How Do You Avoid Negative Equity On Your Next Car Loan?


07 March 2024


Avoid Negative Equity

Car finance allows drivers to spread the cost of a new or used car into affordable monthly payments. By borrowing money from a lender, drivers can purchase a car and pay the lender back in monthly installments until the end of the agreed term. Negative equity is a term you may hear often with car finance, and for many drivers, it is best to avoid it. Find out how you can ensure you don’t end up with negative equity and what to do next if you find yourself in this situation.

What Is Negative Equity?

In car finance, negative equity is when you owe more on your loan than your car is worth. Negative equity can be known as outstanding car finance or an upside-down loan which means if you sold your car to clear the loan, you still wouldn’t have been able to pay the balance off. 

For example, if your settlement figure was £6,000 and your car was worth £4,000, you would still owe the finance company £2,000. Usually, negative equity happens when the value of your car drops quickly during your agreement. This is especially common with brand-new cars, as they can lose up to 50% of their value in the first few years of ownership.

Here, if you want to trade in your car but have negative equity, you will need to repay the loan amount before you take a new loan to purchase a new vehicle.

What Are The Reasons For Negative Equity?

What Are The Reasons For Negative Equity

Basically, a negative equity situation happens for a variety of reasons. For instance, an upside-down situation in regard to a car loan can happen due to the following reasons:

  • You might have a loan for a longer term. Apart from that, your vehicle has also gone through depreciation since your purchase.
  • There is a no-money-down auto loan in your case, or you might have paid more than the sticker price of the vehicle due to the inclusion of add-ons. 
  • You might have purchased an expensive vehicle, which might not have the same value that you expected during the purchase.
  • Your debt regarding the loan is of a high rate of interest. Hence, most of the money that you are paying is going to the interest as compared to the principal.

Depreciation is also a major factor in this case. Basically, the term rate of depreciation shows how fast an asset loses its value. Generally, a car loses almost 20% of its value in the first year itself. Furthermore, the process of depreciation continues to happen in the following years until the car fully loses its value.

Why Is Negative Equity Problematic? 

Negative equity within your car finance deal can be an issue because you will still owe the lender money even if you sell your car. In some cases, you may not be able to sell the car, too. If you find your circumstances have changed and you can’t afford to carry on with the loan, you may be charged additional fees for missed or late payments, and it can lead to much more serious financial consequences.

How Do You Avoid Negative Equity In The First Place?

How Do You Avoid Negative Equity In The First Place

Before you take out a car finance deal, consider these factors below to help prevent negative equity from occurring:

  • Only Borrow What You Can Afford. If you’re in a position to buy a new car on finance, it’s important you use a car payment calculator first to see how your loan could look and make sure it is affordable. This may mean choosing a used car over a brand-new car, as older cars usually have already depreciated at their fastest rate in previous years.
  • Put Down A Larger Deposit. A larger deposit contribution at the start of your finance agreement can help to reduce your loan amount. A smaller loan can help to reduce the risk of your car being worth less than how much you owe.
  • Choose A Slower Depreciating Car. If you want to avoid negative equity, you could consider choosing a car that depreciates at a slower rate. Cars that hold their value will be less likely to leave you out of pocket at the end of your car finance deal. 
  • Make Higher Payments. Negative equity can often be associated with PCP deals as they offer low payments and a large balloon payment at the end of the deal. Opting for a deal such as a hire purchase, which aims to pay off the value of the car at the end of the deal and has higher monthly payments, can help avoid any outstanding finance.

How Do You Get Out Of Negative Equity?

How Do You Get Out Of Negative Equity

There are different ways of getting out of negative equity. However, based on your current situation, you will need to choose which way works the best for you. Basically, you will need to choose the one that goes with your budget. Furthermore, it also depends on whether you want to keep the vehicle or not.

Hence, to get out of negative equity, make sure you do the following:

1. Start By Paying Off The Loan

The most obvious way to pay off your negative equity is to accelerate your payment. Here, the faster you pay your loan off, the sooner you will be able to deal with the debt. One of the best ways of paying off the loan is to pay extra on the principal part. Apart from that, you can also consider paying a lump-sum amount beforehand to avoid paying interest for a longer period.

Hence, you must consider reviewing your budget and savings from time to time to pay off your existing debt.

2. Loan Refinancing

Here, you might consider taking out a new loan to pay off your existing debt. This will help you in getting out of your upside-down car loan faster. This works even better if you can avail of a new loan with a lower rate of interest.

3. Selling The Vehicle

If you do not need the vehicle, you can consider selling off the vehicle. This way, you can get a lump sum of cash, which will allow you to pay off the loan. Furthermore, if you sell the vehicle to a private buyer, you will have the option to negotiate the price further. This will enable you to get more cash, which will further help you to pay off the negative equity.

4. Surrendering The Vehicle

If you handle the vehicle to the lender, you can get out of the negative equity, too. In addition to that, if you do a voluntary surrender, you will be more likely to get out of the negative equity.

Summing Up: Getting Out Of Negative Equity

If you’ve not been able to avoid negative equity and need to know how to get yourself out of it, follow the top tips below:

  1. If you can still afford your current car finance payments, it is recommended you stick with the deal you have at the moment. In many cases, your deal will balance out over the duration of the loan, and the negative equity should be settled by the time you reach the final payment. 
  2. You could pay off your negative equity by paying the lender in cash. 
  3. You can hand your car back to the lender through Voluntary Termination. If you’ve paid half of your agreement off, you could return the car to the lender. It’s always best to speak with your lender first, though, to see how they could help you. 

Do you have any more ideas to add? Consider sharing in the comment section below.

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Shahnawaz is a passionate and professional Content writer. He loves to read, write, draw and share his knowledge in different niches like Technology, Cryptocurrency, Travel,Social Media, Social Media Marketing, and Healthcare.

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Savings Goals

Make Your Savings Goals Come True with Gold

What are your investment goals? Some of the most common savings and investment goals people have are retirement, education funds for children, saving to buy a home, starting a business, switching to a more satisfying but lower paying career, getting married, or even going on a vacation. These are all great reasons to save and invest, and they all come with different investment strategies, timelines, and risk tolerance. None of them are mutually exclusive. In fact, you should probably be balancing a few of these investment goals at the same time. Whatever your other savings goals, retirement should always be on your mind, and that means long-term growth with a balanced portfolio. While goals such as buying a house or going on vacation may have much shorter timelines, retirement offers an opportunity to grow your savings to new heights through compound interest and balancing high-growth, high-risk investments with low-risk alternatives. Invest in Low-Risk Assets like Gold: One low-risk asset you should consider buying is gold. Many investors consider it superior to other low-risk assets like treasury deposits or money market deposit accounts. There are a few qualities that make gold a better investment: Inflation-proof; since 1971, the value of a dollar has gone from 1/40 of an ounce to 1/1300 of an ounce, while the gold-housing ratio (the relative value between gold and real estate) is about the same. Highly desirable when inflation is higher than interest rates. Performs well when stocks do poorly, helping you offset losses. Highly liquid and you can sell easily even when stocks are considered toxic. Here’s how you can get started investing in gold today. Buy Gold Online: Buy gold online for a cost-efficient way to add it to your portfolio. The prices will be lower than a physical shop, and shops today are often in the business of selling more collectible coins. Get straight to the punch by buying coins and bars that were made for the modern investor – straightforward, predictable costs and no-nonsense products. Bullion vs. Paper: Gold bullion is your safest bet for investing. You have maximum control and minimum third-party risks. Paper or ETFs place your money and your trust in management and trading practices that aren’t easy to understand, such as lending and futures trading. Gold bullion is by far the more secure option. Buy Gold Bars or Coins: Now that you’ve limited your options to physical gold bullion, there is still a lot to choose from. Gold bars and coins are more cost-effective products. All forms will have premiums over spot prices. It costs mints labor and machining to create bars and coins, and companies face expenses such as shipping, storage, and insurance, which they recoup through premiums. Gold bars have less production value than coins, so they are an excellent way to save and buy at something closer to spot prices. Gold can help you meet your investment goals. Allocating a portion of your portfolio to gold means you have a highly liquid, inflation proof asset you can depend on whenever you need it, whatever the market looks like. Read Also: Investors Agree: Gold And Silver Is The Way To Go Cut Risks And Guarantee Gains: Why Real Gold Is Attractive

fixed deposit

Is Fixed Deposit the Right Place to Invest Post-Demonetization?

Fixed deposit is an investment option which is balanced with both: Returns and Risks. Although the investment is the most preferred option; these day’s people are seen to be disappointed with its returns. Perhaps the reason behind this disappointment can be the drop down of interest rates post-demonetization. Fixed deposit (FD) is always considered as a much favourable choice than savings since the returns earned are comparatively high. But as the rates have dropped down, the investors might have to think about parking their funds in savings rather than investing it. Before you change your mind, it is important to consider other financial institutions too, who offer fixed deposit investments. Banks are not the only ones providing the fixed deposit service; there are highly reputed NBFCs which are providing it too. The FD offered by the NBFCs are called as company fixed deposit. Despite the repo rate cut down, NBFCs still manage to offer best-fixed deposit rates which are higher than banks. Yes! You read it right, you can earn higher returns by investing in company’s fixed deposit, plus there are many schemes and facilities you can gain from. Owing to the favourable fixed deposit conditions, you no longer need to resort to less interest offering saving options. Here are some things that you should know about fixed deposit investments:  1. Secured Investment: As fixed deposit does not depend upon the market conditions, the interest offered on it is fixed throughout the loan tenure. This makes the investment a safe option to allocate your funds in. Whereas, the returns offered on the high-risk investments depends upon the market conditions which makes them risky. There is no such guarantee that you might always earn higher returns as there can be times when you might face a loss. This is not the case with fixed deposit. Besides, there are some NBFCs who are awarded ICRA’s MAAA rating and CRISIL’s FAAA rating which means, they are reliable as well as safe to invest in.  2. Flexibility: With a safe investment option, fixed deposit also provides flexibility with its tenure. You are free to choose any tenure period ranging from one year to five years. Also, you can reinvest in FD if your account matures.  3. Interest rates: The interest rate is a very important factor to consider when it comes to investments, as it decides the returns you will be earning over the fixed deposit. Fixed deposit interest rate offered by every financial institution differ, which is why it is important to compare FD rates and then apply for it. Also, as mentioned above, investing in NBFC’s fixed deposit can benefit you with higher FD returns in comparison to banks.  4. Tax deduction: In case, if you are investing a lump sum amount and the interest offered on your investment is above INR 10,000, then you might have to pay taxes. To escape from this tax deduction, you can split the money and invest it in different FD accounts. Also, you can apply for Section 80C to benefit from the tax deduction.  5. Senior citizen fixed deposit: If you are a senior citizen, you can benefit here, as you can invest your pension funds and earn higher FD returns compared to normal FD accounts by parking your funds in senior citizen fixed deposit. Although post-demonetization has brought down interest rates on normal FD account, the rates offered on senior citizen fixed deposits have increased. Though rates offered on a fixed deposit have dropped down, investing in a company fixed deposit can earn you higher returns. If you are planning for an investment, then NBFCs such as Bajaj Finserv offers highest Interest on FD Rate as well as provide different schemes and facilities that can benefit you. Read More : How To Get Low Cost Life Insurance For Seniors 10 Tips To Design The Perfect Business Card

Navigating Financial Crunch

Navigating Financial Crunch: Seeking Quick Solutions Responsibly

Facing sudden financial challenges often prompts individuals to seek immediate solutions. In such circumstances, title loans emerge as a potential option, offering quick access to funds by using a vehicle as collateral. This article explores the landscape of title loans, shedding light on their considerations and presenting alternative strategies for those navigating a financial crunch. Causes Of Financial Crunch In Life  There might be multiple causes why a financial crisis in life. Usually, a crunch occurs at the time of overvaluing assets or institutions. But you can curb a lot of these financial problems by thinking like an investor and doing some side hustle. And while these are not uncommon, an efficient solution for such crises is yet to be discovered.  Just like any other source of stress in our lives, economic problems can affect both our physical and mental well-being. Having less or no money can bring your self-esteem down, along with affecting your sleep and social interactions. Sometimes, an individual ends up feeling overwhelmed, angry, and even tense.  How Does Economic Stress Impact Health?  We all are well aware of the fact that money is not the only thing to worry about. However, money is certainly an important factor in leading a prosperous and happy life. Below are a few common ways in which financial crunch impacts our health:  Insomnia: A person might go through insomnia and other sleeping difficulties. It ends up tossing and turning them at night and increasing worries about unpaid bills.  Weight loss or gain: Some people tend to give up on food, while others might end up emotionally overeating. Economic stress can disturb your appetite and ultimately result in anxiety and more eating. Relationship complexities: Money often becomes a central topic of argument between couples. When it is left unattended, an economic crunch can make a person irritable and angry. As a result, the relationship suffers!  5 Ways To Cope-Up With Financial Stress Economic stress is not easy to deal with, especially when you have too much on your plate already. But with a set of tips, you can certainly bring down the stress level. Here are some smart tips for coping with the economic crunch:  Exploring Title Loans: A Quick Fix In Reach Title loans, also known as auto or car title loans, enable individuals to use their vehicles as collateral for a speedy loan. The process is straightforward: borrowers provide their vehicle title in exchange for a loan based on the appraised value. Although borrowers maintain possession of the vehicle during the loan period, the risk of losing ownership looms if repayment falters. In the pursuit of quick financial solutions, individuals often turn to search engines, entering phrases like "title loans near me" to locate nearby lenders. This search provides a list of accessible lenders, streamlining the process of securing a title loan. Considering The Implications: Assessing Risks And Exploring Alternatives While title loans offer rapid access to funds, borrowers must carefully weigh associated risks. High interest rates and fees can lead to a cycle of debt, making repayment challenging. The potential loss of a crucial asset, such as a car, adds an extra layer of risk. Individuals considering title loans should thoroughly understand the terms, assess their ability to repay, and explore alternative solutions. One alternative worth exploring is seeking assistance from local credit unions or community banks, which may offer more favorable terms and lower interest rates than traditional title loan lenders. Additionally, negotiating with existing creditors for temporary relief or exploring short-term financial assistance programs can provide breathing room without putting valuable assets on the line. Searching For Responsible Solutions: Financial Counseling And Budgeting For those grappling with a financial crunch, seeking guidance from financial counselors can be instrumental. These professionals provide personalized advice, helping individuals navigate their unique financial situations. Budgeting is another proactive step to regain control over finances. Creating a detailed budget, identifying areas for cost-cutting, and prioritizing essential expenses can pave the way for a more sustainable financial future. Responsible financial decisions involve a comprehensive understanding of the terms and conditions associated with any loan, including title loans. While a title loan might offer a swift solution, exploring alternative options and adopting sound financial practices are critical steps toward achieving stability without compromising one's financial well-being. Keep Track Of Your Bills It would be an enormous waste if you spend your money on finance charges or late fees. But most families tend to do this. At the time of a job loss crisis, a good understanding is a must. One of the best solutions for saving significantly at the end of the month is saving a lot of money.  Dedicate a time period to review your accounts, whether monthly or twice a month. You can also schedule your mail checks and even electronic payments so that you never miss out on a payment deadline. In case none of this works, try consulting a financial advisor who can help you out with all these things.  Double Up Your Liquid Savings From savings to checking, cash accounts are the ones that help you most during a fiscal crunch. The best idea is to convert these resources first, as their value has fewer chances to fluctuate. Unlike properties or stocks, cash savings are most likely to double up if you plan everything well.  It is possible for you to take out your money without having to bear a financial loss. In contradiction to retirement accounts, there are fewer chances of experiencing early penalties on your taxes. So, ensure to maximize your liquid savings as far as possible.  Conclusion In pursuing quick financial solutions, individuals must approach the option of title loans with caution and awareness. Conducting thorough research, understanding the implications, and exploring alternatives are crucial before committing to such financial arrangements. Navigating a financial crunch requires a strategic and thoughtful approach. This marks the end of this comprehensive guide. If you think this article was competent enough to provide you with necessary insights on financial gains, then comment below and share your thoughts. Also, don’t forget to save these tips for the next time. And that’s all! Thank you for reading.  Read Also: Glenn Sandler (CPA) of G.I. 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