Key Marketing Tips To Gain More Customers For Your Health Care Practice

Published on: 07 August 2018 Last Updated on: 08 August 2019
Health Care Practice

When you have a healthcare practice, gaining customers can be quite the conundrum. Unlike other brands that offer services and products for a specific niche, your health care practice may have such a huge target market that zeroing in to appeal to a crowd can be tricky. This might be the reason why it can also be such a challenging thing to create a fully-executable marketing strategy for your practice. This doesn’t mean it’s impossible, though. Sometimes you just need the right kind of push.

Key Marketing Tips To Gain More Customers For Your Health Care Practice

In fact, today’s insights for the digital marketing scene make it quite the budding yet challenging field to penetrate for generally all kinds of practices. For instance, Google users actually use the search engine to conduct 100-billion searches every month. Considering that a whopping 81-percent of consumers do rely on research before making their purchases, that’s a whole lot of ground to cover with just Google alone. In fact, 72-percent of consumers who searched locally tend to visit stores within five miles, and given 28-percent of searches pertain to purchases in nearby locations, banking on proper marketing can really get you to places with the right strategy.

Marketing For Your Health Care Practice: Where To Start :

Key Marketing Tips To Gain More Customers For Your Health Care Practice


When you have a bit of a conundrum in terms of your healthcare practice, it might be important to first understand where exactly you’re coming from. In the below tips, you may finally be able to zero in on where you’re lacking, and finding the appropriate strategies for you to cope with such a problem. Institutions such as Studio 56 can actually help you solve your marketing woes, but it’s best you approach these groups after trying these out first:

. Make sure you find your voice: When people think of marketing, they normally think it’s just a process of getting people “into” your services or products. The reality of the fact is, marketing really also involves a lot of social relations. Marketing taps into the human aspect of sales, which means if you want to get more sales, your healthcare practice needs to be more “human.” Your offering to provide health care to your customers might be a good plus, but you’ve got to offer them something more than other health services aren’t providing. Before you provide offers or deals, this has to start with the personality of your brand. What’s your brand like? Is it formal and authoritative? Is it caring and motherly? Is it concerned and friendly? There are various voices for you to choose from.

. Make sure your marketing is consistent with your branding: When you think of a brand, one of the best ways to see it visually is to create a logo. When you start your marketing efforts, make sure you apply what you see in your logo in both a literal and metaphorical sense. Apply elements from the logo such as the iconography, typography, colors, and shapes, and apply them to your materials so you can be recognized. Likewise, make sure your logo reflects on the personal values you want your customers to feel. Red, for example, implies passion, yellow implies excitement, green implies nature and health, and others.

. Make sure your website is built for both desktop and mobile devices: If you have a healthcare practice, you’ve got to have your own website. This will be a primary backbone of your presence in the digital space. When you have someone designing your site for you, make sure it’s accessible by both desktop and mobile devices, so anyone can look into your website even when you’re on the go.

. Make sure you understand that speed is key: Regardless of where your customers are in the consumer process, speed is important. For instance, you’ve only got seven (7) seconds of room in order for visitors to get a gist of what your practice is offering for them – you need to make those seconds count. Every time your customer sees a marketing material, make sure your brand’s message is explained clearly and properly. When leads subscribe to your email, don’t leave them hanging and make sure you respond to their queries. When a customer inquires about a sale, make sure to keep them as updated as possible. Any seconds lost is a chance for the competition to steal your customers.

. Make sure availing your service and product is easy to do: What turns off people is the fact that there are too many options for them to choose from. Remember Hick’s Law, where the time it takes for someone to decide is proportional to the number of choices they have. In terms of marketing, this can be a bad sign as long decisions might make people avail of simpler services instead. When you offer a product or a service, make sure you offer them in ways that make them easy to access. Make sure forms are easy to fill out, payments are easy to do, shipping won’t be much of a hassle, and even wish lists are easy to create.

. Make sure you always have a structure built for assessment, reporting, evaluation: One of the most important yet overlooked elements in building a good marketing strategy is the lack of a means of efficient assessment, reporting, and evaluation. Try to make sure there’s always an option for both members of your team and customers to provide feedback about their experience. Mesh this with your actual statistics on your various marketing campaigns in order to get a good look at your performance in the marketing field in general. This pretty much enables you to get a bird’s eye view of what’s working and what’s not, and be able to make the proper adjustments.

The Bottomline: Marketing For Your Health Care Practice Takes Strategy :

Having a healthcare practice to call your own can be quite something to be proud of – after all, you’re doing a lot to be able to help other people with their various needs. However, just waiting for patients to come up your door isn’t exactly the best marketing strategy you should follow to get your returns. If the above is any indication, key marketing tips to gain more customers for your healthcare practice involves planning, execution, exposure, and sustainability. If you’ve ever wanted to make sure your healthcare practice gets the right kind of patients it needs, your marketing needs to be spot on as well.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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If you’ve reached a weight loss plateau, fix your sleep

Trying to lose weight but it’s not working? Yes, we understand your frustration. You are just zeroing into what exactly is hampering your weight loss, but all in vain. You are doing all the right workouts and you are following a strict diet. Then what’s going wrong?! It is natural and obvious to blame your workout regime or your diet. But sometimes, none of them are real issues.   While you are busy choosing between following a new work out session and changing your diet, you probably don’t give a second thought to the most crucial part of the day- sleep! And you’re not the only one; many fail to understand the importance of sleep. It is the key that boosts your reward for the diet and fitness efforts. It’s almost too easy to relate and connect the dots, considering the statistic for obesity and those who suffer from sleep deprivation. So what happens when you get less sleep? When you have had a bad night of sleep, you tend to wake up exhausted, dazed and a little grumpy. The truth is that apart from your body and brain, it is also your fat cells that respond in a similar way. When deprived of sleep, you suffer from “metabolic grogginess.” The hormones that control your fat cells may respond aggressively when you are sleep deprived. Your body’s ability to use insulin (the master storage hormone) declines drastically and eventually gets disrupted. Fat cells start removing the fatty acids and lipids from your bloodstream and prevent storage when insulin stops functioning. The fats start to circulate in your blood and pump out more insulin. The excess insulin starts storing all the fat and that too in all the wrong places. This means fat gets accumulated in tissues like your liver. This is how you tend to become fat and get diabetes.   Take your time to do the research and find more detailed advice on crafting a smart, healthy sleep regimen, from choosing a good mattress to organizing around your sleep needs (our favorite source of sleep tips, reviews and tips is If you are tired, you are going to start craving for more food! Your hunger is controlled by two major hormones; leptin (produced in your fat cells) and ghrelin. If your body produces less leptin, the more likely your stomach will feel empty. And the more ghrelin your body produces, your more a subjective feeling of hunger will be simulated. This happens although you would be trying to increase the number of calories you burn. So, in turn, this increases the fat that is stored in your body. Sleep deprivation makes it impossible for you to control the leptin and ghrelin production in your body. Also, when you don’t get enough sleep, the cortisol levels rise in your body. And you already know that the loss of sleep causes your body to produce more ghrelin. A deadly combination of high ghrelin and cortisol levels shuts down those parts of your brain that make you feel full and satisfied after a meal. This means you will be hungry all the time! More injury, the more rest you need Your reflexes also take a toll when you are sleep deprived. Your judgment is impaired and you may not be responding as accurately as you should be. And this can be extremely dangerous especially if you are dealing with heavyweight items. Keep in mind that your body needs sufficient time to rest so that the cells can be regenerated and repaired. So, now you know what to change- your sleep pattern!


A Couple’s Guide To Celebrating Your Big Day With Cannabis

With the legalization of recreational marijuana in numerous states nationwide, weed weddings have become increasingly popular in recent years. If you and your partner enjoy imbibing marijuana, you may want to include it in your special day. From cannabis-infused cocktails to a designated smoking area, there are many ways to incorporate weed into a wedding celebration. A marijuana-friendly wedding can be a unique and memorable experience for couples and their guests alike. However, it pays to follow a few tips to help ensure the big day goes smoothly. Investigate State Laws To avoid legal troubles, you must investigate state laws around cannabis so you don’t have a dampener put on your event due to police investigation and fines and charges. Find out if recreational marijuana purchase and use is permitted in your location, and remember that some states have only made medical cannabis legal. You can find helpful information on state government websites or marijuana-specific blogs, and the like that break down details state by state. Ensure you read credible, updated data to protect yourself and your guests. If you learn that you won’t legally be able to have cannabis as part of your wedding day in the area where you live, you may want to have a destination wedding somewhere it’s legal instead. Do your research before paying any non-refundable venue or other deposits to avoid losing money. Ask Venues if They Permit Weed Use Speaking of venues, it’s also vital to check with any place you plan to hire for your nuptials or reception if they allow marijuana on the premises. While it may be legal in the state, this doesn’t mean the wedding venue you pick won’t have a problem with it. As you’ll see from your research, business owners can forbid the possession or usage of cannabis on their premises in many states around the country. The sooner you ask about this topic, the better, so you don’t end up with an issue on the big day or before it. Select Weed Types and How You’ll Present It Another tip is to consider the best type of weed you want to make available at your wedding. As a regular user, you know it comes in numerous forms, such as edibles, like gummies, cookies, brownies, etc., or rolled-up joints, bongs, and so on. Some people just like to serve one particular style, while others opt for numerous options. Presentation is key, too. Think about how you want to show that weed is available and whether you want this to be a big feature. For instance, you could set up a dedicated marijuana bar where attendees can come and choose what they’d like to imbibe, or you could create a chill-out zone designated for consuming cannabis and relaxing. Alternatively, include weed into your party favor bags or even go all out and add it to design elements of your wedding, such as on the invitations, in the event décor, the menu, etc. Ensure that Children and Pets Will Stay Safe This may not be relevant to you, but if you plan on having any children or pets present on your big day, it’s vital to ensure they stay safe and don’t accidentally consume any cannabis and get sick. You’ll need to position cannabis somewhere that pets and children can’t see or grab it and have someone supervising them at all times. They could potentially find some on the floor or on a table that guests absentmindedly leave lying around, but if they’re supervised and, hopefully, kept in a separate area once the weed has been brought out, you can rest easier. Consider Putting Weed on Your Registry List Lastly, if you have a restricted budget and want to utilize weed at your wedding or on your honeymoon but are worried about the cost, why not think outside the box? You could add the purchase of cannabis to your registry list and save yourself some money. People could contribute money towards purchasing it for the event or buy it themselves and bring it along. You could provide guests with a list of places where they can buy it, to help them out with this, such as dispensaries for cannabis concentrates in Phoenix or stores selling marijuana gummies in Los Angeles, etc. Hosting a marijuana-friendly wedding can take a little more planning and thinking, but it can be a fun way to add pizazz to your memorable day and help you make the occasion truly authentic for you and your partner. Consider how much you want cannabis to be a part of your wedding and work back from there as you design the special occasion. Read Also: The Most Popular Cannabis Strains And Where They Came From What Are Tarpenes? How Do They Work? – Cannabis Guide How To Make Your Own Cannabis Topicals

sleep better

How to sleep better when you have cancer

Did you know that a poor sleeping schedule could increase your risk of cancer? It may be responsible for raising the risk of heart conditions, diabetes, and other major illnesses, as well as impair your immunity system. Experts have realized the importance of sleep in addressing these risks. They suggest that people should focus on improving the quality of their sleep to improve their lives. There are a large number of people who are already suffering from these conditions who may have trouble sleeping as a result. Do you have cancer? This guide can help you sleep better at night. How does cancer interfere with sleep? Cancer and cancer treatment can induce sleep problems even in people without a previous history of troubled sleep. You may be faced with excessive fatigue throughout the day from both your condition and treatment, which will impact your ability to get a full night's rest. Both could increase your risk of developing a sleep condition significantly. Sleep better for your better health habits during times of cancer. Cancer may cause both physical and emotional distress, which will affect your sleep. These can be very disruptive to your sleep patterns. The medication and treatment plans on offer for people with this condition will also cause sleep problems. Chemotherapy and radiation treatment will often carry side effects such as pain, night sweatband nausea, which will make it difficult to sleep at night.  There are many secondary conditions that may cause other sleep complications that could arise from treatment. You may also face trouble sleeping from anemia and hypothyroidism. The most common sleep disorder among cancer patients is hypersomnia, which increases the urge to sleep throughout the day. Some symptoms of hypersomnia include having trouble staying awake, sleeping for more than 9 hours at a time and experiencing persistent sleepiness despite actually getting recommended amounts of sleep. It is linked with certain types of cancer, but may also be a result of treatment. About one-third of cancer patients experience the reverse condition, insomnia. Some of the symptoms of this include difficulty falling and staying asleep, feeling unrefreshed after a full period of sleep and regular early mornings. Most insomnia in cancer patients arises from chronic pain, but may also result from treatment. Cancer also increases the risk of disruptive sleep apnea and sleep-disordered breathing problems. It may be symptomized by poor concentration and memory levels, headaches, excessive sleepiness, chronic snoring, dry mouth, and sore throat, and decreased libido. How to sleep better when you have cancer Cancer can cause chronic pain, which will affect your sleep. You may also have a poor sleep schedule because of the treatment options which can take a toll on your body and mind. It is important that you maintain a healthy sleep routine to maximize your ability to get recommended amounts of rest every night. These are a few tips to help you sleep better when you are living with cancer. Restore balance to your sleep/wake rhythm You will be less likely to sleep if your circadian rhythm is compromised. Since it is affected by exposure to light, you can control your sleep/wake cycle by regulating your exposure to light. During the day, you should take in as much natural light as possible. At night, you should limit the amount of light to improve your ability to fall asleep. If you are facing increased fatigue from your treatment, you could consider healthy and energetic food options, as well as exercise, to build up your energy levels. This will help you stay up during the day and restore your natural rhythm for a better night. Maintain a sleep schedule You should limit your sleep to about the same length every night for consistency. Even on the weekends, you should only allow yourself at most one more hour in bed. This will help your brain build a positive association with your sleep environment, which will enable you to sleep and wake up within your schedule. You will be better able to get a good night's rest if you have an orderly schedule to help you out. Try out essential oils Essential oils are great for addressing chronic pain and managing other effects of cancer. You should incorporate these oils into your lifestyle because they can alleviate some of the effects of both your condition and treatment. Essential oils such as lavender can be applied topically as a form of aromatherapy to induce sleep. Other oils such as peppermint and tea tree oil offer anti-inflammatory effects. The pain reduction and effect on snoring will help you sleep without any disruptions. Limit blue light Blue light exposure can confuse your brain into tanking that it is still day time. It is emitted by phones, computers and other devices with a screen. It could affect your ability to fall asleep. You should make sure to have all these devices off at least 90minutes before bed to help you sleep better. Create a good sleeping environment Cancer patients need an uninterrupted night. However, this can be difficult because of the pain and other effects of treatment. You can improve your ability to get a full night’s rest by improving the level of comfort in your sleep environment. You could consider getting new mattresses, sheets and pillows to elevate your level of comfort. Visit bear mattress for a great selection of comfortable options. Aside from having comfortable sheets, warm pillows and a great mattress, you may also need to limit your exposure t light and noise to help you get to sleep. Some music could help you sleep better, but care must be taken to ensure it is not disruptive and accompanies your night. You could also consider natural and patterned sounds to help you fall asleep. Final word Sleep is restorative and beneficial for your health. It has been linked with an increased likelihood of successful cancer treatment; with people who sleep better likely to go into remission. Having as little as 6 hours or as much as 10 hours of sleep in a 24-hour period could negatively affect your ability to beat cancer. You need to develop and commit to a great sleeping schedule to increase you odds of survival. Sleep quality and hygiene could be just as integral to your survival as a good diet and treatment plan. Read Also: Can Breast Augmentation Cause Cancer? The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Non-Alcoholic Spirits