11 Ways to Save Money while Studying in Israel

Published on: 08 July 2019 Last Updated on: 11 September 2024
Save Money

Israel is a wonderful country to visit. Whether it is the beautiful Mediterranean coastline, the religious landmarks, and historical sites, or the people themselves, there is always something to check out in Israel. However, it is no secret that Israel is not a cheap place to visit. The country is quite expensive by any measure so travelers would be well-advised o save money wherever they can. Whether it is currency conversions, the price of food itself, or accommodations, Israel tends to empty your wallet. What follows are some tips for saving money during your time in the Holy Land. Hopefully, by utilizing these you will be able to extend your stay in Israel or come home with a little bit more money.

1. Buy a RavKav:


Image Source: upload.wikimedia.org

Instead of buying bus tickets from the driver, you’ll save money by purchasing a RavKav, which you can swipe on most forms of public transportation in Israel. You’ll save money on Egged buses and on the light rail in Jerusalem, plus you won’t have to dig for coins each time you get on the bus.

2. Don’t Negotiate with Taxi Drivers:


Image Source: upload.wikimedia.org

There’s no way to come out on top when bargaining with the notorious Israeli taxi drivers. Instead, insist to the driver that he turn on the meter, and let that dictate the price of your journey.

3. Work out your Communication needs before leaving:

No matter what country you’re in, people will look to take advantage of travelers who failed to make all their necessary preparations back home. For this reason, it is imperative that you take care of your telecom needs before you leave for Israel. Renting a SIM card for Israel or domestic cell phone is a good way to go.

4. Supermarkets over Makolets:

Supermarkets over Makolets

Image Source: commons.wikimedia.org

The local makolet on your school’s street corner might be the most convenient place to shop, but everything will cost a lot more than at a larger supermarket. Do yourself a favor and avoid doing your heavy shopping there.

5. Street Food Instead of Restaurants:


Image Source: upload.wikimedia.org

With cheap hummus and shawarma widely available throughout the country, you’re never far from a tasty and inexpensive meal. Use this to your advantage and avoid eating out in expensive restaurants.

6. Improve your Hebrew:


Image Source: upload.wikimedia.org

It doesn’t matter if you’re dealing with the cellphone company, the bank, or your local pharmacy. It’s always more effective when you’re negotiating in Hebrew, and if you don’t speak the language well, try to bring someone along who does.

7. Avoid American Food Products:

Een-OreoImage Source: upload.wikimedia.org

Your favorite cereals and snacks at home are going to be extremely overpriced in Israeli stores, so for extra savings go with an Israeli brand. You’ll save money and get a better feel for what Israelis are eating!

8. Buy a Reusable Water Bottle:

Water BottleImage Source: upload.wikimedia.org

Purchasing bottled water in Israel can add up, and there’s no reason to pay for it. Tap water in Israel is of the highest quality that can be found worldwide, so just fill up your bottle whenever you’re thirsty.

9. Buy from the Shuk:


Image Source: upload.wikimedia.org

Like other Middle Eastern countries, the best deals are to be found at the local marketplace. If you’re studying in Jerusalem, then a great place to do your shopping is in the Mahane Yehudah market, where all the local Israelis find the city’s best bargains.

10. Circumvent ATM Fees:


Image Source: upload.wikimedia.org

Most students studying abroad get access to their funds by withdrawing cash from Israeli ATMs. Don’t use ATMs that charge high withdrawal fees, so avoid using ones not connected to a recognized bank.

11. Work Part-Time:


Image Source: upload.wikimedia.org

There are plenty of opportunities in Israel for English speakers to work part-time. If you’re having trouble saving money, why not earn a few extra shekels on the side?

Travelling to Israel is exciting for anyone. If you’re fortunate enough to have a trip planned for some time in the future you will want to plan things out so that you don’t end up spending any more money than you have to. Whether you’re going through the whole country or just visiting Tel Aviv or Jerusalem, these tips ought to help you keep a little more in your wallet so you can enjoy your trip longer. Safe travels!

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Money Saving Service

Features To Ensure Success Of Your Money Saving Service

We all have plans and dreams. Nonetheless, to implement them we need financial resources. Todays’ advanced technologies offer a solution to collect the sum we need. So, we shall discuss how to design a great saving application to help people build their dreams into reality, and how you as an owner can succeed as well. Interested? Let’s get down to business. Functionalities a money-saving platform should provide Let’s explore what parameters are critical for users. # Profiles It’s pretty obvious that, first of all, a person downloads an app and sets up a personal profile. Try to keep those processes simple and straightforward. People shall fill in a certain form to specify some information, including the financial one. It’s okay if the account activation takes some time since all customers’ details must be processed and verified carefully. We’re dealing with money issues, thus, everything shall be checked adequately. # Bank account involvement A budget framework shall allow the audience to connect their bank accounts. Here the trick is for app owners to cooperate with multiple financial facilities to make such a feature available for every individual. Moreover, it would be amazing if you also find some solutions for those persons who have no bank accounts and who choose other ways to manage their finances. That approach will enlarge your target audience. # Possibility to set several goals Setting goals is a pretty fascinating aspect of an online money resource. Let’s assume that a person starts applying an online system to save some funds and enforce ceratin plans that demand specific monetary investments. It could be anything, say, university fees or vacations. Thus, a user takes advantage of a financial program and sets a goal to implement a particular plan he/she has. If you want to create a successful app, you shall allow your people to name that plan, put deadlines if it’s required, provide a brief description, etc. That’s how a saving procedure starts. In most cases, customers have the following goal variants: travel; vacations; gifts purchasing; nest egg for a rainy day; others. Clients will appreciate not being limited to implement only one plan at a time, so individuals shall be free to set multiple goals to realize their desires. Speaking about allocating funds to specific goals, you could provide a few options here. The thing is that some users would prefer to take the total withdrawing sum and divide it equally between all current plans, while others would rather specify how much money specifically shall be sent to each goal. Just remember to keep your money-saving application customizable. And after a person manages to save the sum he/she put as a target, budget software shall stop allocating funds to that particular goal, however, the money shall still get sent to other ongoing plans, if any. # Withdrawal options Every decent money manager platform shall ensure that its customers can withdraw cash from their accounts when they need to. Moreover, no-fee and no-commission policy will be highly appreciated. Additionally, it would be a brilliant idea to give your people several options to withdraw money. Let’s say, chatbots could be one of the tools. Still, the audience needs to be patient, since the processing of such transactions is time-consuming, meaning, individuals will have to wait for the funds to get returned to their main accounts at their requests. However, you could offer specific options for those who can’t wait: say, you might impose a $1 charge to make transfers instant. It’s your call. # Overdraft-proof Your clients shall not worry about possible overdrafts, thus, think carefully about how you could protect their accounts. You could ask users to determine the amount of money that must remain on their accounts at any time. In such a way, an online financial service won’t be able to take the money, in case that indicated mark is already reached. Nevertheless, if some technical issues occur and a money-saving framework withdraws too much, a specific algorithm shall be launched to refund the difference and reimburse all overdraft fees. Make sure you discuss those options with the development team you hire. # Unique features Nowadays, you can find a great variety of diverse financial resources, thus, your objective is to come up with one-of-a-kind parameters to differ from others. Here’s an idea for you. The reality is that many people have to pay off their debts. Of course, they can simply borrow the amount they need, but it’s better to have several options to deal with those issues. Besides bank loans, people can also resource to online money-saving systems. Your program can help people deal with their debts. Clients can set specific debt settlement goals, attaching their credit cards to your platform. The process could be completely automated, and a specified amount will be allocated to pay creditors. If you impose special conditions, you can help your customers repay debts faster. Think about it. Of course, you can brainstorm more to generate other great unique features to bring a wider audience. # Smart notifications Individuals will enjoy the possibility to communicate with an application they use, and text messages will do the magic. Clients need to know their accounts’ statuses, moreover, the messaging notification system can update users on any important news. The audience might want to set the service to receive requests to write off funds, and more. Additionally, people could use particular code words to launch certain activities. Just be creative, don’t limit yourself, and you’ll find multiple ways to assist your customers making them happy. There’s one more aspect we’d like to discover this time. Benefits a saving app shall provide Every app shall serve to resolve certain problems people have. The below-mentioned ideas are for you to keep the audience pleased with your online solution: Special bonuses. Why not offer your active users certain bonuses, say, a 2% annual bonus? That would be a nice touch of yours. Chatbot assistance. A person might need some financial advice, so think about how chatbots could help with that. Setting numerous goals. As we’ve mentioned earlier, that would be a great idea, since it’ll improve customers’ online experience. Automatized processes. It’s in your hands to help clients enjoy the saving process: let them stipulate the amount to put aside and make your framework to take care of the rest. Regular updates. Don’t allow your audience to feel lost, not knowing what’s happening with their accounts. Update them constantly. Referral bonuses. You could be grateful to people who bring new users to your program by giving them, say, $10 or so. Keep it simple. Individuals will really enjoy your application if it is user-oriented and appealing. Web interface. Some people would rather prefer web resources, so consider developing it as well. We believe our hints and tips will help you consider key aspects of money-saving system development to build a successful and credible service. Read Also: How to Become Financially Stable Before Age 30 How to use IT to Save Your Business Money The Importance Of Saving: The Bedrock of a Bright Financial Future

Downsize Your Home For Retirement

 How To Downsize Your Home For Retirement

Downsizing from a home that fits one’s whole family and frequent guests to a home for retirement can seem daunting. However, when you wisely consider what increases home value in the eyes of buyers and make your move at an opportune time, downsizing can be part of your overall financial well-being in retirement, while also freeing you from the maintenance and cleaning of a larger home. Here are some things to consider as you prepare to downsize your home for retirement so that you can make the transition smooth and fruitful. Is Your Home Divisible? Consider A Renter Or ADU Often, looking at your current home with fresh eyes can be the first step to downsizing. If your home is structured so that a renter could have a separate entrance or at least some privacy, you might consider sectioning off your home and living in one portion of it. This allows you to skip the hassle of selling the house but still reap some of the benefits of lower housing costs. If you have a full accessory dwelling unit or ADU, your options are wider still, with many areas allowing short-term rentals that are in the same property that you live in. Having roommates may feel unusual after having a single-family residence, but it can be quite nice to have someone around to chat with. Talk With A Real Estate Agent About What Tradeoffs Exist If You Move To A Condo Or Smaller Home Whether downsizing is prudent really has everything to do with what you want to do next: if you’re willing to rent after selling your house, for instance, you have more flexibility than if you want to immediately buy a new property. Talking to a real estate agent can help you put numbers with your goals: some condos in high-value areas like the beach are actually more expensive than large single-family homes in rural areas, so it’s wise to know what your prospects are. If the market is particularly favourable for buying or selling, you and your agent can talk through the options for buying, selling, or both on a particular timeline. Determine What Will Need To Go In Order To c After you decide to proceed with selling one home and buying another, start figuring out what you can live without and donating, selling, or discarding it. No one wants to move all their belongings from 3000 square feet to 1000 square feet and feel incredibly cramped as a result. Focus on finding the items you genuinely use frequently and which bring you joy, and find new homes for everything else. Choose An Auspicious Market If You Have The Flexibility To Wait A While If you don’t absolutely need to downsize now, remember that you can wait out some of the worse markets! You can even combine all of our suggested strategies: get a renter while you wait for the right market to sell and for the right property to buy, and in the meantime sell or donate the items that won’t be accompanying you to your new home! Read Also: Smart Ways to Invest in Gold How To Start Your Investor Journey: 5 Credible Options To Explore What Investors Should Know about Investment in Gold and Silver Assets

money management

How Money Management And Technology Combine

In recent years, virtual money management has become a core component of how we build credit, pay bills, manage investments, and much more. Learning how to manage money using today’s technology is an effective tool and one that allows you more freedom to enjoy the money you earn or save towards your goals. Proper money management and handling always promise you better savings during your retirement. So it is always better to keep using the apps and digital concepts to handle your financial issues. You must start it from an early age. More you are becoming accurate with your money management. Your future financial decisions are going to be more precise. Let’s see what the advantages of paperless financial money management apps and tools are. The Importance Of Money Management Money management is an essential component of living a healthy, sustainable life. Whether you’re a single working professional or balancing a family, knowing how to spend and save is a tool that will help you succeed and thrive in life, whether that means owning a home, traveling the world, or being able to put your children through school. You can easily manage your financial factors with the proper money management strategies. The small steps are starting off the taking the big financial decision. When you are introducing the technical concepts into your money management, you can easily calculate your expenses and earnings. The paperless record-keeping strategies are more accurate. This is because you do not have to calculate all the factors; the apps will keep track of all your financial activities. When you have the right tools at your disposal, you can conveniently manage your expenses and predict future spending so that you can successfully reach those short-term and long-term goals. The Benefits of Alternative Lending Flexibility is key in any sound money management resource. Traditional lenders have often been the go-to, but in recent years, the availability of alternative lenders has become sufficient and convenient for borrowers looking for short-term relief. To get a loan online, borrowers simply have to submit basic banking details virtually and are rewarded with an efficient and reliable direct deposit to help them navigate their temporary cash flow issues.  Convenience is important when you’re struggling with certain payments, particularly high-interest debts. The ability to consolidate with a single lump sum is one helpful, virtual resource that borrowers can take advantage of, forgoing the red tape attached to many traditional avenues. For the money management resources, what strategies you are going to follow. Pen and papers or the technical digital concept? For traditional lending, often the lenders are misguiding the borrowers and charging higher interest. But when you are using the digital concepts for it. All of your digital ideas are going to be more accurate and transparent. How Budget Apps Add Accountability? Our mobile devices are constantly in our orbit, whether we’re at home, work, or at a social event. The development of budget apps has allowed working professionals to keep track of their finances no matter where they are. A budget-handling money management app can range from basic expense tracking to more sophisticated features such as bill payments and overseeing investments. The goal of a budget app is to provide a convenient, accessible way to navigate your everyday finances, so you can see where you’re spending and find healthier ways to save and invest.  The ability to combine finances and technology allows households and families to hold each other accountable and work towards their brightest financial future. Getting Creative There is no shortage of financial knowledge to consume, and there are several money management resources anyone can use to build healthier spending habits. For more traditional measures, there is a wealth of information to be found in finance books, whether you’re in the early stages of looking for detailed investment tips. On the other side, the rise of podcasts has led to a surge in the financial industry, with various financial experts lending their insight into a range of topics from general financial literacy to building long-term wealth. Read Also: A Digital Asset Management Solution Overview Are Debt Consolidation Loans Recommended for Credit Card Consolidation 8 Simple Tips To Pay Off Your Loans Faster Does Inflation Determine The Price Of Bitcoins: What You Need To Know Using Short-Term Loans to Help Rebuild Your Credit Score