10 Estate Planning Tips to Help You Prepare for the End

Published on: 15 August 2018 Last Updated on: 23 July 2021
Estate Planning


It’s not the easiest thing to talk about, but it’s important. Especially when it comes to deciding what happens to your assets. After all, you spent all your life working hard to build your estate.

On average, only 44% of Americans have their estate settled. Are you one of them?

If not, don’t fret. Read on to discover 10 estate planning tips, so that you’re prepared for when the time comes.

1. Assess Your Estate:

Before you begin legal processions, it is worth your while to take an inventory of your estate.

Start by evaluating your possessions. Tangible objects, like heirlooms, are easy to make note of and won’t be as complex to distribute to a beneficiary. But not every asset is tangible.

Take care to note intangible possessions, such as investments, retirement contributions, or life insurance.

Speaking of life insurance…

2. Get a Life Insurance Policy:

A life insurance policy is a great investment to make, especially if you have a family. In the event of an untimely death, life insurance can replace income for whoever relies on you for financial support. And, investing in life insurance sooner can lower your cost.

If you are looking for a way to add to your estate, life insurance is a safe bet.

3. Find the Right Lawyer to Give You Personalized Estate Planning Tips:

In order to ensure your estate will be properly managed and distributed, you need a reputable estate planning attorney.

An estate planning attorney will draft the documents needed in order to plan your estate, such as wills, and trusts. It’s important to have an attorney on hand because they can provide counsel that you will not be able to find anywhere online.

The attorneys at De Bruin Law Firm note how computer-generated forms and other DIY solutions won’t cut it. Online forms may not be tailored to the local law in your area, and mistakes could actually cost you in the long run. An estate planning attorney will better understand the subtleties involved when it comes to the law and planning your estate.

4. Choose Your Beneficiaries:

Certain types of assets aren’t passed through wills, such as life insurance or retirements accounts. Instead, they’re passed down by a beneficiary designation. Be sure to keep this information up-to-date, or the wrong person may receive the inheritance.

5. Determine Your Executor:

An executor is someone who manages the plans for your estate. This could be anyone from a family member to an attorney. One factor to determine your choice of executor is the nature of your assets.

For smaller estates, a family member could do. For more complex estates, consider an attorney or a corporate trustee.

In any case, the executor should be someone you trust to carry out your wishes.

According to leading legal experts at Faulkner Law, the executioner of the will plays a critical role in ensuring everything is carried out in accordance with the wishes of the individual. You need to choose an executioner that works in an affordable fee range.

6. Plan Your Taxes:

There’s a saying that goes like this: “There are only two certainties in life. Death, and taxes.” In the case of estate taxes, they happen at the same time.

To reduce estate tax liability, transfer assets gradually. This could mean breaking your assets into shares instead of one lump sum, then dispersing them in chunks yearly. By the end of the time frame you allotted for the disbursement, sole ownership will be granted to the designated beneficiary.

7. Write a Will:

A will is a document that determines where your assets will be distributed only after you die.

Wills must go through probate in order for the assets to be distributed to beneficiaries, which can be costly. They’re also subject to public records.

8. Construct a Trust:

A trust is similar to a will in that it is a document that denotes where assets are to be distributed.

The difference, though, is that trusts are effective immediately, and can bypass the probate step.

Trusts also allow you the ability to disburse assets slowly over time, instead of all at once.

Trusts are more flexible than wills when it comes to estate planning, but that doesn’t mean it’s always the best choice. It’s best to discuss your options with your attorney to determine how your assets are to be distributed.

9. Designate Your Power of Attorney:

A power of attorney is someone that manages your affairs in your stead. This is helpful if you are unavailable for signing legal documents because it reduces disruptions in your own life. It’s also beneficial to have a power of attorney because they can manage your estate if you are medically incapacitated.

Because the power of attorney is someone that acts on your own behalf, you should choose someone that you trust.

10. Review Your Estate Plan:

After your documents have been drafted, you might be satisfied with the way your estate will be handled.

For now, that is.

There are many unforeseen circumstances when it comes to life, let alone estate planning. It’s important to keep your paperwork updated in the event of changes so that the correct people inherit what they’re supposed to.

Some things to look out for are our name changes, changes in power of attorney, or if any alternative guardians to minors should be designated. Check-in with your lawyer as instances occur to make the proper updates.

Now What?

Now that you’re aware of a few estate planning tips, you can rest easy knowing that all of your hard work will fall into the right hands: the hands that you chose.

If you’re wanting to increase your estate in the long run, check out these tips that will change your finances for the better.

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The Benefits Of Exclusive Listing For Sellers

The Benefits Of Exclusive Listing For Sellers

In real estate, an exclusive listing is a contract between a real estate agent and the owner that grants the agent the exclusive right to sell the property. The realtor will handle the listing for you without submitting it to the multiple listing service. In most cases, the agent will promote the property to prospective buyers and handle everything regarding the sale. The real estate agent will act as the owner’s sole agent. Only one agent will be appointed and expressly authorized to refer the property to potential buyers. On the other hand, in a non-exclusive listing, the owner retains the right to use any number of agents. You can click here to learn more about exclusive vs. non-exclusive listings and the pros and cons of exclusive listing. In this article, we will focus only on the benefits of exclusive listings for sellers and why this might be the best way for you to sell your home. Let’s dive in! Longer-Term Working Relationship With The Agent You are more likely to develop a genuine working relationship with a single real estate agent. Because your agent will be fully responsible for the sale, they will probably be more motivated to close the deal than open listings. In addition, your agent will put in more effort on your behalf: they will develop personalized marketing strategies to help your property stand out. As your relationship develops, your exclusive agent will make strategic recommendations regarding advertising, marketing, and even renovation strategies to attract higher prices. On the other hand, if your home is listed on the MLS, the public will be aware of your initial price and will be notified whenever you change it. However, with an exclusive listing, the agent can control who can access pricing. High-Quality Offers Your agent will work closely with you to ensure that you get the best price for your property. As mentioned, they may even recommend renovations if they are sure that renovating will pay off by increasing the cost of your property. In addition, they will devise powerful advertising strategies for you to attract higher bids. And exclusive listings typically receive more offers since many believe that non-exclusive listings indicate something wrong, even if there is not. And since people have more trust in an exclusive listing, they are more likely to pay more. In addition, your exclusive agent will spend more time choosing the best clients so they can get the best offer. Also, this eliminates the long negotiation processes with many offers, counter-offers, etc. The agent will put effort into structuring worthwhile offers for you. Read Also: What are the Best Real Estate Seller Leads? Exclusive Listings Attract The Right Buyers Open listing is more likely to elicit interest from more buyers, but this does not guarantee that the buyers are competitive or qualified. In non-exclusive listing situations, agencies keep the important property details private and show your home to as many clients as possible. So, the information about the property will usually be insufficient, resulting in your property being presented incorrectly to the wrong prospects. Even if the property is offered to potential buyers, these qualified prospects are given incorrect information. This is a significant benefit for exclusive listing. Because agents will market the property through their brokerage to a pre-chosen group of prospects, the clients will be more qualified, increasing the chances of a faster sale. In addition, an exclusive listing agreement will give agents the authority to approach the qualified buyers—those most likely to buy the property—openly and systematically. Privacy The reasons for selling a property can vary, from happy ones to reasons like someone passing away or a divorce. Some owners do not want their close ones to know they plan to sell their homes. Also, many people do not want the online world to know their address, the listing, or the selling price. When listing exclusively, your property will not be exposed online or to many agents, which is a significant benefit. In addition, you will gain price and privacy control over the listing. You can work with one agent and have more say over who comes to your property, which could benefit sites under construction or undergoing renovations. Wrapping up An exclusive listing is better suited for owners who prefer a more private selling process and want to control who comes into their property during the sale. Also, an exclusive listing is a perfect option for people who want to work with a single agent since that will give them the confidence that they are fully invested in the sale of their home. However, it is critical to work with a reputable and experienced agent to ensure that your property sells faster and attracts higher-quality prospects who will have better offers for your property. Read Also : How To Sell Your House Fast?! Five Must-Know Tips To Move Your Property! 6 Things You Must Know Before Selling Your Home Buying Or Selling A Home In Seattle?

Real Estate Seller Leads

What are the Best Real Estate Seller Leads?

For starters, the term "the best" is a wide term. One could think of a quality that can sustain them as a solo agent while others might think of lesser quality with a lot more quantity for a real estate team. You will have to define what are your best real estate seller leads for your real estate lead generation at the end of this article. Social Media Real Estate Seller Leads: Social media is a great platform to generate real estate leads. These real estate leads will typically end up costing you less money per lead than other sources. The reason is simple. These leads have a strong call to action in a potential seller that might be three years out vs looking to sell their home now and needing a real estate agent to help them now. In short, these ads are like billboards right in front of you with a strong call to action with the very easy ability for the potential lead that was not even looking for information prior to seeing your social media ad in their news feed. With just one click, they are on your home valuation landing page giving you their contact information. Cold calling FSBO, Expired Listings, and Cancelled Listings: Real estate agents who specialize in cold calling are the toughest of the toughest real estate agents. The cost to dial these real estate leads is very inexpensive, but the fight must be in the real estate agent to survive in this lead source. They are going up against other extremely skilled real estate agents who have mastered the scripts and rebuttals to win in the cold calling arena. Once you have mastered your expired listings scripts and rebuttals, for example, you need to book your appointment usually within one to two hours from your phone call to be at their property fully ready to list it. If not, I assure you that other real estate agents will beat you out time after time. Google Real Estate Seller Leads: When you are looking for seller leads online, Google offers one of the best ways to attract higher-quality leads. A seller leads that first says, "I have a problem and I need a solution, so I am going to google it", has just increased their quality score. Then once they visit your real estate seller landing page and provides you with their valid contact information, you just got a lead most likely looking to sell their home if not now, in the nearing future. Unlike social media, real estate seller leads google ones had to think about it and seek it out. Farming Real Estate Seller Leads: Why should you generate seller leads through farming is a great question. Your quality of lead will increase with constant branding of yourself or your team to your local community. Even though you are constantly in front of them, they are actually seeking you out as google seller leads do. The reason why this one will increase in their quality score is that your farming has increased their ability to trust you. Once the seller leads land on your landing page, they will be more likely to give you their valid contact information, unlike Google and social media. The quality score goes from Farming to google, to Social media in this order from higher to lower. TV, Radio, and Billboard Real Estate Seller Lead: When you generate seller leads from TV, Radio, and Billboards, you now are leveled up that much higher than even farming. Where farming is mainly local and can use a billboard too, TV and Radio can cover entire cities and counties. Potential home seller leads are seeing you constantly and building celebrity status over time. The issue in most real estate markets is that the average successful real estate agent cannot afford these advertising platforms. However, the ones who can crack into these sources commonly end up getting high-quality and quantity real estate leads. Commonly you find your top real estate teams doing their real estate lead generation this way. Past Clients and Sphere Real Estate Seller Leads: If you are on a tighter budget but you still can afford to advertise and do a good amount of marketing to your past clients and sphere, this is a great source for a solo real estate agent. These without a question should be one of your highest quality real estate seller leads. The reason why they are such an amazing source of real estate seller leads is that they already know you, like you, and trust you from your existing and prior relationships with them. This is why it could be the number real estate lead generation for solo agents. Even though this is a scalable real estate lead generation method it is not the wisest one to scale for a real estate team. The last thing you want to do is spend all your money-making another real estate an all-star on your team with their past clients and sphere for them to just take your spend and walk away with all of your strong efforts and financial investment into their database. Summarizing Up Your Real Estate Lead Generation Options: While there are several different ways to get real estate leads, there will commonly only be one wise selection that meets your unique personality to generate seller leads. Plus for some real estate agents, will not be able to afford some of the platforms for real estate leads. This will leave them looking for different lead generation ideas for seller leads. The bottom line is, choose what lead generation you can afford and stick to it. Then build a system around it and make sure you are always inspecting what you expect, so that you can scale it as much as possible. Doormat Seller Leads Platform: If you found this article informative and you are feeling that you have a direction you want to go, but you would like to read some additional lead generation articles for seller leads then you will want to visit Dorrmat's blog for additional articles on lead generation for seller leads. Read Also: How to Use Videos to Get Real Estate Leads from Social Media with Little Effort Is Real Estate Investment Trusts A Good Career Path? REITs Pros And Cons

Renting a villa in Malta with private pool

Renting a villa in Malta with private pool

When taking the whole family on holiday and desire to relish extra space with a private pool, you may decide to consider settling for villas for rent in the place of the usual accommodation. Renting a villa in Malta is not a matter of  big deal if you want to increase your rent in Malta. When you select this option, you will have an indulgence glimpse in what it will be like possessing your little home in the midst of the paradise, perhaps in Malta. Just like all other things, these rental villas possess a lot of pros. The guide below will assist you in choosing the right villa for your vacation in Malta. Different Ways For Renting a villa in Malta    There are multiple ways you can rent a villa in Malta. You have to understand the things to achieve your goals in the best possible ways. Spacious accommodation Villas for rent are more spacious than standard hotel rooms. Spending vacations in the villa means a great time when you have a family that is largely because it provides a lot of space. In the majority of the villas, you will find many bedrooms that make it easy to stay with children, grandchildren, and for a couple that is on a special retreat. Your own space These villas serve as second homes because they provide you with a pool, personal kitchen, a living room, and a comfortable place to relax without all activities that come with resorts that are family-friendly or populous hotels. Authentic feeling Renting a villa with a pool affords a local feeling when you have an interest in experiencing the atmosphere of a location. The type and place of your stay vary from the beachfront villa to the one found in cottages in the mountains. Private amenities Secluded hammocks, tropical gardens, and private swimming pools are among the amenities you can enjoy when you choose villas for rent. These amenities may vary between locations because the villas are private properties for rent, therefore, the rental can include all things from board games to sailboats depending on the type of villa. It depends on the research and on locating a property which works best for your vocation and budget wishlist. Extended stay When you possess an option of extended vacation stay beyond seven days, these villas will give you ideal options. Renting a villa in Malta can make things easier for you if you want to achieve your objectives. When you stay in private villas, your people are going to be the only people staying there. It means you will possess peace of mind and quiet you desire. You will not share the beautiful decks, pool, or deluxe amenities with other visitants. Villas offer personalized attention With private villas, you will enjoy the concierge and individualized and personalized attention of the staff. The beginning is the pre-arrival concierge that is charged with your transportation, preparing the villa pending arrival by stocking its stores and kitchen, planning tours, suggesting activities, and attending to all requirements. After arriving at the villas for rent, you will have your own bartender and butler that will attend to all your needs by preparing favorite beverages, planning the beach BBQ, and arranging local transportation. You can also enjoy meticulous attention of the housekeeping staff on the site. In case you are inclined, you can get a personal chef that can prepare your meals for you to spend less time inside the kitchen and a lot of time enjoying the excitement and beauty of Malta. You can get personal chefs for the whole time you are staying for memorable and individual meals. Even the best hotels cannot offer this personalized level of attention that will make your vacation very memorable. Renting a villa in Malta can make things easier for you. Villa cost compared to the hotel Many individuals embrace the idea of choosing villas for rent but end up steering away from them with the belief of them being more expensive compared to hotels. That is not the actual case. All things sold in the hotel from the service of the room to bottled water from gift shops are marked up, making them quite expensive. When booking villas with friends and family, you will be charged a per night rate per individual, which is similar to that of a standard hotel. However, when you factor the advantages of villas, your choice will become clear. Read More:  The Miraculous Benefits Of Aqua Yoga Five Of The UAE’s Gardens And Parks