Brief Mobile Trading Apps Comparison

Published on: 26 July 2019 Last Updated on: 21 January 2020

Mobile trading apps represent a great complementary tool to the web-based trading platforms and other financial portals. There are more than 40% of all traders at a global scale using mobile trading platforms on a constant basis. The quality of these apps could have a significant impact on a trader’s performance. This is the reason we will make a brief comparison of some of the most popular ones.

No trader can afford to be glued to his laptop or computer screen at all times. Most people are on the go, working with clients, going to meetings, traveling half their days and so on. This is where Mobile Trading Apps have become such lifesaver. They are important not only for people who are working as brokers but also for normal human beings.

Saxo Bank Mobile App:

A Danish investment bank, providing online trading and investments for retail and corporate clients, Saxo Bank is currently one of the most popular choices among traders. Its mobile trading had been developed inside the company, available both for Android and iOS free of charge and it is also one of the most appreciated mobile platforms on the web.

Among its main functions, we should mention trade execution and order management, portfolio management, chart analysis, and portfolio performance indicators. Some of its strengths are good search function, a great variety of order types, price alerts, order confirmation, and a user-friendly interface.

Two of the weak points of the Saxo Bank mobile app are no fundamental data and no two-step authentication login.

Find Mobile App:

Although developed by a relatively-new brokerage company, the FINQ mobile trading platform is being used by 70% of the company’s clients. is a growing online broker in the Asian markets and one of the reasons for that has to do with its proprietary platform, both Web-based and mobile.

The mobile trading app offers access to the full functionalities of any real account, with features like account verification, deposit, and withdrawals, seen with very few other companies. Customer support, Traders Trend Bar, and Trending Now asset list are just a few of the features that are available in the app. clients also have access to all the 2,100+ assets available for trading using the mobile app.

Robinhood Mobile App:

One of the companies that optimized its services for millennials, Robinhood has an intuitive and well-designed mobile trading platform available for its clients, with additional security features like using fingerprint sensors for accessing the app.

Among its main features, we could mention trade execution and order management, market information about the assets, watchlist, interactive charts, and fundamental information. It stands out when it comes to the user interface and login authentication methods + price alerts and order confirmation. The main downside of the Robinhood platform has to do with the basic interactive charts.


A Mobile Trading App helps ease the understanding of the market and encourages quick decision-making. Sometimes a deal needs fast reaction times. Reacting now and one hour later could means loss of millions. This is why you always need to be on the go when it comes to the market.

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Google Translation Accuracy

Pros and Cons on Google Translation Accuracy

Every person learning a new language through a class or instructor is told right from the beginning today not to use Google translator. It’s a powerful tool for a quick understanding of words or phrases written in another language, so many people think it’s also just as good for translating their language into something else. However, while the power of Google makes their translator fast and comprehensive, it’s also inaccurate. Unfortunately, instead of putting in the extra effort, a lot of students use Google anyways thinking it’s a viable shortcut. The tool gives them away because it is inherently incorrect from the perspective of a native speaker. And most language teachers tend to be native speakers. So, cheating gets caught very quickly and exposed, which is unfortunate. Students caught this way end up embarrassed, usually drop the class or try to get out of it, and then never try to learn a new language again. Another potential translator ends up lost to what never came to be. The Intention of Google Translate: As an online free tool, Google Translate was basically made available to help people find information. It’s consistent with Google’s general product delivery as a search engine. Used in that context, Google Translate works just fine. It carries the ability to roughly translate well over dozens of languages between each other and others. And that makes the tool particularly useful when just trying to understand content from a website or a message sent in another language. Even with the limitations of Google Translate, one can at least figure out what the message is basically trying to communicate. Google Translate also comes with other benefits as well: It’s free and has no cost to use. Just like Google’s search engine, Google Translate works just as easy to access. As long as one has Internet access, he or she can get to the tool through Google’s website, similar to other apps provided by the site. Google has made sure all of its tools work extremely fast with very strong online support. The only problem anyone will have will be based on their own bandwidth and Internet support. It can handle thousands of queries hitting it at the same time, and the tool can handle as much as is copied into it all day long. A typical translator at best moves about 2,000 words per day, fully translated. Google translate is able to adapt and evolve over time because it utilizes a statistical tool that lets the tool’s reference database grow with use and translations. This programmed approach creates matches between words between different languages which it then references again and again with future searches. The Downsides of Google Translate: The first big problem with the online translating tools is that meaning and the relationship to context are lost with Google’s software. It doesn’t know how to automatically sense, understand and build in context. As a result, anything that is even remotely structured or otherwise complex ends up looking like gibberish. The general message will be understood most of the time, but it won’t be anything close to being accurate. This kind of sloppy translating doesn’t happen with professional translators who are worth their salt. Google’s ability to translate is only as good as its database reference pairing words together. So, word for word, if the database has it, will match up. However, that still doesn’t help when one is trying to translate entire phrases or paragraphs correctly. The more common languages in the West tend to be stronger and better in terms of reference. Languages that are far more distant or less used will be harder or may even be non-existent in Google Translate. Google has a poor record when it comes to grammatical accuracy. Again, this comes from the fact that Google’s reference is only at the world level, not the phrase or sentence. As a result, it will frequently produce conversions that have serious sequence and grammar problems easily visible to the native speaker. Worse, Google doesn’t have anything built-in that can fix translation errors, even when identified. There’s no button one clicks on to tell Google the translation is wrong and how it should be fixed. Without that feedback loop, the Translate tool can’t improve on its own. How Google Translate Should be Used: For the average person, Google Translate works very well just to get a basic idea of what someone or a website might be saying in another language. It provides a user a quick understanding. However, there is no place for Google Translate in the professional translating world. It fails even a basic translation passing level. On the road or traveling, Google Translate mobile can be handy as well just to figure out a quick phrase in a pinch. But for essay and document work, it should be avoided. For these types of translations, your best option will still be to hire a professional translation agency. Read Also: What Should my Content Cover to Rank on Google? How To Use Google Ads To Your Advantage The Basics on Google Local Algorithm

Educational Apps

Effective Contribution of Educational Apps

Every parent wants his or her kid to get the best education possible. We send them to the best schools, enroll them in the best coaching or tuition centers, and ensure that they are happy and contented. We also try to create the best learning atmosphere at home, with separate rooms, dedicated study tables, charts, globes, informative books, encyclopedias, and other necessities. However, as parents, we fail to take into account one very important aspect. Education in general and the educational system in particular, has evolved rapidly. Curriculums are changing, teaching methods are changing and this is reflected in many areas. The advent of smart classrooms in schools and colleges is a case in point. The Benefits of Imparting Knowledge through Technology: In these changing times, and with the advent of digital technology, it is possible for you as a parent to help your child stay ahead of his or her competition in many ways through apps. Children are exposed to electronic devices like smartphones, tablets, and laptops at an early age. Science has shown that a child’s brain is most active and curious when he is exposed to newer things, models and electronics. With this in mind, learning through Mobile Applications or Apps, as we fondly refer to them, will help the child absorb learning techniques and grasp educational curriculums faster than traditional models of learning. Why the Traditional School or Classroom System of Education is not enough: A standard class strength comprises of roughly 40 to 50 children, depending on the type of school. A standard study period comprises of 25 to 30 minutes. Imagine yourself in the position of your child who has just been introduced to Algebra in Class 5. Do you think that he will have all his queries and doubts being cleared by the teacher in 25 minutes, given that there would be 40 of his classmates who would be having similar doubts? You would say that Tuitions might be an answer, but private tuitions and tuition centers have turned into commercial enterprises that have their own intentions at heart, namely finances. In such a situation, we have seen numerous children bearing a deep aversion to certain subjects- Mathematics: It is difficult to understand, I am scared of it, or I might just pass. History: It is quite boring, I do not feel engaged, or the teacher is quite dull. The list of subjects can go on and on, but the problems enumerated will surely strike a chord with you and your child or the child of your near and dear ones. A parent would want their child to be confident, autonomous, independent and clear. Sometimes, we just need to empower them and let them find their own way. Why Educational Apps is Beneficial? The Digital Revolution has made life easier for almost everyone, and the education segment is no different. Learning, which used to be a dull and boring system, can now be fun and engaging thanks to mobile apps, which have revolutionized and transformed the education industry. By a simple download on mobile phones or tablets, children can have access to the best quality of education, guided by subject experts, at a time of their convenience. Suppose there is a test tomorrow, and your child does not have access to a tuition teacher. What are you going to do to ease his fear? You might want to download the app and help him clarify his doubts with a virtual teacher. In this article, we look at some of the most pertinent reasons that have transformed the lives of children for the better in education and learning- 1. So many options to choose from: The variety of options to learn on these apps are various and quite diverse. Be it your child’s favourite subject or the most difficult one, the concepts are explained in a fun, engaging and dynamic way to make it easy for them to understand. One of the crucial aims of any online learning platform is to make the child understand concepts and solutions in a fun and healthy manner. This dissolves monotony and encourages children to pick up newer models of learning in a much faster manner. 2. Ease of Access: Knowledge and information, both, are easily available through these apps. Both are available just a click away. The information is visually available on your screen at all times- 24X7! As compared to a classroom, which has strict hours of learning, children can take up virtual learning at any time of the day, or at periods when they are most available and open or receptive, or when they need it the most, like clearing last minute doubts, a night before the examinations. 3. Limitless Learning: It is now possible to gain information anytime anywhere through these learning apps as it will let us learn whatever we want from wherever we are (any place). All the geographical information for geography lovers or all the information on mathematical topics like Real numbers and Probability questions is available with detailed explanation and videos to make it easy to understand and learn from the very place you are at, whether it be home, on your way to your child’s examination, or even the dinner table! 4. Access to best Educational Experts: These educational apps have content and videos explained by educators/teachers. Theypossess years of experience in dealing and nurturing young minds. They are familiar with the latest curriculums and are certified from the highest regulatory bodies. The educators on educational apps are subject experts who use fun and informative ways to get the learning across. This takes away the monotony and helps the child grasp newer concepts better. 5. Engagement rate increases: Watching Videos and listening to audios helps students retain the information for a longer period. In other words, the retention power is increased substantially. Apart from this, apps also engage the student in a better way by showing how the concept works in practice, rather than just reading it, or explaining it theoretically. It has been scientifically proven that visual learning has a higher power of retention than just audio learning. Educational Apps: The Final Word: As we had earlier mentioned, education, like other segments of human lives is being exposed and used for all the right reasons. The future of education is accessibility, ease of advice, engagement and breaking the monotony of traditional learning techniques. Educational Apps are bringing forth this very useful and appropriate change in how we define the future for our children. If we are able to exploit the potential of these educational apps, we can rest assure that our child will be happy with his studies, and this in turn, will help him or her develop a better and more confident personality. Read Also: Read This If You Are Appearing For This Year’s JEE Benefits Of Using Technology To Ace Your Physics Kids Will Get These Benefits If They Learn Coding Cracking The Criteria Cognitive Aptitude Test (CCAT) – Unwrapping Its Various Layers! Download or Subscribe to the BYJU’S YouTube Channel to explore a new and engaging way of learning.

whatsapp hacked

Breaking The Code: Understanding And Recovering From WhatsApp Hacks

As one of the most widely used messaging applications with billions of users, WhatsApp has become a prime target for criminals. They seek to hack the platform and access sensitive information. WhatsApp is fairly prone to people hacking it if you are not careful. Unfortunately, the popularity of messaging apps has made them vulnerable to these attacks. Scammers often attempt to deceive users into sharing their 6-digit verification code, which they then use to log in to the app. So, is your WhatsApp hacked? Let's learn what to do when this happens. Is Your WhatsApp Hacked? If your verification code falls into the wrong hands, they can easily hack your WhatsApp account. However, if you have made this mistake, there is no need to worry. There is a way to recover your hacked account. Here is how you can ensure your WhatsApp is safe and not hacked. Inform WhatsApp & Others Contacts If you suspect that your account on WhatsApp may have been hacked, you should first inform WhatsApp about the issue. You can contact them via email at and make sure to mention "Lost/Stolen: Please deactivate my account" in the text body. Additionally, it is important to inform your friends and family members about the security breach so that they are aware and do not fall prey to any objectionable messages from the hacker. Once your account is successfully deactivated, you will be given 30 days to reactivate it. If you fail to reactivate it within the given time, all saved chats or media backed up in the cloud will be at risk of being deleted. Reactivate WhatsApp If you receive a duplicate SIM card, you can reactivate your WhatsApp account on a different device. WhatsApp will send you a six-digit code that you will need to enter to gain access to your account. After entering the code, the hacker will be logged out of your account automatically. However, if you do not receive the duplicate SIM card within the given time frame, delete your WhatsApp account to prevent the perpetrators from misusing your account. Please note that uninstalling and removing WhatsApp are not the same. To delete your account, you need to contact WhatsApp Web Support. If the hacker activates the 2-step verification process, this will motion WhatsApp into asking you to enter the code. Since you do not know the code that the hacker has used, you will have to wait for seven days to recover your account. The good news is that during this waiting period, the hacker will not have access to your WhatsApp account. As one of the most popular messaging apps with over 2.5 billion users, WhatsApp remains a prime target for regular hackers who attempt to compromise user privacy. WhatsApp Safety: Signs Of Being Hacked Here are a few signs you should look for to determine if your WhatsApp account could have been hacked. If you start to see any of the signs and think that your WhatsApp may be hacked, here are a few things you could do to get back your account and prevent future attacks. If you see new contacts in your account that you don't remember adding Spam messages and media sent from your account to old or newly added contacts An unknown device from an undisclosed location has accessed your WhatsApp account There are notable changes to your profile details, such as your username and profile picture that you don't recall making Someone adds you to new groups that you don't remember being a part of If you have misconfigured account and security settings WhatsApp Hacked How To Protect Your WhatsApp Account? If you think that someone has hacked your WhatsApp account, you can follow a few steps to recover your account. It will also prevent hackers from accessing it again. 1. Regain Control Of Your WhatsApp Account Have you ever clicked on a shady link? Did you scan a weird QR code to join a group, or did anything to lose complete access to your account? In this case, you should try to regain access to your WhatsApp account. 2. Sign Out Of Your Account From Any Device WhatsApp Web no longer requires you to have your phone nearby to use your account. Therefore, if a scammer has linked your WhatsApp account to her WhatsApp Web, they may be using that account without your knowledge. The same applies if you use your account secretly on the WhatsApp desktop app. Therefore, it is essential to unlink your account from any unknown device you are currently using. To do this, follow these steps: Open WhatsApp on your main phone, where you just restored your account. On Android, tap the three vertical dots in the top right corner, then tap Linked Devices. Scan and remove suspicious devices accessing your account. Tap the device you want to remove and click Sign Out. On your iPhone, go to Settings > Linked Devices and unlink the unknown device. Recovering your account and logging out of unauthorized devices may protect your account. This prevents hackers from gaining access again. Next, notify your contacts of the security breach. 3. Notify Contacts About Security Breaches After hacking into a victim's WhatsApp account, attackers often pose as the victim and attempt to make money by demanding money from their contacts, asking for sensitive information that they can misuse later, or sending phishing links to hack other accounts. Once you have secured your account, it is essential to notify all your contacts about the breach so that they are aware of the situation and do not ignore any suspicious messages. Those who have already responded to the scammer's message can take action to recover their money (if they've already sent it) and keep their sensitive information safe. 4. Block Unknown Contacts And Leave New Groups If scammers hack your WhatsApp account, they may use it to promote products or attempt to phish your contacts. They can also join random groups and spam them, which can harm your reputation and credibility. You should check your recent chat boxes with contacts that are unknown and messages you sent to groups. If you notice any suspicious activity, inform the contacts and group members about the breach and block all unknown contacts. You should also leave groups you do not engage in. To block a contact on WhatsApp, open the contact, tap the three vertical dots in the top-right corner, then tap More, and hit Block. After that, tap on Block in the confirmation popup. To leave a group on WhatsApp, go to the group you want to leave, tap on the three vertical dots in the top-right corner, tap More, and hit Exit group. After that, tap on Exit in the confirmation popup. Secure Your WhatsApp Account After you've successfully recovered your hacked WhatsApp account, it's important to take measures to prevent any future security breaches. One of the first things you can do is enable two-step verification. This will help prevent unauthorized access to your account. You can also activate the feature of disappearing messages for conversations that are sensitive. It will protect your data by encrypting cloud backups and customizing your privacy settings. This will make your WhatsApp account more secure. By taking these steps, you can reduce the likelihood of people hacking your WhatsApp account in the future and ensure the protection of your privacy. Don't let scammers compromise your WhatsApp account. Wrapping Up Recovering your hacked WhatsApp account is possible as long as you act fast. Being aware of the steps to take can help you regain control of your account in no time. Stay vigilant to prevent your account from malicious activities that could harm your reputation. One of the most prevalent methods used by hackers to gain unauthorized access to WhatsApp accounts is through phishing scams. Educating yourself on how these scams work can help you identify and steer clear of them. So, has someone hacked your WhatsApp? If you have thoughts to share or questions to ask, please leave a comment below. We would love to hear from you! Read More About: How To Fix A Hacked Android Phone? WhatsApp Not Working: Why It Happens And How To Fix It Your Wrist, Your Chat: Setting Up WhatsApp On Apple Watch