Treating Open Wounds – Types, Treatments, and Complications


09 December 2019

Health & Fitness

open wounds

An open wound is an injury that breaks the skin leaves internal tissue exposed. The most common causes of open wounds are sharp objects, falls, and car crashes.

Some wounds heal on their own with a bandage and a bit of patience. However, in case of more serious wounds, you should seek help from medical professionals, such as the ones working in this wound care center Lewisville.

Types of Open Wounds:

  • Lacerations are deep cuts or tears of the skin. They’re usually caused by knives, machinery, or tools. If the laceration is deep, it can cause extensive bleeding.
  • Abrasions occur when the skin scrapes or rubs against a hard or rough surface. They usually don’t cause lots of bleeding, but need to be cleaned in order to prevent infections.
  • Avulsions are usually a result of violent accidents like gunshots, explosions, and crushes. They involve tearing away of the skin and the tissue beneath, as well as heavy bleeding.
  • Punctures are small holes caused by long and pointy objects like needles or nails. In some cases, a puncture wound can be caused by a bullet. Even if there is no heavy bleeding, the puncture can be quite deep and cause damage to your internal organs.

How to Treat Open Wounds:

Treat Open Wounds

Some minor wounds can be treated at home, while others require immediate medical care.

Treating Wounds At Home

  • If your wound is minor, start by washing and disinfecting it to remove any dirt or debris. Try to stop the bleeding by applying direct pressure.
  • Use sterile bandage or dressing to wrap the wound. Keep it dry and clean for a few days and get lots of rest.
  • If you feel any pain, you can take Tylenol, but avoid using products that contain aspirin as they can cause bleeding. You can also consult with your doctor about using CBD to ease the pain.
  • If there’s swelling or bruising, apply some ice.
  • Apply sunscreen every time you’re going out until the area heals completely.

When to Seek Medical Help

Seek medical help immediately in the following cases:

  • The wound is deep, large, or has jagged edges.
  • The bleeding won’t stop after applying pressure or lasts for more than 15 minutes.
  • The edges of the wound don’t stay together.

Medical Treatments for Open Wounds:

Open Wounds

After cleaning the wound, your doctor might close it using sutures, stitches, or skin glue. In case of a puncture, you’ll probably get a tetanus vaccine as well.

Depending on the wound’s severity, your doctor may leave the wound open and allow it to heal naturally. In that case, you’ll probably need to pack the wound with sterile gauze to prevent infection. Make sure your hands are clean whenever you’re changing your dressings and bandages. Before dressing the wound again, you should disinfect it.

If there’s a risk of infection, you’ll need to take antibiotics.

In case of very serious wounds, you may need surgical intervention.

Possible Complications:

The most complication of open wounds is an infection. Here are some common signs of infection:

  • Green, malodorous, or cloudy drainage
  • Fever of over 101oF
  • Continual pain from the wound
  • Redness, hot skin, or swelling around the wound
  • Loss of movement and function

Final Thoughts

Regardless of whether your wound is minor or serious, it’s crucial to take immediate action. Minor wounds usually heal on their own, but if you’re seriously wounded, you need to see a doctor immediately in order to receive appropriate treatment and reduce the risk of infection.

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stop smoking

Free Yourself – How to Stop Smoking

There are many kinds of addiction to nicotine. One can only feel the urge to smoke on special occasions, for example at weddings or before exams. Some smokers only enjoy a cigarette in the morning, but cannot imagine starting a day without it. Others only smoke alone, never in a group. Some of them smoke a pack a day, others – a pack a year. But every kind of regular smoking (even if it happens rarely, but still regularly) is an addiction. In some way it limits you. Even if you only smoke once a year, but still feel bad if you don’t have a cigarette this one time, you are addicted. Don’t limit yourself! This article will help you decide to quit, change your habits and stay resistant to the urge of having “just another one”. Step 1. realize: It happens quite sometimes that somebody says “I’m not addicted, I don’t need to do it, but I want to”. If you do so, try not to smoke and check your feelings. Is the lack of nicotine distracting you? Do you still feel you want to smoke, even if you say “you don’t need to”? Then maybe you are not as free as you think you are? The first step to getting out of nicotine addiction (and any other addiction in fact) is realizing that you have one. You don’t need to smoke every day to be addicted. But if you feel bad without having a cigarette, it’s quite obvious, that the nicotine is limiting you. Step 2: choose the right moment: It’s not easy to change your habits from one day to another. It will take some time and effort. That’s why it’s good to choose the right moment for quitting. If you know, you’ll be going through a lot of stress, for example, because of an exam or big changes in our life, it may not be a good time to quit. Try to find a time, when nothing extremely stressful can happen. Maybe a summer vacation? Maybe some peaceful time in the year? You’ll know better yourself. It can be rather hard to focus on your goal when you have a lot of things going on. And that doesn’t mean you cannot do it! It just makes it easier to quit, when the circumstances are favorable. Step 3: change your mindset: The most important thing to know is why you want to quit. Motivation is key. There are a lot of reasons to stop smoking, not only health issues and the money you spend on it. The most important thing is to free yourself from an addiction that limits you in your everyday life. So don’t think of it as a punishment. It’s not that you cannot smoke, you will just not need to do it anymore! When you think of not smoking as another limitation, it will be a lot harder. Step 4: find a way: When you decide to quit, you might find it hard at the beginning. That’s why it is helpful to find something to help you through it. Maybe a new hobby? Some exercise? And if the urge to smoke something is too strong, you could also try nicotine-free e-cigarettes. If you never tried this non-traditional way to smoke, you can find some cheap vaping deals online. Ideally, you should quit not only the nicotine but also the habit of smoking itself but remember – one step at a time. Step 5: stay strong: In the beginning, it can be hard not to smoke any more. But you can help yourself by changing your mindset – again. Don’t think that you are punishing yourself – in reality, you are rewarding yourself with life without addiction, live-in freedom. You’ll no longer feel bad or distracted when you have no time or opportunity to smoke. And don’t forget about all those benefits living smoke-free brings to your health. Your body will thank you and you’ll feel better. An idea is to write down all the good things that are coming from your non-smoking and keep the list in your wallet to look at it in the moment of weakness. Step 6: enjoy! Of course, it’s not an easy process to quit an addiction, especially when it has been going on for a while. You may feel weird without the cigarette breaks you used to take. You may miss the connection smoker have with each other. You may miss the relief that smoking gave you – but here’s the thing – it only gives you this relief if you are addicted. For a non-smoker, it makes literally no sense. So what’s the point of doing it anyway? Quit now and enjoy your life in freedom, you are not going to regret it. Read Also: How Does Smoking Weed Affect The Society Can Vaping Really Help You Kick Your Smoking Habit?

Best weight watcher scale

Best weight watchers scale Buying guide in 2020

When talking about Health and fitness, People are more aware of their body health maintenance. Today we will see the best weight watcher scale buying guide in this article. An easy way of maintaining health and fitness is the measurement of your weight through the Best weight Watchers Scale 2020. We see in the past time People of the “USA” have to go to any Health center for measuring their weight through the “Weight Watcher Scale” where they have to spend money always. Calculating the sum, they have to spend in a year is a huge one. So, investing it one time in a Weight Watcher Scale will save an enormous amount of money in a year. They have to go because in past times people are not so much aware of the weight watcher scale and its value but now the whole world knows its “importance”. Importance: Weight watcher Scale has created its Value in such a less time that people are now searching for the Best Weight Watcher Scale in 2020. If we see the overview of the Weight Watcher scale then we will find that there are no drawbacks to it, it has only “advantages”. Measuring your weight on a regular basis can give you the calculation of your daily diet and fitness workout training. Buying the best weight watcher scale can help you to reach your goal. But here is the question arises is which weight scaler you will buy or what are the guidelines you should be following? So, Today I will tell you how to choose the best weight watcher scale which helps you to maintain your body fat and fitness routine. What are the benefits Of the best weight watcher scale? As we all know, the Weight watcher scale doesn’t have any pitfall. It has only benefits which we will be seeing below. The weight watcher scale comes with many types of designs and new systems. Here are the benefits of Weight Watcher scales. Benefits Not heavy in weight. It gives you an accurate result. It is waterproof so you can also use it in bathrooms. The weight watcher scale is easy to use. weight watcher scale is easily carried. comes with a digital scale. These are the benefits of the Weight watcher Scale. When comes to accurate scales then these guidelines can help you to choose the best weight watcher scale. In the fitness world, the Best weight watcher scale has a great impact on where they use it every day. Checking the weight on a daily basis helps the bodybuilders to have a correct ratio of their diets. Fitness world is reaching up to a high level where weight watcher has created its own impact. Having excess weight can make you feel down if you are working in an office or anywhere. So, Using the weight scale can make you stay fit and energetic. So, maintain weight is your responsibility and staying fit. For maintaining weight, you have to use the weight watcher scale. What are the guidelines? The only way to find the correct weight watcher scale is by following the best guidelines. The correct guidance can make you reach your goal. Many weight watcher scales are there in the market but choosing the best one is the main problem. So, while buying the bathroom or digital scale just make sure that you are following the guidelines otherwise you will end up buying some normal scale which will be not worth money. Buying guidelines: Accuracy Accuracy is the one the most important thing in the weight watcher scale. So just make sure if the bathroom scale or home scale is not giving the correct result then avoid that scale. If the rate of the weight watcher scale decreases in a short time then the home scale or bathroom scale is not good or compactable for use. Capacity When buying the weight watcher scale just make sure that it has a range of capacity which will indicate its minimum and maximum range of weight it can measure. Platform When choosing the accurate scale for the weight you have to see that from which material it has been made. Is it made up of glass? Or it is made up of a rubber? You have to see that while buying. Measurement When you are going for a weight watcher scale, just make sure that it is having more than one feature in it. like measuring temperature, body mass, body water and etc. Seeing all this you can buy the most accurate or best weight watcher scale. Price This is the main thing on which it all depends. Seeing the price of the weight watcher scale is what people see first. When the Price is relevant to the existing feature then we can freely buy it. Losing weight in a very short time is very tough but taking note of regular days can make you improve. When talking about a healthy lifestyle, People are investing a limited amount of money for their health. Conclusion This article tells you about the Top buying guide for the best weight watcher scale in 2020. The information over here about the bathroom scale and digital scale is explained in detail with pros and cons. You find every answer to your question over here. Weight watcher Scale has a great impact on everybody’s lifestyle. Working with the best weight watcher scale can make you stay healthy. After reading this you have seen the guidelines and now you can have the best weight watcher scale. Read more 3 Top Tips To Keep Your Eyes Healthy 10 Healthy Habits To Improve Your Health The CBD Health Supplements Making People Feel Good Again  

Ingest Okra

This Is What Happens To Your Body When You Ingest Okra

Abelmoschus esculentus ,  Okra Hibiscus esculentus or Abelmoschus esculentus, is a vegetable that is widely used acrss the globe. Many people like its ‘slimy’ texture, however it is loaded with many health benefits that will definitely force you considering including it into your daily diet. Originated in Egypt, Okra is been produced since 12th century and consumed in various different manners, like fermented, stewed and even fried. It is typically served with rice, soups and other with vegetable. Various Health Benefits of Okra According to research published in Jilin Medical Journal in 2005, Okra proved to have positive effects on kidney or nephropathy diseases. To perform this study, participants were divided into 2 different groups, one of which was treated with okra and others with traditional medical therapy. For 6 months, no significant improvements were seen in the medical therapy subjects, however, participants with Okra intake experienced a significant reduction in urine protein and uric acid. Another study done on Okra capabilities to cure liver diseases published in Saudi Pharmaceutical Journal proved that Okra can protect against chemically induced liver problems. Okra was found to be having hepaprotective and potent antioxidant properties as compared to silymarin and milk thistle. In the Journal of Pharmacy And Bioallied Sciences, a study was published that stated that extracts of okra can help protect from diabetes. They took rats with the diabetes disease and found blood reduction in sugar levels as well as normalized lipid profile levels when rats were given okra. Also found in Vitro and Vivo studies that okra is great blood glucose-lowering food and it contains fiber in great quantity. Okra is also good to fight against cancer and proven to have effective action against breast cancers cells, however, this is only proven in preliminary lab studies. Many experts discovered that lectin (just discovered type of protein which is capable to bind to cell membranes) in Okra, really induces cell destructions in breast cancer cells. Research has also shown okra to possess the ability to fight depression. Although some fruits and vegetables have been shown to have various effects on mood, and the ability to elevate one’s mood (flavonoids and quercetin), Okra had not made the list until recently, when researchers from Mazandaran University of Medical Science decided to examine its effect on mood. Their results showed that okra seed extracts acted as a strong agent for elevating mood, in some cases performing just as well as common antidepressants. It seems that okra’s positive mood effects can be attributed to its high total phenol and flavonoid content. Okra like many other vegetables and fruits is also proven to be able to fight against depression. However, Okra is just recently proved to have such abilities against depression. Researchers from Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences planned to examine the effects of okra on mood. The results proved that extracts of okra seeds are a potent agent for mood elevation and in few cases, it works as good as antidepressants. When I come across scientifically validated information that sheds light on the knowledge of our ancestors and ancients, I am never surprised. This is commonly seen with quantum physics, astronomy, health, and spirituality, where our modern-day measurements of ‘truth’ correlate with teachings of our ancient world. It’s good to see science shed light on the healing properties found within nature, as it’s a branch of knowledge we have neglected for many years now. Chemical-based health and our reliance on pharmaceutical-grade medicine have completely taken over, which is perhaps one reason why chronic illness and disease are on the rise. “Let food by thy medicine, and medicine be thy food.” Read More: Healthy Protein Alternatives For Grandpa And Grandma Top 7 Superfoods For Healthy Skin And Hair 5 Protein Enriched Food To Improve Mental Health Top 5 Foods For Healthier And Thicker Hair