List of Basic Shipping Documents you should be aware of

Published on: 31 August 2020 Last Updated on: 10 May 2021
Shipping Documents

The shipping of goods involves interacting with different governments and commercial parties to transport goods from one place to another. In international shipping to be specific, rules should be properly maintained for the smooth transport of goods. There are a number of procedures and documents that need to be filled in.

Sanctioning of the order, specifying its origin, declaring its ownership are just a few of the many shipping documents that need to be arranged for the transport. Sellers, after discussing it with the buyers, must use proper incoterms on the products to increase their shipping potential. Even the payments are made on the basis of the arranged documents.

Therefore the importance of the shipping documents can be properly gauged from the above lines. Still, it can be really confusing for the sellers to arrange it all smoothly. So, to help the sellers, a list of basic shipping documents integral for international shipping has been compiled below-

Purchase Order:

This is the first official deceleration of the order received by the seller from the buyers. The purchase order defines what has been ordered, the quantity, its monetary value, and the parties taking part in the transactions.

Commercial invoice:

While the purchase order is the initial document declaring the purchase, the commercial invoice is the final receipt of all transactions between the buyer and seller. This contains the amount paid, yet to be paid, shipment details, carrier payments, and even the incoterms that guide the transaction.

The article is also used by the federal authorities to check the ownership of the goods and to identify individual organizations involved in the transaction. In a way, the commercial invoice summarizes the whole transaction procedure on a single sheet of paper.

Bill of Lading:

The bill of lading is an official contract signed between the owner of the goods and the carrier services be it ships or an airplane. By generating a bill of lading, the carrier agrees to carry the specified goods from one destination to another officially.

Therefore the bill of lading is an important shipping document as it makes the freight forwarders association responsible for the products they are transporting. This reduces the excessive pressure on the seller while the transport of goods. Similarly, when the cargo has reached its destination, the bill of lading is used to hand over the shipment to the importers by the carriers.

Packing List:

The packing list is a detailed itemized list of cargo. It includes the names, weights, volumes, and monetary value of every item being transported. Even the safety measures are taken as well as the packaging types are also mentioned in this list.

The packing list is the document referred to by the customs officials in case of any discrepancy in the cargo. It allows swift identification of the suspicious object and minimizes the damage to the other cargo. As a reference, it is used to make other shipping documents like the bill of lading. In some cases, the payment procedures via a letter of credit also depend on the submission of a packing list.

Packing List

Packing List should contain itemized details of the cargo

Letter of credit:

International shipping takes time and is very complex due to the several parties involved. Therefore a secure mode of payment needs to exist for the growth of trade.

A letter of credit is generally accepted as the most credible mode of payment among traders. This is issued by a reputed bank guaranteeing the payment to the seller within a specific period in case the buyer fails to pay the whole transaction sum in the specified period.

This payment can be obtained by the seller only after successfully submitting all the shipping documents to the specified bank.

Dock/Warehouse Receipt:

The condition of the product is integral while being transported from one place to another. In case of going for a long voyage, the shipment is stored in a dock/warehouse before being shipped off. The receipt generated here proves that the product arrived in good condition and is passed along as it is.

Certificate of Origin:

Certificate of Origin declares the country to which the product is manufactured and therefore belongs to. This is an essential shipping document because countries have different trade policies with different countries. Therefore if the origin country is unknown, the customs cannot charge proper taxes and other duties on the goods. It also helps to identify if transporting the goods is legal and conforms to trade ties between the countries.

Insurance Certificate

To minimize the risk in international shipping, insurance is taken on the shipment by the exporter. The insurance certificate certifies the insurance scheme and its value.

All these shipping documents together can give the parties involved the best experience of international shipping. Though a lot of the information in many of these documents is similar each serves its own purpose and is needed in different stages of shipping. To know about these in more detail, check out

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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So, you’ve finally chosen e-commerce as your business model. Congratulations! The next step is now choosing the right product niche. This is actually one of the biggest hurdles faced by many start-ups. People spend a lot of time trying to come up with the most lucrative idea. You need to be very strategic when choosing a product for your business. Otherwise, you will either venture into an unprofitable business that will eventually collapse or take a long time to get into a more profitable business. Read also: 9 Ways To Use Pinterest To Promote Your E-Commerce Store Here are a few tips to help you find the best eCommerce product ideas: Craft a Resonating Brand Creating a resonating brand is very important especially when you want to venture into a competitive niche. Creating a memorable and recognizable brand means that you will need to research to come up with great product ideas and understand your target market. Read also: 8 Expert Ways To Build Your Personal Brand On Twitter! Your product should speak to your customers in a way that compels them to come back. You want to build loyalty based on the identity of your audience. You need to know how you’ll position your product and how you will design your site to speak your brand. Weigh Customer Interest To build a profitable business, you need to get into a product niche that bears into account the intent of the buyer. You may open a shop and wait for buyers to come in large numbers but that may only be a dream if your online store is stocked with products that nobody wants to buy. The first thing you need to do is to use the Google keyword planner or any keyword tool you prefer. This will help you to find keywords that have been highly searched. If the keywords have not been searched by many people then it means that you may not be able to make money if you choose that product. You may also venture in niches with problems if your product can solve those problems. Analyze Your Competitors Now that you have found a niche with many customers, the next step will be doing competitive analysis. You may want to visit Amazon to check competing products. The odds will be against you if the products you are planning to sell are already carried by Amazon. The next step is search engine optimization. If you want to successfully run an online business, you will need to rank high on Google search engine results and that may be challenging if many websites are listed in the niche. You may want to use online tools to evaluate your competition. This doesn’t mean that competition is a bad thing as it helps to validate the market you want to enter. The main factor is whether you can beat your competitors. Conclusion It is also important that your feedback about your product idea. You can actually make educated guesses at what ideas are going to work if you are an expert. However, getting insights from people who have been in the industry for some time allows you to leverage their expertise and experience.

Legal Structure

How To Choose The Best Legal Structure For Your Business

Starting a business can be exciting, scary, and - let’s be honest - confusing! You don’t need an MBA or any other business degree to start a successful business. But, there are other important things that you need to make right from the beginning. While there are many things that need to be done correctly from the start of the business, there is one thing where you cannot make a mistake Choosing The right business structure. Your business structure is important in many ways. It decides how your business will showcase in front of others, what power you will have over your business, and most importantly, what type of taxation it will fall under. Seeing how the current entrepreneurs are so hung up on sole proprietorship that they do not see the benefits of other business structures. Today, we have come to take you on a journey and make you see the different business structures and what each offers to a business. What Is A Legal Structure Of A Business? Every new business requires the formation of a business entity that can be considered its identity in the market. This is where the concept of a legal structure comes in. A legal structure, also known as a business ownership structure, determines the flow of power within the business, the type of income tax you need to file, and highlights the risk to which your business is exposed. The most common legal business structures are as follows: Sole Proprietorships. Partnership. Corporation. Cooperative. Limited Liability Company (LLC). Related Resource: 5 Financial Risks of Starting a Small Business and How to Avoid Them Types Of Business Structure While there are many legal business structures, we have picked the most used currency in the world. This Legal Structure covers almost every aspect of legal business structure. 1. Sole Proprietorships This is the simplest form of legal business structure. In this type of business structure, one individual is solely responsible for the business profits, debts, and liabilities. This business structure works great for small to medium-scale businesses. This entity does not offer separation or protection of any personal and professional assets. While this is great for small businesses, it might be difficult to scale up. 2. Partnership As the name suggests, this type of business structure is owned by two or more individuals. The legal partnership structure can be further divided into two entities: General Partnership and Limited Partnership. A general partnership is where all the shares are equally divided among all the partners. In a limited partnership, one individual has control over all the business operations. While others are just contributors and shareholders for the profit. 3. Corporation When a business is considered a corporation, it becomes a separate entity from its owner by law. It is considered a separate entity that enjoys legal rights just like any other person. For instance: It can sue others. It can be used. Buy and sell a property. It even has the right to sell the right of its ownership. 4. Limited Liability Company (LLC) A Limited Liability is a hybrid structure that allows owners, partners, and shareholders to limit their liability while enjoying the tax and flexibility of a partnership business model. Under the umbrella of the LLC, members of the business are shielded from any personal liability related to the business as long as they have a written LLC Operating agreement contract. However, to do that, the business needs to have the best business bank accounts with all the necessary features. 5. Cooperative A cooperative business legal structure follows the concept of serving the same people who are working for the business. All the members are responsible for making business decisions, and whatever the profit business samples, it is shared among the members. A cooperative business structure offers the following advantages. Low taxes. Increased funding. Better discounts and services. Factors To Weigh Before Choosing A legal Business Structure While an individual can choose any business structure they like, there are a few considerations you need to look into. 1. Complex Procedure Businesses with fewer people don’t need complex procedures to rule their business operations. Instead, they can just follow a simple business format. However, if your business has many employees and offers different types of services, you must select a business structure that can support all your business requirements. The best way to understand what kind of legal business structure you need is essential that you understand the goals and a business structure that help you achieve the least complexity. 2. Continuity Of Existence You are not starting a business with a lifespan of only a decade. That means, while you are planning for your business, you must plan for its continuity. Hence, it is important that you see how a business is concluding. If you are thinking of securing your business for future financial security, you must also look into the right business structure to support your needs. 3. Control Business is all about control. If you cannot control how your business is operated, you will never be able to calculate the ROI at the end of the day. Hence, it is essential to decide how much control each individual requires to operate the business. For instance, if someone wants to have more control over their business, sole proprietorship might be a more suitable business structure. 4. Liability When running a business, you need to ensure that your personal liabilities are not tied down with your business. In that case, what will happen is that your personal liabilities will be used to cope with business losses. Hence, to separate your business from your personal liabilities, choose a legal business structure that protects your personal assets. Conclusion Choosing a business structure is dependent on what you want to achieve from your business. Depending on what you want from your business, you can go with any legal business structure. While you are free to decide for yourself which business structure you want to go with, it is a good idea that you take help from a business lawyer. A business lawyer can help you understand the differences and benefits more detailedly. They will even help you with all the paperwork needed to establish your business as a legal entity. Read Also: 6 Steps to Starting a Business in Michigan Why Do Businesses Need Lawyer’s Advice? 7 Ways to Plan a Smooth Business Succession Having Business in Foreigner Country, Advantages and Disadvantages

Business Hack

Alex Dee Discusses How to Scale Your Business Hack

This works for all businesses! If you're in Marketing, consulting, or coaching, this applies even more to your field! What Got you Off the Island is Not What this is Keeps You Growing Hack Ryan Holiday What shifts you have to make as an entrepreneur when you scale: The best way I can describe it is a baseball analogy. In the Dominican Republic, there is a saying in the baseball league that you can’t walk off the island, which means you have to hit your way off in the baseball league. The players that make it off the island are usually some of the best hitters. But once they get into the major league, it becomes different, because it’s about bat discipline and talent is very different. So, what got you there to get off the island is not going to be what allows you to maintain your success because you’re in a whole different league. That is what it’s like when you are scaling your company. What got you there is not going to be exactly what allows you to scale to another level! Be ready to shift and pivot and learn in order to grow! Not the How, But the Who Hack – Dan Sullivan: As you scale, there are going to be all areas in your company that is going to require your attention, from sales to marketing, to operations. So how do you take all of this on and still manage to scale? There’s a great hack for it! It’s called not the how but the who rules! Once you figure out what you need to scale (process, sales, marketing, etc.), don’t ask yourself WHAT do I need to learn? Ask WHO is the best at that and get them on board! This will allow you to scale quickly vs. having to go learn another skillset now vs. staying in the lane where your talents are best served! So, to scale, instead of just figuring out the what, you need to figure out The Who, so you can do it faster! Be Cautious and Bold Hack - Mindset for scaling: you Must exercise your caution in laying out your plans but be bold in carrying them out. A man who is all cautious will never dare to take hold and be successful, and a man who is all bold is merely reckless, and must eventually fail. You must have both the caution and the boldness, to ensure success. How to Keep from Falling When you’re Experiencing Success Hack  David Metzer: I think the biggest thing that led to my downfall was losing my values. There are really only a few things I use now to play the top of my game and stay there. Number one gratitude; just being grateful for whatever you have, no matter how big or small. Number two is Empathy for others. As I got into this competitive world, I became an asshole. I was more worried about taking rather than giving that I really didn’t focus on anyone else and I went straight to blame and shame and justification, as I was Midas! Meaning I turned everything into Gold, right? So, it had to be everyone else’s fault. Number three is accountability. There are two parts to this one: what was as my part that the thing that went wrong, and what lesson did I learn so I don’t go thru this again. The fourth is effective communication. What I mean by that is not just being a team leader and effectively communicating with everyone on your team on what you want and how to run a company. Rather, what I mean is that I had lost my ability to effectively communicate what inspired me! When I was making money and I got done with spending it, it took me a while to learn that I need to give back and be of service. I wish I would’ve done it when I had the money instead of having to lose it and build it back up again. But that’s part of lesson learning that I have here, so I can inspire others so they can avoid the same mistakes. 7 Growth Hacking Ideas that will Boost your Startup 7 Expert Hacks for Downsizing to a Smaller Apartment