Is there a Place for Bitcoin in the Fashion World?

Published on: 26 October 2021 Last Updated on: 15 July 2024

When Satoshi Nakamoto’s whitepaper for a new cryptocurrency was given a life, many expected Bitcoin to be adopted by nerds or enthusiasts who live by their own rules. But Bitcoin secured a permanent place in history as the world’s first cryptocurrency. From its humble beginnings, it established applications that have disrupted politics, media, finance, governance, and more.

Fashion and cryptocurrency

Fashion and cryptocurrency

It’s a popular myth that Bitcoin’s (and the other altcoins) only purpose is to make traders money on the cryptocurrency market. But not everyone checks up the Bitcoin price because they want to invest in cryptocurrency.

Luxury brands can benefit from blockchain because it helps authenticate items and prevent counterfeiting, thus earning them an honorable reputation. Blockchain can also act as “social tokens” that build community among crypto-enthusiasts, making luxury brands more desirable for their exclusivity.

Practical uses of blockchain and Bitcoin in the Fashion World

Practical uses of blockchain and Bitcoin in the Fashion World

Authentication of goods

A new wave of companies is using the blockchain to certify that their products are authentic. The seamless integration of the blockchain into e-commerce platforms allows shoppers to get more information about a product, including its provenance and how it was made. A QR code may be used on the packaging of authentic designer products, which can be scanned by smartphone users to verify their authenticity.

Cryptocurrency payments

Blockchain technology can be used to improve the efficiency of payments between parties at different stages of the supply chain. Bitcoin’s blockchain was designed with the goal of creating an entire financial system that is decentralized without having to trust any third party. Using blockchain, fashion brands can receive payments internationally quickly, securely, and economically.

Product lifecycle tracking

As more luxury brands adopt digital solutions, it is becoming increasingly necessary to track product life cycle events. With blockchain ad authentication, brands can better understand how their product is affecting the environment and manage the full life cycle of their goods.

Tackling ethical issues in Fashion

With the rising public consciousness about ethical issues related to apparel, blockchain technology will be able to address these concerns in a more elegant way that will allow brands to be more aware of their manufacturing practices. This will further encourage manufacturers to be more conscious of their ethical responsibilities.

The Future of NFT in Fashion

What is NFT? It is a digital-only item that can be traded much like a real-life artifact. Unlike images that can be endlessly broadcasted online without belonging to anyone, NFTs are carefully curated into an immersive experience that gives you the impression of owning something physical.

NFT’s are seen as the future of Fashion

In March 2021, street lifestyle brand RTFKT sold more than $3m worth of new season sneakers in just seven minutes through an NFT.

As the debate about the value of digital goods continues, consumers are starting to use cryptocurrencies to acquire luxury products. A new class of customers is paying for luxury items upfront, with cryptocurrencies tied to the value of a real-world property. Nike, Burberry, and Louis Vuitton already have NFTs for their brands, and many others follow.

Fashion fans paying with Bitcoin

While the majority of fashion brand clients do prefer to pay with a traditional method, there is a growing demographic of individuals who enjoy cryptocurrency, especially those who have made money from it. These crypto enthusiasts want to buy Bitcoin with Paybis and purchase their fashion goods with it. Some watch brands (like Hublot) are already embracing the change and will allow purchasing with Bitcoin on their online store.

Bitcoin loyalty points

Cryptocurrency can be implemented into a loyalty or rewards program, offering users incentives for purchasing from brands that accept cryptocurrencies. The amount in Bitcoin can be stored in the crypto wallets of the customers if they want to trade it at a later stage for a higher amount.

Merchants that accept cryptocurrencies as a form of payment may also benefit from the advantages traditional customers have. In aggregate, 36% of customers that use cryptos to make purchases have average incomes of over $100k and purchase amounts of around $450 per order. This is compared to about half that ($200) for customers who do not use cryptos.


Bitcoin and non-fungible tokens have a decisive role in the fashion world because they allow consumers to buy goods from faraway places as well as verify their authenticity. Fashion items can be costly, so these two technologies will prevent the industry from taking advantage of scammers and counterfeiters. Not only that, reward systems and loyalty programs can save customers a ton of money, given the fact they already save from the cheaper transaction rates.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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Gifting an Asset

Know the Applicable Stamp Duty when Gifting an Asset

Ravi Krishnan was retiring from central government service. At this time, he decided to gift his three-bedroom flat in Navi Mumbai to his son Akaash. Krishnan is now 60 years old and would relocate to his native Bengaluru from Mumbai. Widower Krishnan has planned for his golden years well. He can easily manage with a pension of Rs.2.5 lakh a year in Bengaluru where he owns a house. While Krishnan was formally transferring the rights of his Mumbai flat to his son, he came to know that there are certain tax implications. He got down to assess what needs to be taken care of with regard to stamp duty gift deed. It turns out that the transfer of any immovable property, even from father to son, is considered as a gift as per the existing laws. Stamp Duty on Gifts Stamp duty is the tax levied on a property which is being sold or transferred. Stamp duty varies from state to state. It is in the range of 3–7% of the value of the property. The Transfer of Property Act mandates that the gifted property be registered as a ‘gift deed’. This should be duly signed by the person who is gifting it. It also needs to be signed in front of two witnesses. A gift deed is a legal document that endorses the transfer of property from the donor to the receiver. There is no exchange of money in this case. The rate of stamp duty, however, is the same as in the regular sale of the property. However, some states are lenient in terms of stamp duty gift deed when it involves gifting of property between close relatives. You can make use of a free stamp duty calculator available on various real estate aggregator websites. Then you will know the exact rate applicable in the case of your gift deed property. Components of a Gift Deed Details of the property that is being given as a gift Details of the donor such as name, father’s name, Aadhaar number, address, etc. Details of the receiver such as name, father’s name, Aadhaar number, address, etc. The date and place where the gift deed is being signed Signature and details of two witnesses who were present when the gift deed was executed Relationship between the donor and the receiver Income Tax on Property Gifts According to the Income Tax Act, 1961, you are not liable to pay tax on gifts received of up to Rs.50,000 in a year. What if the value of the gifts exceeds Rs.50,000? Then a gift tax is imposed on the receiver. The Income Tax Department has taken into consideration that movable and immovable assets change hands between close relatives. So, it has exempted the receiver from paying any tax for a property received as a gift. What is heartening is that there is no cap on the price of the property. However, the donor of such a gift has to be from a list prepared by the Income Tax Department. Which donors are exempt from taxes? That includes parents, spouse, siblings, siblings of the spouse, and direct ascendants and descendants of the donor and their spouse. As a receiver of the property as a gift, you would only need to pay income tax when you decide to sell it. The Income Tax Department will treat the proceeds from the sale of the property as an income. You are liable to pay taxes on such an income. The rate of the taxes, however, will be decided on your period of holding. Short-term capital gains will apply to holdings below 36 months. If the holding period is beyond 36 months, you will have to pay long-term capital gains tax of 20%. But in this case, you will also be entitled to indexation benefits. Conclusion The gifting of immovable assets attracts taxes. One has to pay stamp duty and registration charges when the transfer of rights of a property takes place. Stamp duty varies from state to state but is essential in formalizing the gift you have received. For property received as a gift, you will not be required to pay any taxes unless you decide to sell it. Read Also: 5 Gorgeous Hairstyles For A Perfect Date Night

Chapter 7

What Is The Difference Between Chapter 7 & Chapter 11 Bankruptcy

The businesses that fell into financial trouble consider Bankruptcy as their only legal way of solution. This particular legal process is often initiated by the debtors and is imposed through court orders. If you find that bankruptcy is your only way to seek relief from the creditor, then you can go for it. But you also need to keep in mind that Bankruptcy has various chapters, for instance, chapter 7, chapter 11, and chapter13 as well. If you are willing to file bankruptcy, you must consider the difference between these chapters in it. What Is Chapter 7 Bankruptcy? The liquidation of assets takes place to repay the debt. In that case, a company or an individual can file for this particular chapter, and that will be the shutdown of their whole operations and management processes. You will be able to understand everything from Chapter 7 Bankruptcy about the chapter 7 bankruptcy before you file for it. The debtors need to liquidate their personal assets, according to this chapter. To fill the debt, the debtor tries to focus on secured loans such as home equity loans, car loans, mortgage loans, et cetera. After that, if there is still money left for the debtor, they will pay through unsecured loans like credit cards or personal loans. The main benefit of chapter 7 is that they will not get any further repayment plan, and thus they can start anew. What Is Chapter 11 Bankruptcy? It is a new process of returning the money to the creditor. The debtors file this chapter to save their assets. But anyone cannot go for this bankruptcy unless they have sufficient proof to run their business regularly. Chapter 7 bankruptcy in GA works in a different way from chapter 11 bankruptcy. If you have the ability to run your own business but are facing trouble repaying your debt, then only you will be able to file chapter 11. In this case, you will need to submit a restructured payment method that you want to initiate for your repayment. After that, the court will analyze and restructure it again through its trustee to give you the best negotiation possible. Key Differences Still, finding the key differences? Through this discussion, you will be able to understand the differences between these two chapters. And understanding these differences will let you go through the legal process carefully and properly. 1. Type If you consider understanding the chapter 7 bankruptcy in GA, you will be able to assess that this chapter deals with the liquidation of assets in terms of paying the debt. On the other hand, chapter 11 deals with the negotiation process of your loans. It helps you to restructure your repayment method and bares you some extra time in a possible way. 2. Advantages With chapter 7, you cannot start your own repayment plan without having any limitations of debt. If you give a closer look into chapter 7 bankruptcy in GA, you get the idea that you will not have the chance to start from the beginning. On the other hand, with chapter 11, your company will get the chance to continue processing its operations to stand again. 3. Closure Are you willing to close all your operations? With chapter 7, you will be able to do that to pay your debts. Closing all your operations will help you to liquidate your money by selling your assets. Do you want to continue your current operations? You can do that if you file for chapter 11 only. 4. Processing Time In chapter 7, the debt payment through liquidation takes up to 6 months. On the other hand, chapter 11 processing takes a much longer time. Chapter 11 does not have any particular time period as the restructuring process takes time to be fixed, and there are also chances of payment extension. To Wrap Up If you want to file for bankruptcy, you must know the process and details of it. If you do not consider this article on your reading list, you will not be able to file a suitable chapter for you. Always try to be advanced while considering law cases. It is your responsibility to take down the debt from your head and thus be sure to advance your knowledge of bankruptcy and its different chapters. Read Also: Does Bankruptcy Ruin Your Credit?Can I File Bankruptcy Without an Attorney?What are the types of debt that can be discharged in bankruptcy?

Passive Income And Crypto Trading

Passive Income And Crypto Trading: Here Is How You Can Start

Today’s young generation is passionate about passive income. People are now more compassionate to make their investments in Crypto trading. They like to make their investments in Crypto-currencies. Passive income means earning money without participating in any working activity. It may involve investing in Cryptocurrency, affiliate marketing, and evergreen automated sales, dividends from the stock holdings to generate any other kinds of income. Proper implementation of the planning can make things easier for you. How Can You Earn Passive Income From Crypto Trading? There are several ways you can earn money from Crypto trading. First, it can help you to earn more by investing once and generating money from a lifetime. Second, proper implementation of the plans can make things easier for you. 1. Mining Mining is a process to provide the computational power to secure the network of exchange. From this source also you can earn passive income quickly. It is one of the oldest and most efficient techniques to produce passive income in the Crypto trading sector. The application of the quantum ai, or the quantum app can make the mining process easier for you. It will ensure that you earn as much passive income as you can. Mining is making the use of the Central Processing Unit that makes it feasible for Cryptocurrency mining. 2. Stacking Stacking is a resource-conserving processor version of mining. However, for obtaining the stacking benefits, there are certain factors that you have to consider at your end. The application of the appropriate wallet can help you to fulfill a specific network of activities. The ownership and the stake are limited to the specific network of activities you have to consider while you want to develop your business. The application of Blockchain technology can make the earning process easier for the stackers. 3. Lending    Lending is one of the passive ways that will ensure you earn the income from the Bitcoin investments. The capability is making it available for margin trading and increasing passive income. Several Cryptocurrency exchanges offer the opportunity for margin trading. Therefore, it is perfect for long-term investors who want to expand their portfolio with minimum effort. Moreover, it is one of the best ways to secure cash and create a smart contract inherently. 4. Effective Running Of Lightning Node    The lightning network node will offer a second layer protocol that builds on top of the network, effectively working on all means. Quick transactions are possible in Blockchain technology. It can help your business to grow at a faster pace. Now get some detailed insights about it. The lightning network offers bidirectional channels that provide the necessary options for running the node in all directions. It can help you to earn passive income if you can maintain the channels indigenously. It is another means of earning more from Crypto-trading. 5. Affiliate Programs Affiliate links, referrals, and other types of discounts allow new users to get the affiliate programs. Additionally, discounts are being provided to the new users who have brought you this platform. On digitals platforms, you can start your affiliate programs. It can make things easier and more profitable for you to generate revenue in a short time frame. A proper and effective strategy can make things easier for you if you want to develop your income. Effective planning is essential here to make things work in your favor. The development of a better affiliate plan can increase your chances of growth. Crypto Trading That Makes Passive Income Easy These are some of the practical and crucial tips you can follow for earning passive income from Cryptocurrency. First, prepare plans that can work well in your favor and increase your chances of earning more from Cryptocurrency. Develop a plan that can work well in your favor and can propel your growth in a short time. Read More: The Profit Revolution: The Best Bitcoin Trading And Investing Platform The Most Critical Year For Bitcoin And Other Cryptocurrencies?