Stay away from these foods to remain healthy

Published on: 07 September 2018 Last Updated on: 09 March 2019

There are two types of bacteria present in our body. The good bacteria can make you healthy and the bad bacteria can make you sick. Both the types of bacteria create a balance in your body and your immune system. This balance in the body is known as Microbiome.

What is microbiome?

The microbiome is bacteria present in your intestines and they influence everything from the immune system to the metabolism to your mood as well as behavior. If there is a perfect balance of the microbiomes, you will feel balanced. If there is an imbalance, your mood and health will suffer. When you harm the good bacteria or remove them from your body, you have severe health consequences and there are many foods which do that. It is best to stay away from them to ensure good health and well being.

Foods you should avoid to maintain the microbiome balance


A lot has been spoken and written about the effect of sugar on your body. There are no health benefits of sugar on the body. It only expands your waistline and will rot your teeth in the long term. Sugar feeds the bad bacteria and allows them to get stronger and multiply. You will feel unhealthy and sick due to the increase in bad bacteria. Sugar in every form is bad for your health and body.  In order to satisfy your sweet tooth, you can choose sweeteners like dark chocolate and honey. You should only consume them in small amounts.

Processed foods:

Junk food is bad for your health in the same way as sugar. It allows the bad bacteria to multiply and will make you sick. When you consume processed food, it wipes out any bacteria that is present in your gut and will deteriorate your health. The more species in the immune system, the better health you enjoy. It is never a good idea to wipe off calories from your body. It can also lead to heart problems and the blockage of your arteries. You can replace the fried foods with oven baked foods or choose a healthier oil version.


A lot of people are going gluten-free these days and a lot of them are doing it for their good health. Gluten is a form of protein found in grains and wheat. It breaks down inside the stomach and will loosen the walls of the intestine. Since the walls are weak, it is easier for cavity and bad bacteria to attack the immune system of the body. It will leave you vulnerable to many diseases and infections. It is best to limit gluten intake. will guide you on how to maintain the perfect balance of good and bad bacteria ideal for your body.

Red meat:

It is a well-known fact that red meat can increase the risk of heart conditions and also colon cancer. It is not the best food to consume in large quantities. It wipes out the good bacteria and feeds the bad ones. You should choose only high-quality organic animals that are fresh to eat.


An ideal source of protein, eggs are consumed by everyone from young kids to adults. Most of us consume chicken eggs and they are fed antibiotics which makes the eggs difficult for digestion in the human body. If you must eat eggs, look for organic eggs that are produced by healthy chickens.


The same reason is applicable in case of dairy as in eggs. Farmers give antibiotics to the cows and the same is transferred into the cheese and milk produced. They wipe out the bacteria and damage your immune system. You can choose organic yogurt in place of curd. It will feed good bacteria and will work against the bad ones.

It might seem like a long list of foods you need to stay away from. However, there are endless options you can choose for your daily intake. Even if you take one step at a time and replace one food with a healthy, organic option, you will notice the difference in your health and body in no time. The body will respond well to the diet changes you make and it will allow you to remain healthy and happy with the right food and drinks. Your overall health will be improved and you will be able to stay away from doctors and medicines.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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ketogenic diet

Foods to eat on a low-Carb ketogenic diet

Following a ketogenic diet means cutting down the Carbohydrates content in your food and increasing the fat content. This is to ensure that the body consumes fat in order to get the energy required for its functioning. A ketogenic diet is known to have a number of benefits ranging from weight loss to sugar level control. A lot of people rely on keto diets to decrease their body weight and get in shape because of their highly effective results. Also, following the low-Carb diet helps in regulating the sugar level in the body, thus proving to be a boon for persons suffering from diabetes. The sugar level in the body can be checked easily with the help of smack at ketone strips. Food intake on a ketogenic diet needs to be done very carefully and only after analysis the proper effects of what you're eating. There are certain foods which have high nutritious value but need to be avoided on a low-Carb diet because of their high Carbohydrates content. To make things simpler for you, here is a list of the items that you can eat while being on a keto diet: 1. Seafood:   Apart from being a good source of vitamins, minerals, and other fatty acids, seafood is one of the major food recommendations for those who are on a keto diet. This is because there are several types of seafood which are low in carbs and even those which are free of carbs. You can rely on clams, mussels, octopus, oysters, and squid as their carb content is very low. 2. Eggs: Eggs are of the most suitable foods to eat on a ketogenic diet. This is because of the fact that egg contains less than 1 gram of Carbohydrates, thus can be considered as a low-Carb food. Another benefit with eggs is that they keep a check on the appetite so that you don't end up feeling hungry every now and then. 3. Cheese: Cheese is a food which is known for its taste and high nutritional There are a lot of varieties of cheese available in the market and almost all of them are rich in fat and low in Carbohydrates. You can safely rely on cheese while being on a keto diet. 4. Low-Carb vegetables: The non-starchy vegetables are considered to be keto-friendly as they are low in Carbohydrates along with having an ample amount of nutrients. You can choose to eat cauliflower, kale, and broccoli if you're on a low-carb diet. These vegetables will keep a check on the carb intake along with supplying the required minerals and vitamins to the body. 5. Avocados: Avocados help greatly in controlling blood sugar level and keeping a check on cholesterol level. Being rich in nutrients and minerals, avocados are known to contain a low value of Carbohydrates. So, they're safe to consume on a keto diet. 6. Meat and poultry: Meat and poultry are a great source of Vitamin B, Omega-3 fat, and antioxidants. Being rich in protein, they're helpful in preserving muscle mass while you're on a low-carb diet. 7. Olive oil: Olive oil is considered to be a companion for your heart because it is known to contain oleic acid which lowers the risk of heart-related diseases. Being high in fat, olive oil is free from Carbohydrates and a very good option to consider on a keto diet. 8. Berries: Unlike most fruits, berries are known to contain a minimal amount of Carbohydrates. Eating blackberries, raspberries, blueberries, and strawberries can be keto-friendly. Conclusion: Amidst tough competition, you can rely on these foods to cater to your energy needs without having to compromise with your ketogenic diet. If you want to get more info, visit Seriously Smoked. Read more: Top 7 Superfoods For Healthy Skin And Hair Meals That Matter: The Best Foods And The Ways They Make You Fit


The Chinese Have The Best Diet In The World – Here’s Why

Fad diets are always trying to do something new, promising to improve your health the way no diet ever has before. Often, if these diets aren’t just trying to sell you something, their principles are based on ‘bro science’ or common nutrition myths. The truth is that we don’t need to reinvent the wheel. Many cultures around the world have been eating well for millennia, striking the right balance between all the necessary components of a good diet.  Today, we’re looking at China's approach to food, which has captured the attention of both food enthusiasts and health experts globally. And with nearly half of Americans actively trying to lose weight, according to this study by ValuePenguin, the timing couldn’t be better. Let’s delve into why the Chinese diet is celebrated as one of the healthiest in the world. A Balanced Approach At the heart of the Chinese diet lies a profound emphasis on equilibrium. In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), the belief in harmonizing the body's yin and yang energies is at the core of well-being. This holistic philosophy extends gracefully to the realm of cuisine, where achieving balance in one's diet is regarded as a bedrock principle. Chinese culinary traditions beautifully exemplify this equilibrium, artfully integrating a spectrum of tastes, textures, and culinary techniques. The result is a culinary experience that engages all five essential flavors – sweet, sour, bitter, salty, and umami. Staples of the Chinese Diet Every good meal needs a healthy foundation, and this is something the Chinese have been nailing forever. Rice or wheat is usually the most common base of nutritious meals. Furthermore, these grains provide a steady source of carbohydrates, ensuring sustained energy throughout the day. Unlike processed and refined grains, Chinese cuisine favors whole grains, preserving essential nutrients and fiber. In addition to grains, vegetables play a central role in Chinese cooking. A variety of leafy greens, cruciferous vegetables, and seasonal produce brighten up Chinese dinner tables, offering a wealth of vitamins and minerals. These vegetables are often gently cooked or stir-fried, preserving their nutritional value. The inclusion of vegetables also ensures a high fiber content in the diet, supporting digestive health and promoting a sense of fullness. Fish, poultry, tofu, and legumes are common in Chinese cuisine, with these protein options often being preferred over red meat. Fish, in particular, provides valuable omega-3 fatty acids, renowned for their heart-protective properties. This combination of protein and veggies has helped China claim the top spot in this Compare the Market study of the world’s healthiest diets. Embracing Seasonal and Local Ingredients The Chinese diet's healthiness shines through its emphasis on using locally sourced, seasonal ingredients, aligning with traditional beliefs of harmony with nature. Seasonal foods offer peak flavor and nutrition while reducing the need for preservatives and long transportation. Furthermore, the Chinese diet integrates traditional wisdom into its culinary practices. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) introduces the idea of food as medicine, with specific ingredients chosen for their restorative and strengthening effects. For instance, ginger helps to combat colds and enhance digestion. On the other hand, goji berries have the power to boost the immune system. This blend of ancient knowledge with food choices contributes to the diet's reputation as one of the healthiest globally. Portion Control and Mindful Eating In addition to the quality and variety of foods, portion control and mindful eating practices are integral to the Chinese diet. Usually, meals are nothing less than family-style, with multiple dishes in the center of the table. This communal dining style encourages moderation and mindful consumption. By serving food in smaller portions and sharing, it becomes easier to control calorie intake and prevent overeating. Furthermore, the Chinese approach to eating is full of mindfulness. Eating slowly, savoring each bite, and paying attention to the flavors and textures of food are common practices. This not only enhances the dining experience but also allows the body to register satiety more accurately. Mindful eating promotes a deeper connection between the mind and body, reducing the risk of overindulgence and promoting overall well-being. If you’d like to try it yourself, Headspace has this free useful guide you can read. The Changing Approach Towards Chinese Diet The Chinese have a reputation for consuming a lower aggregate diet, which eventually impacts their later development. People belonging to some of the rural civilizations think it might be unfair to ask people to give up on meat completely. In countries like Brazil and China, the consumption of meat is a sign of economic as well as social progress.  There is an increasing demand for vegan food as well. A maximum of the total population wants to switch to a healthier alternative, keeping health concerns in mind. This has continued to have a positive impact on both their physical and mental well-being. Fat-free beverages, green vegetables, and more fruits and beans are now included in a traditional Chinese diet.  As a result, there is an increase in the number of healthy babies produced every year. Individuals tend to have better immunizations against diseases, and they typically live longer. Health experts say while this might not be the result of health consumption solely, food certainly has an enhanced effect on overall well-being.  Wrap-Up The Chinese diet, with its emphasis on balance, staple foods, seasonal and local ingredients, and mindful eating, serves as a model for optimal health. Its diverse array of flavors, ingredients, and deep-rooted wisdom makes it a blueprint for healthy eating practices.  By embracing the principles of the Chinese diet, from moderation to variety, and the incorporation of fresh, individuals worldwide can take strides toward improving their health. Unprocessed ingredients are the key to remaining healthy and strong.  While no single diet is a magic solution, the Chinese approach to food offers valuable insights into maintaining a nutritious and balanced lifestyle that contributes to longevity and vitality. If you are diet-conscious, ensure to integrate the aforementioned tips to make your lifestyle better and healthier. Thank you for reading! Read Also: The Diet To Follow For A Healthy Gut Why A Pescatarian Diet Is Beneficial Why have a diet chart for weight loss?

Buying Seafood Wholesale

Buying Seafood Wholesale: Unlocking Freshness, Variety and Savings

Fresh seafood is a culinary delight that tantalizes the taste buds and adds a touch of elegance to any meal. For seafood lovers, finding the highest quality products at affordable prices can be a quest in itself. That's where buying seafood from a wholesaler comes into play. You can bypass the traditional retail route and go straight to the source. There you can unlock a world of benefits that go beyond just savings. In this guide, we’ll talk about why buying seafood from a wholesaler is a good idea.   Also, we discuss how it can elevate your seafood experience to new heights. It will also help if you purchase seafood wholesale from Manettas or other trusted sources. Seafood Industry: Facts and Data Before we delve deeper into seafood wholesale and its features like freshness and variety, a discussion of the economy can be interesting. According to data, the revenue generation from the seafood industry is around US$ 3.75 bn in the year 20230. Experts project the market to grow at around 4.11% between the stretch of 2028 to 2028. China, with a whopping 88.90 bn in 2023, is the global boss in this reign. Continuing with Australia, the processed fish and seafood market will be around 0.95 $bn in 2023. Though the growth remains constant during the period, the stakeholders have high expectations from the industry in the coming days. So there is scope for growth in freshness and economy.  How Do The Consumers Get Fresh Supply? You may have noticed that the fishing industry delivers high-quality catches to have a high consumer experience. This pursuit of offering better services has enabled them to procure high-quality fish. The fishermen use technology like Pulse Electric Field, Ultrasound, Pulse light technology, Microwave processing, big data, and blockchain. With the help of these technologies, they are making it safe to procure fish from the sea. They also supply the best technology to the customers. As a result, it has enabled you to get fish of such high quality and variety.  The Benefits of Buying Seafood Wholesale  Seafood is popular not only in Australia but all around the world.  Even the data we gave supports that seafood is quite common, and its benefits are galore. Let us try to unlock your benefits while buying seafood wholesale online.  Unmatched Freshness And Quality When you buy seafood from a wholesaler, you gain access to an extensive network of suppliers and distributors who specialize in sourcing the freshest catch from the sea. Unlike retail outlets, wholesalers receive seafood directly from fishing vessels, ensuring it reaches your table in the shortest time possible. This means you get to enjoy seafood at its peak freshness, with vibrant flavors and firm textures that are a testament to its quality. Wide Selection Of Seafood Delights One of the major advantages of buying seafood from a wholesaler is the incredible variety available. Wholesalers typically offer an extensive range of seafood options, from popular favorites like salmon, prawns, and scallops, to more exotic catches like lobster, octopus, and oysters. Whether you're a seafood connoisseur or looking to experiment with new flavors, the diverse selection offered by wholesalers allows you to explore and indulge in an ocean of culinary possibilities. Cost-Effective Solution Buying seafood wholesale can be a financially savvy decision. Wholesalers often offer competitive pricing due to their direct relationships with fishermen and the ability to purchase in bulk. By eliminating the middleman, you can enjoy significant savings without compromising on quality. This makes buying seafood from a wholesaler an attractive option for restaurants and catering businesses. Even home cooks who wish to stretch their budgets without compromising on the taste and freshness of their seafood dishes can leverage the benefits. Convenience And Customisation Wholesalers provide convenience and customization options that cater to your specific needs. With their vast inventory, you can easily find the quantities and cuts of seafood that suit your requirements. Whether you need large quantities for a special event or smaller portions for everyday cooking, wholesalers can accommodate your requests. In addition, some wholesalers offer value-added services, such as filleting, portioning, and packaging, saving you time and effort in the kitchen. Supporting Sustainable Practices Many seafood wholesalers prioritize sustainability and responsible fishing practices. By buying from them, you contribute to the preservation of marine ecosystems and the livelihood of fishing communities. Wholesalers often work closely with suppliers that follow sustainable fishing methods, ensuring you can enjoy seafood guilt-free, knowing that it has been sourced ethically and with the future of our oceans in mind. Since many wholesalers support sustainable practices, you play a part in preserving our oceans for generations to come. So, the next time you're in search of the freshest catch of the day, consider turning to a trusted seafood wholesaler like Manettas—it's a decision that brings unparalleled freshness, variety, and savings to your plate. Custom Packaging One of the benefits that you can reap while being seafood online is the custom processing and packaging of them. Some companies provide customized packaging according to the buyers’ specifications and requirements. This denotes that you, too, can get the benefits of them like the restaurant owners have on account of bulk buying.  Expertise Knowhow The wholesale seafood suppliers can help you with knowledge and inputs on the quality aspects of the storage of fish. At the same time, they also advise you on the cuts and even the spices you need to prepare a good dish.  Hence you become well knowledgeable not only on fish procurement but also on recipe development. You will have a thorough knowledge of a high-quality dining experience.  Final Words Buying seafood from a wholesaler offers many advantages that elevate your seafood experience to new heights. From the unrivaled freshness and wide selection of choices to the competitive pricing and convenience, wholesalers provide a pathway to indulging in the finest seafood delights. The stakeholders directly involved with the industry follow the best technology and sustainable practices. This helps them bring in a sea change in the industry. This is how you are getting it the best way possible.  Read Also: How Restaurant Space Landlords Can Be Successful 6 Tips to Maximize Refrigerator Use in Your Restaurant