5 Smart Ways to Boost your Credit Score

Published on: 12 May 2017 Last Updated on: 09 August 2019
Credit score

It’s a myth that you have a single credit score.

You probably know that your three-digit credit scores based on the information of your credit reports are a major factor in deciding whether you get a loan or not.

Your credit score can influence everything; from interest rates to your rentals, premiums, and even job eligibility too. Also, the interest rate you are going to pay for loans, mortgages, and credit cards is determined by this score.

When you have a good credit score; the lenders easily lend you the money that too at lower rates than others.

Your credit scores are not static and improving it can take time; from a year to two years- depending on the kinds of changes needed to be made. With the interest rates going high every day; it is essential to get started for improving your credit score if it is not high as it should be. Here are the five smart ways, which you can use to boost your credit score quickly and in an efficient manner.

Check Your Credit Reports

With so much running in your previous credit history; now, it’s a good time to get your credit report from the best credit bureaus, which will make sure that your report is correct and is reflecting your proper borrowing activities.

If you find an error in any of the reports, you have to go through all the necessary steps of removing it.  Start by calling the credit bureaus to report them the wrong information and by asking them to update it in your account.

Your credit score will considerably improve just be getting the negative information corrected.

Pay your Bills on Time

Well, your payment history reflects 35% of your score.

Not paying the bills on time is the biggest influence on your credit card score. Lenders report a late payment to the credit bureaus once the thirty days have passed from the bill’s due date. Also, one late payment stays on your credit report for seven years.

To avoid, keep an eye on all your credit card bills and set your important payments to auto-pay so that your mandatory bills are always paid. You need to pay you all the dues on time to improve your credit score in a matter of months.

Read also: Credit Card Fraud & The Holiday Season: Things To Consider For Next Year

Eliminate Credit Card Balances

Credit card balances come under the category of bad debt. Make a proper and step by step plan to waive off your credit card debt and overall utilization. One way is to make use of the 0% balance transfer offer. Another way is to use a personal loan to pay off your accumulated credit card debt. Loans and transfers work as a great option if you use the promotional period to pay the debt.

At last, you can gather all the credit cards and pay all the small balances off. Paying all your credit card will also reduce the amount of interest you are paying every month.

Don’t Apply for a New Credit

Whenever you apply for a new loan or credit, it generates a new entry on your credit report. Credit report entries are only the way how lenders come to know that you have been applying for the credits.

So, if you’ve applied for new credit; there is nothing you can do rather than waiting for them to disappear as these inquiries stay on your report for two years. It is recommended that you should not apply for new credits when trying to improve your credit score.

Even a small change can mean big improvements.

Keep your Old Accounts Open

Keeping your old accounts work will help you keep long credit history on your report. If you had debt on your old accounts and you have handled and paid it well makes good for your credit report.

It is very important to get the highest credit score possible as it has a huge effect on your financial life. Also, everyone’s score is unique, so there is no hard set of rules to improve your credit score.


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What Will A Financial Retirement Plan Including Gold Look Like

Planning doesn’t stop once you retire. In fact, you need to increase your efforts when the day arrives to maintain security. Security can look different for each retiree and their investment portfolio, but one commonality that many agree on is ensuring that the assets are diverse. Gold and other precious metals keep a retirement portfolio diverse, meaning the assets are not all tied up in one class, nor do they all correlate with the market similarly. A gold firm, check metal-res.com website for details, will set an investor up with physical gold or a gold IRA to meet plan diversity needs. A financial counselor or advisor can further assist investors by helping strategize for security up to the age when they decide to retire and after. Let’s examine what that strategy might look like. What Will A Financial Retirement Plan Including Gold Look Like The objective when planning for retirement is achieving security. Even after retiring, retirees must continue strategizing to ensure they don’t lose it. When building an investment strategy, a primary method for establishing a secure portfolio is through diversity. Many investors accomplish this by adding a physical commodity like precious metals or gold, boasting as an excellent long-term investment. That would make it ideal for a retiree. Adequate planning for an investment portfolio would include reassessing each year until reaching retirement and after since goals and circumstances change. One consideration is determining an appropriate age to retire. A problem for some is becoming harried about retiring, tending to jump ship a little too soon without considering the consequences. These retirees are often unprepared, with a few finding themselves heading back to work. The priority after the fact is following the guidance of a professional financial counselor for the best way out of the pitfall they find themself in. Other investors are relatively on the mark, with planning working in their favor thus far. Still, striving for security means reassessing the strategy and looking further into the future to discern how the goals will need to change as their lifestyle does. What steps should you follow to ensure optimum security as you head into retirement? Let’s learn. Reassess your needs and what you hope to achieve Each year before retiring and continuing after retirement is reached, it’s wise to consult with a financial counselor to look over your finances, see where you currently stand, and what you see as goals moving forward. A counselor is in a position to offer advice on where to make adjustments to align your strategy with new objectives. As a retired investor, you’ll be less risk tolerant with your investment choices. The idea at this stage is to keep a steady flow to withdraw from instead of being intent on amassing a fortune in wealth. You will still want to protect your wealth, making a case for keeping that little bit of gold in your holdings. The precious metal will provide a store of value and balance the holdings, reducing risk even further. What is your spending plan? The recommendation with an established spending plan is to take no more than 4% from retirement savings in a given year. That doesn’t mean sticking with that plan will always be possible, particularly if emergencies crop up, medical expenses, and critical household needs. When working with a financial counselor or advisor or overall planning for retirement, these things need to be accounted for in the spending plan. That means anticipating that this will be an expense, so you’re prepared for emergencies at any moment. No one can plan when an emergency might occur, but you can ensure that you have money in the event there is one. That’s the urgency with the need to have a spending plan lined out when you retire. No risk isn’t reasonable either You’ll be less tolerant of risk when you retire, perhaps a bit more conservative with your investment choices since recovery takes time when the market spirals. Still, you don’t want such a “safe” portfolio that inflation nibbles it away. For some, retirement can go on for a couple of decades, perhaps more, depending on when you stop working. These savings need to carry you through that timeframe. The idea is to have a healthy blend of investments that will continue to grow throughout the years. Plus, if you have that sparkle of gold diversifying your assets, the precious metals will help to reduce your risks, protect your wealth, and stabilize your holdings. It will take careful planning and adequate guidance to discern investments that are neither too great of a risk nor too minimal but instead offer excellent growth potential. Some ways to improve funds coming into the household include stocks that pay dividends and setting up annuities. These will be the closest thing to a steady, secure flow of income after leaving the workforce. Open for details on how to retire with “millions.” Final Thought Securing retirement, determining when to retire, and planning looks different to everyone. A common denominator is protecting the wealth that you do accumulate. That usually means reducing the risk of loss. Investing in a precious metal like gold can do both these things and more. It’s also a consistent investment, steady and long-term. When reassessing your plan and goals plus your lifestyle changes each year, the only constant that could remain true at any age is possibly your gold asset. Read Also: Smart Ways to Invest in Gold How To Start Your Investor Journey: 5 Credible Options To Explore What Investors Should Know about Investment in Gold and Silver Assets

Loan Mistakes

6 Loan Mistakes Every Business Owner Must Avoid

If you’re a business owner, it’s highly likely to come across situations where you’ll need a business loan. In such events, a business loan can fulfill the fiscal deficit to help keep the business on track. The only catch is taking a business loan can sometimes be a complicated process, and owners might end up making uninformed decisions. We’ve listed below some common loan mistakes that every business owner must avoid while taking a business loan. Here are 6 Loan Mistakes Every Business Owner Must Avoid: 1. Waiting Until Last Minute: Business loans are not only for covering up last-minute emergency expenses. The best use-cases of a business loan can range anywhere from hiring new people to investing in new technology. Waiting till the last minute, when the business cannot go without an immediate availability of cash is a recipe for disaster. It’s always a good idea to prepare for the future, more so, in the case of a business. Last-minute decisions are often hasty and a result of poor judgment where business owners are likely to take any loan deal that comes their way. It can backfire and incur more losses in the future. 2. Borrowing More Than You Can Afford: Just because you are eligible for a huge business loan doesn’t mean you should take one. Before even applying for a business loan, you should evaluate your business’s present financial situation. If you end up borrowing more than you need, paying it back can get difficult. Furthermore, not spending everything will lead to ‘dead cash’ in your bank account. So, do your math, check your statements, and only apply for an amount that your business actually needs. 3. Not Knowing About Collateral-Free (Unsecured) Business Loans: Most banks will insist on having sufficient collateral before they approve any loan. Banks that require collateral will only provide secured loans. However, some banks and lenders offer business loans without any collateral. This type of loan is known as an unsecured loan where the business owner doesn’t have to pledge any business or personal assets to the bank. Unsecured business loans with bad credit are the best option for you if your credit score didn't reach the standard requirement of most lenders. 4. Not Keeping a Good Personal Credit Score: Different financial institutions will have different criteria for giving out business loans. However, most of them will definitely consider the credit score of the owner while processing any business loan application. A good credit score shows that you’re a good steward for your money. It also helps in negotiating better rates. Hence, maintaining a good personal credit score becomes critical for business owners. 5. Not Solving Current Cash Flow Problems: As a business owner, your entity may require money for different needs. However, if you’re looking to get a loan to fix irregular cash flow in your business, it might not be the wisest thing to do. Analyze why your company has irregular cash flow and don’t be a statistic of the sunk cost fallacy. Sure, you can have a temporary fix, but once the loan money is utilized, a business can again go back to the same. In such a situation, it’s important to make sure that finances are under control after utilizing loan money. 6. Not Knowing the Agreement: Signing an agreement without reading the finer details will put you as a business owner in an undesirable situation. Sometimes the financial institution giving out a business loan can put a little remark in the agreement that will require the borrower to pay additional fees. More than that, the agreement can even have a clause of variable interest rate. Hence, it becomes essential to read the documents carefully before signing. At any point, if you’re uncomfortable with the offer, talk with the lender to negotiate a better deal. Conclusion: It’s not unusual to hit occasional financial hurdles when running a business. To help overcome these situations – business loans from financial institutions can help owners get over financial difficulties. Gone are the days of lengthy processes or huge collaterals to take a business loan, so don’t be nervous if your business is losing some steam over money. Today, the online mode for business loan applications has made the entire process seamless, and financial institutions like ABFL Direct offer loans with no security whatsoever. There are minimum paperwork and a flexible tenure for business to pay it back. Read Also: Resolutions To Help The Small Business Owners To Avoid Being Bankrupt Benefits Of NBFC Business Loans

Debt Collection

Understanding the Steps in Debt Collection

Every business owner understands the importance of collecting debt from clients and customers. When debtors are late in paying their obligation, your business will suffer losses. Although it is already part of the risk, you need not bear more than necessary. As such, it is also essential to know how the debt collection process works. Not only to protect your business interests but also to ensure that you are complying with the law. Steps in Debt Collection: 1. Client invoicing: The first step to recovering any debt is invoicing. Before you agree to any transaction with your client, the payment terms should be agreed upon. Ideally, you should be able to receive payment after sending out the invoice. 2. Following up and chasing after payment: Some clients inevitably end up not fulfilling their end of the obligation. When the payment is delayed, you can begin chasing after the customer. Some of the steps you can employ include sending emails, demand letters, and phone calls. At this stage, it is crucial to remain professional and polite. If possible, make new arrangements and extend the payment terms if it is feasible. 3. Suspend credit: As a creditor, it is your right to suspend or stop transacting with the client until all pending obligations are paid. Up to a certain extent, this strategy is effective because your client will also suffer business losses in return. If this method does not work, you have other options available such as hiring a debt collection agency. 4. Sending a final notice: The final notice is the last step before you begin to consider taking legal action against your debtor. This letter should contain the specific details of what you have done so far to try and collect payment. After sending the last notice and you still have not received a response, you can proceed with pursuing legal action. 5. Taking legal action: Pursuing legal action for non-payment of debt is your last resort. Typically, you have two options based on the amount owed to you. The first option is through mediation via the small claims court. The court will order the debtor to settle the payment, including interest and associated legal fees. Your second option is to hire a debt collecting agency. These agencies are third parties who act on your behalf, whether to enforce a court decision or to collect payment. There are many ways a debt collection agency can help you. In addition to standard collection services, they also help with debt recovery, tracing and tracking debtors, and insolvency proceedings. If you resort to this solution, it is vital to ensure that you are working with a reputable company. Learn about the practices employed by the agency and find out if they are compliant with legal regulations. Indeed, collecting debt is a tedious matter. And while hiring a debt collection agency may increase your success rate, working with a less-reputable agency could damage your reputation. Look only for a trusted firm and be thorough in researching their methods, past work, and other credentials. Conclusion: As a Debt Collection company working with a financial bank, it is important that your agents use the latest digitally advanced techniques to help your client. This means using ringless voicemail debt collectors should always be a part of your business strategy. After you send the final notice, you know that the lender is not going to cooperate. In order to justify the future course of action, you can use ringless voicemails. Read Also: Debt Consolidation Plans For Your Debt Relief Top Tips For 2018: Student Loan Hacks What Are The Types Of Debt That Can Be Discharged In Bankruptcy?