Why Water Filter is Important to Improve Your Health?


07 February 2020

Health & Fitness

water filter

Most doctors, as well as experts, has shown that people who are drinking directly from tap water are more likely to have serious diseases and sickness. It is possible because of the harmful contaminants and impurities residing in the normal tap water. The water filter is very important to improve your health. Not only for health, but water also plays an important role in every aspect of life. Even in industries, we need to soften the water before using it in the process, which has lead to the use of industrial water treatment.

It has been found from several studies that the people who are sick due to drinking impure water majorly drink directly from the kitchen tap water. The kitchen tap water contains so many impurities and contaminants that are harmful to your healthy body.

Harmful Impurities of Tap water:

The normal kitchen tap water consists of so many harmful impurities and contaminants that can make you sick, really sick. Such as:

  • Chlorine
  • Fluoride
  • Lead
  • Nitrate
  • Sulfide
  • Viruses

All of the above-mentioned contaminants can be able to potentially affect your health as well as internal organs. Chlorine can affect the woman during pregnancy by increasing the chance of miscarriage.

Lead can be able to damage the kidneys and affect the liver which therefore can cause sickness. Fluoride can damage the central nervous system and thereby can cause your body to slow down the healing response and activeness of your body.

Other Contaminants in the Impure Water:

Some of the other contaminants that reside in the impure water are as follows:

  • Copper
  • E Coli
  • Arsenic
  • Radon
  • Enterovirus
  • Salmonella
  • Shigella

It is essential to filter the water before you drink it in order to avoid all the possible severe casualties. If you drink the water that is filtered through any means of filtration then it reduces the chances of you having any kind of sickness or diseases due to drinking impure water. Not only drinking pure and clean water will be able to lead you and your family members to healthiness and happiness but also it helps to create a healthy environment for the entire world.

Why water filter is important?

Filtering water is an essential thing for drinking and household usage purposes. It will help to remove all the impurities and contaminants. So the water will be safe to drink for every member of your family. Also, you will like the taste of the filtered drinking water as all the impurities that promote bad taste are removed efficiently. The water filter is useful to remove all the dirt and debris from the water which thereby makes it suitable to use for household usage like washing clothes, utensils, etc. If you are using the filtered water in order to wash the clothes; then you will not have to use more soap and detergent.

It is possible that you can have some kind of skin infection due to the use of water contaminated with so many impurities. But if you have filtered water then there is no chance of you having any skin related problems.

Some studies show that the use of filtered water rather than impure water makes it possible for the person to avoid the causing of cancer disease. The filtration of water is essentially important for the children. As they are the ones who are more likely to adopt any disease or sickness or infection more quickly due to the weaker immune system and certain hormonal strength.


Drinking filtered water will also help in strengthening the immune system as well as improving the healing response of the body.

Therefore it is necessary and all the people who are drinking impure tap water must install the water filters for drinking safe water.

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Full-Time Job

How To Live Healthily Even If You Have A Full-Time Job

Staying healthy is a challenge—especially if you are working full-time. You wake up early and come home late, and you are always too tired to work out. Living a healthy life should not be an option, it should be mandatory for everyone. After all, the body that we nourish is the same body that we use to work and earn money. A lot of employees nowadays find it hard to commit to a healthier lifestyle. The hustle and bustle of our daily lives may present a challenge for us. Here are a few ways on how to be healthy while working full-time. 1. Prepare your lunch: Preparing your lunch is a very effective way of staying away from fast food. Make a weekly lunch plan; there are a lot of weekly menus that you can find on the internet. Choose the healthier option, and portion control is also essential. Research also shows that eating healthier food like fruits and vegetables may help you feel happier. You can even prepare your day-to-day snacks while you're at it. You may also suggest to the management that your company uses an office snack delivery service for a hassle-free way to get deliciously healthy snacks delivered right to your office. 2. Schedule your exercise: Most of us think that we don't have time to exercise anymore. Well, you are wrong. A quick 20-minute workout in the morning is an excellent way to start your day. Jog at least three times a week, schedule your daily workout, and spend an hour or two of your weekend to bring out some sweat. You always have time to browse your phone, why not spend it on a quick workout instead? Make some effort to stay healthy despite your hectic schedule. 3. Stand up! We spend a lot of our time sitting in front of a computer. Make a conscious effort to stand up every now and then. Find a standing table to work on or walk towards the printer or the water dispenser more frequently. 4. Drink plenty of water: Ever wondered why you suddenly feel tired in the middle of your shift? Chances are, you are dehydrated. Adults need at least six to eight glasses of water every day to function normally. Low water intake can cause a feeling of sluggishness and drowsiness and is detrimental to your health. Keep track of your water intake. Bring a water bottle that will help you keep a timetable of the amount of water you are drinking. 5. There is no health without mental health: According to the WHO, mental and physical health are intimately linked to each other. People suffering from depression are two times more likely to suffer from a heart attack than the general population. Promoting work-life balance is one way of keeping a mentally healthy workplace. Don't hesitate to bring up the topic of mental wellness in your meetings. Anyone in the office can struggle with mental health. Managers should be educated on how to respond to situations involving mental health issues. 6. Control the caffeine: A good cup of coffee in the morning can give you a good kick in the morning. However, caffeine at work can easily give you a crash. Avoid drinking coffee late in the afternoon. Caffeine can lower the quality of your sleep and drinking it regularly will lead to tolerance in which you’ll need a higher dose to feel the effects. Use a smaller mug for your coffee at work or set a cut-off time for your coffee intake. 7. Get enough sleep: This is one of the basics. A lot of full-time workers are not getting enough sleep. This is usually the case for people who spend too much time on their phones, computers, and TV. You are randomly browsing through the internet, and suddenly you notice that it’s already 3 AM! Sleep is very crucial for our bodies to restore the energy that is spent throughout the day. Frequent lack of sleep can lead to many complications. Sleeping well will not only keep you healthy, but it is also important for your job performance. 8. Get a regular check-up: A regular visit to your doctor is needed if not mandatory, as an expert’s advice, as well as early detection of health problems, is vital in maintaining our health. We cannot just leave everything to healthy food and exercise. We need an expert opinion on the changes in our bodies. You may feel as if you have no time for an appointment, but a simple check-up once or twice a year can go a long way in keeping you healthy. Keeping yourself healthy may take some effort, but it is all for your benefit. Health is wealth as they all say.  There’s really no reason to live a healthy life, and while it may seem impossible with your busy work schedule, making small changes can go a long way. Read Also: Unhealthy And Healthy Solutions For Coping With Stress Forever Young: Natural Ways To Live A Longer Life

Old Coffee Beans

7 Fantastically Unusual Uses Of Old Coffee Beans

Coffee is the favorite beverage of a large number of individuals all over the world. But, there is more to coffee beans that just the coffee beverage. There are multiple uses of old coffee beans and some of them are stated in the below section. 1. Reducing Cellulite: Cellulite is a condition of obesity and a lot of people are suffering from it throughout the world and most of the treatments of cellulite are extremely pricey. You can use old coffee beans for treating this condition and witness significant results in no time. For preparing your own cellulite treatment cream with coarsely crushed coffee beans, mix used coffee beans with coconut oil and gently massage it on the affected area. 2. Painting: The original coffee color is ever so alluring and people try to create the same color by mixing and combining different shades of colors. You can use coffee beans for painting and get the exact coffee color on your canvas. You can use your old coffee beans and crush them to create a fine powder and then mix them in warm water to use it as a paint. 3. Repel Ant Colonies: Ants detest coffee beans, the specific reason behind the same is not yet discovered. It can either be due to the smell or the color or any other thing related to the coffee beans. The best thing that you do to repel the ants is to use the coffee beans at places where you find the trail of ants. 4. Get Soft And Shiny Hair: Very few people are aware of the wondrous effects that coffee leaves on the hair of the humans. It helps in maintaining shiny hair and also to remove the residual hair styling product that is left in your hair. You can use them for massaging your hair thoroughly using these ground coffee beans before washing your hair with shampoo. 5. Exfoliate And Rejuvenate Skin: Coffee can make a great skin exfoliator and can exfoliate even the deepest pores of your skin. Mixing coffee with a bit of lemon juice and then using it as an exfoliator or scrub over your skin will lead you to significant results in your skin. The rejuvenation properties of coffee are extremely strong and will elicit a natural glow on your face. 6. Use it in your compost: When it comes to compost, we all use different things but mostly the usual things in the compost. Old coffee beans are the ideal material to be used in the compost as they are completely biodegradable. 7. Use As Air Freshener: Most of the coffee lovers find its fragrance majestic and if you too are a caffeine addict then you surely are a big fan of the smell too. You can use the smell from the coffee beans to prepare your own room or air purifier by using the method mentioned here. Coffee beans are undoubtedly extremely beneficial and can be used for multiple purposes. Mentioned above are some of the major uses of coffee beans. Read Also : Monthly Best Coffee Subscription Best Super Nutritious Foods To Include In Your Diet

Use Turmeric

How To Use Turmeric For Bloating?

Do you feel intensely bloated after having three double-patties beef burgers? Reckless eating can cause a lot of stomach issues, especially bloating. If you feel bloated, you can use turmeric to sort it out. Wondering how to use turmeric for bloating? We guide you and let you know how to deal with bloating. Here, we will also discuss a few advantages of turmeric in reducing bloating. Do you want to find out? Keep reading! How Does Turmeric Help In Reducing Stomach Issues? Some people frequently face stomach issues because they are sensitive to certain foods. Do you often rely on your acidity meds to sleep peacefully at night? Relying on medications is not the best idea, but you can try some natural ingredients for stomach health.  We don't think anything better than turmeric exists to deal with nasty stomach problems. Let's have a look at how turmeric helps with stomach issues: 1. Reduces Heartburn Heartburn is people's worst nightmare as it can keep you awake throughout the night. The burning feeling in your esophagus makes you regret having spicy food for dinner. Heartburn is a common issue in people who drink, smoke, or eat a lot of spicy food. However, turmeric can help reduce heartburn as it has enzymes that regulate bile production. It helps in soothing the esophagus, minimizes bad bacteria, and helps foster good bacterial growth. Turmeric makes our colon's nutrient absorption ability better and treats acidity issues. 2. Regulates Bowel Movement One of the common stomach issues induced by unhealthy eating is constipation. The lack of fiber and healthy fats in our diet can disrupt our bowel movements. Constipation is the worst, as it can affect your mood and productivity. The first step to getting rid of it is fixing your diet and adding lots of greens. People swear by turmeric health benefits when it comes to constipation or irregular bowel movements. It has high fiber content and curcumin that helps in boosting metabolism. The multivitamins and nutrients in turmeric provide adequate support to your organs for better functionality. The antioxidant compounds help with muscle movement in the colon. 3. Helps with Tummy Woes Stomach pain is common, especially in the rainy season when we eat outside. Bacterial infestation in food can cause a lot of stomach pain. Medicines can help with stomach pain, but prevention is essential. Turmeric is rich in anti-inflammatory properties, which help reduce stomach pain significantly. It has antibacterial properties that work miraculously in killing the ad bacteria. Turmeric fosters good bacterial growth, which aids in proper digestion. If you add turmeric to your diet, it can help prevent mild pains caused by reckless eating. 4. Prevents Nausea Do you have a sensitive stomach that reacts to anything bad you eat quickly? If yes, you need to work on improving your immunity and making your stomach tougher. Probiotics and fiber-rich foods such as turmeric can help toughen your digestive system. People often take medications for nausea, but natural remedies are always great. Turmeric is a perfect home remedy that helps in preventing nausea. It helps faster heal your gut lining and promotes more bile production. The stronger your digestive system, the less you will feel fazed by a nasty stomach bug. How To Use Turmeric For Bloating And Other Stomach Issues? Most people dislike adding turmeric to their foods, especially in western countries. If you don't like turmeric in your food, you can still have it in the following ways: 1. Turmeric Supplements Turmeric supplements are easily available in any drugstore, and you get them without a prescription. Invest in the best turmeric tablets if you find it hard to eat raw turmeric. The tablets provide you with the daily dose of curcumin content you need. 2. Turmeric Tea Turmeric tea is easy to make and provides all the necessary goods. To make turmeric tea, you need turmeric, a cup of hot water, a teaspoon of honey (optional), and lemon juice. Mix a pinch of turmeric in a cup of hot water, squeeze lemon juice in it and add a teaspoon of honey for sweetness. It is best to have turmeric tea on an empty stomach as it helps speed up the metabolism significantly. 3. Turmeric Milk Turmeric milk is one of the best things you can have to strengthen your bones, improve your immunity and reduce bloating. To make turmeric milk, mix one teaspoon of organic turmeric in a glass of hot milk, add a pinch of black pepper, and drizzle honey on top. It tastes delicious and has a lot of health benefits. You can also have it at night for better calcium absorption. Final Verdict Turmeric is the best home remedy for strengthening your gut and reducing bloating. It is essential to incorporate turmeric into your diet in some way. If you don't like turmeric's taste, you can get its supplements easily available on the market. 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