11 Ways to Save Money while Studying in Israel

Published on: 08 July 2019 Last Updated on: 09 July 2019
Save Money

Israel is a wonderful country to visit. Whether it is the beautiful Mediterranean coastline, the religious landmarks, and historical sites, or the people themselves, there is always something to check out in Israel. However, it is no secret that Israel is not a cheap place to visit. The country is quite expensive by any measure so travelers would be well-advised o save money wherever they can. Whether it is currency conversions, the price of food itself, or accommodations, Israel tends to empty your wallet. What follows are some tips for saving money during your time in the Holy Land. Hopefully, by utilizing these you will be able to extend your stay in Israel or come home with a little bit more money.

1. Buy a RavKav:



Instead of buying bus tickets from the driver, you’ll save money by purchasing a RavKav, which you can swipe on most forms of public transportation in Israel. You’ll save money on Egged buses and on the light rail in Jerusalem, plus you won’t have to dig for coins each time you get on the bus.

2. Don’t Negotiate with Taxi Drivers:



There’s no way to come out on top when bargaining with the notorious Israeli taxi drivers. Instead, insist to the driver that he turn on the meter, and let that dictate the price of your journey.

3. Work out your Communication needs before leaving:

No matter what country you’re in, people will look to take advantage of travelers who failed to make all their necessary preparations back home. For this reason, it is imperative that you take care of your telecom needs before you leave for Israel. Renting a SIM card for Israel or domestic cell phone is a good way to go.

4. Supermarkets over Makolets:

Supermarkets over Makolets


The local makolet on your school’s street corner might be the most convenient place to shop, but everything will cost a lot more than at a larger supermarket. Do yourself a favor and avoid doing your heavy shopping there.

5. Street Food Instead of Restaurants:



With cheap hummus and shawarma widely available throughout the country, you’re never far from a tasty and inexpensive meal. Use this to your advantage and avoid eating out in expensive restaurants.

6. Improve your Hebrew:



It doesn’t matter if you’re dealing with the cellphone company, the bank, or your local pharmacy. It’s always more effective when you’re negotiating in Hebrew, and if you don’t speak the language well, try to bring someone along who does.

7. Avoid American Food Products:



Your favorite cereals and snacks at home are going to be extremely overpriced in Israeli stores, so for extra savings go with an Israeli brand. You’ll save money and get a better feel for what Israelis are eating!

8. Buy a Reusable Water Bottle:

Water Bottle


Purchasing bottled water in Israel can add up, and there’s no reason to pay for it. Tap water in Israel is of the highest quality that can be found worldwide, so just fill up your bottle whenever you’re thirsty.

9. Buy from the Shuk:



Like other Middle Eastern countries, the best deals are to be found at the local marketplace. If you’re studying in Jerusalem, then a great place to do your shopping is in the Mahane Yehudah market, where all the local Israelis find the city’s best bargains.

10. Circumvent ATM Fees:



Most students studying abroad get access to their funds by withdrawing cash from Israeli ATMs. Don’t use ATMs that charge high withdrawal fees, so avoid using ones not connected to a recognized bank.

11. Work Part-Time:



There are plenty of opportunities in Israel for English speakers to work part-time. If you’re having trouble saving money, why not earn a few extra shekels on the side?

Travelling to Israel is exciting for anyone. If you’re fortunate enough to have a trip planned for some time in the future you will want to plan things out so that you don’t end up spending any more money than you have to. Whether you’re going through the whole country or just visiting Tel Aviv or Jerusalem, these tips ought to help you keep a little more in your wallet so you can enjoy your trip longer. Safe travels!

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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Local Independent Insurance Agent 

Top Reasons To Choose A Local Independent Insurance Agent 

Selecting an independent insurance agent is a critical decision that can greatly impact financial well-being. An insurance agent can offer guidance and protection for your most valuable assets. Therefore, finding the right agent can be overwhelming, specifically when considering the myriad options available. Since insurance is a complex field, having a trustworthy agent is crucial when considering getting the required coverage. In this article, you will discover the top reasons for selecting an independent insurance agent. List Of Top Reasons To Select A Local Insurance Agent Below is a list of reasons for selecting a local independent insurance agent. 1. They Give You A Choice  Independent insurance agents represent several insurance companies offering different price points and wide coverage options. Most of them sell to five to eight different insurance companies on average. Thus, there is no requirement for you to accept one quote from one company, and you do not have to spend long hours filling out online applications. Similarly, with the agent’s connection and expertise, the agent will be able to find better insurance than you might find for yourself. Hence, they will find you the right blend of coverage, price, and services. 2. Are Personal Advisers  The agents will not only help you find the right competitive pricing, but they will also make sure that you are adequately covered. Thus, when you work face-to-face with an agent, it becomes your source of personal advice. Furthermore, they also take time to listen to your query and understand your individual needs. Moreover, a local insurance agent will assist you to be appropriately covered and avoid ending up insurance-poor or suffering a loss. Visit the website and hire the best professional to meet your needs. 3. They Are Licensed Experts Independent agents can assist you in explaining the complexities of insurance in simple terms, helping you make smart moves. Moreover, the agents will help you make a career out of assessing your insurance needs and matching them with the insurance carrier that will be best equipped to meet those needs. Therefore, if you are working on wills, you are likely to visit an attorney and ensure that documents are drawn up correctly. So, remember to seek advice from a licensed insurance professional to protect your property and vehicle properly. 4. Are A Consultant For Lifetime  Independent insurance agents periodically review your coverage. Similarly, they also help you through all the changes in your life. For instance, if you are moving from a rented house to an apartment, if you are about to get married, or if you are adding drivers to your auto policy. Furthermore, if you have a claim or bill concern or want to resubmit your coverage, the agent will be there to advocate for you and work with the insurance company on your behalf. On the other hand, the agents will direct you while deciding what coverage and limits you need to protect your family from. Thus, they offer you a lifetime service and advice. 5. Vast Expertise And Experience  Independent agents have vast expertise and skills as they are aligned with different companies. With a deeper understanding of the complexities of insurance policies, the agents will guide you in making informed decisions. So, ensure you look for an agent that will offer you a proven track record, relevant certification as well as a commitment to stay updated on the latest industry trends. Therefore, one of the major reasons to select an independent agent is that they will help you navigate the insurance techniques and meet your specific needs. 6. Extensive Product Knowledge  As product knowledge varies widely from person to person, an independent agent offers accessibility and responsive solutions whenever you inquire. On the other hand, if you seek home, vehicle, life, or business insurance, the agent can explain every policy detail. Similarly, they will also help you with your coverage limits, exclusives, and deductibles. Therefore, they will help you adapt to customized insurance packages that fit your unique requirements. Hence, the agent will help you select the right coverage and explain the implications of different policy options. 7. Easy To Communicate  Effective communication is important when it comes to insurance. Thus, an independent agent will help you access and be responsive to any of your queries. This is one of the primary reasons for selecting a local independent agent. Furthermore, if you prefer communication through phone calls, in-person, and emails, the agents ensure that their communication aligns with your understanding and preference. Clear communication is important during the claim process, so select a transparent and prompt independent agent. In addition, the agents also make the entire insurance experience less stressful and smoother. 8. Offers Financial stability  An often-overlooked aspect of selecting the right insurance agent is considered based on financial stability. Thus, the financially stable insurer is likely to fulfill the obligations in a claim. However, it is important to research the strengths rating of the insurance company and find out about the claim's payment history. Thus, an independent agent is financially secure as they can withstand economic fluctuations and offer long-term stability for your coverage. How Will You Find The Right Insurance Agent? Here are a few tips that will help you navigate the process and find the ideal insurance agent: Check the list of companies the insurance agent represents. Similarly, understand the difference between the two and who can determine which type of agent suits your needs best. Seek referrals from family and friends. Take benefit of a wealth of information available on the internet. It will give you information about the agent’s professionalism and responsiveness. Choose an agent who gives quick responses, is easy to communicate with, and can explain complex terms. Assess the insurance agent’s commitment to customer service. Lastly, trust your instincts. Moreover, it is better to keep searching if something does not feel right. Summing Up  Thus, remember that your relationship with a good independent agent is likely to last a longer time. So, take your time and choose the right one. Similarly, there are many ways to assess a good insurance agent. The top reasons are a good starting point. However, take your time to evaluate these factors, and you can make an informed decision that aligns with your insurance needs and offers you confidence in your coverage. So, work with an insurance agent who can help you with social transactions and will be a long-term partner in securing your financial future. Read Also: 5 Must-Have Long-Term Goals For A Secure Future 10 Estate Planning Tips To Help You Prepare For The End Everything you Need to Know About Term Insurance Plan Premium

Startup Funding

7 Foolproof Ways to Increase Your Chances of Finding Startup Funding

Are you an entrepreneur hoping to build a thriving business backed by investor funding? Do you have an awesome business idea with product/market fit, but need angel investor funding to help your business scale? If so, you've come to the right place. There are a number of ways you can increase your chances of finding startup funding if you are strategic in your approach to making valuable connections. Gabriel Patterson, a Toronto based chairman at Bethmann Lombard Bancorp, is a dynamic businessman and certified Islamic finance specialist who has over 26 years of investment banking experience. 7 Foolproof Ways to Increase Your Chances of Finding Startup Funding Below, he shares and encourages you to incorporate the following seven tips into your fundraising efforts to improve your chances of scaling your company. Confidence is Essential: Be confident when attempting to raise funds for your startup. Investors will often back an entrepreneur they believe in even if the entrepreneur's startup idea isn't strong. Investors know the entrepreneur can always pivot their startup to a more profitable business idea, but they want to be among the first investors to bet on an entrepreneur who exudes confidence and drive. Always be Networking: Make time for networking with potential investors regardless of how busy you are building your startup. Something as simple as schmoozing with angel investors and VCs (venture capitalists) on Twitter can help get your startup on their radar. Add valuable insights on Twitter conversations, don't overtly promote your startup, and continually tweet helpful content to build the startup ecosystem. Your efforts won't go unnoticed, especially if your business idea is appealing. Know Your Ask: Know what you want when pitching potential angel investors and VCs. An entrepreneur with a lukewarm pitch with no firm ask isn't going to survive long with seasoned investors. Know what you're asking for, be firm in your presentation, and be prepared to negotiate to keep the entrepreneur/investor relationship moving forward. Consider Smaller Rounds: Be prepared to accept a smaller round of funding than what you initially ask for from investors. You may have grandiose plans and think you need a major round of seed funding or Series A funding. This is a common trap many entrepreneurs fall prey to when raising funds for their startup. Even smaller amounts of funding can be quite helpful in moving your company ahead. If you learn to reduce your burn rate and spend your funding wisely, you'll be amazed at how far a smaller amount of funding can take you and your startup. Investigate Investors: Don't assume it's only big-name investors who can help grow your startup. Too many entrepreneurs think they're only successful if they raise funding from famous VCs and investors in Silicon Valley, Los Angeles, or New York City. Nothing could be further from the truth. You can raise funds for your startup from investors anywhere, but you need to approach them with respect and understand their investment thesis. The more you investigate potential investors for your startup, the more likely it is you will find reputable financial backers for your business. Ethical Behavior Matters: Be careful how you portray yourself when in public. You never know who you might be chatting with at a networking event or who they might know. One slip-up in behavior or egotistical boasting could potentially cost you the financial funding you so desperately long for. Be an entrepreneur with ethics and a strong moral code and you'll increase your long-term odds of startup success. Appeal to Investor Emotions: Don't forget to appeal to investor emotions when seeking funding for your startup. You must know your numbers and offer a pitch deck that investors can believe in, but it never hurts to appeal to their emotional side too. You don't want to overplay this card, but a touch of emotion in your investor outreach efforts can go a long way. Remember these seven foolproof ways of increasing your chances of finding startup funding and you'll improve your entrepreneurial future. Raising funds for your startup is hard work, but the rewards can definitely be worth all the sacrifice and long hours. Read Also: 5 Steps To Accelerate The Growth Of Your Startup How To Attract The Best Talents For Your Startup 7 Reasons To Be An Entrepreneur In The Best Area: IT

Private Money Lenders

Private Money Lenders – Here Is Why This Is A Great Alternative For Your New Business

If you need funding - and need it fast - sometimes traditional funding methods do not do the trick. The loan is either too slow, requires too many pre-requisites to qualify for the loan, or you can’t seem to figure out where to ask. We have the best alternative for you that provides fast capital with few strings attached! Benefits of private money lenders for your business If you are interested in really making a name for yourself as a realtor or in the real estate business, you need to make sure you have a constant flow of cash and capital to continue renovating houses, purchasing properties, and dealing with clients. However, if you don't want to go into your own personal debt, you need to use new funding methods that can let you spend the money it takes to flip houses for a profit. But who should you use? Consider using private money lenders to help spur on your business and create long-term potential! Fast approval rates Instead of typical bank loans, where the approval rates and the process can take between weeks - and even sometimes months - using private money lenders is a much quicker process. If you want to buy a property that you are going to flip within the next week, you need money in your hand fast - and private money lenders like Asset Based Lending can do that for you. You have time to improve your property The second reason that you should consider using private money lenders for your business with the flexibility offered with this type of loan. Since a hard money loan is given by private investors, you can change the terms of the loan based on the individual situation and the people involved. This means that if you want to get a long-term financing method to help you with a more extensive house renovation, you can speak with them and negotiate a deal where you earn more funding to make the necessary changes to your property to earn a profit. Credit scores are not valid The third benefit of using private money lenders near me instead of bank loans is that you do not have to worry about your credit score! Whether your credit score has always been poor, or your credit score suddenly dropped due to applying for too many new lines of credit, you may find that your credit score is too low to qualify for the bank loan you need. When it comes to private money lenders, don't worry - they do not take your credit score into account! The only thing the private money lenders care about is the value of the property and the potential for renovation. Bonus: Consider reading our guide on boosting credit scores. Hope it will help out. Conclusion If you're considering using traditional bank loans for your real estate property, choose something else - private money lenders. Not only will this funding method help you get quick approval, get cash in your hand fast, and avoid using pre-requisites like credit scores, but you can immediately begin working on flipping or renovating the house to turn a profit! Read Also: No Credit Rating Check Lendings Online split Second Authorization