5 Easy Ways of Improving Internet Access with Speed Tests

Published on: 27 May 2019 Last Updated on: 29 August 2019
Internet Speed Tests

Speed tests are a very handy tool to have around. Most people just use them sporadically when experiencing internet issues. At most, they want to check what speeds they’re getting with their internet plans. Speed tests, as the name suggests, give you information on the upload and download speeds you’re getting with your internet connection. But did you know you can actually use that information to improve your internet access? This blog explores five ways you can use speed tests for a better internet experience.

Improving Internet Access with Speed Tests

Speed tests usually test the upload and download speeds as well as the ping on your internet connections. These days, when everyone is connected to the internet, almost every household experiences internet issues of some sort.

People use speed tests at times like these to check their broadband, Wi-Fi and cellular speeds. But there’s actually a lot more than you can do with an accurate speed testing application like Ookla. Here are 5 easy ways you can use a speed test to improve your internet experience:

  1. Find the Fastest Internet Service, Provider
  2. Identify and Fix Dead Spots Around the House
  3. Confirming You Are Getting the Advertised Speeds
  4. Finding Places with the Best Internet Service
  5. Isolating Problems with Your Router or ISP

Below follows more on these simple uses for a speed test you probably never thought of.

Find the Fastest Internet Service, Provider

Speed check is a great way to find the fastest internet service provider in your area. You will need the help of a few friends and family members with different service providers in your area. Get each person to run an Ookla speed test. Everyone should run the test on their internet connections at exactly the same time.

Ask everyone to make sure their Wi-Fi is switched off when they run the tests. Share the test results with each other and compare them to figure out the fastest ISP in your area. After that, it is a simple matter of switching from your current provider to the fastest one.

Identify and Fix Dead Spots Around the House

A dead spot is a spot inside your home where Wi-Fi signals are patchy at best or dead at worst. Dead spots can be really annoying when you try to use the internet near them. Streaming, gaming, even working may face disruptions in Wi-Fi dead spots. Luckily, speed tests can help you identify and fix dead spots inside your home.

Run a speed test in the areas you experience patchy network signals. This will tell you if you’re working in a dead spot or if your router is placed in one. Often enough, moving the router can fix most dead spots. However, if that is not a possibility, then look into Google WiFi or similar mesh systems for a better signal around the house.

Confirming You Are Getting the Advertised Speeds

Advertised Speeds

Speed tests are a great way to test your internet connection to check if you are getting the speeds you paid for. Simply use an Ethernet cable to connect your computer directly to the router. Then run a speed test and see what speeds you get with a wired connection. Most internet service providers advertise speeds based on a wired connection to the gateway. This means the speeds you get over Wi-Fi may vary. But if you’re getting slower speeds on a wired connection, you should get in touch with your ISP right away. Use the speed test results as proof of not getting the speeds you are paying for.

Finding Places with the Best Internet Service

Let’s say you decide to work from home one day but your service is on the fritz. So you go to the nearest coffee shop only to find the Wi-Fi there isn’t working well either. Nightmare situation, isn’t it? You can’t miss your deadlines, so what should you do?

Use speed tests at different places with free internet. This will help you locate a place that has the best internet service. Of course, public Wi-Fi speeds also vary according to the time of day. During crowded times like weekends, holidays or even lunch hours, there are more people connected to the same network. The more people use the same network, the more bandwidth splits and the slower the connection gets for everyone.

Isolating Problems with Your Router or ISP

When there’s a slow Wi-Fi connection, the problem could be with your ISP or with your router. 2 Speed tests can help you identify where the problem lies. For the first one, connect your computer directly to your router via Ethernet and run a speed test. Then disconnect your computer from the cable and run another test while connected to Wi-Fi.

Bear in mind that Wi-Fi will always be slower than a wired connection. But if the difference in speeds is significant, you may need a new router. Most providers offer their own equipment. So it’s better to call customer service, if your router is outdated or not working. Hopefully, this blog will have helped you with useful information to improve your internet experience at home. Let us know if you found this blog helpful.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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Practices for Visual Regression Testing on Cloud

A Beginner’s Guide To Playwright Inspector

As the world continues to shift towards a more digital landscape, the significance of quality web applications has become progressively apparent. Given the vast array of tools and technologies at the disposal of web developers, determining an appropriate starting point can prove challenging. Debugging is the method of identifying and fixing bugs or errors in software. It is a vital aspect of web automation testing as it contributes significantly to the dependability and precision of the automated test results. Playwright is an open-source cross-browser testing framework released by Microsoft in 2020. As stated by Systems Sciences Institute, the expenditure of addressing an error or bug discovered after product release was 4 to 5 times higher than pinpointing it during the configuration phase. The detected value during the maintenance phase can be exceeded by up to 100 times. Playwright developers operate at the API level and offer comprehensive tooling through the integrated Playwright Inspector. Playwright Inspector is a powerful tool that authorizes developers to efficiently test and debug their web applications. Also, it facilitates creating automation scripts by furnishing auto code generation capabilities. Playwright Inspector allows you to inspect the Document Object Model (DOM) structure of a webpage, interact with web elements, and inspect CSS styles utilizing the Playwright API. It authorizes stepping through tests, picking locators, editing live locators, and seeing actionability logs. This blog will dive into the basics of Playwright Inspector and explore its many features. So if you're ready to take your web development skills to the next level, buckle up and dive into the world of Playwright Inspector. Before that, let's have a brief understanding of Playwright. What is Playwright? Developed by Microsoft, Playwright is an end-to-end open-source web testing and browser automation framework. Playwright offers outstanding cross-browser compatibility and convenient features. This makes it a perfect choice for automation and quality assurance purposes. The playwright is a flexible, robust, and efficient framework. It supports multiple languages like JavaScript, Java, Python, C#, and TypeScript. Playwright utilizes a single automation API. This makes it steadfast and quick and produces consistent outcomes while running cross-browser testing. It provides a powerful set of testing features. These features can be utilized to simulate end-user interactions with the web application. Also, the framework authorizes testing complex scenarios such as file uploads, login flows, and other interactions. These test scenarios can be tough to test with other testing frameworks. The software platform furnishes developers with a comprehensive selection of standard and personalized locators. This facilitates the straightforward and effective identification of elements on web pages. These locators can pinpoint elements based on a variety of attributes, including text content, position on the page, and other distinguishing features. With Playwright locators, developers can confidently identify elements on the DOM, ensuring the creation of substantial and steadfast test suites. What is a Playwright Inspector? Playwright Inspector is a Graphical User Interface based tool that helps testers and developers record scripts and debug Playwright tests. The tool helps generate boilerplate code. This can be a suitable starting point for building codes. Also, it assists developers and the Quality Assurance teams save time when writing the test script from scratch. Software developers can utilize the time saved to comprehensively understand the codebase and make informed modifications, as required, to enhance the efficacy of the testing suites. The Playwright Inspector simplifies the process of debugging web applications. It is a browser-based development tool that facilitates developers to inspect, debug, and troubleshoot web applications. The tool authorizes developers to record user interactions, capture screenshots, and inspect HTML elements, CSS styles, and JavaScript code. Playwright Inspector furnishes a console for developers and testers to run arbitrary JavaScript code in the context of the inspected page. To scale Playwright Inspector, an AI-powered test orchestration and test execution platform like LambdaTest offers an online farm of 3000+ browser and OS combinations to execute the Playwright test. You can effortlessly test your application as its scalable cloud infrastructure enables parallel test execution where you can run test cases altogether. It can also integrate with your existing testing infrastructure. It effortlessly plugs into your Playwright tool, eliminating the need for complex configurations. LambdaTest's Playwright Inspector  empowers you to debug and analyze Playwright scripts effortlessly. Inspect element properties, verify page behavior, and optimize automated tests using this user-friendly tool. Installation and Setup Instructions Installation and setup instructions are crucial for any software tool, and Playwright Inspector is no exception. As a beginner, it's essential to follow these instructions carefully to ensure that you can start using the tool without any issues. To install Playwright Inspector, first, you need to make sure that you have Node.js installed on your computer or laptop. Once you have Node.js, you can install Playwright Inspector through npm by running the command "npm i -g playwright-inspector" in your terminal. Upon successful installation, the tool can be initiated by executing the command "playwright-inspector" in your terminal. You can also use Playwright Inspector with other browsers like Firefox and Safari by installing the corresponding browser extensions. Following these instructions will give you a smooth and hassle-free experience of using Playwright Inspector, authorizing you to debug and troubleshoot your web applications with ease. How to Inspect Elements in Playwright Inspector If you are new to Playwright Inspector, you may be wondering how to inspect elements within your web page. Fortunately, Playwright Inspector comes equipped with a number of useful tools and features to assist you in efficiently identifying and inspecting elements on your web page. To start, simply launch Playwright Inspector and navigate to the web page you want to inspect. Once you are on the page, right-click on any element within the page and select "Inspect element" from the context menu. This will bring up the Playwright Inspector pane, where you can view the HTML and CSS code for the selected element. You can also view any associated styles and properties. From there, you can use the various tools and features within Playwright Inspector to further inspect and manipulate the element, making it easier than ever to identify and troubleshoot any issues within your web page. Benefits of Playwright Inspector The Playwright Inspector tool presents lots of benefits. Let us consider a few pivotal benefits of the Playwright Inspector: 1. Easy Debugging: Playwright Inspector facilitates the process of debugging Playwright scripts by furnishing a visual interface. This authorizes developers to inspect the page, make alterations to its state, and swiftly identify the cause of issues. 2. Record and Replay: The tool presents a record and replay feature that authorizes testers and QA teams to record end-user activities on the page and replay them for debugging purposes. The record and replay feature can help pinpoint issues that may occur only during specific user interactions. 3. Robust Logging: Playwright Inspector presents robust logging abilities that authorize testers and QA teams to outline the execution flow of the test script. This helps swiftly determine issues and fix them, thereby enhancing confidence in the code and application itself. 4. Intuitive Interface: The Playwright Inspector boasts an intuitive and user-friendly interface that is simple to navigate and operate, even for testers and QA teams who are new to the Playwright platform. 5. Cross-Browser Support: The Playwright Inspector facilitates the testing and debugging of applications across various platforms as it supports multiple Chromium-based browsers such as Chrome, Edge, and Firefox. This enables developers to ensure their applications perform optimally on different browsers. 6. Breakpoints: The Playwright Inspector tool is designed to enhance the testing process for software testers and QA teams. With this tool, users can set breakpoints in their test scripts, enabling them to pause test execution at specific points and thoroughly investigate the page's state. This increased level of control and visibility allows for improved efficiency and effectiveness in the testing process. Best Practices for Using Playwright Inspector The Playwright Inspector tool furnishes developers with an intuitive solution for testing web applications at scale. With the help of Inspector, developers and testers can debug their web automation scripts, view page elements and attributes, and pinpoint issues that may be causing the tests to fail. To make the most out of this tool, it is paramount to follow the best practices for using it. Here are eight best practices for using Playwright Inspector: ●        Familiarize yourself with the Inspector UI. ●        Utilize the search feature to swiftly pinpoint page elements. ●        Utilize the highlight feature to visually locate elements on the page. ●        Utilize the console to test JavaScript code and interact with the page. ●        Utilize the network tab to inspect network requests and responses. ●        Utilize the performance tab to pinpoint performance issues. ●        Utilize the snapshot feature to capture a snapshot of the current page state for later analysis. ●        Utilize the playback feature to replay test scripts and identify errors. By following these best practices, you can utilize Playwright Inspector to its full potential and optimize your web automation testing process. Conclusion Playwright Inspector is a powerful tool that can help developers troubleshoot issues and enhance the quality of their web applications. With its user-friendly interface and wide range of features, Playwright Inspector is a prominent addition to any developer's toolkit. By following the steps outlined in this beginner's guide, you can start utilizing Playwright Inspector today and take advantage of its many benefits. Whether you are a seasoned developer or just starting out, Playwright Inspector is a must-have tool for anyone looking to enhance their web development skills. Read Also: Mobile Testing With Appium On Lambdatest 10 Reliable Free Currency APIs For Your Business Using Tracking Code, Google Analytics Can Report On Data From Which Systems?

type c cable

What is Type C Cable, and Is It Worth Buying

Nowadays, type-c cable can be seen in the newest phones, laptops, and tablets. The cable was first published in 2014, but the technology became handy only in 2017-18, and it replaced the older standards of USB very quickly. According to some reports, type c cable also offers new audio standards as a potential replacement for a 3.5 mm audio plug. The type C cable looks almost the same as a micro USB connector from a distance, but it is slightly thicker and more oval in shape. The thicker design brings its best feature which is unflappability. Until now, the standard cable for us was the type of cable. We have even moved from USB 1 to USB 2 then USB 3 devices, but the USB connectors stayed the same. Fortunately, with the help of technology, we get type C cable that is much more powerful and easier to use than the old cables. Difference between type C cable and the old USB cable: The primary difference between the old USB port and the type C cable is the reversible connector feature. Both ends have a connector of the same size so that you can plug it in any way you want. The one end of the Old ones are bigger and rectangular shape connectors that we use two plugs in two game consoles, desktops, and giant-screened laptops, and the other end was used to connect to small devices like phones. These two ends of the same cable are called type A and type B. Advantages of type C cable: It is compatible with USB 3.1 specifications, which makes it much more efficient in data encoding, and hence, it can transfer data at a speed of 10Gbps. Type C cables are commonly used for charging portable devices. And with this type of cable, charging is much faster than the old ways. In many ways, type C is much better than micro USB. For instance, type C can be used for both input and output power, where micro USB can only input power. Generally, type C uses 18 watts to charge phones and a maximum of 100 watts to charge laptops. The type C cable can indeed perform faster than the others, and along with that, it is also the strongest one. This is why, for most people, type C cable is much more reliable. Why should you use a type C cable?  Type C cable sets a new standard for USB connectors. It can carry a significantly high level of power and can be used to charge almost every device, and devices can be charged much faster. Along with that, type C cable also offers you a high transfer speed that can transfer 4K videos. The most amazing part about the type C cable is its size. The cable is almost half in width and one-third in the height of a standard USB cable, making it even more user-friendly. Read Also: Headphones vs Earbuds: How to Choose for the Best Music Experience Google Getting into Phones – And It’s Changing The Mobile Internet Everything You Need To Know About Mobile Solar Generators Reduce Your Exposure to Radiation When Using Your Mobile Phone Practical Guide to Install Cabling in Your New House


Oracle & The Cloud: A Dream Team

What is Cloud Computing? Cloud computing provides on-demand availability of data storage, computing power, and other system resources that are not located on the user’s computer. There are many benefits to offloading these previously local resources and tasks. Customers of cloud computing move the responsibility for managing applications, storage, and computing power offsite to providers like Oracle, Microsoft, and Amazon. The cloud offers organizations and companies of any size, access to powerful data centers without the overhead. Customers now have cost-efficient ways to access the latest technology, application software, and unlimited storage without a dedicated data center or large IT department. Click here to find an Oracle consultant. Types of Cloud Computing: Based on the organizations business requirements, companies can choose from three broad types of cloud services: public, private, and hybrid. The difference between them is primarily the amount of management time required by the customer and the level of security provided. Public Cloud: Public clouds are owned and operated by cloud service providers that deliver their services over the internet. Customers are free from maintaining their own computers reducing or even eliminating their existing IT department. Private Cloud: A private cloud is exclusive to a single business or organization. It can be physically located at the company or the cloud provider’s data center. Private clouds are maintained on private networks and provide the highest level of security and control. Hybrid Cloud: By combining public and private clouds, data and applications can move between the two providing greater flexibility, security, and more options to optimize the company’s existing infrastructure. The decision to use a hybrid cloud rather than a public or private cloud comes down to the services needed by the organization. Cloud Services: There are four broad categories of cloud services available: infrastructure as a service (IaaS), platform as a service (PaaS), software as a service (SaaS), and serverless. Companies need to decide on the services they require and how much time they have to manage those services. Generally, the more an organization offloads to the cloud service provider, the less they have to manage themselves. Infrastructure as a service (IaaS)With Oracle: Infrastructure as a Service is the most basic type of cloud computing. It is an on-demand, pay-as-you-go model that provides compute, storage, and network capacity in the cloud. Subscribers are responsible for installing and maintaining any software on the cloud such as databases and application software. Platform as a service (PaaS): Platform as a Service provides an on-demand environment for developing, testing, and delivering, mobile and web applications without investing in or maintaining the underlying servers. The customer accesses the services via a web browser. Software as a service (SaaS): Software as a Service allows software applications to be delivered over the Internet, on-demand and typically on a subscription basis. The cloud service provider handles software updates and security patching, reducing in-house IT resources. Cloud Computing Service Providers: With the growing adoption of cloud-based services and technology, comes an ever-expanding field of players including Google, Amazon, and Microsoft. Oracle offers a complete suite of integrated business applications for Sales, Service, Marketing, Finance, Supply Chain, Manufacturing, and Human Resources, along with their cloud-based services. Microsoft and Oracle recently announced a partnership designed to give customers the best of what both companies have to offer. Oracle is the leading database and enterprise applications vendor in the world and Microsoft Azure is the second-largest cloud vendor in the world. Customers can migrate their entire existing suite of applications to either or both cloud providers as needed without having to re-architect anything. The cloud brings many advantages to organizations, allowing businesses to outsource expensive hosting, security, and storage costs. The growing need for companies to take advantage of the latest technology without the expense of a dedicated data center or even an IT department is a game-changer. Read Also: 5 Important Considerations To Get Supply Chain Management On Cloud Cloud Hosting: Top Five Reasons To Take Your Business To The Cloud