5 Most Exciting Facial Treatments For Smooth & Gorgeous Skin

Facial Treatments

How can I take the best possible care of my skin?

What can I do to preserve the youthful looks of my skin for a good long while?

These are age-old questions that have fuelled an industry worth millions of dollars. Companies are researching for and developing thousands of beauty products and facial treatments that line the shelves of pharmacies, supermarkets, and malls.

Each claims to give you gorgeous, glowing skin that is free of blemishes like acne, pigmentation, and signs of aging. In the coming years, you can expect to see an even more mind-blowing array of creams, ointments, and salves. According to a report released on Reuters, the Global Cosmetics Products Market is projected to rise at a CAGR of 7.14% in the 5 years from 2018 to 20123 reaching a high of an unbelievable USD 805.61 billion.

5 Most Exciting Facial Treatments of 2018 – For Smooth, Gorgeous Skin

Side by side is the growth in the salons and spas across the country with upmarket professionals offering you a range of specialty facial treatments; some that they have developed and perfected on their own. Each comes with a USP that promises to give you the skin you’ve always wanted.

2018 had its share of options, some gained more popularity than others while there are a few more that are still new on the block. Here’s a quick look at some of the most exciting beauty procedures you can try.

1. PRP Facials:

PRP facial treatments, also known as Vampire facials first made waves a few years ago with Kim Kardashian being one of its first proponents. The procedure continues to hold the interest of celebrities and everyday folk has given that it is possibly one of the safest anti-aging options available today.

In place of chemicals, the serum used in PRP therapy is extracted from a sample of your blood. This serum contains a concentration of healing elements such as platelets, growth factors, mesenchymal stem cells, and various others. Together, these components stimulate the rejuvenation of the layer of collagen and elastin under the skin.

Over the next 3 to 4 weeks, the natural plumping up of the skin can erase flaws like fine lines and wrinkles, breakouts, pigmentation, dark circles, and even scars left behind by acne and injuries.

2. Laser Facials:

Lasers have long been used extensively in the field of medicine to perform procedures with a minimum of scarring. You’ve probably also heard of laser liposuction for inch loss or low-level laser therapy that can reverse hair loss and promote the growth of hair.

One of the newest facial treatments available today uses lasers to scrape away the damaged top layers of the skin so new cells can emerge. Like this feature on WebMD explains, the procedure is also called laser resurfacing and uses two different kinds of lasers.

During the first part of the session, the dermatologist uses the YAG laser that cleans the skin of impurities at a deeper level. The second pass is done with the IPL laser at a low setting to stimulate the layer of collagen to start producing new cells.

Most of these facial procedures are completed with 15 minutes and involve absolutely no downtime. You can go back to work or any other activities right after.

Laser Facials

3. Cryotherapy Facials:

You’ve probably heard about the Cryolipolysis treatment also called CoolSculpting that can help you get rid of excess inches. Cosmetologists have taken the technique a step further and now use it to help rejuvenate your skin. Cryotherapy facial treatments have several positives.

Like, for instance, they can erase the signs of aging like fine lines and wrinkles and help reverse the sagging brought on by advancing years. In case you’re looking for an effective cure for acne or eczema, the cryo procedure might just be able to help you.

As Rebecca Norris reports on Allure, dermatologists use a cryo-probe or blast of vaporized liquid nitrogen to cool the skin to below freezing temperatures rapidly.

This action results in the tightening of the tissues as the circulation drops. When the blood vessels and capillaries restore normal circulation, the rush of blood helps clear away toxins and other impurities while at the same time bringing in nutrients and fresh oxygen. This new infusion oxygenates and restores the layer of collagen under the skin to give it a youthful glow.

4. LED Light Facials:

The LEL light facial treatments are another of the newest procedures that perform a range of functions to help restore the smooth, flawless beauty of your skin.

The process begins with steaming to clean your face of all traces of makeup and open the pores, so they are more receptive to the action of the light. LED facials to make use of light at 4 different wavelengths each with a specific purpose.

  • The red light lowers inflammation and boosts blood circulation in the skin
  • The infrared speeds up the recovery of the skin
  • The blue light acts on acne-causing bacteria to destroy it
  • The amber light stimulates the growth of collagen and elastin cells in the skin

LED Light Facials

Your skin is exposed to each one of the wavelengths for a few minutes at a time as you lie under a dome-like structure. After the light exposure, the cosmetologist clears the skin of blackheads and whiteheads, and then, uses a wand with high-frequency waves to remove any remaining bacteria. The final step involves a soothing face mask to nourish the skin.

5. The Gankin Massage:

Like many women in today’s time with a busy career with personal and professional commitments, you may not have the time to visit the salon for a facial every 30 days as recommended. There is now a unique system that you learn to perform at home as outlined in Vogue magazine.

Originally a Japanese concept, the facial treatment involves massaging your skin with the special SUQQU cream. The trick here is to stimulate the right pressure points to promote blood circulation and the drainage of lymph for clearer, more beautiful skin. This treatment can erase any swelling and sag for smoother and sharper facial contours.

There you have 5 facial treatments that were highly popular in the year 2018. Suitable for all types of skin, ages, and genders, they promise to restore the flawless perfection of your skin. Sign up for the procedures or perform them at home and see the transformation in your looks.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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Things No One Warns You About When Working Home Health Care Assistance

Caregivers make up a critically important part of the healthcare system, around 9.5 million people are involved - either family members, or trained professionals. Taking up such a spot requires a great deal of heartfelt desire to help, support, and sacrifice. Whatever the noble cause to start, the reality can be quite harsh, everything that involves human-human contact becomes a challenge, sooner or later. The caregiving position encompasses two sides: Visible or physical -  bathing, dressing, grooming, toileting, transferring, feeding, etc. Invisible or psychological - empathy, support, listening, sympathy, care, compassion, patience - and all these qualities are doubled or tripled depending on the case. This is just a short list of theoretically crucial requirements. However, in practice, everything is even more demanding. Those who are willing to apply for the home care assistant jobs, need to be aware of all the aspects of such an occupation, including the flip side. 1. Emotional breakouts People who are full of compassion are emphatic, they feel what others feel and co-live the pain. Apart from making you a great listener, it can also devastate you from the inside. Obviously, the majority of the clients have a sad story when reaching you, and they share their pain, as it’s just natural. That’s the moment when you need to learn to build walls to defend your world from crushing. It doesn’t mean being ignorant about someone’s feelings, but not letting them go through you. Even if it sounds cruel, it’s a vital step to save your psychological health. Think about the doctors, they see a lot, but they never cross the border of empathy, as it will lead to a breakout. Listen, analyze, and sympathize, but never let it inside. Emotionally-proofed people will work more efficiently, as their emotional state will not get the lead. 2. Physical challenge The lightest cases of caregiving will get by with shopping, cleaning, and cooking, which don’t require a high level of physical strength. It is quite a pleasant experience, as the person you are looking after can make a great friend, talker, and listener - just one more person to learn from. However, the prevailing number of care receivers have more severe issues and will require bathing, toilet assistance, washing, etc. In this case, you will make the main force. If you don’t have enough muscle endurance and strength, you both will suffer - your client and you, as the probability of injuries gets too high. In order to prevent such situations from happening, you need to be physically prepared - going to the gym is the best variant. Remember, your health is the foundation of your life and daily performance, your most precious resource. Don’t let it deteriorate, otherwise, your career will end up quite soon. Related: Is Medical Assistant A Good Career Path In 2021? 3. Mood swings We all know about kids experiencing mood swings due to hormonal changes, and they find it hard to control their emotions. However, they are not alone in this problem. The elderly can undergo even more severe mood changes. There are various reasons for that - reaction to pain, health problems, terminal illnesses, inability to accept the changes in body and lifestyle due to aging, etc. While young people mock at grumpiness of the seniors, it’s worth digging more, to see the reason for such negativism. The majority of the clients used to be cheerful and easy-going a few decades before, however, the life lessons could be too hard for many. It is important not to flinch and be understanding, just change the topic, tell a joke to ease the tension, etc. It will help greatly if you deepen your knowledge of the psychology and behavioral changes of seniors. 4. Awkward moments Dressing/undressing, washing/bathing, toilet assistance - these are the most painful moment for people you help. Nobody is used to being suddenly limited in such easy activities and motions, this is the hardest truth to accept. It may cause excessive shyness or an overwhelmingly protective reaction. After it becomes a regular routine, things will get simpler, yet it takes time to adjust. 5. Personal care A good caregiver is a healthy caregiver - psychologically and physically, as only the balance of both will work. Physical exercises, proper nutrition, and sound sleep - the three most important cornerstones for efficient functioning during the day: Some people dismiss the necessity of physical exercise, saying that they have enough at work. However, that’s pretty faulty thinking. Planned and scheduled physical training creates the resources (strength and endurance) you use while working. Proper nutrition consists of healthy proteins, fats, and carbohydrates. Just snacking around will not provide your body with the necessary energy, thus, you will quickly get exhausted. Sound sleep takes about 7-9 hours; if you reduce the time frames to 5-7, your body will not recover after a physically exhausting say. The state of tiredness will accumulate and will lead to health problems and chronic fatigue. Taking care of others is honorable, yet taking care of yourself must be a high-priority task. 6. Financial reward The profitability of caregiving depends on many factors. The average salary of caregivers is around $26, however, it varies according to the state, the services provided, the license, and your skills. While some people think that caregiving is an underqualified position, that is nothing but a common misconception. The more knowledge you have, the better your profile will be. Use every chance to grow within your professional world, and go as far as having a caregiver certification. Attend supplemental training related to medicine, psychology, and physiology. Surely, it’s not possible to be a jack-of-all-trades, however, knowing the basics will definitely increase your chances for better pay, and it will help to grow and instill your confidence, which is a sound ground for your work. Caregiving is sometimes called paid-for care, sometimes as a sacrifice, and sometimes as a work out of despair; however, none of the variants is right. Being a caregiver is a choice and a personal decision. When taking on such a position, you become a co-engine for another person, their help, friend, assistant, and consolation. Yet it’s always important to remember the ‘you’ part, and not to work at the expense of your resources. Read Also: Parasitic Infections Of The Intestinal System, Skin, And Eyes What is the World Trade Center Health Program? How Much Does 24/7 In-Home Care Cost?

Healthy Habits

6 Healthy Habits That Will Change Your Life

Don't underestimate the power of small things. Even nano-changes in your daily routine can lead to incredible results and transform your life. Here's how to become healthier and happier by doing routine activities. Simple Healthy Habits You Can Adopt Easily There are many healthy habits that can change your life. Let’s start with the easiest one. 1. Drink A Glass Of Water Upon Waking Perhaps the best way to start the day is by drinking a glass of water (better than room temperature or even lukewarm). After six to eight hours of sleep, we wake up to varying degrees of dehydration. And a generous serving of water helps to quickly restore the body's water balance. On the other hand, coffee contributes to even greater dehydration. Water literally awakens the body and forces all of its systems to work, including the brain and digestive tract. There is evidence that a glass of water in the morning can even accelerate metabolism by as much as 30%. And research shows that those who start their morning with water are less likely to overeat. It is because they quench their thirst, which is often confused with hunger. 2. Giving Up Addiction This might seem difficult to some people.  But getting rid of addiction is not so difficult. A person who spends his/her day in unhealthy habits such as drinking alcohol or using drugs is unlikely to live longer. For improving the quality of life, a person has to quit these addictions. With the state-funded drug rehabilitation facility, a person can easily get treated. You don’t even have to worry about the finances of the treatment. 3. Turn Off Vibration Mode On Your Smartphone It seems that vibration is a salvation for those who do not want to be distracted by calls and sound notifications of new messages. But in reality, the vibration mode is a real productivity killer. It is very difficult not to react to the constant slight buzz. And the smartphone turned upside down only aggravates the matter. We intolerably want to see what the notification is about. In addition, sometimes we hear phantom vibrations - when there are no messages, but as if an audible buzzing makes us grab the phone. Productivity experts recommend keeping your phone in sound mode but turning off all notifications except for calls. It is enough for the messages to appear on the screen without any musical accompaniment. 4. Eat Fruits For Breakfast WHO recommends eating at least five servings of fruits and vegetables a day. Vegetables are relatively easy to include in your diet. In an amicable way, they should make up half of every meal - even when it comes to pasta, soup, or curry with rice. But we often forget about fruits. When we want something sweet, we choose cakes or healthy nuts. And to refresh ourselves, we drink juices and soft drinks. But juices do not contain an important constituent of fruit i.e., fiber. It is necessary for the normal functioning of the intestines, as well as some vitamins. These vitamins are present in the skin of the fruit. In order not to forget about fruits and berries, you can make it a rule to eat them for breakfast. Or you can eat them as part of full meals or as a dessert. Fruits are high in fiber, vitamins, antioxidants, potassium, and water. But also high in sugar and low in calories, so they are poorly satiating. The ideal option is to mix the fruit with something protein or cereal. You can make your favorite porridge with apples and cinnamon. Blend strawberry, banana, and plant-based milk smoothies in a blender. Compose a fruit salad and season it with yogurt. Or simply slice the fruit into slices and eat it with peanut butter. 5. Walk 30 Minutes A Day The benefits of regular physical activity are exceptional and many scientific studies confirmed it. Ideally, you should move as often and as long as possible during the day. Walk to the office, take breaks during work, use stairs rather than elevators, exercise several times a week, and walk as much as possible. But it is not necessary to immediately sign up for a marathon or force yourself to climb 12 flights to the apartment. Try to set aside at least 30 minutes a day for an easy walk. You can walk around in an apartment or in a park. A regular half-hour walk will help strengthen blood vessels. It will also significantly reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases, including stroke and heart attack. Moreover, it will strengthen bones and muscles, and help keep weight normal. 6. Get Regular Rest Perhaps the best health habit in the age of productivity and efficiency is to get proper rest. Rest can safely be considered any action (or inaction) that helps to restore strength and soothes the nerves. Holidays don't have to be quality. They don't always require scented candles, self-help books, picnic kits, and mountain retreat packages. Sometimes a sofa and a favorite TV show are enough. On the other hand, if you want to pamper yourself with shopping or going to a restaurant, go for it. You should not reproach yourself for deviating from the environmental agenda and spending extra money. Resting means getting enough sleep, spending time with loved ones, walking, lying, watching, reading, listening, or even talking. Lazy wandering around the apartment, petting a cat, looking out the window, traveling, eating, singing, doing your favorite hobby, disassembling a closet, or watering flowers - in short, do what you like more often. Summing Up Regular exercising can be difficult for some people. However, there are many little habits that can lead to good health. Some common and most important ones have been mentioned in this article. We are hopeful that you will incorporate them into your lifestyle and spend a healthy life. Read Also: 7 Healthy Habits That Make Us Look Younger Smoking and Other Negative Lifestyle Habits You Need to Kick to the Curb This Year 3 Top Tips to Keep Your Eyes Healthy Important Habits to Protect Your Ear Health and Hearing

Inpatient Substance Abuse Treatment

The Benefits Of Inpatient Substance Abuse Treatment Over Other Choices

If you are struggling with using drugs, alcohol, or other vices that are causing you to become addicted and reliant, you may benefit from going to a rehabilitation facility that can help you get your life back on track. Instead of relying on yourself to do the hard work, you can put your trust and faith in professionals who know what they are doing. By choosing an experienced facility with reputable professionals who are well-versed in this industry, you can increase the likelihood of getting sober, getting happy, and remaining healthy for a long time. Benefits of choosing an inpatient substance abuse treatment If you think that you can get clean on your own, you might need some extra help so that you do not end up failing your rehabilitate attempt and relapsing - although many people relapse, and it's nothing to be ashamed of, you can prevent this from happening and reduce the risk of relapsing by choosing a reputable and well-reviewed inpatient substance abuse treatment. Instead of choosing an outpatient option, which typically puts more pressure on the individual to make decisions for themselves, you can choose an inpatient substance abuse treatment where everything is done for you - this way, the only thing that you have to focus on is getting sober and getting healthy! 1. Constant supervision Although some patients may not like the constant supervision and monitoring, it can be very helpful for those who have just relapsed or who are in the process of detoxing - for professionals to be able to keep an eye on you at all times of the day, it can help you adhere to a program during your first stint in rehab. 2. Accommodation The second benefit of attending an inpatient substance abuse treatment is the ability to have free accommodation - even though you will be paying for the rehab prices. The accommodation means that you can stay at the facility, letting you be monitored during the days and nights, ensuring you comply with the program. Furthermore, you don't have to travel day in and day out to go to treatment and therapy sessions - instead, all you have to do is just walk to the next building and go to your treatments! 3. Licensed professionals The third benefit of choosing an inpatient substance abuse program over an outpatient or online choice is that you can constantly talk with licensed professionals who are there to help you. Instead of other options where you do not have access 24/7, an inpatient program gives you access to doctors, therapists, counselors, and nurses at all times of day and night so you can talk to them with any questions, concerns, or feelings you have about the recovery process. Conclusion If you are not sure what type of rehab is best for you and your lifestyle, consider choosing an inpatient substance abuse program over other choices. Not only will this be most effective for first-time rehab attendees, but it can also be helpful for those who have relapsed in the past due to constant supervision, amenities, accommodation, and 24/7 help. Read Also: Going to Rehab: What You Can Expect When You’re Getting Clean Is Outpatient Treatment for Drug and Alcohol Addiction Effective?