Securing Mobile App Development with Blockchain Technology

Published on: 14 September 2018 Last Updated on: 25 March 2020
App Development

Ever since mobile app development was introduced, it has not been without its own challenges with security being the most pertinent. Developers have always seen mobile application security as a big challenge owing to increasing cyber-attacks which has made the entire process even more vulnerable.

The major reason why mobile apps are the prime target of attackers is that they contain private and confidential data such as passwords and bank details. While several app development agencies have managed to come up with various measures to curtail the menace, it is, however, evident that mobile users cannot comprehensively rely on other third-party software. This is why has become relatively pivotal to consider the role of blockchain in-app security.

What is blockchain?

Before considering how relevant blockchain technology can be to app development, it is needful to first understand what blockchain itself is all about. Commonly referred to as the “base of all cryptocurrencies,” blockchain is generally regarded as the new big thing. In fact, there are those who consider this technology to be the next internet. Thanks to its revolutionary working principle, blockchain has not only managed to take the mobile app world by storm but it’s also influencing other sectors around the globe.

Simply put, blockchain is an open-source for all databases that cannot be tampered with or rewritten. It is designed as a digital database that contains several pieces of information such as financial transactions and other records that can be shared and used simultaneously within a wide decentralized network that can be accessed publicly. Blockchain technology functions in a way that is different from every other technology in the IT world. Basically, it seeks to enhance the speed, efficiency, security, and transparency of transactions performed across a peer-to-peer network.

While blockchain has been in existence long before now, it was, however, less prominent until the recent success of Bitcoin. Just so you know, Bitcoin is a product of the blockchain technology. Nevertheless, it is important to note that the usefulness of blockchain cuts beyond cryptocurrencies and can affect different other sectors. Due to the massiveness of its scope, virtually every industry is seeking to adopt the technology as their first choice, including the mobile app development sector.

Securing Mobile App Development with Blockchain Technology

Importance of blockchain technology in mobile app development :

Apart from its relevancy in performing peer-to-peer transactions, there are several other ways blockchain technology can be employed. When it comes to mobile application development, app developers and development agencies are very optimistic about incorporating this technology into their development process.

Generally, they believe that blockchain technology can help to greatly make mobile applications secure than ever due to the unaltered database it provides. Undoubtedly, this is amazingly true as there are several areas in which blockchain adoption can greatly impact mobile app development, including DNS/PKI, anonymous voting system, digital money transfer, maintaining healthcare records, managing property, accrediting the supply chain process, making online payments, and proving identity.

Enhancing mobile app security with blockchain :

Well, it is no more news that blockchain technology can effectively boost mobile app security. But this cannot be achieved if mobile app developers fail to understand properly the basic functionalities of blockchain and how it can affect app development. When it comes to making peer-to-peer payments (i.e. transferring funds between users on a network), there is every guarantee that such transactions are safe. This is why many mobile app development agencies are confident that technology will offer better app security. Here is how the technology can enhance mobile app security.

Safe transactions :

The incessant issue of hacking has made most mobile users afraid of online transactions. Obviously, there will be no more financial security worries with blockchain tech. This implies that users will enjoy the privilege of making funds transfer from and into their mobile wallets with absolute trust in the app knowing fully well that they are in safe hands. This will also help to drastically reduce the costs of making global payments as users will be enabled to make easy cross-border blockchain payments via their mobile apps. With these applications, users will be able to use the blockchain tech to make transactions on their smartphones and tablets. This implies that mobile users will not need to worry about owning a blockchain-enabled phone as every needed access will be provided on the app.

Absolute transparency and protection

Unlike other technologies available in the IT world, blockchain offers a unique feature that makes it uniquely different. With this technology, it is interesting to know that users’ data and information will remain securely safe as they cannot be breached. Here, absolute transparency and protection are maintained at the highest level. Even while everything on the network is carried out publicly, one thing users should know is that there is no breaching of information on the blockchain. To this end, it is imperative for mobile app developers to ensure that their development process is performed in line with blockchain’s principles so as to enable users to gain direct access to the network without having to hide anything.

Secured identity :

The main reason why hackers are gaining easy access into people’s account and stealing sensitive information is that many mobile users’ identity is not secure. But this is not the case in a decentralized platform. As a matter of fact, it is absolutely impossible for anyone to steal data from a decentralized system. In the blockchain, every user is provided with an encrypted private key that cannot be used by another user. To this end, it is highly difficult (if not impossible) for anyone to alter another user’s information or data on a decentralized platform.

No password required :

With blockchain tech, app users will no longer require a password to protect and access their mobile applications or devices. Just so you know, the technology has been designed to keep user information and data safe without the need for authentication.

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Iq Testing

Can You Trust Online Iq Testing Platforms For Evaluating Your Intelligence Level?

IQ tests are classic intelligence tests designed to measure your logical reasoning, memory, and problem-solving abilities. The test is often used to compare individuals with each other or predict school performance or job performance. Most online IQ test websites claim they can tell you how intelligent you are and suggest ideal careers based on your score. But is online IQ testing reliable? Can we trust online IQ tests? This blog will cover the history of IQ tests and the most trusted online providers of such tests. Read to find out! What Is IQ? IQ tests are standardized quantitative assessments of a person's intelligence, cognitive abilities, and intellectual ability. It tests a person's mental prowess in reasoning and problem-solving abilities. IQ tests are used to measure a person’s intelligence and gauge their level of mental functioning. They are popularly used in testing for academic achievement, assessing a person’s intellectual potential, and evaluating programs for individuals with intellectual disabilities. IQ tests are used for screening and measuring a person’s cognitive abilities over time. Schools, employers, and individuals commonly use them to test the aptitude of a child or adult.  Online IQ tests are reliable enough if they follow the same test structure and test items as the traditional ones. However, online tests cannot be conducted offline, so online IQ tests cannot be given with the same level of precision as those conducted on paper. An IQ score can give you an idea about a person’s cognitive abilities and intelligence level. Additionally, it can help determine how successful that person could be in various areas of life. It also influences job performance and success in various fields, such as education and employment. What Is The Suitable IQ Score For Your Age? There are several online IQ test platforms available online. Before choosing a test, you must understand the different types of tests available online. The common types of online IQ tests include online tests, games, and puzzles. Online tests score your test-taking skills objectively and provide a score without errors or mistakes. This type of test is accurate and reliable.  However, online games and puzzles aren’t as accurate and reliable as online tests since they don’t objectively score your test-taking abilities. It's vital to consider the accuracy and reliability of online testing platforms before taking any test on them for yourself. Further, if you're looking for detailed results and insights on your results, look for tests that offer a detailed report on results and insights. With these pointers, you can confidently take online IQ tests without hesitation. Once you have chosen which IQ test you want to take, you should check the results obtained with the normal results recorded for your age and see if the results are suitable for your age and intelligence. History of IQ Tests IQ tests have been around for more than a century. Psychologist Alfred Binet first developed the intelligence quotient (IQ) concept in 1905. This test was designed to measure a person’s level of intelligence and is used widely today to measure cognitive abilities.  The first IQ test was created in France in 1916 and consisted of 30 questions designed to measure intelligence. The test has been adapted and improved to create modern versions used today. With the advent of online technology, online testing platforms have become popular. These online platforms offer free or for-a-fee tests similar to traditional IQ tests. However, it is essential to note that online testing platforms can only partially replace a traditional exam like the one offered by a test center or a school. Also, online tests can only accurately indicate a person's intelligence level if trained professionals administer them. The Most Trusted Online IQ Tests? the Most Accurate IQ test is a reliable online platform for taking IQ tests. The tests are designed to accurately measure cognitive abilities and give a score for your intelligence quotient (IQ score). The test results are based on the latest scientific research and verified by experts in the field. The online test platform offers several IQ tests, from short quizzes to more complex tests that take up to two hours to complete. The test results provide detailed insights into your cognitive strengths and weaknesses and help you identify areas where you can improve. is a trusted online platform for taking IQ tests and provides accurate results backed by extensive research and expert validation. : A Legit IQ Test Online 123test is a reliable online IQ test platform millions worldwide have used. It offers a comprehensive test that measures intelligence in various areas, from verbal and spatial to visual and non-verbal abilities. The test uses a variety of questions to assess different types of intelligence and covers multiple areas of cognitive ability. Generally speaking, the tests are based on scientifically sound principles and use a combination of different kinds of questions to test IQ.They provide users with detailed results that cover various aspects of cognitive ability. Explaining each answer will help users understand their thought process more accurately. Overall, 123 test is a trusted test that can be used to assess cognitive ability reliably and accurately. Trusted IQ Test is a trusted online platform offering free, accurate, and reliable IQ tests. The test takes less than 15 minutes to complete and provides detailed results with an estimate of your IQ score and percentile ranking. The site also features other tests, such as personality, aptitude, and career tests. The test provides a secure test environment with no personal data being collected or stored. is a great online test platform for users who want an accurate and free IQ test. Brain Metrix: Online IQ Test For Everyone Brain Metrix offers free online IQ tests designed to measure various cognitive abilities. The tests include a variety of questions covering different areas, such as problem-solving, logical reasoning, and verbal comprehension. The online test also provides detailed results and analysis of the user's performance on the test. Each test is based on data from over 500,000 users for comparison. The online test is reliable and accurate due to its large sample size and high test accuracy rate of around 99%. It also regularly updates tests to ensure users can track their progress over time. Overall, Brain Metrix’s online IQ test provides a free and convenient way for anyone to test their cognitive abilities. See My Personality: A Great Online Personality Test Online personality test platform See My Personality is a reliable online assessment tool for IQ and personality. The test is based on the Big Five personality theory, widely accepted in the psychological field. It accurately assesses your cognitive abilities, personal preferences, and social skills. The test takes only 10 minutes and provides a detailed report of your results. See My Personality compares your results and the average scores obtained by others who have taken this test. This online personality test is a great way to explore your personality and understand how you compare to others. Whether you are looking for an online test to assess your intelligence or just interested in seeing how you stack up against other individuals, See My Personality is a great online test platform to consider. Fun Education: a Good Test IQ for Students Fun Education is an online test preparation platform offering various tests and quizzes for elementary, middle, and high school students. The platform has been designed to test knowledge, critical thinking skills, and problem-solving abilities. It provides detailed feedback after each test so students can identify their strengths and weaknesses and improve their performance next time. Fun Education's results are reliable, and many educational institutions trust the platform due to its proven track record of helping students achieve their academic goals. Whether you're a student looking for a test prep solution or an educator seeking reliable results for your students, Fun Education is a great place to start. Conclusion Many online IQ testing platforms claim to test your intelligence quotient. However, it is essential to understand that online tests do not replace professional testing. They are simply a way of passing the time and exercising your brain muscles. Online tests may or may not be accurate, as they don’t measure intelligence quotient as accurately as a professional test. Therefore, if you want to test your intelligence online, go for it. But do not take the results too seriously. After all, you can only test your intelligence when you put your mind to it! Read Also: 5 Tips To Be A Great Teacher In 2023 7 Benefits Of Taking An Online Alcohol Certification Class NLP Certification: What Is It? And Is It Right For You?

Construction Business Management Software

All You Must Know About Construction Business Management Software

Are you contemplating using construction business management software? You should. The inexpensive construction management system should be preferred any day in case you are working on just one or other non-construction projects. Construction companies have specific requirements pertaining to the industry. Project management solutions can take care of them. They mimic construction management features, with the project management features such as task management, activity feed, reporting, and boards. This article will touch base with the main features, top features for the crossover scenario, the role of project managers and construction managers concerning software functionalities. Project Management Features for Construction Companies: The key features that direct your construction project on a successful journey are listed below. These include commercial, residential and industrial construction. Estimating: An estimating tool helps to operate a project within a set budget. The software helps in making bids at a higher price and takes them through integrated scheduling and benchmarking. An estimating tool should work well with enterprise resource planning (ERP) system to aid in delivering accurate estimates from the capabilities of the company and the timeline. Project Information: Construction projects are complicated, operate for long periods and involve many stakeholders. Data drawings and models stack up over some time.  These should be brought to optimum use during the project implementation. Project information modeling helps with a built-in reporting and analytics tool. Accounting/Cost Management: Basic benchmarking and budgeting function is available in most of the PM solutions. However, a powerful cost management tool includes estimating and forecasting to provide a complete overview of the project financials. Cost management is vital to managing to account in-house. Excel spreadsheets are a no-no. Henceforth, a project management solution should have an accounting feature to track invoicing, billing, payroll, and budget. Project Collaboration and Communication: The right construction project management application helps in collaborating with the internal as well as the external stakeholders. Improve efficacy by working with owners, designers, subcontractors and other entities. Get the project into a single pane of glass with it. Reporting and Dash-boarding: Reporting tools provide data and insight into profits and more. It makes the user take parameters such as industry, partner, contract diversification, resource allocation, executive level trend data and more into account. Content management: The user can manage the project information into a single pane of glass by holding all the details in a single platform. Gathering project documents, contracts, and drawings are accessible in a single place. But one needs to collect images and safety data, RFIs, COs and share them with the parties involved. Scheduling and Planning: Scheduling is a method to ensure the project moves ahead on the planned timeline. It should enable you to assign the external entities that the project is running on time. The construction scheduling software online should also be flexible enough to make way for changes and modifications in the project schedules and milestones. It offers visibility into the schedule to prevent confusion and misunderstanding. Integration: If it can integrate with other software systems, then there is nothing better than this. The software helps in reallocating resources and get back office efficiencies. You can get all the internal and external data together to improve communication. This helps in learning about the project progress financially and schedule-wise. Productivity and Time Tracking: Regular and accurate field data helps in understanding profitability. A PM software does just that. It enables structuring the project and book in a manner to collect and measure the granular data. Time and resources do not provide helpful data. Summing up: Construction industry requires a solution that can be used for reporting, project planning, monitoring and the ability to meet the requirements of complicated construction projects. It helps in successful completion. Read Also: Construction Plans In Australia Best Uses For Stainless Steel In Construction 8 Reasons Why Your Company Should Get A Vendor Management Software

Job Management Software

This Is Why Every Organization Should Invest in Job Management Software

Having your staff manage your business can be expensive and not accurate. This is because you need to have a single employee attend to a specific department and ensure that everything is running as required. This can be made easy by using job management software. This is software that is made to get an organization's activities running in order. A job management software is the best to have since you will require one person to run it or even do it yourself if your business is not that big. Read more now to learn how job management software will make the best out of your organization's activities. GPS tracking Job management software can track your employees or your business's car location. This is what most employers struggle with, especially if your business involves sending packages. The car's global positional system is sent to the software through a signal. Financing made easy Recording your job's invoices on the software is helpful since you can always retrieve them anytime you require them. This is also helpful for the head of finance can always transfer the invoice through the software. This is professional, unlike paperwork which is still tedious and not accurate at times. Transparency You do not want to fire your head of staff just because they did not do enough supervision for the employees. Job management software enables you as the job owner to go through all the task details through one avenue, which is only controlled by the supervised personnel. An organization where the staff can be trusted builds confidence and makes everyone accountable and even more alert when going about their activities. Estimating and job management software helps a business to achieve its goals. Better communication For a successful and conducive workplace, you need to have the right communication channels. This is to help address the critical issues that the company may be going through. Through GPS tracking, an employer is as well able to trust the employees for that is transparent evident information of your locality. It is valuable Management software will help you achieve your goals. This is because you have a professional controlling avenue that you can trust. Your employees as well get introduced to a new and worthwhile mode of running things in the organizations. This makes the work easy and manageable too. Scheduling An organization with a work plan is probable to achieve more than one that does not. Through this software; you can be able to sort out the most important activities to accomplish. This helps you not to lag behind the timelines. Better service delivery With an organized workforce, your clients can get the best out of your services. It makes every staff beware of their responsibilities and when to execute them. Estimating and job management software help the organization save time and realize more income. Job management software is the best solution to break down your tasks, and it all help you plan towards achieving. Organizing your staff and letting each other understand their responsibilities. Read Also: What Is the Best Tax Software to Be Using in 2019? Tips to Choose the Best Inventory Management Software Best Transaction Management Software for Your Real Estate Business Start-up Business Management: How to Reduce Risk and Guarantee Success Why Contract Management Software Is Essential for Your Tech Company