Things to look out for while hiring health app developers

Published on: 06 August 2018 Last Updated on: 24 February 2020
health app

According to a recent report released by Research2Guidance, the market for healthcare applications will reach around $25-$30 billion by 2018 and hence you can see around thousands of healthcare applications lurking in the app stores. And most of the applications are mainly based on fitness and health that helps you to track your basic health parameters. And if you are having an exciting idea for a mobile healthcare application, this is the best time to start building one. But if you are not well-versed in application programming then you need to hire health app developers to assist you in developing the application.

Things to consider while hiring health app developers

When it comes to hiring developers for building your healthcare application, you can find a lot of application developers on many freelance websites. But the important thing is to make sure you hire the right and an efficient team of developers that can help you complete the application on time and within the specified budget. It is often good to spend enough time upfront in considering various factors before hiring the app developer as it would definitely help you in avoiding the delay and the headaches from the team later. So to hire the best health app developers, make sure to consider the following factors:


The first thing to consider while hiring health app developers is to look at their portfolio. If they have experience in developing healthcare applications before, then it is a big plus as they may know exactly the way to go about building your app. Take a look at the apps they have developed and also look at the reviews and ratings posted by other users.


An experienced app developer will be able to implement all the features you may require and also would provide valuable suggestions for your application. Inquire to the developers about what kind of frameworks they will be using and the plan of action in completing the app. A highly skilled developer will be able to provide you a complete action plan from the design stage until the launch of your application.


Price is always not an important factor as at the end of the day you need a quality product that satisfies the needs of the intended users. But that doesn’t mean you need to pay a huge sum that can be completed for half the price. Make sure to clear budget and hire an app developer who agrees to the pricing and is also efficient enough to complete the app.


Unlike other apps, healthcare applications need to communicate with other existing clinical management systems already available in the hospital. And in those cases, you may need to ensure the development team is well aware in building a compatibility layer over the application for integrating with other systems in the future.

Data Security:

Another important aspect is to look for the data security provided in your mobile applications. Make sure to employ developers that are experienced in developing apps that have a high-security cover.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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autism treatments

Alternative Treatments for Autism Along with Medications like Risperdal

If you have a child with Autism Spectrum Disorder, don’t worry too much as there are many things that you can do to treat them naturally at home. Still, you will need all the assistance from different sources like your healthcare provider, your friends, and family, and people dealing with the same situation. To do all of these things, you need to be emotionally and physically healthy to deal with your child. Emotionally, since it can be quite distressing taking care of a kid with special needs, and physically since children with ASD tends to be overly energetic at times. What is Autism Spectrum Disorder? Autism spectrum disorder is a mental disorder that affects a person’s neurological and developmental aspects. This condition shows up during the early years and may very well last until a lifetime. The kid’s interactions, actions, communication, and way of learning can be considered different from among his/her peers, even bizarre. Other mannerisms they might develop are speaking the same thing over and over again, or other repetitive behaviors. In wellness check-ups, if your kid shows signs and symptoms of having ASD, he/she will have an overall evaluation. It will require a team of doctors and specialists to distinguish a correct diagnosis and the right treatments and therapies for your kid. Medication like Risperdal is used to combat the irritability a child with ASD experiences. This medication can be ordered over-the-counter with a Risperdal discount coupon. There are no known factors for this condition other than theories. Studies suggest that genetics or the environment the patient is in can be a factor in the disease. Also, there are no established treatments for the disorder. The medications that your doctor will recommend might only be temporary ones, and if the child itself cannot adapt well to the specific treatments, you need to find another option or kind of treatment. As the child is growing, you need to consider all your options to have better results. You need to view all the choices as your kid must learn or enhance his/her ability to see and adjust to the environment. Some treatments deal with communication, learning, adapting, skills training, and even speaking. Tips and Guidelines Let us start with the diet. While you can make the diet of your kid yourself, you still need to consider what the healthcare will provide you. They have the knowledge required for this condition and are well-equipped for the job; also, they know better. For this condition, there is a standard autism diet that the child will need. This diet avoids gluten and casein, which is a must. Gluten comes from wheat, and grains like barley and rye. Gluten can be found on a lot of food and can cause digestive problems for your kid. Casein can be found in milk products, which can also disrupt your child’s digestive tract. The improvements that can root from this diet will show after one to three months of adoption. Try eliminating either gluten or casein, and see if removing one could have an improvement in your child. Getting all the nutrient requirements for a person who is on a specialized diet can be tough, as there are many food exceptions that you have to consider. For this, you need to employ supplements for the child’s other needs for vitamins. In some cases, anxiety and other factors can cause sleep depravity among children with ASD, to combat this, the release of melatonin must be implemented more. To do this, parents should do bright light therapy. In this therapy, the child is exposed to sunlight for an extended period in the morning. It will help the child’s body release melatonin, which will help him/her sleep in the evening. But also, you need to cut off food that will make your kid lose some sleep. Cut off on caffeinated drinks like coffee or soft drinks. Establishing a designated sleeping hour should also do the trick as it will train the kid’s body clock to follow the schedule. Turn off all gadgets before sleeping and making sure the bedroom is comfortably dark could also help. As you know, children with ASD can be very energetic, full of life, and very hectic. It is due to their tolerance to stimuli is weaker than most people. They tend to overdo simple things like running when they should walk, being over-excited to simple things, and be very loud during small conversations. To combat this, you must employ relaxation techniques, where you train your child to breathe more carefully, relax the muscles to release tension, and control the child’s emotions. This way, your child will be more relaxed overall. Takeaway Autism spectrum disorder can dramatically harm your child’s growth. With the help of your doctor, you will know the recommendations you will need to help your kid grow like most children. Read Also: Should You Send Your Child With Autism To A Regular Summer Camp? Care Free Fun: 5 Fun And Family-Friendly Activities For Children With Special Needs

Marijuana Addiction

Marijuana Addiction Treatment: 5 Steps to Avoid Relapse

As told by science and modern research, marijuana addiction is a chronic illness, and like any other chronic disease – hypertension, diabetes, asthma – long-term treatment is needed. However, marijuana addiction always has a possibility of relapse. The relapse rates of substance use disorders are between 40% and 60%, which are highly comparable to other chronic medical conditions. However, don’t be under the impression that relapse can’t be prevented just because it's common. An alcohol or drug relapse can quickly waste a lot of rehab work and can also be fatal. But don’t worry. If you’re struggling or if you know someone who’s struggling to avoid a relapse, then continue reading this article to learn about the steps you can do to prevent it from happening. Marijuana Addiction Treatment: 5 Steps to Avoid Relapse: Stages of Relapse: You should know that relapse does not happen overnight; it’s a process. For you to understand how to avoid relapse, you’ll have to know its three stages. Relapse begins a few weeks or months earlier before it reaches its final stage. Here are the three stages of relapse: Emotional relapse – In this stage, your mind does not consider using marijuana again. However, your behavior and emotions are setting you up for a possible marijuana relapse. Here are some signs of an emotional relapse: Poor sleep and eating habits Isolation Anxiety Defensiveness Intolerance Mood swings Anger Mental relapse – It this stage, your mind will be torn about the dos and don'ts. There will be a part of you that wants to use marijuana, but there’s also a part of you that doesn’t. In the early stage of mental relapse, you’d idly think about using it again, and this gets worse as the mental relapse continues. The signs of mental relapse are: Lying Fantasizing Thinking about relapse Glorifying past use Hanging out with friends that use Physical relapse – In this final stage, you’d be physically using marijuana again. Some people only use once after realizing that they’ve made a mistake and try to focus again on recovery and moving forward. Unfortunately, there are others that will continue to use. In such a case, getting help is the best option. Avoiding Relapse: Here are 5 steps to avoid marijuana relapse: 1. Know and identify how to manage relapse triggers: Relapse triggers can be anything. They can come from a similarly scented substance or simply just being with people that use. The triggers can also be a specific place, person, or emotion. These things can make you crave, think about, and use alcohol or drugs. You can easily identify these triggers with the help of therapy sessions. A relapse therapist can teach you effective ways to cope up with triggers, keeping you away from drugs or alcohol when your cravings are fortuitously triggered. There are treatment centers in Los Angeles that provide recovery services, such as Nexus Recovery; these services can help you identify and manage relapse triggers and monitor your progress. Here are some tips to manage or avoid triggers: Change your daily route and avoid passing through places that cause a trigger. Keep a list of people you can call when you’re feeling triggered. Practice relaxation techniques. Avoid triggering situations such as becoming stressed, lonely, tired, or hungry. 2. Follow a healthy lifestyle: Avoiding relapse needs long-term commitment, and this commitment includes building a new and healthier lifestyle. This can be a long and difficult process, but making significant lifestyle changes has been seen to decrease the risk of relapse. These lifestyle changes include learning and utilizing healthy coping methods for mental pressure and negative emotions, recognizing and managing mental illnesses if any, and promoting positive activities such as meditation, exercise, and art. Here are some healthy lifestyle ideas: Avoid having too much caffeine or sugar. Plan and prepare healthy snacks and meals in advance to avoid becoming hungry. Write a journal and keep track of your mood and daily thoughts. Be active. Engage in sports or work out. Drink plenty of water. Practice gratitude. Find a new hobby. 3. Use appropriate medications: With the ever-evolving addiction research, the development of medications that help patients to avoid relapse and manage their cravings was made possible. These medications, such as buprenorphine and methadone, when adequately used under supervision, can significantly decrease cravings and relapse urges. For some, taking these medications is the key to their relapse prevention and recovery. Talk to your doctor about taking such medications. 4. Undergo long-term treatment: Just like any other chronic disease, your recovery will not be quick and easy, especially when recovering from substance abuse. Doing two months of therapy or medication will not guarantee that you’ll not start using it again. For better long-term results, getting involved in an intensive treatment within a suitable period of time will surely help you. Participation and engagement in long-term addiction treatments have been known to help decrease the risk of relapse. A study involving more than a thousand patients found out that relapse rates decreased for patients who had continuous treatments, aftercare, and support group engagement. 5. Get a support group: It’s essential to know that going through the process alone may not provide desirable outcomes in recovery. Keep your supportive friends, loved ones, and family close. Do your best to surround yourself with people who really care for you and people who don’t use drugs or alcohol. A crucial factor in your road to recovery is social support; it can significantly help you to recover fast and resist relapsing. Here are some tips on how to create a good support network: Engage in recovery groups – You can search the Internet for marijuana recovery groups near your area, such as Marijuana Anonymous. Find a sponsor – A sponsorship is one recovering person sharing and talking to another recovering person. You will attend recovery group meetings regularly, discuss issues on the recovery, and work on recovering together. See a mental health or addiction counselor. Closing Thoughts: If you're under treatment or recovering from substance abuse, you should be realistic and understand that a relapse can occur anytime. However, you should also do your best to avoid it by following these steps. In addition to these, always make sure to work with your counselor or therapist in developing an effective relapse plan. By following this plan in case of a relapse, you will be able to minimize its negative consequences. Read Also: How Does Smoking Weed Affect The Society How Does Recreational Marijuana Affect Your Sex Life

Cancer Prominent

5 Types of Cancer Prominent in Women

Lifestyle, family, eating habits, surroundings – everything contributes to cancer possibilities in a person. Sometimes, late detection can be cured with substantial radiation and yet, sometimes early detection cannot be controlled. AMRI Hospital, a Kolkata-based hospital chain, suggests 5 types of cancer that have a higher possibility of manifestation in women than men. There are certain cancer prominent among the woman that can result in the substantial loss of life and body organs. Different Types of Cancer Prominent In Woman  There are several types of cancer that are prominent in women while you want to get the best treatment in AMRI hospital. Lung Cancer : It is a pre-conceived notion that only regular smokers suffer from Lung Cancer. However, this is a false assumption. An oncology expert at the best hospital in Kolkata, AMRI Hospital, said “It is true that long-term smokers are more susceptible to Lung Cancer, but that’s not the usual case with women. In more than half of the cases we have come across, the patient does not have a smoking habit.” Some of the factors responsible for lung cancer are: Passive Smoking Air pollution Exposure to toxic gases Heredity Statistics reveal that Lung Cancer is responsible for one of the highest number of deaths. A few precautionary measures that can be employed to fight against this deadly disease are: Avoid passive smoking. Meet your friends later or just excuse yourself from the environment. Pollution masks are readily available with pharmacists. If your city’s air is in the red zone of air pollution, make sure you wear the mask, especially while traveling. Studies have revealed that reduced alcohol consumption decreases the risk of having lung cancer. Exercise regularly and improve your diet. Physical activity helps to recover your body from the exposure to smoke, and diet maintains the smooth the functioning of the systems. Breast Cancer : According to the National Institute of Cancer Prevention and Research (NICPR), one out of every two women, newly diagnosed with breast cancer, dies in India. Generally, family history is one of the premier causes of breast cancer. If a person’s siblings, mother or daughter have the disease, the chances of suffering from the condition increase. There are a few factors that need to be considered in case of any suspicion about breast cancer:- Genetic Mutation of BRCA1 and BRCA2 Menopause after 55 or menstrual periods before the age of 11 No pregnancies or late first pregnancy (after the age of 30) Radiation treatment of chest for another cancer Medical studies have advanced to a level where controlling breast cancer is highly possible. However, there are some precautions to reduce the overall chances of the disease: Estrogen fuels breast cancer cells and it has been observed that loss of weight, especially if you are not aligned with BMI helps to fight the disease Avoid eating red meat. It is still under speculation but it’s better to be safe than sorry Quit drinking alcoholic beverages. Or at least minimize it to one drink per day. Thyroid Cancer : Although the chances of developing thyroid cancer are reasonably low, there are not many ways to prevent it either. Since potential tumors revealed via scans can be treated in early stages, it is pivotal to analyze the risk factors and focus on their control: Usually, this cancer develops in the 40s and 50s Family history RET gene mutation There are no such control measures for thyroid cancer, but some precautionary steps can be taken: Avoid radiation exposure Reduce the iodine content in your diet If there are any cases in family history, have regular check-ups for early diagnosis Uterine/Endometrial Cancer : Female reproductive organs are more prone to endometrial cancer. As the name suggests, it is cancer in the uterus lining. Similar to breast cancer, high estrogen feeds the cancer cells in this case. Never being pregnant, overweight and birth control pills are some of the premier causes of increased risk. Other factors include: Around the age of 60 Diabetes Family History Nutritionists at AMRI Hospital, Kolkata suggest, “Diet control is the best way to prevent uterine cancer. Since fat cells secrete estrogen, the level of the hormone increases and make a person more prone to the condition.” There are several facts that prove cancer is prominent among women. Colon Cancer : Women around the age of 70 are more susceptible to colon cancer. The abnormal cancer cells take almost 15 years to grow, so regular check-ups are an easy way for early diagnosis. Colonoscopy, blood tests or Cologuard (DNA stool test) are the best ways to diagnose colon cancer. Oncologist in Kolkata experts advises taking diets rich in calcium and fiber as precautionary measures. Read Also : Benefits Of E-Cigarettes Over Traditional Smoking Vaping In The Workplace: Legal Considerations How Does Smoking Weed Affect The Society