Resistance Bands: the Best Tool for your Home Gym

Published on: 08 August 2018 Last Updated on: 08 August 2019
Resistance Bands: the Best Tool for your Home Gym

Resistance bands :

Resistance bands

These brightly-colored rubber bands are the perfect choice for any home gym.

Whether you’ve got a full weight-training setup or you prefer bodyweight exercise, the resistance band is a versatile tool to improve everything from mobility to maximum strength.

Stick with us because in this short article you’re going to learn everything you need to know about the why and how of resistance bands!

Resistance Bands: What Are They?

Resistance Bands: What Are They?

Resistance bands are basically tough, elastic bands that are designed to be used in exercise and sports training.

They can be any length, but the main two are “loops” that are put around body parts – such as the hip circle – or full-length bands that can also be used with weight training equipment.

They’re used for a variety of reasons:

  • Stretching
  • Bodyweight strengthening
  • Resistance training

We’re going to break these down one by one, so you know what you can expect from a high-quality resistance band.

Why We Love Resistance Bands So Much

Why We Love Resistance Bands So Much 

Home gyms require you to be space-efficient. When you’re in charge of buying and storing everything, you need to get the most out of equipment.

Resistance bands are the perfect bang-for-your-buck purchase. They have many uses, they’re cheap, you can store them easily, and they make everything you do in training better.

You can also take resistance bands anywhere – making it possible to get a great workout on the road, on camping trips, or when enduring the in-laws. This makes them unique among workout tools: good luck doing this with a barbell!



Bands make the perfect stretching tool for many reasons.

To start with, they apply gradual resistance. You’re subjecting your muscles to an increasingly more challenging stretch using bands. This is going to make it easier t get into the right positions and combat stubborn, tight muscles.

A great example of this is the shoulder dislocates. The point of this exercise is to warm up the shoulders and loosen off tight muscles in the chest. Bands are much better than a wooden rod for this, as they’ll actively open your chest up and force you to improve on the stretch.

Flexibility is good, but it isn’t much use if you can’t control your shoulders:

“flexibility without strength may predispose the individual to joint injury”

– David Joyce

Elastic resistance forces you to control the movement while you develop greater flexibility. This is crucial for reducing injury and strengthening connective tissues!

Elastic resistance is popular with the world’s best weightlifters and, if it’s good enough for them, it’s good enough for us!

Advanced Mobility

Advanced Mobility

Resistance bands play a big part in advanced mobility techniques and rehabilitation after injury.

Kelly Starrett’s approach to mobility involves bands to improve stretching exponentially. There are dozens of examples of this from improving hip stretches to building ankle mobility. If you’re serious about your mobility, bands can take it to the next level and save you hundreds of hours in the long-run!

They’re also a key part in physiotherapy and rehab. Bands are great for stability and strengthening work – allowing you to improve movement quality and strengthen neglected muscles. These all add up to mean healthier, safer joints.

Bodyweight Strengthening

Bodyweight Strengthening

Are pull-ups too difficult? Add a band.

Are push-ups too easy? Add a band!

Bodyweight strengthening is amazing: gymnastic strength training should be a part of everyone’s exercise routine. However, because you’re using your own body weight it can be hard to scale this to get easier or more difficult since you can’t add/lose weight that fasts.

Resistance bands can be used to assist exercises by attaching them to something that reduces the effect of gravity on you. Dips are a great example – you can put your knees in a band to make the exercise much easier and build towards full dips.

On the other hand, you can make exercises more difficult by adding a band. When performing a push-up, you can put the band in either hand and around your back so that it adds resistance towards the top of a push-up.

This is a great example of how versatile the resistance band is: it can make exercises easier or harder. It’s an easy way of scaling any exercise you can think of!

Resistance Training

Resistance Training

If you’re training for strength, power, or sports performance, resistance bands are perfect.

Adding bands to exercises like squats, deadlifts, and even sprints can provide amazing benefits for explosive power. By overloading the top of the movement (when the bands are elongated and provide most resistance) you can develop power in the knee- and hip extension.

Put simply, it makes these exercises easier at the bits that are usually easy. This ensures you’re putting maximum effort into the movements that build strength and power for other sports like Olympic lifting, sprinting, jumping and field sports (like rugby).

Closing Remarks

Resistance bands are great because they’re versatile, compliment every other type of training, and they’re amazingly practical.

With a key role in building strength, improving mobility, and preventing injury, resistance bands are amazing for your health and fitness goals.

If you’re short on money or you’re not sure what to buy for your home gym to get maximum value, they’re the right choice for you.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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You Can’t Out-diet Your Training

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Home Paternity Test

The Average Price Of A Home Paternity Test Based On The State You Live In

If you're thinking of getting an at-home procedure that can help you determine the father of your child, then you're not alone! Millions of women do this every year to establish who the father is, determine child support amounts, determine custody of a child, or solely for peace of mind. If you want to just know who the father is for your own peace of mind and to help establish a relationship between your child and their biological father, then you can do an at-home procedure. If you need to know the paternity for legal purposes - such as child support payments or custody battles - then you will have to go to an in-person professional setting so you can have this done at a laboratory. Either way, you need to know how much you will be spending on this procedure so you can save money and be prepared for the total amount! The Average Price Of A Home Paternity Test Based On Your State If you are considering getting a home paternity test to see how the father of your child is,  then you need to find out more info before purchasing. Fortunately, the costs are typically quite affordable, no matter what state you live in. If you live in the United States, you can expect to pay under $400 for this at-home DNA testing kit. But how do you use the home paternity test? Is it complicated? Fortunately for you, it is very easy to use! All you have to do is follow these tips on the instructions they provide you with the kit. You have to use the buccal swab to get cells from inside of your child's cheek and then you send the buccal swab in the vial back to a lab for them to do testing. And that’s it - simple as that! If you live in Illinois, the home paternity test is usually around $115 for an at-home collection kit and paternity test kit, whereas an in-person court-admissible test costs around $230. If you live in Pennsylvania, the average price of a home paternity test cost is around $59 per family or around $19 per person. In Florida, the home kits typically range between $200 and $300. In New Jersey, the prices typically start around $189 for DNA testing, paternity testing, and maternity testing procedures. The home paternity test for Colorado costs between $90 and $225 depending on the facility you chose or if you do a home paternity test. In California, you can expect to pay between $400 and $500 for a legal paternity test, with a home test costing between $15 and $125. Conclusion As you can see, the prices vary depending on the state you live in and where you are getting the procedure done. For a home paternity test, you can expect the prices to stay below $200. For an in-person test, you can expect the prices to range between $150 and $350, which can sometimes be even lower depending on where you live! More Resources: 10 Health Problems Eased by Yoga 8 Newborn Baby Care Tips for First-Time Parents 4 Facts you should Consider in Organic European Formula