6 Effective Ways to Improve Your Mental Health

Published on: 06 February 2020 Last Updated on: 05 March 2022
Mental Health

Most people focus on building their muscles and abs to look good, but having a great body is not the only determinant of having good health. Another determinant is mental health which is often forgotten even though mental disorders are surging at a rapid rate for the past few years.

Therefore, we should spend time building the health of our brains, and to facilitate that, we have listed here six practical ways you can employ to boost your mental health.

1. Develop a healthy net of relationships:

Humans are made to be social animals, but loneliness has become the norm of modern times.  We mostly have digital voices to talk to like Siri and Bixby.

Some reports in the United States have painted an alarming picture that loneliness has the same impact on the lifespan of humans as obesity.

Therefore, avoid isolation and prioritize your positive relationships, and even if you do not have any, look for such connections because they will help you in remaining sane in this insane world.

2. Develop the habit of exercising:

A growing body of scholarship has found a concrete relationship between exercise and reduction in mental maladies like stress, anxiety, and depression.

It is stated that exercise releases ‘feel-good hormones’ called endorphins, which relieve not only the depression but also improve the quality of sleep.

If you find yourself unable to hit the gym, take up some sport like football because it is a more entertaining way of achieving the same set of goals. Although, you are bound to get injured once in a while, but do not let that discourage you.  Also, do not take head injuries lightly and get a Neuroquant MRI immediately if you suffer a traumatic brain injury.

3. Keep challenging yourself:

Do not get stagnant in your life, because nothing invites depression and anxiety more than monotony and depression. Therefore, even if you are at a good place in your life, keep setting new goals, and work diligently to achieve them.

4. Pay gratitude for all the things you have:

Nothing ruins mental health more than negative thoughts like counting all the bad things in your life and practicing self-pity. Instead, make a gratitude journal and jot down all the small and big things you are grateful for, like a good family, decent health, your own home, a fun job, etc.

5. Watch your sleep:

Sleeping is a crucial component of a healthy life, such that people suffering from sleep debt for a while tend to develop several mental disorders. Therefore, ensuring a quality sleep is paramount, but be aware that quality sleep is different from quantity sleep. For example, six hours of relaxing quality sleep are much better than nine hours of restless sleep.

6. Take care of yourself:

Take some time for yourself and indulge in relaxing activities like traveling with your best friends, sleeping well, eating healthy, and meditating on the beach. Moreover, indulging in activities like massaging also have multiple mental health benefits like partial relief from stress and anxiety.

You only live once; therefore, it is your responsibility to take care of yourself and live a life full of health, wealth, and wit, such that you are not left with any regrets.

Read also:

  • When Will Social Media Addiction Be Considered a Mental Health Condition?

  • 5 Mental Health Benefits of Massage Therapy That You Must Know.

  • 5 Protein Enriched Food To Improve Mental Health.

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How to Avoid Getting Bored at the Gym

For some people, starting the gym routine is difficult enough in itself. Most say that is the toughest part, and once you actually start going, things will move on smoothly from there. But what if you simply lose motivation along the way? If it becomes really hard for you to find that time slot for the gym, and there is nothing to move you, nothing to make you look forward to it? Of course, there are people who absolutely don’t have such problems, but if you are not among them, and if you’re struggling to keep up the good work, there has to be something that can make you stay. It would be a pity to throw away all that effort and just give up. It’s okay to lower the intensity if you think you’ve achieved the desired result or if you simply don’t have so much time anymore, but it would be a real pity to totally quit. Here’s what experts at World Gym Palm Desert suggest could keep you going. Combine: If you always follow the same routine, your body, as well as your mind, will soon get used to it, and eventually get super bored with it. Also, if your body gets used to something, your workout won’t be so efficient and you certainly won’t get the best results, as the routine exercises become too easy for your body. It’s important to have a diverse exercise regime for more than one reason. Doing things ad hoc, however, is not such a good idea, so it’s best to make a plan for every week or month and make sure it includes different exercises every time. What’s more, you can also try taking up some group programs. They are quite dynamic, you don’t have to think about the exercise program and you get to know new people. Plus they can be really effective. Working with personal trainers can also be effective, even though it costs extra money. Also Read: Best Home Workout Bar in 2022 Leave Time for Your Favorite Thing: Every one of us probably has a favorite activity at the gym (and of course, the least favorite one, but you have to do what you have to do). Even though you know your priorities and try to keep a diverse exercise regime, you should still have fun at the gym. So make sure you leave a little bit of time to enjoy your favorite activity. It maybe doesn’t include your critical muscle group, but it could be crucial for keeping you on track. And whatever it is, it’s certainly beneficial for your body. So “treat” yourself and “steal” ten or fifteen minutes from the “obligatory” regime to do what you really like and enjoy. Just make sure you don’t overdo it, in the sense that you don’t put too much pressure on one group of muscles. Get Some Good Company: This is one can be a bit tricky since if you start going to the gym with someone, you might easily give up if that person decides to give up. If, however, your gym fellow is more disciplined and motivated than you, it can serve as an incentive for you. If you like spending time with that person, going to the gym can easily become fun and pleasure. You will automatically associate the gym with the time spent with that person and you will look forward to it. Even if you start on your own, you make some friends at the gym. If you befriend them, it probably means they are regular there, so they might serve as a motivation as well. Time passes much faster in good company. Your exercising can have more positive effects on your life, not just making you fit and healthy, but getting new friends. Read Also : Resistance Bands: The Best Tool For Your Home Gym 8 Home Gym Systems You’ll Want To Try Out Easy Diet Tips To Summer Six Pack Abs

The Science Of CBD

The Science Of CBD: Unlocking Its Potential Health Benefits

Introduction mes CBD (cannabidiol) has quickly become one of the hottest trends in wellness today. From tinctures and gummies to creams and capsules, its products have taken off, but what's behind all this buzz? In this article, we'll delve deep into CBD's science as we examine its therapeutic potential across a spectrum of health conditions. Let's embark on this adventure together as we uncover its rise to fame! What Is CBD? Before we dive deeper into its scientific components, let's start with the basics of what CBD is. CBD (cannabidiol) is a naturally occurring component found in cannabis plants; unlike its more renowned cousin THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), however, CBD doesn't cause intoxication as THC does and instead can provide potential health benefits without altering one's state of mind. CBD is available in various forms, with CBD edibles being a popular choice for those looking for a tasty and discreet way to incorporate it into their daily routine. These edibles come in the form of gummies, chocolates, and more, making it easy to enjoy the potential benefits of CBD without any psychoactive effects. If you want to explore a wide range of CBD edibles, you can check out the best options available at cbdamericanshaman.com. The Endocannabinoid System (ECS) To understand how CBD works its magic, we must become acquainted with our body's endocannabinoid system (ECS). This complex network exists within each human and plays an essential role in regulating various physiological functions; think of it as your body's command center, constantly working toward maintaining balance and harmony. The Endocannabinoid System, or ECS, consists of three primary components: endocannabinoids produced naturally by your body; receptors; and enzymes. When something in your body goes out of balance, your ECS responds immediately - for instance if you're stressed your body produces more endocannabinoids to help relax; when an injury has occurred it works to reduce inflammation and promote healing through ECS stimulation. Mechanism Of Action From CBD At its core, CBD interacts with the endocannabinoid system by engaging its receptors: CB1 and CB2. Like having backstage passes to this intricate concert of biochemical reactions! But what goes on behind the scenes? CBD's ability to modulate neurotransmitters and signaling pathways gives it immense therapeutic potential, potentially altering how our body communicates internally and creating profound physical impacts, including therapeutic outcomes for various processes within our bodies. Potential Health Benefits What exactly are these purported health benefits we keep hearing about? Well, scientific researchers have been hard at work researching CBD's capabilities. Here are a few areas in which it shows promise: Chronic Pain Management: Living with chronic pain can be debilitating, but CBD may offer relief by engaging pain receptors and reducing inflammation. One study discovered that CBD significantly decreased pain while improving sleep in individuals suffering from chronic conditions. Anxiety and Depression: With modern life's stressors at play, CBD's potential to alleviate anxiety and depression symptoms is particularly impressive. Multiple studies suggest it could have both anxiolytic (anxiety-reducing) and antidepressant properties similar to prescription medications by stimulating serotonin receptors in the brain and providing anti-stress benefits. Epilepsy and Seizures: Some forms of epilepsy in children have shown great promise with treatment using CBD oil, including reduced seizure frequency. Indeed, the FDA approved Epidiolex to treat certain rare forms of epilepsy. Inflammation and Autoimmune Disorders: CBD's anti-inflammatory properties hold great promise in treating arthritis and autoimmune diseases. Recent research indicates that CBD can suppress the immune system's response to inflammation, potentially decreasing tissue damage. Sleep Disorders: For those experiencing difficulty sleeping, CBD could offer a natural solution by helping relax muscles and improving overall sleep quality. Studies have demonstrated this property of CBD can both increase total sleep time as well as enhance its quality. Note that CBD research remains promising, yet is not a one-size-fits-all solution. Individual results will depend on various factors and therefore it's wise to consult with healthcare providers before including it in your wellness regime. Safety And Side Effects Of course, safety should always be of primary concern when purchasing wellness products. Thankfully, CBD has an impressive safety profile. Any adverse side effects are typically mild and infrequent, including dry mouth, diarrhea, and fluctuations in appetite or weight changes. Legal And Regulatory Considerations Before heading out to purchase CBD goodies from your nearest store, it's crucial to understand the legal and regulatory landscape. Legality varies by region; therefore it's vitally important that you become informed of your local rules regarding this substance. In the US for instance, CBD from hemp with less than 0.3% THC content is federally legal while state laws may differ accordingly. Future Research And Conclusion As CBD research progresses, so too does its potential. There's still much to discover about this compound and ongoing studies are investigating new avenues. CBD provides hope to those searching for natural ways to enhance their well-being. At its core, CBD science is an engaging field with immense promise for multiple health conditions. While not a miracle cure, its potential therapeutic effects have been supported by scientific research. As you embark on your wellness journey, consult with healthcare professionals, select high-quality products, and approach CBD with an open mind - it may provide relief from chronic pain, and anxiety or improve sleep - making CBD an invaluable addition to your arsenal of well-being tools - it all starts by understanding its science, being informed and finding what works for you! Read Also: How Does CBD Affect Your Drug Tests? How CBD Oil Capsules Are Changing People’s Lives What is Cannabis Oil and how does CBD Oil Work?

Prevent Burnout As A Travel Nurse

Prevent Travel Nurse Burnout: Easy Self-care Tips

We all know what stress is. We all cope with it every day; we look for creative new ways of handling it but prolonged exposure to stress can lead to burnout which could have some long-term consequences. Travel nursing, like any other health care field, falls into the category of highly stressful jobs. The stress became even more emphasized since the pandemic had started. In the last few years, jobs for travel nurses have not only grown in scope, but also in terms of remuneration. The global pandemic has necessitated the biggest movement of trained nursing professionals across the world. While there are stressful moments involved, the salaries and compensations are the perks that are leading the nursing industry. With the chance to see the world, a lot of young professionals are encouraged to pursue short term travel nursing jobs. Travel nursing can be both stressful and rewarding: There has been an increasing demand from medical staffing companies for healthcare workers in the past year. And yes, while it also meant higher pay for travel nurses, more job openings, and travel opportunities it also came with exponential exposure to everyday stress. Now, as a healthcare professional you are already used to coping with situations that would upset and throw out of tracks every average person, but COVID-19 is still quite new to everyone, and just like with everything that’s new it takes some time getting used to it. We know how tough you are but you are still prone to feeling effects of accumulated stress over time and as a health care staffing agency that puts its employees first, we are saying that you should take some measures of precaution to avoid burnout and to increase or maintain the quality of your life. Things you can do outside work: We know it can be hard to put work aside and go back to your normal life once you take off your uniform. But if you think about it, in a long run, doing so you are doing yourself and your patients a favor. By focusing on your wellbeing, you are refueling, reenergizing, and investing in your career too. You will be more concentrated, more rested, and more efficient if you had enough time for yourself. Focus on your physical and mental health: This can be, for example, a walk in a park, going for a run, or just wandering around the city exploring new cafes, restaurants, parks, buildings and enjoying the pulse of a new place. You could start off by exploring your new residential area and discovering places according to your taste. You could go on a hunt for a beautiful sunset or sunrise and get the perfect postcard for your friends back at home. Invest in your own health - find a farmer’s market and enjoy organic or unique specialties that locals could tell you about. Yoga is great for both physical and mental health: Find a gym or a park to do yoga every day. If you are not a fan of exercising indoors, you could find a park or a nice and quiet place to do your stretches or yoga, for example. It's very beneficial to practice yoga outdoors with other people. Why not try that out? Maintain social relationships and contacts: Stay in touch with your friends from home or hang out with some new people you’ll definitely meet. It would be nice if you could avoid talking about work and instead focus on experiencing new tastes, learning new things, and hearing different points of view. Make the most of your stay. Things you can do at work: It can be very busy and sometimes overwhelming at work, and we understand that being a travel nurse you sometimes can’t just decide when to take a break. But if you have the chance, take that little break. As they say, one can be surrounded by people and still feel alone. That’s why you should try to bond with your colleagues or/and patients that you like. It will make your workplace a much more pleasant place to be at and you will look forward to your next day at the hospital. The social component of our overall wellbeing must not be disregarded. We are social beings, right? Everyone’s threshold of stress tolerance is different. And if you start feeling overwhelmed by your everyday tasks, if you find yourself unable to stay focused for a longer period of time, or if you start getting easily frustrated, don’t wait. Seek professional help, take care of yourself and put yourself in the first place just like your medical staffing agency does. You are important to us. And we take care of what’s important. Don’t push yourself. Be gentle with yourself. Treat yourself like you treat your patients. Let us take care of you. Read Also: Effects of Anxiety on Heart Disease How To Live Stress-Free 6 Steps for Choosing the Best Workout Gear 8 Motivations to Start Up Health & Fitness