Where Are You Celebrating Holi this Year?

Published on: 26 February 2016 Last Updated on: 29 May 2021

Before you gear up for the sassy Holi party in Bangalore, take a look at how they celebrate Holi in the other parts of India, which are a tad different from the usual style. Maybe you get an inspiration, or maybe you simply head to one of these places to get the right fervor.

1. Barsana


The ladies of Barsana close to Mathura in Uttar Pradesh beat up men from neighboring Nandgaon town with sticks, in what’s known as the Lathmar Holi festivities. Lathmar Holi happens around a week prior to the primary day of Holi. It is even better if you reach Barsana two or three days ahead of time of Lathmar Holi so that you can even encounter the Laddoo Holi celebrations there. Sweets are hurled around and otherworldly melodies identified with Radha and Krishna are sung.

2. Udaipur


Udaipur is a city brimming with royalty. Various turquoise lakes encompassed by parched slopes and white castles make for a pretty picture, particularly amid the festival of Holi where the initiation is done with the blazing of Holika at the main square outside Jagdish Temple in Udaipur. There is music and the whole city is drowned in revelry after the ‘Holika Dahan’, followed by a spectacle of blasting fireworks. The next morning, the festival of Holi is celebrated with full zeal where cans loaded with hued water and water guns assault clueless revelers from every nook and corner. Local people and sightseers alike participate with awesome energy.

3. Varanasi


image credit:thebetterindia.com

Varanasi is effectively a standout amongst the most notable spots to celebrate Holi Festival in India. On the night before the Holi Festival, a goliath blaze is lit on the banks of the Ganges to imply fresh starts and riddance from illnesses. The next day comprises of ladies and kids, grown-ups and grandparents, all running to the roads in a tumultuous bright festival where powders of all hues are richly tossed without thought for who or what may be in their proximity.

4. Anandpur Sahib, Punjab


image credit: tribuneindia.com

Celebrate Holi like the Sikhs does at the Anandpur Sahib in Punjab. Hola Mohalla is a yearly event that dates back to 1701. It was initially sorted out by Sikh Guru Gobind Singh to observe Holi. So rather than tossing colors at one another, hope to see an exhibit of physical nimbleness here during Holi. There’s wrestling, mock sword battles, hand to hand fighting, turban tying, and gymnastic military activities.

5. Goa

Holi in Goa is commended as Shigmotsav and is seen as a sort of combination between the celebration of shading and an undeniable jubilee. People from all religions and walks of life meet up to douse one another with colored water. Shigmotsav is celebrated over a whole fortnight, and the fantastic finale of the celebration includes bright parades and revelry that are performed by the Goan people. It is an awesome time to encounter an extraordinary side of Goa.

Anusha Dixit is a travel writer working on an Online Travel Guide. She guides travelers to various resources where they can find the best places to visit in Udaipur for their journey.

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Abdul Aziz Mondol is a professional blogger who is having a colossal interest in writing blogs and other jones of calligraphies. In terms of his professional commitments, he loves to share content related to business, finance, technology, and the gaming niche.

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enjoy yourself in Melbourne

Things to do to enjoy yourself in Melbourne

With tons of things that people on any budget can do in Melbourne, there’s no doubt why this city earned the title of being Australia’s most livable city. It might be known for its overpriced coffee, but there are a lot of things one can experience there. No matter what amount of money you’re carrying, there will always be something you can enjoy in the city. From the art-related events to cheap yet yummy food, you can find it all in Melbourne. It has got some of the beautiful places where the historic architecture, aesthetic parks, sporting venues can be explored. This is a list of things you can and must do to enjoy yourself for whatever time you are there. Get ready for some Art : If you are fond of exploring the places and things that relate to art in any form, Federation Square is where you must go. This place is the artistic hub of the city that you must not miss. With over 2000 programs that it hosts all around the year, you can choose the one of your taste and interest. The greatest of all, most of these events are free. Well, even if you are on a tight financial budget, this place is ready to ensure some good time for you in the city. You can visit the architectural galleries there to experience the moving image in all forms. It is on the deck of the Yarra River, so you get the mild winds around there. Enjoy the Sceneries in the Yarra Valley : It takes not more than an hour of drive from Melbourne to be in the glorious Yarra Valley. The place is full of lovely sceneries where even the cafes and restaurants are in the outdoors so you can enjoy the weather and the view while having food and drinks. With plenty of bushwalking and cycling trails there, you will always feel short on time. You get to walk around the world’s tallest trees in the Yarra Ranges National Park. Take some time out while on the pedals and enjoy lunch at local vineyards. Not just cycling and walking; you get the chance to visit the stunning art gallery there as well. With a range of things to choose from, you can keep yourself engaged all day. Time to have some food : It is not very difficult to find affordable food if you are aware of the right places in the city. It doesn’t matter if you are entirely new there; you’ll still have something to eat in return for a little money. Sometimes, there’s nothing as pleasant as a classic cheeseburger. You can get it for under $10 at most of the stores. While in Melbourne, you must try some Spanish restaurant to explore the cuisines and music of an entirely new place. The food gets an all-new taste when some Melbourne twist adds to it, and what’s better than that when you are tired and hungry and want something good to eat. When you go to a city to explore it, you must feel relaxed at all times to enjoy yourself there. You can do it there with your family, or friends, or whoever is with you. Trams are fun : It is always fun to travel on the trams; children love them more than anything else. One of the greatest attractions of the city is the free tram service, an outstanding free service to move around in the city. Although they are historical, they still have that charm that people love there. The city circle tram allows you to visit some of Melbourne’s iconic places like the Parliament House, Melbourne Jail, Aquarium, and Etihad Stadium. It takes a rest on only the two days in the complete year. Final Words : More than hundreds of things to see and explore, you will never have enough time to see the city to the fullest. But whatever time you have, it is assumed that you will feel the world in there. While in Melbourne, you can do whatever interests you, without having to worry about the expenses, because you can get the best deals for almost everything there. Read Also : 7 Travel Tips To Feed Your Wanderlust In Europe 5 Things You Should Do To Reduce Stress Major Festivals To Visit At Jamaica


How Much Will You Pay To See Landmarks During Lockdown?

It’s a very strange time we’re living in, our daily lives have been turned upside down, our social lives are non-existent and our priorities have completely changed. Just one of the impacts of this crisis is the housing market, with property buyers unable to view new homes and sellers unable to shift houses. With buyers now spending a substantial amount of time inside their homes, we realize now more than ever what is important to us when it comes to making an offer. Practical aspects such as nearby schools, ground rent, and full searches to determine if possessory title insurance from LawSure could soon be replaced with priorities such as space for a home office, nearby parks and exercise routes, and a garden that can safely allow social distancing when buying a new home. For some of us feeling isolated, we are taking comfort in the views our homes can benefit from, whether this is a beach, mountain, or famous landmark. While others are now wishing they had put more thought into what their windows look out to. With the summer holidays approaching and the idea of enjoying these warmer months like we once did diminishing, we curiously look into how much we would have to pay to benefit from a property that allows us to see some of the UK’s favourite landmarks. Do you think it’s worth paying this much to be one of the exclusive few who can still enjoy these sights, even in lockdown? 1. Big Ben If you want a private view of the world’s most famous clock tower, it certainly will cost you. Just under £30 million will provide you with a secluded roof terrace on top of your property where you can enjoy the ringing of Big Ben morning, noon, and night. Built-in 1859, the tower has been an iconic part of London’s skyline for over two centuries and is a hot tourist spot of holiday photos. You can spend as much time as you please taking selfies of Big Ben if you are willing to pay the premium price. However, you do also get seven bedrooms, an indoor pool, snooker room, home cinema, and countless other entertainment rooms. If you can afford this epic lifestyle, you’ll probably find something more fun to do during lockdown than staring across the horizon. 2. The Tower of London Even for those with little knowledge of London know about The Tower of London. Depicted in countless period dramas for its grisly history of executions and the main target of modern-day villains for attempting to steal the crown jewels, it’s as famous as the royal family. The last execution was performed in 1941, this was by firing squad and thankfully not the infamous guillotine. While £30 for an adult admission ticket may seem steep, wait until you hear how much it costs to live nearby. An apartment on the opposite side of the river bank recently sold for £9,500,000 and came with a private riverside terrace that allows spectacular views of the iconic London skyline. 3. Windsor Castle So far the above properties may have two of the most iconic landmarks in England but during the lockdown, they are lacking the one attraction that brings millions of tourists to the UK every year. The royal family, more specifically Queen Elizabeth II brings a substantial amount of revenue to businesses across the UK, but at the moment, she isn’t even in London. Her majesty is spending quarantine in Windsor Castle, the favourite of her many homes. You can purchase a home of the same streets as the gates to the castle for just under £1.5 million. You may think it is a bargain as you’ll be rubbing shoulder with royalty and can even boast that you share the same postcode. However, this price only gets you a small terrace house with a very modest garden and no parking. A high price to pay when you’ll probably be shunned away if you ask your royal neighbour if you can borrow a cup of sugar. 4. Edinburgh Castle Castles sweep the countryside in the UK and Edinburgh Castle is certainly one of the most iconic. From a fortress to a prison in the 1700s and now a tourist attraction, the castle has certainly had its fair share of uses. The most famous event that takes place today is the New Year's Eve firework display that attracts over a million visitors from all over the world. If you love the idea of an epic firework display but loath large crowds of people, you could always purchase a nearby property to benefit from a private viewing. Firstly, you’ll need £1,388,500, this will get you an apartment overlooking the castle with a balcony for that perfect view. Although for that price, we might just settle to watching them on TV instead. Ben Nevis Staying in Scotland, Ben Nevis is the tallest summit in the UK and is located in the picturesque Highlands. The average house price in this area is £200,000, not bad right? While many properties are at this mark, they don’t sit at the base of this impressive mountain. If you want to witness this every day, you’ll be looking at £600,000. The valley is vast enough for you to get a little more for your money though, the houses are significantly larger than most in the area and your £600k will get you eight bedrooms. Blackpool Tower Try to think of a classic British beach holiday and you’ll immediately think of Blackpool. The iconic arcades, donkeys and nightlife are famous as the quintessential English summer holiday. Teamed with Blackpool Tower and you couldn’t get a more postcard-perfect spot. As a built-up area, there are plenty of homes that you can see the tower from, especially as it’s grand height. Blackpool Tower was once the tallest structure in the UK, standing at 158m. It’s not dwarfed by the current record holder, The Shard, at 310m. If you want to always feel like it’s summer, it will cost £100,000. So do you think it’s worth forking out this kind of cash to be able to feel like a tourist on holiday every day? Or are you happy to save those pennies and wait until the lockdown is lifted and pay general admission? Perhaps your window skyline is so tiring, any chance in scenery would be a good one, no matter what you can see! Read Also: Real Estate 101 – 3 Simple Tips to Boost the Value of Your Property 5 ideal London locations you may not have considered staying 5 London Modern Art Galleries That Deserve More Attention

Road Trip

Plan The Perfect Road Trip

When the summer comes around, so does the urge to travel. For some people, waiting for travel plans is too much of an ask. All that booking of flights and getting the time off from work and organizing your friends … it’s a lot of loose ends to twist together. This is where impulse can take over. Who needs plans when you have a car sat on your drive? You don’t need tickets. You don’t need to wait for a travel company to tell you when you can depart. And just think how much you’ll save by doing all the driving yourself instead of paying a pilot. What’s not to love? Safety is paramount. Road trips are fun but car accidents are not. Before you leave, always make sure you know where to turn if you have a car accident. Research car accident attornies and keep a number to hand. This will save you time by the roadside in the event of an accident. Don’t rely on your phone Your phone is many things. It’s a map. It’s a booking tool for hotels. It’s a source of music. It’s brochures for places to go and things to see. But it’s also liable to break or run out of battery at the most inopportune moment. Always take paper maps or printed versions of directions as a backup, and always carry brochures of any places that you wish to see - if your phone is unavailable, you will need brochures to check the opening time, etc. (you may also want to keep a few CDs on board, in case your phone lets you down and you are stuck with nothing else to listen to but mind-numbing radio). Your road trip schedule  This is the biggest thing. Plan everything. From stops for food and stops for fuel and stops for fun and stops for sleep, you need to know exactly where you are going and how long each part of the journey will take. This is because the open road may seem attractive at the outset, but you are in danger of losing focus and having a bad time if you do not have a schedule that maps out what you should be doing and when. As a general rule, try not to drive for much longer than 2-3 hours without a stop. This will help to keep you safe behind the wheel. Read Also: Purchasing a Road Bike How to Plan A Trip In 5 Simple Steps? 7 Important Car Driving Safety Tips You Should Not Skip!