fond of cats and enjoys hours of doom-scrolling through memes on social media while cuddled up with a cup of desi chai. She likes to think she is an intellectual badass (colloquial: nerdy bore), and now all she needs is a sewing kit to complete the look!

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Social Media Agency in Malaysia

Uncover the Benefits of Partnering with a Social Media Agency in Malaysia

Local businesses large and small, and even international players looking to grow their reach, can benefit from working with a professional social media agency in Malaysia. The Malaysian market has fully accepted social media, with over 71% of internet users owning a social media account. With more and more Malaysians getting online, now is an excellent time to improve your marketing on social media. Alas, simply posting on your social media page from your brand’s account is not enough to effectively penetrate your target market; many brands have learned this the hard way and wasted valuable time and money. Being successful at social media marketing requires an understanding of how each platform works and how each local market behaves. Here are a few ways simple a social media agency in Malaysia can benefit your business. Understanding the Local Market Consumer behavior always varies within markets, segments, demographics, and beyond.  Without base knowledge of the market you are entering or the consumers you are targeting, a marketing strategy will present like a shot in the dark. For example, your target consumer base may prefer to use Facebook over Instagram, yet without that prior knowledge, you are likely to waste resources trying to promote on the wrong platform. Since Malaysian’s use of social media is not homogenous, let experts from a social media agency in Malaysia direct you to the optimal channels. Launching the Right Campaign Designing a social media marketing campaign is very nuanced and requires the right direction and content to support the objective. Agencies provide their clients with the added benefit of access to their team’s professional graphic designers, content writers, strategists, and more. They will help guide you on the right strategy, be it advertising, content creation, etc., and will create localized content intended for maximum reach. Analyzing and Optimizing Campaign Performance After launching a marketing campaign on your desired social media platform and with localized content, the next step is to measure its success. It may be a reality that your in-house marketing department does have sufficient experience with the technical know-how of each social media platform to properly analyze results and make strategic improvements. An agency has those experts on hand to break down the campaign analysis and will work with you to make improvements for the next campaign. They will generate detailed reports that track campaign performance for you to easily understand where your money is going as well. While you may consider an agency a third party, a professional agency will take ownership of your brand and continue to improve your brand’s performance in the market. Brands looking to expand to or grow in Malaysia will benefit greatly from utilizing social media marketing. Given the country’s diverse cultures and variety of behaviors, partnering with a social media agency in Malaysia will surely pay dividends. Read Also: Importance of Storytelling in Social Media Marketing 5 Unusual Social Media Tips That No One Will Know About Social Media Marketing role in Technology How To Improve Your Social Media Branding By Getting More Instagram Followers And Likes

Engaging Storytelling Videos On Tiktok

Tips For Creating Engaging Storytelling Videos On Tiktok

In today's digital era, TikTok has emerged as a powerful platform for creative expression and storytelling. With its massive user base and engaging video format, TikTok provides an excellent opportunity for content creators to captivate audiences through short, impactful narratives. One effective strategy for boosting engagement and receiving valuable feedback is to harness the power of authentic interaction. This includes encouraging viewers to share their thoughts and experiences through comments. To amplify this engagement and kickstart the conversation, some creators opt to buy real TikTok comments from genuine users who appreciate and resonate with their content. 10 Proven Tips To Create An Engaging TikTok Video Further in this article, we will explore valuable tips and tricks for creating compelling storytelling videos on TikTok. So, buckle up and get ready to learn how to create compelling storytelling videos that leave a lasting impression on your audience. Put All Efforts In The First Seconds Tik-Tok has to be one of the fastest platforms that is navigable by users easily. Hence, if you wish your prospects to hold on and check your content, you have to grab their attention quickly. For this, you will have to utilize the initial seconds of your video.  Instead of starting slowly, show your best moves in the first few moments. Secondly, you might want to try including a narration or a text overlay that can catch the interest of users quickly.  Craft A Captivating Hook With millions of videos vying for attention on TikTok, it's essential to grab viewers' attention right from the start. Begin your storytelling video with a compelling hook that piques curiosity or provokes an emotional response. This initial moment should instantly captivate your audience and make them want to keep watching. Whether it's a surprising statement, a visually stunning shot, or a cliffhanger, your hook sets the tone for the rest of the video. Embrace The Power Of Visual Storytelling TikTok is a visual platform, and leveraging its potential for visual storytelling can significantly enhance engagement. Use a combination of creative camera angles, captivating visuals, and intuitive editing techniques to immerse your viewers in your narrative. Experiment with transitions, effects, and filters to create a visually stunning experience that resonates with your audience. Use Right Hashtags Hashtags are crucial for enhancing visibility, including context, and driving discovery on your TikTok. Add industry as well as contextual hashtags to your video so that it becomes relevant and trending. Fans can easily locate you when you use branded hashtags.  With a trending hashtag, you get the ability to increase reach. Additionally, it provides you with new ideas for content. You might want to utilize the TikTok Creative Center to get an overview of trending content. Be Authentic And Relatable Authenticity is key to building a connection with your audience. Share personal stories or experiences that are relatable and showcase your genuine self. TikTok users appreciate content that feels real and relatable. So, don't be afraid to showcase your vulnerabilities or highlight everyday situations that others can identify with. This authenticity will help you build a loyal fan base and foster meaningful engagement. Don’t Forget To Track TikTok Insights A major portion of the TikTok appeal consists of “Trends.” Thus, leveraging it might help your brand gain massive recognition on the platform. However, it is significant to create content that not only reaches your audience but also resonates with them.  Do not forget to review the TikTok analytics of your brand regularly. If you want to find content insights, head over to “Profile” and then open the right-hand side menu. There, you might need to tap on Business Suite and choose Analytics. Thus, get an easy overview of content, followers, and engagement. Optimize For Tiktok's Short Attention Span TikTok thrives on short-form content, so it's crucial to optimize your storytelling videos to fit within the platform's time constraints. Condense your story into bite-sized, digestible portions that capture attention quickly. Consider using text overlays to emphasize key points and ensure your message is conveyed effectively, even without sound. Utilize Captions And Subtitles To cater to a wider audience, including those who prefer to watch TikTok videos without sound or have hearing impairments, consider adding captions and subtitles to your storytelling videos. This inclusivity will not only engage a broader audience but also enhance the accessibility of your content. Schedule Your Content  Timely content is the essence of TikTok. However, busy managers on social media might not get ample time to create engaging moments always. Fortunately, the application provides an easy alternative to schedule content. You might easily create your video, upload and schedule it in advance.  All you need is TikTok’s desktop version. Open it in the browser, log in to your account, and tap the Upload button. You will most likely find it in the upper right corner. Then, share the file you wish to upload and write an engaging caption.  Don’t forget to add hashtags and mentions to boost the reach of your video. Engage With Your Audience Building a loyal community on TikTok involves actively engaging with your audience. Respond to comments, ask questions, and encourage viewers to share their thoughts and experiences related to your video. This interaction creates a sense of connection and encourages viewers to become invested in your content. Remember, the more engaged your audience is, the more likely they are to share your videos and spread the word about your storytelling skills. The Bottom Line Crafting engaging storytelling videos on TikTok requires a thoughtful approach and an understanding of what resonates with your audience. By following the tips outlined in this article, you can create compelling narratives that captivate viewers and spark meaningful engagement. While considering unconventional methods such as buying real TikTok comments can provide a boost, the true key to success lies in your ability to tell authentic, relatable stories in a visually appealing manner. So, go ahead, unleash your creativity, and captivate the TikTok community with your storytelling prowess! Read Also: Instagram Advertising For Beginners What Are The Three Components In The Youtube Ecosystem? How To SEO Optimize WordPress Category And Tag Pages 5 Marketing Tips to Help Grow Your Business on Instagram

Instagram Marketing Mistakes

Instagram Marketing Mistakes That May Get You Unfollowed

Instagram took only a year and a half to report more than 1 billion active users. Instagram is known to be the most visual of all platforms, and it plays a vital role in the success of small businesses. Instagrammers and consumers visit the platform to comment, like, and engage with established and growing brands like yours. As a brand, besides posting engaging content, you should also use an Instagram growth service to gain organic followers. According to recent studies, Instagram has been shown to have more engagement than Facebook and Twitter. Because of this, Instagram is considered a viable social platform for your marketing. However, there are mistakes that a lot of brands make on their accounts which leads to fewer followers and reduced engagement. Here are some Instagram marketing mistakes to avoid. Top 5 Instagram Marketing Mistakes To Avoid 1. Lack of Goals If you haven’t set up your Instagram or brand goals, you don't have a plan, which means you have no direction. Lack of focus means zero consistency which is a turn-off to your followers. Consistency helps in building trust with your customers. Additionally, if you don't have clear goals, it shows you don't know what you want from your followers. And your followers will not understand what you require from them, leading to a disconnect that may get you unfollowed. Without a certain goal, even if you plan to buy Instagram accounts in bulk to enhance your engagement won't help you anyway. Therefore, outline your goals before starting your Instagram account. For example, do you want brand exposure or boost sales? 2. Duplicating Content Instagrammers are quick to unfollow accounts that constantly post duplicated pictures and videos. While there might be a good reason to repost a photo or video occasionally, it's good that you keep that to a minimum. Research shows that Instagram users can quickly unfollow and stop interacting with your page, products, or services if you don't have unique or engaging content. Therefore, mix your content up by adding memes, quotes, or videos. 3. Lack of Engagement Most consumers abandon brands due to poor customer service. You will lose out if you fail to engage with your Instagram followers. Your followers support you by liking your brand and commenting on your posts. Ignoring their comments by not replying or liking them will make you look disinterested and neglectful. Improve your customer relationship by engaging and communicating with your consumers, and take at least thirty minutes daily to reply to some of these comments. 4. Misusing Hashtags One can easily misuse hashtags on Instagram or mislabel posts with the wrong hashtags. Having promotional hashtags is a way to create awareness of your brand. However, there are several rules you should consider before using your choice of hashtags. While Instagram allows up to thirty hashtags per post, you shouldn’t bombard your posts with tens of hashtags as it can overload your marketing strategy. Similarly, you should be careful not to put too few hashtags. According to the ultimate guide to hashtags, using eleven of them in a post will give you an interaction of about 80% compared to those that only use two hashtags per post. 5. Ignoring the Latest Trends Social media trends aren't just for influencers and Gen Z. As a brand, you should be aware of Instagram trends and use them in a way that is true to your products or services. However, this doesn't mean you must join every trend. Find those that best fit your brand’s image and then create videos and reels in line with the trends. Conclusion Instagram is easy to navigate. However, when it comes to the marketing part, it can be a hard nut to crack. You can use the platform to generate traffic to your website, build a loyal audience, and grow your followers and brand. By avoiding the above mistakes, you can improve your page and increase your chances of gaining more followers. Additional: Instagram Advertising For Beginners 6 Best Practices When Buying Instagram Followers Picuki Reviews – Popular Instagram Editor & Viewer How To Improve Your Social Media Branding By Getting More Instagram Followers And Likes