Ways to Relax Yourself after a Long Day of Work


02 November 2019

Health & Fitness


We are sure that you can connect with the feeling of no ounce of energy we invest in your body after a long, tiring day at work. Sometimes, no matter how hard you try, we just can’t seem to unwind at the end of the day after working hard. Your brain is still working at an overdrive thinking about the could haves and would haves.

If you ask anyone a way out, they’ll simply tell you to leave your job at your office. However, it is better said than done. Read on as we list a few ways in which you can relax and calm physically and mentally.

Lie Down on Your Bed and Do Nothing

Of course, we were going to start with this tip!

You have spent hours at your job sitting in the same position with no rest. Do you feel that strain in your neck and shoulders that is constantly irritating you? It is due to this very reason.

Just lie down in your bed or couch, close your eyes, and do nothing. For this purpose, you need to ensure that your bed or couch is comfortable. If it’s not, take the necessary steps to make it comfortable.

For your couch, if you feel that your cushions are not good enough, you can use pillows instead. In fact, there are also pillows designed for neck pain relief to effectively help you relax your body. Stay away from clumpy couches as well – not good for your back. If you prefer lying down in your bed, make sure that the mattress is good. Often, long office hours can cause back pain. To get relief, you can buy a mattress designed for back pain as well.

In the end, do nothing – just lounge around and try to take the mind of your work.

Take a Hot Bath

Most of the time, we take short and quick showers to rush to the office – a short hygienic ritual and we’re done.

This gives you all the more reason to take a long bath at the end of the day. Soaking in hot water has a therapeutic effect on your mind. The soothing effect of hot baths can help you drastically lower your anxiety levels. In addition to this, it’s also beneficial to regulate the circulatory system as well as lower your blood pressure. The warm wetness surrounding you can be the perfect way to destress yourself, for sure.

Indulge in Your Hobby to Enjoy Yourself

The dictionary defines a hobby as an activity that is done regularly in one’s leisure time for pleasure. Well, this couldn’t have been after.

The reason why you call something your hobby is because you enjoy it, which can also make it a great stress-buster. If you like reading a book, this is the best time to get lost in the world of imaginary characters and powerful plots. If you prefer reading non-fiction too, the inspirational stories can help to instill in you a sense of contentment and positivity.

If you like painting, cooking or listening to music, go ahead and indulge! In fact, listening to music can really be one of the best ways to destress after a long day – even research backs this fact!

Call Your Friends and Family

Thank God for friends and family for being there when we want to vent or share things. We always have a few family members or friends who help us calm down. Maybe it’s their advice, their humor, or just their ability to hear which makes them that perfect refuge. So, when you return home, make yourself comfortable and call your lifeline. 

Even if you don’t want to share anything about your day, you can always listen to them recount a funny story from the past or share something amusing that may have happened to them.

Try to Meditate

You must already be aware of the benefits of meditating. Taking out even ten minutes of your daily schedule can be extremely positive for your body. Your mood, blood pressure, breathing, and your stress levels will all be under control.

There are also many meditation applications available on the internet which you can download for this purpose. Just make sure that you are in a noise-free environment where you can relax.

Visit the Gym for a Last-Minute Workout


If you are health-conscious or like visiting the gym, you might already be aware of the benefits of gymming. If you aren’t, before you cross this tip out of the list, hear us out first.

According to Mayo College, exercise is actually helpful to reduce stress in multiple ways. Not only do you feel your confidence improve, but due to the secretion of endorphins in the body, you also feel good.

The fact that you also are doing something productive makes your mood better as well.

Change Into More Comfortable Clothing

Formal clothing is usually uncomfortable because you have to wear full suits, shirts, pencil skirts, heels, and whatnot. If you quickly change your clothes into something more comfortable or even nightwear, you’ll be figuratively be shedding off heaps of exhaustion and frustration. Make it a point to follow this because, at first, you might feel a bit lethargic but, it actually is better for your own wellbeing. Not that fashionable, but oh-so-comfy! 

Watch Relaxing Videos Online

Since the purpose here is to enter into a blissful state away from worry, watching relaxation videos on YouTube can be the best way out. Not only is this completely free of cost, but you get to enjoy nearly any video that you feel can help you recharge your batteries.

You can also watch your favorite sitcom, movie, or TV series. A good tip would be to stick to watching comedies. The laughing can be good for your soul and spirit. Seeing your favorite stand-up comedian in action can help you forget about your deadlines, work pressure, and anything that may be weighing you down mentally.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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Sleep Well

Ways to Sleep Well at Night as You Age

You might realize that as you age, it’s not easy going to sleep anymore. Even if you try hard to sleep, it takes time, and it might be worse if you had sleeping problems even when you were young. Age will only compound the problem, but don’t blame everything on age, since your lifestyle might also have something to do with experiencing sleeping problems. Sleep Experts contributed a Sleep Habits Survey among different age groups to better understand sleep habits and their impact on everyday life. Try these tips to make it easy to fall asleep. Have a warm bath Before you hit the bed, take a warm bath since bathing in warm water will make you feel sleepy. If you soak your body in a tub for a while, your body temperature will drop, and it helps you easily fall asleep. It’s recommended that you do this an hour or more before bed, to give time for your body temperature to fall. Calm down before you sleep Regardless of the problems you might have faced during the day, you need to stay calm. Let go of everything that causes stress and read a book or listen to soothing music; try anything that helps you unwind. A significant reason why you might be having a hard time sleeping is that several things are still bothering you. Do not eat or work in your bed When you see your bed, you need to send a signal to your brain that it is time to sleep - the problem is when you eat or work in your bed. Train yourself to use the bed only for sleeping and if you try hard to sleep, but after 20 minutes you are still awake, get out of bed for a while. Wait until you start feeling tired before you go back to bed. Do not sleep in the afternoon It is easy for you to feel tired when you age. When you are exhausted, your first instinct is to find a place to sleep. Sometimes, it is easy to sleep in the afternoon because the environment seems conducive for sleeping.It’s okay to nap if you want to, as naps of only 30 or so minutes won’t bother your night’s sleep. Try not to nap too close to your normal bedtime, as these naps can affect your ability to fall asleep at night. Schedule your exercise well You need to exercise and hit the gym if possible. You do not need rigorous exercise to stay healthy; you can benefit from a moderate exercise like jogging and brisk walking. Make sure that your workout schedule is set for earlier than three hours before bedtime. Exercising keeps your heart rate up and makes it difficult for you to calm down, and sleep. Take supplements You need to select the right kind of food that will help you sleep well. If you cannot get all the nutrients you need from the food you eat, you can try food supplements. There are many different types available, so look for something that will meet your needs. For example, if you are aged 40 or over and hitting the gym regularly, then building muscle over 40 supplements will help you with your fitness goals and also help you fall asleep easily. See your doctor and ask which food supplement would be suitable for your needs. You need to be consistent in your intake to see results. With these tips, you can look forward to a better night’s sleep. It’s okay to start slowly and build up your new routine. Make gradual changes at first and build an exercise, nutrition and anti-stress program that contributes to restful sleep. Read Also: 3 Health Advantages Of Good Night’s Sleep Things To Do Before Bed For A Perfect Night’s Sleep Effects Of Sleep Deprivation On Your Skin & Good Sleeping Habits

Dental Office

How to Choose the Best Fort Lauderdale Dental Office

When it comes to choosing the best Fort Lauderdale, Florida dental office to work on your dental issues, you can always find many, but none quite as certified as the Advanced Dental Wellness Center. There are many things that make a dentist office unique, but what’s important is that in today’s society, thanks to miracle breakthroughs in technology, there are many operations that are new and rarely heard of with high success rate. This includes implants, dental surgery procedures, braces versus aligners, and more. And what’s better, is that Dr. Boris Lipovetskiy, the man behind the smiles at the ADW, is certified with many of these new agencies and cutting edge technologies, from Invisalign® aligners. A veteran in his field, Dr. Lipovetskiy has been working in dentistry for almost 30 years, is a member (and his colleague, Dr. Christian Rouleau, as well) of the American Dental Association, Florida Dental Association, and the International Academy of Oral Medicine. What Else is Important for Finding the Best Fort Lauderdale Dental Office? It is crucial that the dentist office you find, especially in Ft. Lauderdale is one that can be bilingual, or multilingual. There are many people from other countries who need dentistry done, and you want to make sure that the person working on your teeth can understand and communicate with you completely. At the ADW, the dentists are able to help many patients who are fluent in Russian, Spanish, and English. Your dentist should care about more than just your teeth. They should know how your mouth and oral health can affect other parts of your body, as well as how it can hurt you in the long run if you have issues and infections left untreated. They should not be wanting to just pull your teeth out from the start, but at the same time, your dentist should know whether or not it’s worth his and your time to try and give you fillings, crowns, dentures, or braces. Sometimes extraction and implants or dentures is the only way to go. ADW knows all of these practices with the experience they offer, and they also know how stressful dental procedures can be for the patient. They practice holistic methods in order to help make your visit to the dentist the best, and most relaxing experience ever. Other Services Your Dentist Should Offer The best dentist in Fort Lauderdale should also be able to instruct you of any ailments or problems that you may have and explain them in detail. When it comes to choosing the right dentist, be sure to ask a ton of questions, and report anything such as signs and symptoms that you’ve had when it comes to analgesics and anesthesia. This will help your dentist be able to treat you better without any complications because that’s the way it should be. You shouldn’t have complications. You should have nothing but a perfect smile and be as happy on the inside as you are on the outside. Your dentist should care about more than just your teeth. According to Dental Dorks, they should know how your mouth and oral health can affect other parts of your body, as well as how it can hurt you in the long run if you have issues and infections left untreated. They should not be wanting to just pull your teeth out from the start, but at the same time, your dentist should know whether or not it’s worth his and your time to try and give you fillings, crowns, dentures, or braces. Sometimes extraction and implants or dentures are the only way to go. Read Also: Dental Health: 6 Essential Dental Care Tips You Need To Know Essential Things To Consider Before Getting Dental Implants 5 Ways To Prevent Severe Dental Problems

Hospice Chaplains

Journeying With The Dying: How Hospice Chaplains Facilitate End-Of-Life Spiritual Transitions

When individuals approach the twilight of their lives, they often confront a whirlwind of emotions—fear, regret, hope, acceptance, and more. This intense period termed the end-of-life phase, sees many grappling with existential questions and seeking answers to life's most profound mysteries. This search for clarity and solace is where the spiritual dimension of human existence comes to the forefront. Many turn to spirituality as a source of comfort, a beacon of hope, and a framework for making sense of their experiences. It's within this complex tapestry of emotions and spiritual quests that hospice chaplains, representing the realm of hospice chaplaincy, emerge as pivotal figures. These professionals dedicate themselves to guiding individuals through this intricate journey, helping them find spiritual serenity amidst the tumultuous currents of approaching mortality. The subsequent sections delve deeper into understanding the multifaceted role of these spiritual caregivers. The Integral Role of a Hospice Chaplain Defining the Role in Greater Detail: Hospice chaplains stand at the crossroads of spirituality and caregiving. They aren't just religious figures; they are trained professionals skilled in offering spiritual support tailored to the unique needs of each individual. Their role goes beyond mere ritualistic practices. They act as confidants, counselors, and guides, providing a listening ear, heartfelt advice, and spiritual interventions tailored to the individual's beliefs and wishes. Whether helping patients find peace with their life's journey, facilitating forgiveness and reconciliation, or simply being present during moments of deep reflection, hospice chaplains are there to ensure that the spiritual dimension of end-of-life care is addressed with the utmost sensitivity and respect. The Spectrum of Interfaith Approaches: One of the most remarkable aspects of hospice chaplaincy is its inclusiveness. Recognizing the diverse tapestry of beliefs and spiritual outlooks in our globalized world, hospice chaplains are trained to cater to various religious and spiritual traditions. Whether a person identifies with a major world religion, a lesser-known spiritual path, or even if they consider themselves secular or agnostic, chaplains are there to provide support. This approach ensures that every individual, irrespective of their belief system, has access to spiritual care that resonates with them. By adopting such an inclusive approach, hospice chaplains affirm the idea that every end-of-life journey is unique and every individual's spiritual needs deserve to be met with understanding, respect, and personalized care. The end-of-life journey is a deeply personal and transformative phase. While medical professionals focus on alleviating physical pain and discomfort, hospice chaplains address the soul's yearnings, questions, and quest for peace. By offering tailored spiritual interventions and an inclusive approach that honors diverse beliefs, they ensure that individuals and their families find the spiritual solace they seek during these poignant moments. Delving Deeper: Spiritual Needs, Interventions, and Family Impact in the End-of-Life Journey Spiritual Needs at the End of Life Seeking Meaning and Purpose: The imminence of death often prompts deep introspection. Many individuals reflect upon their life's journey, trying to discern its purpose. These reflections might encompass personal achievements, missed opportunities, unfulfilled dreams, and significant life events. In such times, spiritual guidance assists individuals in navigating these contemplations, helping them find peace with their life narrative, celebrating accomplishments, and making peace with regrets. Reconciliation: Estrangements and unresolved conflicts become especially poignant during the end-of-life phase. Many individuals desire to reconnect, apologize, or seek forgiveness from loved ones. The urge to mend relationships, settle old disputes, or express unspoken feelings becomes vital. The spiritual guide aids in facilitating these reconciliations, offering counsel, and, if necessary, acting as a mediator. Fear and Hope: The mystery of what comes after death is a source of both trepidation and anticipation. The fear of the unknown contrasts starkly with hopes or beliefs of an afterlife, reincarnation, or spiritual continuation. By addressing these concerns, chaplains help balance these emotions, emphasizing the transformative nature of death in various spiritual traditions. Cultural and Traditional Rites: Every culture and religion has rituals that honor the dying and the deceased. Whether it's a specific prayer, a song, a way, or even silence, these rites are paramount for the person passing and their family. Respecting and facilitating these practices is crucial to providing a sense of closure, continuity, and respect for the individual's spiritual and cultural identity. Interventions by Hospice Chaplains Active Listening: One of the most profound gifts a chaplain can offer is the gift of presence—simply being there, offering a listening ear. By actively listening, they provide a safe and non-judgmental space for individuals to voice their deepest feelings, concerns, and reflections, guided.  Meditations and Prayers: Tailoring spiritual practices to individual needs, chaplains might guide patients through meditations or prayers that align with their beliefs. These sessions can instill a sense of calm, acceptance, and connection with the divine or the universe. Scripture Readings: For those who find solace in religious texts, chaplains can read passages that resonate with the patient's current emotions or questions. Scriptures, whether from the Bible, Quran, Torah, Bhagavad Gita, or other religious texts, can offer comfort, guidance, and a sense of continuity. Ritual Facilitation: Be it sacraments, candle lighting, or even non-religious rituals like listening to a specific song or watching a sunset, chaplains assist in organizing and facilitating these rites, ensuring the  Grief Support: The dying process isn't just about the individual; it encompasses the family and loved ones. Chaplains extend their support to these grieving souls, offering a shoulder to lean on, words of comfort, and guidance through their emotional journey. The Impact on Families Emotional Anchoring: In the tumultuous sea of emotions, chaplains act as an anchor for families. Their calm presence and experience in navigating such situations provide a stabilizing effect, helping families cope more effectively. Guidance through Rituals: Families often seek direction in performing end-of-life rituals correctly and meaningfully. Chaplains offer insights, respect cultural nuances, and sometimes even take the lead in ensuring these rites are conducted reverently. After-death Support: The journey doesn't end with the passing of a loved one. Grief, memories, and the void left behind are real and profound. Chaplains continue to support families, providing bereavement counseling, helping them process their loss, and guiding them toward healing and acceptance. The spiritual dimensions of the end-of-life journey are intricate, deeply personal, and encompass more than just the dying individual. Hospice chaplains, with their nuanced understanding, play an instrumental role in ensuring that this journey, for both the individual and their families, is navigated with dignity, respect, and profound compassion. Continuous Education and Self-care Training: The importance of ongoing training for chaplains to stay updated on best practices and religious rites. Self-care Rituals: Chaplains must cultivate personal rituals or practices to manage their well-being. Peer Support: Engaging with fellow chaplains or professionals to discuss challenges and share experiences. Conclusion The journey towards the end of life is deeply personal, and the spiritual terrain can be complex. Hospice chaplains, with their expertise and compassion, play an indispensable role in facilitating spiritual transitions during this phase. Their ability to address the deep-seated spiritual needs of the dying and their families ensures that the end-of-life journey is one of meaning, reconciliation, and peace. Read Also: Navigating Healthcare: Exploring The Harvest Tech Achievers ETF Seven Stages To Creating A Patient-Friendly Healthcare App The Future Of Healthcare: Adapting To An Aging Society