Tag: Talcum Powder

ovarian cancer

How Talcum Powder & Ovarian Cancer Is Related?

The latest report by the American Cancer Society states that ovarian cancer accounts for 2.5% of cancer cases in women. The risk of ovarian cancer is dependent upon a number of factors, spanning from genetics, age, lifestyle to environmental factors. But, certain studies such as the American Cancer Society have discovered a strong link between talcum powder & escalating cases of ovarian cancer worldwide. As per studies, 11.5 in every 100,000 people in the United States of America developed ovarian cancer, from 2010 to 2014. What Is Ovarian Cancer? Ovarian cancer is the rarest form of cancer that affects women’s reproductive mechanisms.  This cancer type commences in the ovaries or in the fallopian tubes, connecting the ovaries to the womb. Ovarian cancer is graded by doctors in terms of stages 1 to 4, which is further determined by tumor size or if cancer has spread outside the ovary. Finally, the doctor will examine to identify the ovarian cancer type. This depends upon how the cancer cells respond to chemotherapy treatment-how fast they are growing. The type 1 ovarian cancer grows slowly but doesn't respond to the chemotherapy sessions, whereas the type 2 ovarian cancer develop quickly with chemotherapy. How Talcum Powder Is Responsible for Ovarian Cancer? Talcum powder is a common household baby care product widely used. Generally, talc is simply a mineral composed of silicon, magnesium, and oxygen. Owing to the talc ability to absorb moisture, it can also be applied to sensitive body areas. Now, now is the million-dollar question, can talcum powder contribute to ovarian cancer? What A Recent Study Published in the journal Epidemiology Says:- To quote the study published in the medical journal Epidemiology, talcum powder can significantly increase the risk of ovarian cancer to 33%, especially when used daily. However, further research work is needed to prove the relation between baby powder and ovarian cancer. In the meantime, the American Cancer Society did a thorough study investigating the alleged statements against the use of talcum powder. The bottom line of this study suggested limiting the use of cosmetic products that are rich in talc. Although the overall risk of developing ovarian cancer is low, it is a deadly gynecological cancer. So, it is vital to recognize the symptoms of ovarian cancer for early detection & diagnosis:- Common Signs and Symptoms Lower Abdominal Pain or Pressure Weight Gain or Weight Loss Abnormal Periods Gas, Nausea, or Vomiting Talcum Powder Lawsuits In the last couple of years, talcum powder cancer lawsuits are being filled by women diagnosed with ovarian cancer worldwide. Top names of the industry such as Johnson and Johnson are already facing thousands of talcum powder lawsuits and this is expected to increase with each passing year. Final Takeaway As with any form of cancer, it is crucial to take the precautions. Avoid the daily use of talcum powder, until we come across a convincing study revealing the clear-cut relation. In addition, it is essential to understand that everyone’s experience of cancer is distinct. Anyone with concerns relating to ovarian cancer symptoms, it is a no-brainer to speak to the doctor right away. Read Also: Early Symptoms And Signs Of Breast Cancer Can Breast Augmentation Cause Cancer? How To Sleep Better When You Have Cancer