Exploring the Three Types of Facelifts and What Areas They Can Help


15 December 2021



Fine lines and wrinkles in the face are the most common visible signs of the aging process. Some wear them with a badge of honor, but for others, their presence on the face is an unwanted reminder of how times have changed. Now different types of facelifts services are available to minimize all signs of aging processes.

Facelifts are one of the most popular types of plastic surgery because they help to undo some of the signs of time. But there’s not just one type of facelift out there; in fact, there are three! These procedures: Mini facelifts, Mid-facelift, also known as cheek lift surgery, and a full facelift, all work to take years off of the face in different areas. 

3 Types Of Facelifts

3 Types Of Facelifts

The different facelifts services are available. But according to the face mapping, every individual facelift has a different area specified.

Here’s how these procedures work and what problem areas they work to target!

1. Mini Facelift / Lower Facelift

The facelifts are a different area targeted. Not each type of facelift treats the whole face. The Mini and small area targeted facelifts are more least invasive in the facelift procedures, which target minor concerns like fine lines and wrinkles and to sag and drooping of skin in the lower portion of your face, namely treating issues such as jowl formation or jagging jawline. 

This type of facelift is excellent for those with minor concerns about sagging skin and lines around the mouth, chin, and lower cheek areas but do not yet require treatment on any areas to the upper or higher middle part of the face. Thus, this procedure is popular among those in their 30’s and 40’s to get a light refresh on their face.

2. Mid-Facelift  And Cheek Lift

A mid-area-facelift, also popular with the name of cheek filler lift, targets the middle portion of the face, namely around the nose, cheeks, and eye regions. This is a great way to smooth outlines around the eyes and allow you to appear more refreshed and redistribute fat in the cheeks to allow for a more youthful and full appearance. 

Having the cheeks placed higher and renewed in volume can help delay their drooping down to create sagging jowls, which would then require the mini facelifts to solve.

3. Full Facelift

As the name implies, the full facelifts are working to revitalize the entire face.  Smoothing out wrinkles, redistributing fat, and tightening the skin is possible through a full Facelift.  

Because of its range, a complete facelift is a more extensive version of facelift procedures. It is usually reserved for those with more noticeable signs of aging in multiple areas of the face. However, when it comes to the process itself, two main surgery methods can be performed.

  • SMAS Facelift:

SMAS is an acronym that stands for Superficial Musculo-Aponeurotic System, which is the connective tissue layer in your face. This layer works to structurally support the shape of your face, keeping things tight and where they need to be. 

The SMAS facelifts are targeting this later, distributing the tissues to help reverse and correct signs of aging like deep smile lines and jowls.

  • Deep Plane:

Deep plane facelifts are one of the most extensive facelift surgeries. This is because the incisions made in the procedure go further into the skin, reaching more profound layers of muscles and nerves so that the tissues may be more accurately and thoroughly manipulated and redistributed, resulting in excellent results. 

It is essential to have a qualified, experienced surgeon you trust to perform this type of procedure, as the nerves and muscles are exposed during the process and can run the risk of damage.


Now facelifts are not a very costly procedure. Even along with the facelifts, many temporary fillers are also available to treat the fine lines and all the signs of aging. If you do not want to undergo any plastic surgery treatments or painful processes. The facelifts treatments are the most suitable process for you. After the surgery, you do not require a very long time to recover.  

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Natural Stain Remover

8 Effective Natural Stain Remover

As daunting as laundry maybe, it’s more challenging for you to do it when your clothes have stubborn stains. Some stains will not even budge with the usual stain remover you use, and it is not the best way to use laundry detergents with harsh chemicals. What about natural ingredients for removing stains? Are they an effective method? You need to be patient in removing stains with natural ingredients. It takes time than using a one-size-fits-all stain remover. If you use the natural ingredients correctly, it will be a highly effective method. As we go further, remember, always treat stains from the back and avoid rubbing the stain. Your cupboards or cabinets are filled with these natural ingredients. Start removing tough and stubborn stains with natural and environmentally-friendly stain removers. Keep them in your green laundry routine. Here are some of the commonly available effective natural stain remover for daily usage: 1. Lemon Juice: Lemon juice has similar properties to bleach. That’s why you should be careful and handle it properly as you may damage your clothes. You can best use lemon juice to remove food stains on white clothes. Simply cut a lemon in half, wet the cloth, and squeeze it on the stained area. Let the lemon juice settle on the fabric for 30 minutes or more, depending on the stain. Rinse the clothes before you launder the clothes. The lemon extract provides a refreshing scent making it one of the best natural deodorizing agents. 2. Baking Soda: Baking soda has several purposes, and it is an excellent option to remove tough stains. Since it is a mild alkaline, it can sip through the fabric and remove the strong stains. There are two ways to apply baking soda on stained clothes. You can add the baking soda into the water of a laundry load, or you can create a paste out of it. Creating a baking soda paste only requires you a small amount of water. If you opt for the paste method, apply it to the stained area. You can scrub it gently to prevent damaging the fabric. 3. Borax: It’s silly to think about the misconception about borax. Some thought it is a harsh chemical because it is associated with the 20 Mule Team. However, borax is a naturally occurring mineral made of oxygen, water, sodium, and boron. Although it has no toxic fumes and is environmental-friendly, it can cause skin irritation and not ingest it. If you have hard water, it is best to add borax to the laundry load to soften the water, boost the detergent’s performance, and control the odor. You can see borax in the ingredients of most homemade laundry detergent. 4. Dishwashing Liquide:   Although it is unlikely for some to use dishwashing liquid as stain removers, it is an effective one. It can break down grease and stubborn stains. Stains that are made from greasy foods can break down the oil. If you are fond of gardening, dishwashing liquid and hydrogen mixture can effectively remove grass stains. It’s easy to use the dishwashing liquid, squirt enough amount of soap on the stained portion. Scrub the dish soap gently and rinse. Launder the clothes in the usual manner. You can also soak your clothes in soapy water for hours, then rinse and launder them the usual way. 5. Distilled White Vinegar: Another effective natural ingredient to remove stubborn stains is white vinegar. It’s the perfect alternative for chemical-based products. But since it is an acid-based ingredient, you have to handle your clothes with care. Mix the white vinegar with water to make it less acidic. Treating stains with vinegar needs the help of dishwasher detergent to scrub off stubborn stains. Wet the stained part of your cloth, place enough dishwasher soap, and gently rub it with an ice cube. The tough stains will come off. There will be leftover stains, applying the distilled white vinegar to cut through the stain. Rinse the cloth and launder it in the usual way. 6. Salt: The most accessible natural ingredients for stain removal is salt. You can have it almost anywhere. If you are out for a lovely dinner and a sauce spilled on your favorite dress, you only have to ask the waiter for a salt. Let’s say a tomato sauce dripped on your dress, remove the sauce with a tissue and place a pinch of salt on the stain. The fresh stain will disappear after 15 minutes. If there are still residues on the cloth, damp a napkin and gently tap on the stain. Moreover, salt is not only an excellent stain remover. It can also brighten the color of your clothes. You can wash your regular clothes with a saltwater solution to bring life to your faded wardrobe items. 7. Hydrogen Peroxide: Remember the bubbly oxidizing agent in your medicine cabinet? Hydrogen peroxide is an excellent alternative to chlorine bleach. You do not have to use a harsh chemical to whiten your clothes. Since hydrogen peroxide is an oxidizing agent, it can break down water and oxygen, making it safer for the environment. If you are having trouble with yellowish discoloration in the underarm and stains from curry, red wine, or nail polish, hydrogen peroxide is the best solution. 8. Meat Tenderiser: If you do not know, your meat tenderizer in the kitchen is an effective stain remover! It works best for protein-based stains. Did your baby vomit on her bib? You only have to wet the stained clothing and sprinkle the meat tenderizer on it. Let it settle for half an hour before your launder it in the usual manner. Meat tenderizers break down meat proteins to make them tender and more comfortable to chew. Thus, stains from body fluids such as vomit or blood are easily broken down because of their protein components. There you go! 8 natural ingredients to effectively remove the stubborn stains you are dealing with without using harmful and harsh chemicals. Single-handedly remove the stains. However, if the stains happened in delicate fabrics, it is best to bring your clothes to dry cleaning. Read Also: Different steps on how to clean pet stains on the couch 10 Trends About Homemade Carpet Cleaner You Should Know 10 Tactics To Maintain Clear Windows

Hypersensitive Skin

7 Tips for People with Hypersensitive Skin

Maintaining healthy and beautiful skin is not that easy especially for women who go through redness, rashes, and irritation on their skin frequently. However, there is no magic pill that can help you get rid of your sensitive skin. ll of us nowadays, however, want to focus on what we can do to look beautiful. The tips listed on SLSB can aid and advise you to help you achieve the results you desire. Whether that's making your skin more glowing or softer, there's a solution for everything. But we have compiled a list of skincare ideas that can surely aid in minimizing your problem. So follow our tips and have irritation-free skin. 1. A Good Wash: Women often go to bed without washing their face after a hectic day. If you experience pimple or acne frequently maybe this is one of the reasons . Daily your skin contacts with pollution, gasses, and chemicals that can damage your skin. Secondly, women daily use makeup items that are packed with chemicals and some of them are hazardous to your skin if applied for a longer time. Other than this covering skin with makeup fills pores and skin is not able to breathe properly thus results in skin disease. Therefore, wash your face at night with a mild cleanser to washout these elements and avoid any skin breakout issues. 2. Exfoliation: People usually take cleansing and moisturizing skin as a basic skincare routine. However, exfoliation is yet another important step that you must add into your basic skincare regime. Our skin cells live for 28 days and once they are dead the dirt, debris and bacteria easily settles down on them and cause skin irritation. Therefore, exfoliation is required to remove dead skin cells and to bring healthy and new skin to the surface. In addition to this, exfoliation increases blood circulation making sure that skin gets nourished from within. Exfoliation also minimizes pores which help in avoiding breakouts. If you have hypersensitive skin exfoliate your once or twice a month. 3. Using Natural Products:   Finding a suitable product for your skin becomes a big task sometimes especially if you have sensitive skin. Skin products that are readily available in the market are packed with chemicals that can risk your skin's health. Therefore, instead of buying these products find home remedies for your skincare. You can use different ingredients available in your pantry and refrigerator to make different DIY masks. You can make skin scrub by mixing sugar with coconut oil or bee-wax or grounded oats with a base of honey, coffee can also apply with cream to revitalize your skin, tomatoes can be rub on skin to kill bacteria, green tea bags and olive oil have antiseptic properties that can lead to healthier skin. 4. Moisturize:   Whether your skin is dry, oily or combination keeping it moisturized is important. Facial cleansers strip off important moisture from your skin that leads to excessive secretion of sebum and oil from your skin that can lead to skin breakouts. In addition to this moisturizing, your skin creates a wall between skin and bacteria or dirt to get into your pores, smooths your skin and avoids the skin from drying out. 5. Cleanse and Clean: Always keep your makeup implements clean because they not only have makeup build-in them but also bacteria and debris. Using makeup implements without cleaning means transferring them to your skin which will aid in a breakout. Other than this change your pillowcases, bedsheets, and wash or vacuum tour carpeting once a week or twice a month to avoid skin allergies. 6. Choose Your Makeup Wisely: As I have mentioned prior that makeup is full of chemical and can aid in blemishes, acne, irritation or redness especially if you have hypersensitive skin. Therefore, if you are buying any product for the first time always read the label to get familiar with the ingredients. Other than this always goes for a patch test before applying it to your face if there is no reaction you are good to go with it. In addition to this makeup, industry has evolved and has introduced makeup products specially designed for hyper sensitive skin. These products are the mild formula and known as hypoallergenic, non-cosmogenic or dermatologist recommended makeup products that cause no harm to your skin. 7. Stay Hydrated: Staying hydrated is a tip for healthy skin that requires no extra efforts. One must drink 8 glass of water daily. Water cleanses our body from within and washes out toxins that lead to a healthy body and healthy skin ultimately. Read More: Anti Aging Creams – What To Consider Before You Purchase? Top 4 Natural Combination For You To Eliminate Blackheads (Infographics) Top Simple But Effective Ways To Get Your Eyebrows Thicker When You’re Buying Furs, Get The Best   Jane is a girl who is in love with the beauty and makeup products. She has been blogging for many years and makes great recommendations for those who are looking for the latest beauty and makeup tips. You can read her latest post here.

Achieve Firmer Skin With Skin Tightening

Achieve Firmer Skin With Skin Tightening

In the quest for youthful and vibrant skin, many individuals seek effective ways to combat sagging or loose skin. Whether it's due to the natural aging process, weight loss, or other factors, skin tightening has become a popular choice to rejuvenate one's appearance. In this article, we will explore the world of skin tightening, discussing various methods and considerations to help you make an informed decision. The desire for firm and radiant skin is universal. The good news is that there are numerous methods available to help you achieve just that. Skin tightening is a procedure designed to restore and enhance the tightness of the skin, resulting in a more youthful and rejuvenated appearance. What Is Skin Tightening? Skin tightening toronto is a cosmetic procedure that aims to enhance the elasticity and firmness of the skin. It can be performed on different areas of the body, including the face, neck, abdomen, arms, and thighs. This process helps reduce sagging, fine lines, and wrinkles, providing a more youthful and refreshed look. Causes Of Skin Laxity Before we delve into the methods of skin tightening, it's essential to understand what causes skin laxity in the first place. Several factors contribute to this condition, including: Aging: As we age, the production of collagen and elastin, two vital proteins responsible for skin tightness, decreases. Weight Loss: Rapid weight loss can lead to loose skin, as it doesn't have enough time to adapt to the new body shape. Sun Exposure: Prolonged exposure to UV rays can break down collagen and elastin fibers in the skin. Natural Methods For Skin Tightening If you're looking for non-invasive ways to tighten your skin, you're in luck. There are several natural methods you can try: Proper Nutrition A well-balanced diet rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants can help improve skin elasticity. Foods like fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins can make a significant difference. Hydration Drinking an adequate amount of water keeps your skin hydrated, promoting better elasticity and a healthier complexion. Facial Exercises Certain facial exercises can help tone and tighten the muscles beneath the skin, reducing sagging and fine lines. Non-Surgical Skin Tightening Procedures For those looking for quicker and more dramatic results, non-surgical skin tightening procedures are available. These include: Radiofrequency Therapy This procedure uses radiofrequency waves to stimulate collagen production, leading to tighter skin. Ultrasound Therapy Ultrasound waves penetrate deep into the skin, promoting collagen growth and skin tightening. Laser Skin Tightening Laser treatments target specific areas, improving skin texture and tightness. Surgical Skin Tightening Options When non-surgical options don't provide the desired results, surgical procedures can be considered. These include: Facelift A facelift is a surgical procedure that lifts and tightens the skin on the face and neck, reducing wrinkles and sagging. Tummy Tuck A tummy tuck, or abdominoplasty, is a surgical procedure that tightens the abdominal skin and muscles. Arm Lift An arm lift, or brachioplasty, is a surgical procedure that removes excess skin and fat from the upper arms, resulting in firmer arms. Considerations Before Opting For Skin Tightening Before undergoing any skin tightening procedure, it's crucial to consider the following: Consult with a qualified dermatologist or plastic surgeon to discuss your goals and expectations. Understand the potential risks and side effects associated with each procedure. Evaluate the cost and recovery time involved in the chosen method. Pros And Cons Of Skin Tightening While skin tightening procedures offer many benefits, there are also drawbacks to consider. It's essential to weigh the pros and cons before making a decision. Pros: Improved skin tightness and youthful appearance. Boosted self-confidence. Minimized wrinkles and fine lines. Cons: Potential side effects, such as redness and swelling. Cost can be prohibitive for some individuals. Results may not be permanent. Recovery And Aftercare After undergoing a skin tightening procedure, proper aftercare is crucial. This may include keeping the treated area clean, avoiding excessive sun exposure, and following the doctor's instructions for the best recovery possible. Long-Term Results The longevity of skin tightening results varies depending on the chosen method and individual factors. It's essential to maintain a healthy lifestyle to prolong the effects. Conclusion Skin tightening procedures offer a remarkable solution for individuals looking to rejuvenate their appearance and regain the confidence of their youth. Whether you opt for non-surgical or surgical methods, the key is to make an informed decision in consultation with a qualified professional. With proper care and consideration, you can achieve firmer, more youthful skin and embrace a more confident you. Read Also: 11 Foods You Must Incorporate Into Your Diet For Great Skin 8 Home Remedies To Banish Acne Scars And Discoloration For Good (Info-Graphic )