Tag: Sleep

Temperature & Sleep

The Relationship between Temperature & Sleep

Summer 2019 is in full swing, which means hot days and warm nights. Temperature & Sleep has a close relationship with one another. While a nice sunny day is something that can be easily enjoyed in the shade and under an umbrella, sleeping in a room that is too hot at night is extremely uncomfortable and may affect your sleep! Below is some interesting information about how temperature affects your sleep. Assuming you’re a living, breathing human like me, your body temperature is higher during the day and then declines at night. The innate ability of your body to control internal temperature is through a process called “thermoregulation.” As you get ready to sleep, your body starts to cool down through this process. The process of cooling starts around 2:00 PM to prepare you for sleep and around 5:00 AM is the lowest body temperature your body will reach. Temperature & Sleep has a close relationship with one another. A cooler temperature is associated with sleep, while a higher temperature is wakefulness. This is super counterintuitive but even though you may feel like a slug in a warm environment, you could be able to actually get to sleep better in a cooler environment because our bodies cool down during the dream state. Keeping your body’s internal temperature lower while sleeping has been shown to support a longer and deeper quality of sleep. Cool temperature & sleep are co-related with one another. Your body starts to work overtime to cool itself when it becomes too hot. This is because the body associates heat with activity. Increased body temperature will alert your internal clock to be more awake and alert which disrupts all stages of REM sleep. Oppositely, cold comfort may deliver a better sleep. This is due to the fact that your body will be able to lower its internal temperature early in the sleep cycle. So you may want to think twice before you load up with all those comfy and fluffy blankets that we all love so much! Research shows that 60 to 65 degrees is the ideal sleeping temperature and anything higher or lower than this ideal range can make it more difficult to fall and stay asleep. Additionally, varying temperatures outside of the ideal sleeping temperature seem to cause our bodies to struggle to reach the ideal body temperature for sleep. A Dutch study from 2008 evaluated this phenomenon by hooking up participants to thermostats and found that very small changes in temperature could prove useful to manage disturbed sleeping patterns. The benefits of sleeping in a cool room include falling asleep quickly, promoting anti-aging, and reducing stress levels. Cold bedrooms can promote the increase in melatonin, which regulates all of the body and governs many of the body’s immune, cardiovascular, microbiome, metabolic, psychological, and detox functions. In order to catch the best and most restful snooze, you might need to send the right messages to your body that it’s time to go to sleep by keeping a cool environment in the hours that lead up to sleep. Try out some of the following simple solutions to prepare yourself for a nice night’s sleep: Try to allow your body time to adjust and prepare for sleep. Make sure you give your body two to three hours before bed to start to cool down. A hot shower seems to be ideal when taken two to three hours before bed. Make a good investment in your bed, fur blanket, and be sure to keep it clean. Natural materials are best and are most likely to keep you comfortable. Make sure you keep your hands and feet warm. Keep your bedroom at roughly 65 degrees. In addition, there are several wonderful sleep gadgets out there to help make sure your bedroom is an oasis and you’re ready for sleep. Check out this article to learn more about various sleep gadgets that may be able to help regulate your bed temperature. Gadgets could be a great way to start improving other aspects of your sleep that you may be experiencing trouble with! So all in all, Summer 2019 might be about catching some rays and working up a sweat on the beach, but once you get back inside starting to cool off for the rest of the night might be your best bet to feel refreshed and energized for the next day. It seems as though the temperature has an important effect on sleep. Try to take a look back at your most recent sleeping patterns and see if your rest is being disturbed by the temperature of your room. Perhaps start a Temperature & sleep journal to keep track by writing a blog entry about your last sleep in the morning. We all could use a better-shut eye at the end of the day! Read Also: How To Sleep Better When You Have Cancer Ways To Sleep Well At Night As You Age 3 Health Advantages Of Good Night’s Sleep

Good Night’s Sleep

3 Health Advantages of Good Night’s Sleep

Sleep is critical to us, and it has a vital impact on our quality of lives. It is much more than just resting at night and feeling full of energy the next day. Getting enough shut-eye at night has a significant impact on our existence, and if we are deprived of sleep, we often can’t function properly. The lack of sleep can have an adverse effect on our health and well-being.Good Night’s Sleep can make you feel comfortable and agile. The main mistake that many people make is that they often underestimate the importance of sleep. They simply choose to stay awake till late at night watching TV and surfing the web instead of focusing on getting enough shut-eye. Going to bed on time and getting a recommended number of hours of rest is more important than many people think. You shouldn’t sacrifice sleep to get other things done as your health can suffer sooner or later as a result. However, many people have troubles falling asleep in the evening. Many factors contribute to this, and the primary factor is stress. It can be quite difficult to relax and drift off to dreamland at night if you are dealing with a lot of stress. In these situations, it would be the best idea to try meditation or to do some fun activities that will relax you in the evening. Another factor that contributes to sleep deprivation is improper sleeping surface. Many people sleep on old and uncomfortable mattresses that lack support. If you want to get a night of quality rest, you should consider replacing your old mattress with a new one. Luckily, unbiased reviews sites such as realmattressreviews.com can help you find the right mattress and pillows for your bedroom. Comfortable and supportive sleeping surfaces will increase your chances of getting a good night’s sleep that you deserve. Some of the leading health advantages that you can expect to get from sleeping enough on a regular basis include: Your Immune System Will Improve: We all know that the key to fighting infections and diseases is the properly functioning immune system. When we get enough sleep at night, protein molecules that strengthen our immune system are produced. As a result, we are able to fight diseases and infections better. On the other hand, when we lack rest, we are more prone to getting sick as our bodies are not able to fight back. If you want to enjoy the improved functioning of your immune system you should focus on getting enough shut-eye at night. Your Heart Will Become Healthier: Cardiovascular problems are very widespread, and they affect people of all ages, especially seniors. These issues need to be taken seriously as they can have severe consequences. The major contributing factor to these problems is high blood pressure. When you don’t get enough rest at night, the production of stress hormones is affected, and as a result, blood pressure tends to rise because your heart needs to work harder. On the other hand, when you are well-rested, blood pressure levels are kept under control, and your chances of having cardiovascular issues are decreased. You Will Be Able to Control Your Weight Better: If you struggle losing extra pounds, you should focus on sleeping enough at night. Sleep is vital to achieving the desired weight loss goals. Not only it can help us keep our weight under control but it can also help lose weight at a faster pace. When we don’t get enough sleep, we are more likely to consume unhealthy foods, eat more than we should, and less likely to exercise. Of course, you already know that these things contribute to weight gain. On the other hand, when you sleep enough, you are more likely to eat healthily and engage in physical activity, which will help keep your weight under control. Read Also: Why Is Sleeping Well So Important For Job Performance? Effects Of Sleep Deprivation On Your Skin & Good Sleeping Habits