Dominant Mobile App Trends To Keep An Eye On

Published on: 27 September 2018 Last Updated on: 26 July 2024
Dominant Mobile App Trends To Keep An Eye On

While many younger people see mobile apps as a fact of life, there are some older people and businesses out there who still don’t appreciate just how prevalent mobile apps are in today’s world. Quite simply: there’s no escaping them. For many businesses, developing a mobile app can be the key to connecting with previously untapped markets—but it isn’t wise to go in blind. With millions of apps available for download, it’s a good idea to brush up on some of the trends and forces that are currently dominating the world of mobile apps.

In the ever-evolving landscape of dominant mobile app trends, having an edge is crucial. Utilizing an innovative Android app maker can help you stay at the forefront of these trends, ensuring your place in the dynamic world of mobile applications.

Social Networks:

Social networks can have an enormous impact on the success of a mobile app, if only because of sheer size: as Buffer notes, social media is one of the most effective means of reaching your target audiences because it features nearly 2.5 billion users across different platforms, and there is a plethora of data available on their likes, dislikes, and habits.

Integrating social networks into your development and marketing strategy can yield great results. Social advertising allows for precisely targeted ads that find audiences based not only on demographics, but also on past behavior, interests, and previous purchases. The likelihood of your app gaining a dedicated following, of course, is higher if you can present it specifically to the demographics for which it is designed.

Social networks also offer the potential for effective advertising at no cost through organic posts. The right social media strategy will increase the likelihood of audiences being exposed to your app organically, and—hopefully—spreading positive buzz themselves through their own networks.

Social Networks

Google Play:

As of early 2018, Android users are able to head to the Google Play store and choose between more than 3.8 billion apps. So, while making your app available through the Google Play store can be a primary goal during app development, learning to make your app stand out amidst all the competition can be an uphill battle. A smarter, easier way to help your target audiences find your app is to work with a developer who is not only experienced in building apps, but also in launching them. Guaraná Technologies, for example, has found success in a competitive market by ensuring that their involvement with their clients doesn’t end with the development.

Visit their blog to learn more information about app development and how they work with clients to ensure that a launch strategy is fully formed and implemented in order to make the most of the app. Although launching may seem like a relatively small part of the app-making process compared to the actual coding and development, its importance can’t be understated—when you’ve got to make a name for yourself against nearly 4 billion Google Play competitors, you’d had better be putting your best foot forward.


Ever have trouble imagining leaving your smartphone behind when you leave the house? It’s not just you. Smartphones and, by extension, mobile apps, are rapidly changing our lifestyles. Facebook found that in 2016, Americans aged 18-34 spent more time on their mobile devices than they did watch live television—21.1 billion hours on mobile versus 19.1 billion on television. Increasingly, Millennials and young people are describing old standbys like television as too expensive or unnecessary, instead opting to view a video on their mobile devices. In fact, even when people are watching television, they’re also probably using their smartphones: the same Facebook study found that 94% of participants had a smartphone in their hand while watching television. The takeaway? Not only are mobile apps a dominant means of connecting with consumers, but it’s also worth taking into account that as lifestyles keep changing and smartphones and other devices become ever more prevalent, but mobile apps will also go from “one way to connect with customers” to “the way to connect with customers.”


Trends provide a useful cheat sheet of shortcuts to mobile app success. Creating an app that maximizes engagement through social media, takes into account users’ changing lifestyles and works to stand out in crowded marketplaces like the Google Play store, which will give you a better chance at carving out a name for yourself in the world of mobile apps. Ignoring all of these trends, meanwhile, is a good way to ensure that the only phone your app reaches is your own.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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OMG Burse App

OMG Burse App – All You Need To Know

OMG Burse App is the best earning app through Amazon. This is one of the trending apps that enables readers to make fake orders and grab an order every minute. There are many individuals who are earning via this app but others have claimed that this app is entirely fake! Nowadays, people are using these kinds of apps to earn high passive income from the comfort of their homes. However, the results are not long-lasting and you will not see any benefits in the long run.  The offers are created just to attract your attention at the first sight and this app creates unique employment and side facilities for those who want to earn additional passive income from their home. All You Need To Know About OMG Burse App OMG Burse App is an android application specifically developed for mobile users. Installing this latest app can help you to earn a maximum profit by spending less. The developers integrate several payment methods inside the app for recharging the wallet. This app works in a similar manner and it enables ordinary individuals to place orders for sellers. You can earn money from this app by registering yourself. Features Of OMG Burse App OMG Burse App includes some features that you need to consider before downloading this app.  This app is completely free to use. No complications in this method. It is a legitimate method. You can earn online by completing easy tasks. The app uses your bank account to withdraw & deposit money. Its latest and reliable platform. You need to complete some orders to earn commissions. It’s a third-party app affiliated with Amazon. OMG Burse App Apk Benefits OMG Burse App claims that people can earn thousands of rupees online by completing online tasks and much more. However, we don’t recommend you at all to use this app to earn money. There are various benefits of the OMG Burse App that you must know before signing up for this app.  Simple application. Clean design. Legal opportunity. Less advertising. Will pay you to work fast. Offers the easiest way to make money online. You can earn money by completing online tasks. You are given simple tasks to make money online. OMG Burse App Fake Or Real? According to customer reviews, OMG Burse App is fake because many customers haven’t got any returns. Actually, this app asks you to invest money in the money which is a sign of a fake app.  The Burse app does not have any authentic information about the app. So, this app offers plans that make it very easy for people to fall into the trap.  The Final Thoughts  There are various platforms that are better than OMG Burse App that will help you to earn huge passive income. The above-listed information is the complete details about the OMG Burse App that you must know before downloading this app. Besides, if you have any doubts regarding the same, you can list them in the comment section below. More Resources: 7 Rules of Effective Ecommerce Web Design The Online Reputation Management Mystery Revealed Optimize Your Small Business Revenue by Taking These Steps

Screen Time

Looking To Control The Screen Time Of Your Kids?

Key points It is important to teach your child healthy screen habits so they can stick with them as they become more independent. Healthy habits established in early life are more likely to continue into childhood and adolescence. You can help your child establish healthy screen time app limits by gradually changing her routine, talking to her about technology, helping her change her screen time habits, and creating a supportive environment. Make sure your child understands the importance of balancing technology (ie screens) with other activities, such as playing games, reading, socializing with others, or using their imagination. Keep your child safe online by setting up a children's account with parental controls and warning them not to share personal information with friends online. While screen time can be very enjoyable for you and your child, too much screen time can lead to negative behaviours and emotions. For this reason, it is important to monitor screen time and encourage your child to balance it with non-screen activities. Ninety per cent of today's children are exposed to screen-based activities before the age of These early years are extremely important for a child's proper growth and development, so it is important to minimize excessive screen time. Habits formed during the early years can last into adolescence and adulthood. Children trust you to teach them healthy screen time habits with FamiSafe apps when they are young so they can maintain those habits as they become more independent. They also trust you to create an environment where they can connect securely. Research shows that Limiting Screen Time comes with Several Benefits Many parents, educationists and counsellors ask this exact question. They want to find out the relationship between screen time and personal development in a child. Let us look at what some reputed and credible studies tell us about the same. A landmark study conducted by researchers in Canada showed that screen time in young kids, ages between two and five years old can limit or deter personal development. This is contrary to what most parents think. ‘My young kid has started using a smartphone at such an early age’- is a common statement you will hear these days. What parents do not realise is that screen time leads to poor development of communications skills like speaking, and other motor skills like reflex actions and so on. Researchers are categorical in saying that young kids should not be exposed to too much screen time whether it is on television, or on smartphones and laptops. Why you should Limit the Time Spent by Children on the Internet? According to scientists, increased screen time can take a toll on the health of youngsters leading to early onset of harmful diseases. Studies have shown that sitting long hours in front of the computer can lead to issues like diabetes, blood pressure and a slowdown of the auto-immune system. Parents should ensure that their kids are spending as much time engaging in physical activities and reduce screen time on an everyday basis. Famisafe features: Famisafe blocks access to pornographic sites for children. It also prohibits access to betting, gambling and casino sites as these are unhealthy for young minds. The GPS function of the Famisafe app allows you to put up a geofence around your kids’ safe and unsafe locations. This allows parents to see where their kids are at all times. The app goes one step further by offering real-time cell phone monitoring and tracking to parents. This shows who they are talking with, what apps they are using and a host of other things. Any kind of unauthorized activity is automatically blocked by the Famisafe App. This includes browsing in Private Mode. What are the Top Benefits of using the FamiSafe App for your Kids? Online Protection- It is important to ensure that your kids are browsing the internet in a safe and secure fashion. The FamiSafe App blocks malicious content and allows your kids to never fall prey to sexual paedophiles or other anti-social elements looking to exploit them in a financial way. Restricted Access and Controls- The FamiSafe app automatically limit access to sites, which are not suitable for young minds. For example, casino sites, betting platforms and gambling portals. All this can be restricted and blocked, even in private browsing mode. Control over Browsing History- Some kids would never want their parents to know what they have been consuming online. They take great pains to ensure that they delete their browsing histories. However, with FamiSafe, parents can have real-time access to their kids’ browsing history. Protection against Paedophiles and Kidnappers- There are tons of people on the internet who have used the pandemic to start preying on innocent children. They offer money, gadgets and other freebies to win the trust and confidence of kids and they start exploiting them. The app guards against these. The Bottom Line- As parents, we can never be fully sure of what our kids are up to these days. While we want to ensure that we do not turn into helicopter parents, we also do not want them to get into any trouble. The internet is not a safe place for a young child. It can condition the mind in dangerous ways, leading to major issues and crisis-like situations. With the FamiSafe app, parents can be certain that they will be able to protect the interests of their kids online in the best possible fashion. If you are a parent who is serious about preserving the dignity, freedom and rights of their kids, you should try out a great screen time app like FamiSafe right away. Here are the download links- Google Play App Store  Amazon Try the software. Thank you for reading! Read Also: Removal of Android Screen Lock with iSkysoft The Best Pranking Apps in 2020 With 2018 Coming to a Close, Here Are Our Favorite Apps of the Year Best Deleted photos recovery Apps for Android Best iPhone Spy Apps Without Jail breaking

whatsapp hacked

Breaking The Code: Understanding And Recovering From WhatsApp Hacks

As one of the most widely used messaging applications with billions of users, WhatsApp has become a prime target for criminals. They seek to hack the platform and access sensitive information. WhatsApp is fairly prone to people hacking it if you are not careful. Unfortunately, the popularity of messaging apps has made them vulnerable to these attacks. Scammers often attempt to deceive users into sharing their 6-digit verification code, which they then use to log in to the app. So, is your WhatsApp hacked? Let's learn what to do when this happens. Is Your WhatsApp Hacked? If your verification code falls into the wrong hands, they can easily hack your WhatsApp account. However, if you have made this mistake, there is no need to worry. There is a way to recover your hacked account. Here is how you can ensure your WhatsApp is safe and not hacked. Inform WhatsApp & Others Contacts If you suspect that your account on WhatsApp may have been hacked, you should first inform WhatsApp about the issue. You can contact them via email at and make sure to mention "Lost/Stolen: Please deactivate my account" in the text body. Additionally, it is important to inform your friends and family members about the security breach so that they are aware and do not fall prey to any objectionable messages from the hacker. Once your account is successfully deactivated, you will be given 30 days to reactivate it. If you fail to reactivate it within the given time, all saved chats or media backed up in the cloud will be at risk of being deleted. Reactivate WhatsApp If you receive a duplicate SIM card, you can reactivate your WhatsApp account on a different device. WhatsApp will send you a six-digit code that you will need to enter to gain access to your account. After entering the code, the hacker will be logged out of your account automatically. However, if you do not receive the duplicate SIM card within the given time frame, delete your WhatsApp account to prevent the perpetrators from misusing your account. Please note that uninstalling and removing WhatsApp are not the same. To delete your account, you need to contact WhatsApp Web Support. If the hacker activates the 2-step verification process, this will motion WhatsApp into asking you to enter the code. Since you do not know the code that the hacker has used, you will have to wait for seven days to recover your account. The good news is that during this waiting period, the hacker will not have access to your WhatsApp account. As one of the most popular messaging apps with over 2.5 billion users, WhatsApp remains a prime target for regular hackers who attempt to compromise user privacy. WhatsApp Safety: Signs Of Being Hacked Here are a few signs you should look for to determine if your WhatsApp account could have been hacked. If you start to see any of the signs and think that your WhatsApp may be hacked, here are a few things you could do to get back your account and prevent future attacks. If you see new contacts in your account that you don't remember adding Spam messages and media sent from your account to old or newly added contacts An unknown device from an undisclosed location has accessed your WhatsApp account There are notable changes to your profile details, such as your username and profile picture that you don't recall making Someone adds you to new groups that you don't remember being a part of If you have misconfigured account and security settings WhatsApp Hacked How To Protect Your WhatsApp Account? If you think that someone has hacked your WhatsApp account, you can follow a few steps to recover your account. It will also prevent hackers from accessing it again. 1. Regain Control Of Your WhatsApp Account Have you ever clicked on a shady link? Did you scan a weird QR code to join a group, or did anything to lose complete access to your account? In this case, you should try to regain access to your WhatsApp account. 2. Sign Out Of Your Account From Any Device WhatsApp Web no longer requires you to have your phone nearby to use your account. Therefore, if a scammer has linked your WhatsApp account to her WhatsApp Web, they may be using that account without your knowledge. The same applies if you use your account secretly on the WhatsApp desktop app. Therefore, it is essential to unlink your account from any unknown device you are currently using. To do this, follow these steps: Open WhatsApp on your main phone, where you just restored your account. On Android, tap the three vertical dots in the top right corner, then tap Linked Devices. Scan and remove suspicious devices accessing your account. Tap the device you want to remove and click Sign Out. On your iPhone, go to Settings > Linked Devices and unlink the unknown device. Recovering your account and logging out of unauthorized devices may protect your account. This prevents hackers from gaining access again. Next, notify your contacts of the security breach. 3. Notify Contacts About Security Breaches After hacking into a victim's WhatsApp account, attackers often pose as the victim and attempt to make money by demanding money from their contacts, asking for sensitive information that they can misuse later, or sending phishing links to hack other accounts. Once you have secured your account, it is essential to notify all your contacts about the breach so that they are aware of the situation and do not ignore any suspicious messages. Those who have already responded to the scammer's message can take action to recover their money (if they've already sent it) and keep their sensitive information safe. 4. Block Unknown Contacts And Leave New Groups If scammers hack your WhatsApp account, they may use it to promote products or attempt to phish your contacts. They can also join random groups and spam them, which can harm your reputation and credibility. You should check your recent chat boxes with contacts that are unknown and messages you sent to groups. If you notice any suspicious activity, inform the contacts and group members about the breach and block all unknown contacts. You should also leave groups you do not engage in. To block a contact on WhatsApp, open the contact, tap the three vertical dots in the top-right corner, then tap More, and hit Block. After that, tap on Block in the confirmation popup. To leave a group on WhatsApp, go to the group you want to leave, tap on the three vertical dots in the top-right corner, tap More, and hit Exit group. After that, tap on Exit in the confirmation popup. Secure Your WhatsApp Account After you've successfully recovered your hacked WhatsApp account, it's important to take measures to prevent any future security breaches. One of the first things you can do is enable two-step verification. This will help prevent unauthorized access to your account. You can also activate the feature of disappearing messages for conversations that are sensitive. It will protect your data by encrypting cloud backups and customizing your privacy settings. This will make your WhatsApp account more secure. By taking these steps, you can reduce the likelihood of people hacking your WhatsApp account in the future and ensure the protection of your privacy. Don't let scammers compromise your WhatsApp account. Wrapping Up Recovering your hacked WhatsApp account is possible as long as you act fast. Being aware of the steps to take can help you regain control of your account in no time. Stay vigilant to prevent your account from malicious activities that could harm your reputation. One of the most prevalent methods used by hackers to gain unauthorized access to WhatsApp accounts is through phishing scams. Educating yourself on how these scams work can help you identify and steer clear of them. So, has someone hacked your WhatsApp? If you have thoughts to share or questions to ask, please leave a comment below. We would love to hear from you! Read More About: How To Fix A Hacked Android Phone? WhatsApp Not Working: Why It Happens And How To Fix It Your Wrist, Your Chat: Setting Up WhatsApp On Apple Watch