Help Your Business With A Government Loan


22 June 2021


government loan

The COVID-19 pandemic has caused unforeseen hardships to a lot of entrepreneurs in Malaysia who launched their enterprises in the last couple of years. No one could have estimated the amount of damage to the economy the pandemic would cause or the length of time it would take to recover. The sign of a government loan is like fresh air in the business world, which swift away all your investment-related headaches.

However, there are government loans that you can apply for to help ensure your business survives and has a chance to prosper once the coronavirus has been conquered. 

3 Tips For Applying For The Government Loans

3 Tips For Applying For The Government Loans

The government loans strategy is more robust and well revised. You may be thinking of applying for the loan, but your business is not a big one. You think the government is not willing to lend money to your business. But it is possible.

Here are three easy tips for applying for a government loan.

1. Promoting The Small And Medium Enterprises

These government loan schemes are targeted to help the most financially vulnerable businesses, which are small and medium enterprises (SMEs). SMEs are typically started by well-intentioned but underfunded people who want to put their particular skill-set to use. They might be launched with only a few employees.

 Still, by careful management and conservation of their assets, they can grow to make a significant contribution to the state of Malaysia’s economy. The government loan schemes target businesses applying for lower loan totals than a giant corporation would need. 

With the world beginning to see the value in micro-finance and recognize the healthy input of small businesses on a country’s economy, the Malaysian government felt that with the effects of the pandemic likely to last for some time, it was the perfect time to offer these loans to the public. The small and the medium enterprises will need significantly less money as the loan, but the success chance is more.

2. Apply Through Existing Financial Institutions

2. Apply Through Existing Financial Institutions

To receive your working capital loan, you apply through an existing financial institution. These are not loans per se but rather government-backed loan guarantees under the Working Capital Guarantee Scheme (WCGS). 

You receive the loan through the institution and pay them back directly. The government insures the institution against default. The financial institutes are taking a short period, but as you are now dealing with them, your debt payments period will rise.

Even if you’ve been turned down for a loan by the financial institution because you didn’t qualify under their terms, you can reapply under the terms of the WCGS government loan schemes. Government loans require more guarantees and the assurance of return. When you are applying through the existing financial institute, the process will take a small period for sanctioning.

3. Six Types Of WCGS

3. Six Types Of WCGS

The diversity among the business is always present. Therefore, your proposal business planning everything can be different. There are six types of WCGS applying to different people and different kinds of business models. These schemes offer differing amounts of loans as well, so you should choose the scheme to apply for that meets your financial needs. 

They each have different qualifications, and you need to read the qualifications of each loan scheme and choose the best one for your situation and business. 

  1. WCGS is a loan scheme that offers from 100,000 to 10 million Ringgit. 
  2. WCGS-SU is a loan scheme targeting startups that offer from 50,000 to 500,000 Ringgit. 
  3. WCGS-B is a loan scheme targeting Bumiputeras that offers from 100,000 to 3 million Ringgit.
  4. WCGS-X is a loan scheme targeting export companies. It offers loans of from 100,000 to 10 million Ringgit.
  5. WCGS-W is a loan scheme targeting Woman-owned businesses. It offers loans of from 100,000 to 1 million Ringgit.
  6. ADGS is a loan scheme targeting companies that engage in automation and digital products and services. It offers from 100,000 to 10 million Ringgit. 

To find out more about these government loan scheme’s qualifications, inquire about WCGS schemes with the financial institution that handles your banking.


Applying for a government loan is making all your hard work easy. Usually, government loans have a low-interest level. The time limit is also going to be more stable. If you follow these tips, you can easily apply for a government loan and start your journey in a more relaxed way.

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Credit Card Terms

Credit Card Terms Everyone Should Know

Whether you are a new credit card holder or have been using it for a while, you must have come across some credit card jargon that is hard to decipher. For instance, if you decide to apply for a credit card online, you might need to understand the annual fee, interest rate, and other charges applicable to that card. Even though all credit cards work in the same way, they differ a lot in terms of the benefits and rewards they offer. So, to make it easier for you to understand the basic credit card terminology and choose the best one, here is a quick guide for you. Annual Fee Card companies may charge annual fees on credit cards. This might range from a few hundred to a few thousand depending on the benefits you can avail yourself of on the card. However, certain providers may waive the fee for the first year, while others, may offer credit cards that are free for a lifetime. So, depending upon the kind of benefits you seek, you may choose a lifetime free credit card or a card that has an annual fee but may waive it off on spending a certain amount. Credit Limit This is the overall spending limit or credit line provided by the card issuer. There are several criteria such as your credit score, income, repayment history, as well as the length of your relationship with the bank that determines your credit card limit. Banks may sometimes offer you higher limits if you already have high limits on your existing cards along with a strong repayment history. Additionally, when checking your credit card limit, there are further three terms that you must be aware of Total Credit Limit and Available Credit Limit. Total Credit Limit: This is the credit limit granted by the bank when the card is issued. The total limit can also be increased when you request for the same or if you accept a limit increase offered by the provider. Available Credit Limit: This is the credit limit that is available on one's credit card at any one moment. In other terms, the available credit limit is the difference between the entire credit limit and the card's current outstanding balance. Cash Limit: Card issuers also offer a certain portion of your total credit limit as cash limit. This defines the amount of cash you can withdraw using your credit card. However, cash withdrawal from credit cards should be the last resort as cash withdrawal is not eligible for the interest-free period and even a small amount can escalate to a huge debt. Billing Cycle The billing cycle refers to the period between the closing of the previous statement and the new statement date. Your credit card provider compiles your statement at the end of your billing cycle, and you have until the due date to make the payment. Due Date This is the specified monthly date by which all outstanding payments must be made. To avoid late payment penalties and high-interest charges on unpaid dues, you must make the payment on or before the due date. Total Amount Due And Minimum Amount Due At the end of each billing cycle, a new statement is generated and it shows the dues that you owe on your card. Total amount due, as the name suggests, is the total sum that you owe to the issuer, and on making full payment, no charges will be applicable. However, if you cannot afford to pay the total due, card providers give you the option to pay the minimum amount due to keep your card active and avoid late payment charges. It is usually 5% of the total due and also includes any active EMIs, additional fees, charges, etc. An important thing to note is that on making only the minimum payment, the rest of the outstanding balance starts attracting finance charges and new transactions become ineligible for the interest-free period as well. This is why you should always pay the total due and not just the minimum amount. Finance Charges And APR Interest rates on credit card balances are known as finance charges and APR is the annual percentage of interest. It is the rate of interest on all transactions from the date of the transaction until the cardholder's balance is paid back in full. Note that interest on credit cards is compounded on a daily basis. Being acquainted with these terms will ensure judicious use of the card and help you stay out of debt. Additionals: Ultimate Guide On Green Card Renewal How to Dispute an Error on Your Credit Report Revolving Debt Vs Installment Debt – Which Impacts your Credit Score

Business Loan

How A Business Loan Helps Business People In 2023

If you want your business to get successful then you should get your hands on a small business loan right now. If you are running out of money, getting a small business loan may be the right choice for you as it can help you manage your finances. When you are running out of money it can be a very annoying situation and it can be very troublesome for you as well in the long run. That is why if you want to avoid being in such as situation then you should do a business loan because it is going to help you out a lot in this regard. In this article, we will discuss how a business loan helps business people in 2023. So keep on reading to find out more information below about the business loan. Top 4 Ways A Business Loan Helps Business People  1. More Funding The first benefit that you are going to get after getting a business loan is that you will get more funding and it is a Universal desire for every business as well. So if you want your business to succeed in the long run then you can promote yourself and become very popular on social media as a business as well. If you want to have more about the unity to promote your business then it means that you need to get some more capital so that you can invest that in your business. However, if you don't have the money then it means that you need to find out a way so you can get your hands on more capital that you can inject into your business and then make a lot of profit in the long run. For that, you need to get your hands on a business loan and it is going to be very beneficial for you in the long run so that you can fund your business.  2. Flexible The next thing that you need to do is to be more flexible and satisfy the business and financial needs of your business. You need to take care of your business because you have started it like from day one from scratch. It is like your baby that you need to take care of and that is why you need to keep injecting more money so that it can become a flexible business in the long run. For that, you can take a business loan, and then you can use it for different purposes it is going to be flexible money that you can implement anywhere you want in any operation of your business.  3. No Liability The next benefit that you are going to get after getting a business loan is that it is not going to have any liability on you. There is no requirement for you to have Collateral and if you don't have it then it is not going to be a problem. Many financial organizations are going to give you a business loan get in touch with them if you are looking for a fine answering option for your business.  4. Easy Access  The next reason why you should get your hands on a business loan is that it is going to give you very easy access to money. You can get a fixed amount of money and then you are going to inject this money into your business every month. It is going to have a lot of benefits because there is going to be a constant cash flow that is going in your business and then it is going to be very profitable. Additional: Benefits of NBFC Business Loans Top 5 Types of Startup Business Loans Help Your Business With A Government Loan What Are the Alternatives for Small Business Startup Loans?


5 Best New Cryptocurrencies To Buy in 2022

It is found through studies that Cryptocurrency is one of the own most potently growing ecosystems that is growing extremely strong with the passage of time. Slowly due to its efficacy, Cryptocurrency is seeping into the traditional system. Are you worried because of the Cryptocurrency failures in recent times? If you trade Cryptocurrencies on platforms like meta profit, you won’t be too worried because you will get automatic insights on how these digital currencies fluctuate. The following article will put in view the efficiency of Cryptocurrency and its inalienability in future times. Cryptocurrency: An overview Cryptocurrency is touted as one of the most growing parallel financial ecosystems other than the traditional financial systems. It is said that Cryptocurrency can neither be forged nor double used. The virtue of it slowly helps the organization get mixed with the traditional currency system. It is said that the global financial system is governed by a traditional currency system that is basically centralized in nature. This denotes, the currency fluctuations and other activities are in sync with the Government rules and regulations. On the other hand, the overall planning is designed to ensure that it is maintained in a decentralized manner. This denotes, it has to be outside the purview and influence of the Government of a country. Advantage And Disadvantages Of Cryptocurrency Advantages: Decentralized transactions are highly secure and are extremely easy. Because the banking systems and the Government will no longer be a part of it, it will unnecessarily eliminate complexities. Due to this very system, it could possibly be understood that these systems probably make inroads for a decentralized system. This is good a trust builder because the banking system thoroughly failed in the USA, the biggest economy in the world with repercussions all around the globe. The transfer of Assets value is conducted from one party to another party, there is no involvement of a third party here. This cuts down unnatural complexities. This creates a transfer of fund value more easily between two parties. Flash Loans is considered one of the prime examples in this section. With the passage of time, Cryptocurrency has still been outside the paradigm of the centralized monetary system. This denotes it is outside the purview of the Central banks. Thus the possibilities of a single point failure get slowly eliminated with time. Disadvantages: Alongside the advantages, it also has various disadvantages too and the forest is its pseudonymous nature. This is because cryptocurrencies are exchanged between two parties using pseudonyms. That is why this airs a lot of doubts on credibility issues. The fact itself that Cryptocurrency will be controlled outside the purview and control of Governmental agencies is risk-oriented. In case of any financial failures, it is the Government that comes in with the salvage. This happened in the case of the USA. It is conjectured that Cryptocurrencies are a highly secure affair because of the use of Blockchain Technology. Notwithstanding security, it is found out that the Repositories and exchanges of wallets are high at risk. Best 5 Cryptocurrencies To Buy In The Year 2022 If you are looking for some solid investments this year, Cryptocurrencies are here for you. Let’s find out the best ones among them to buy in 2022. 1. Bitcoin This system was initiated in the year 2009 and is now one of the strongest of all other Cryptocurrencies across the different markets. Bitcoin is operated on BlockChain Technology and therefore it is deemed one of the most reliable currencies. According to the recent valuation a single Bitcoin values around $44000. 2. Ethereum  Ethereum has also evolved in recent times as one of the potent Cryptocurrencies. It is tough to find applications in smart Contracts. Looking at the strength of the currency it is thought that the currency is an extremely potent one. As per the latest readings, the value of Ethereum has raised to around $3000 from $11 within a span of just 6 years which is incredible !! 3.  Binance Coin Binance is a growing currency that is used mainly for the purpose of trade and payment of fees at Binance. The latest applications of Binance Coins comprise Air Ticketing, payment processing, and trading. 4. Tether Tether is considered a Stable coin because has financial backing by the fiat currencies like Euro. This is also one of the prospective and emerging Cryptocurrencies. 5. USD Coins This is similar to the Tether as it is backed by the US dollar coins. Therefore financial stability could not be in question here. However, if you are interested in which stablecoin between USDT vs USDC is for you, you have to consider the differences before deciding which to opt. Conclusion It could be ascertained that Cryptocurrency is widely gaining popularity alongside the Traditional or Centralised system of Economy. There are long-term advantages like stable growth prospects. Notwithstanding its advantages, there were certain gray areas like financial instability, and using pseudonym transfer that is lack of government vigilance also adds to complexity and insecurity. Still, these digital coins are worth the investment. Read Also: Why Entrepreneurs Should Pay Attention To Cryptocurrencies In 2021 Is 2021 The Most Critical Year For Bitcoin And Other Cryptocurrencies? The Future Of Digital Currencies: 7 Things We Can Expect In 2022