Tag: Age-Old Methods Of Marketing

Don’t Stick To Age-Old Methods Of Marketing: These 7 Are The Best To Date!

Don’t Stick To Age-Old Methods Of Marketing: These 7 Are The Best To Date!

Marketing has taken a rapid pace in the past few years. From the traditional pen-paper and poster stamping tactics, it has landed in the digital world. As per stats, this swift growth has been seen in the past two years than in the previous 50 years. But what makes digital marketing work so efficiently? Perhaps its the prolific content creation, hard-core search engine optimization, white hat link building and more. While these tricks are important, there’s more to these tactics that are often overlooked and scoffed when professionals look at marketing campaigns. If you want to hit the bulls-eye and want to boost sales, here are some tricks that can do wonders for your camping and can increase the sales graph: Video Marketing:  Users mostly spend more and more time online, with over a wide percentage of that time to be spent on digital videos. Those digital videos are the weapon to drive more sales. How? Let’s say, you were watching the video of nail art and suddenly an annoying add pop-up; that annoying advertisement is gold who use InStream marketing service. Since you will pay for legitimate views on your video, the advertisements are set to come up various times in between the clip. This way, you will get more visitors, and your ads will work exactly like other paid ads. Facebook Advertisements: Sure you might not be interested in Facebook applications, you cannot deny the fact that this platform can drive more sales.  It’s the largest platform to bring your brand to the outer world. In this, you can easily target specific users and can reach to potential buyers. You don’t have to reach to the mass of Facebook audience, just target those who have liked your niche. You can look for a target audience on the basis of age, their likes and dislikes, cities, and more. Since there millions of people on Facebook, Facebook advertising agencies use this platform to do miracles on businesses. Emails Are Still There, So Use Them! If you fear that your domain-based emails will be moot into your marketing scene because many social media users already have an email address, fret not! There will be millions of old-school users who still use emails to connect with friends. Some stats also indicate that the email marketing has an impressive ROI of around 12.2%, which is 4 times higher than other marketing channels. Further, this marketing strategy is a cult favorite of startups. And bonus, it doesn’t need tons of money to run a campaign. Retargeting: Convincing people to pay attention to your website and to believe in your business idea is difficult. However, retargeting ads can help. Retargeting is more like nudging in which people show relevant ads to only those people who have previously visited your website. When the customer comes to your website, the browser gets cooked. When the same client visits other sites, the retargeting platform will get notified by the cookie, and the users will see the same as they have liked on your page or site. LinkedIn Advertisement: Linkdln is quite a professional place to showcase anything, and serious marketers appreciate its value. They use the platform to showcase advertisements to those who are willing to see them. Although marketing to these platforms is bit costly, you will get to show your ads on millions of other networks. Viral Marketing: Creating a strong buzz for your brand on the Internet is very important to drive sales. So, work on creating content that easily goes viral. You can use any of the said platforms to viral your business to make it an overnight success. You can use hilarious content, genuine piece of information to bring traffic to your platform. This not only helps your brand to shout to the outer world but will also help in converting traffic to the buyers. Having a successful brand is an uphill battle of fierce competition. So, pick your marketing strategy effectively and skyrocket your business. Read also: 7 Proven Marketing Tactics To Increase Your ROI In 2018 Social Media Marketing: Six Trends To Keep Your Eyes On