A Quick Look At Dog Bite Statistics And Increasing Safety


01 July 2023

Pets & Animals

Dog Bite

Americans, as a whole, love their dogs. Many millions of American households are home to at least one pooch, and many families keep multiple dogs. Dogs have been domesticated for thousands of years. They are generally friendly, and they become productive members of households. Dog bites remain common.

Many of these bites are relatively harmless, resulting in no substantial injury. However, some people do end up needing to seek medical treatment. Sadly, some people pass away from injuries sustained by dog bites, although fatalities are rare.

If you or a loved one have been injured, you should speak with a lawyer. You may receive compensation for medical bills, pain and suffering, and other things. You can search for a dog bite lawyer in the Detroit area or for a lawyer based nearest you. Curious about dog bite data and increasing safety? Read on!

Looking at the Data Regarding Dog Bites

Data covering dog bites can come from many different sources. Immediately, one clear challenge emerges: data collection is often sporadic, and the methods used by different organizations and by researchers at different times.

 As a result, they may make the data hard to compare. For example, the Centers for Disease Control has conducted various studies over the years. But they need to collect and publish standardized statistics on the issue regularly.

Some of the most commonly cited statistics conclude that 4.5 million people are bitten by dogs each year. Roughly 800,000 require medical treatment. However, this data comes from a CDC study examining bites from 2001 to 2003.

It’s hard to say if this data still accurately reflects the situation in recent years. On the one hand, dog ownership has increased, so perhaps dog bites are increasing. On the other hand, increased education and efforts to ensure healthier human-dog relationships may result in fewer bites.

Dog Biting Statistics

Moving further away from the dog statistics, the average cost per claim for dog attacks keeps on escalating from the year 2003 to that of 2017. They are driven by the increasing cost of medication and the higher settlements.  

According to a study, around  28000 dog attacks resulted in hospitalization (the figures range between the years 1993 to that of the year 2008). The statistics kept on increasing therefrom. Presently, a dog bite treatment in a hospital (hospital stay) costs around $18200. 

Looking at the number of dog attacks on US postal employees in 2019, one can understand cities notorious for dog bites. They include Chicago, Los Angles, Dallas, Columbus, Philadelphia, Toledo, and others. These figures point out the increasing number of dog bites and also the cost of treatments. The concerns keep mounting high with time. 

The Most Crucial Statistics

Let us know about some of the most crucial statistics on the dog bite. According to statistical figures, almost around 4.5 million people became victims of dog bites. Nearly half of them are children. Around  70% o dog bites are untreated. 

Dog bite accounts for around  46 fatalities, as recorded in 2019. The Pitbull and the Rottweiler are responsible for 77% of dog bites. According to global figures, millions of dog bites occur Annually! These statistical figures call for introspection; therefore, the concerned authorities must be aware of the dog bites. It is important for the sake of awareness.

Keeping Children and Safety in Mind With Canines

Children rank among the most vulnerable to dog bites, and educating them to reduce the risk of bites is important. Since children are not as large or robust as the typical adult, they are more vulnerable to injury. Further, many children don’t understand how to interact with dogs properly. What may seem like innocent rough play may cause a lot of harm to canines. If a child injures a dog, it may be more likely to bite.

It’s important for parents to properly educate children on dogs and how to interact with them. Supervision at home is crucial for households with both kids and dogs. It’s also wise to teach children not to approach strays or unknown dogs. While many dogs are friendly, some may be dangerous.

Also, larger dogs can pose more of a threat. Even if a small dog bites a child or adult, it will likely do less damage. A larger dog, no matter the specific breed, will be able to inflict more damage if it should decide to bite someone. Remember, if you’re looking for a dog for your family.

What If A Dog Bites Your Child

You need to be mindful of health and safety measures when the dog bites your child (especially if it is not your own dog). At the same time, you also need to take your kids to the emergency department.  

Though rate, infections like rabies and others are fatal. Therefore you must not delay at all and take your child to the nearby hospital for treatment. Your doctor will let you know if the child needs stickers or if antibiotics will suffice. Moreover, you can help your doctor by providing some important tips on the risk factors associated with dog bites.

You can name the location of the dog’s owners. It will enable the doctor to procure updated data on the vaccinations. It can also help you understand whether or not the dog attacked was provoked or unprovoked. If the attack was unprovoked, let the doctor know if the dog is sick. It might completely affect the treatment decision.

Have You Safely HENDled Them?

Take note of some of the safest ways to handle dogs so that you do not have to be in trouble. Never try to squeeze the dog too tightly as they feel uncomfortable. Also, never tease them by pulling the ears and tail tightly. It is a sensitive organ. 

Do not disturb the dog when they are eating. Dogs give their utmost concentration while they are eating.

If you do it, be prepared to face the heat. Never put your fingers before them, especially when they are eating. These precautions can save you from dog bites. 

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Arnab is a professional blogger, having an enormous interest in writing blogs and other jones of calligraphies. In terms of his professional commitments, He carries out sharing sentient blogs.

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Sofas For Dogs

What You Should Know About Mini Sofas For Dogs

A pet owner who loves their dog will do anything for it. If you own a dog, you understand that feeling. It will continuously look for new ways to please your pet. A dog can sense its owner's love and become quite loyal to them. That's why people love taking care of dogs so much. Moreover, pets usually have a preferred place to lounge. In most cases, this place is your furniture. This is because it is soft to sit on and relax. However, dogs can start to shed and leave hairs everywhere around the sofa. If you don’t groom your pet, you will have to constantly clean all the hairs from the furniture. This can waste a lot of time. Follow the link for more details about the topic: tips cleaning dog hair. Instead of doing that, you should consider investing in a mini sofa for your pet. Many owners have them in their homes. They are their best option for pets that want to lounge or sleep on. Also, a minute sofa is far more appropriate for a pet then your own couch. You won't have to worry about the hair anymore. Before you decide to purchase this particular product, here's what you should know about it: Soft and comfortable One of the main reasons you should consider purchasing a piece of furniture like this is because it is incredibly soft and comfortable to lay on. Dogs are usually quite active, but at some point, they will get tired and will want to sleep for a couple of hours. What better way to do that than on their very own mini sofa? This particular piece of furniture is specially designed for pets. All you have to do is select one for your canine and purchase it from a local store or order it online. It can really make your dog happy. All you have to do is teach it to lounge there. It might take some time, but it will definitely be worth it. Mostly, people look for a dog sofa or chair for their beloved furry friend. Your pup will have a place of its own to relax. How cute is that? The main reason why these products are so popular is that they are practical and comfortable. You will be able to notice that if your dog gets used to it. It is the perfect size for your beloved furry little friend. Just make sure to order it from a reliable store. There are many like those available online. Different designs As with any product, the mini sofa for pets also has various designs. Some are more expensive than others. What you should do is take your time and browse through several products. They all have different applications that you need to check out. To speed things up, it is advisable that you visit some reviewing websites because they usually have a lot of information on them, even for products such as these. They will be able to figure out what will work best for you and your pet. If your dog is quite heavy, you should definitely purchase a mini sofa that can endure heavier dogs. If not, you can select the smaller and dainty looking ones. They are quite adorable. There's a high chance you’ll have a hard time deciding which one to get. But a decision has to be made sooner or later. You can always ask for a recommendation from someone close to you that has the same mini sofa for their pet. The sooner you make a decision, the faster your pet will get used to it. You can take adorable pictures from your furry friend napping or lounging on the tiny sofa. Easy to clean The mini sofas are smaller and easier to clean. How fast can you do it depends on the material of what they're made oft. For example, if you purchase a mini leather sofa, all you have to do is wipe it if it gets very from your dog. But not all mini sofas are made from leather. Some are designed with a softer and more plush material that has to be removed and thrown in the washing machine to get properly cleaned. Either way, it won't take up much of your time. You can even use a steamer to clean all the germs and bacteria located inside the material. Let's face it, dogs can quickly get dirty. It is your responsibility to clean up after them. But you won't feel bad about it because your pet will love the new mini sofa you purchased for it. Some have a storage pocket Many mini sofa designs have an extra storage pocket where you can store all of your pet's toys and other essential things. A lot of owners buy different kinds of toys for their pets to play with. What better way to store them than to place them in their very own mini sofa? Some designs are practical and convenient like that. If you are looking for a similar one for your own furry friend, all you need to do is find the right mini sofa and purchase it. What better way to do that than to do some extensive research online? As mentioned above, you can go through several of the products until you find what you're looking for. Read Also: 4 Cool Things You Probably Didn’t Know About Service Dogs Can Dogs Make the Anti-Social Kids Socialize Better? Can Dogs Help Writers Stay Positive During Stress? The Best Dog Breeds For Fitness Fanatics


10 Reasons Why Your Dog Can Breathe Fast?

Dogs are active and energetic pets, who are always up to games and new experiences. So, it’s obvious that the dog can breathe fast from time to time. The question here is how to determine normal and abnormal breathing, and when the dog owners should worry about their furry friend. Fast breathing is a common situation for all dogs, regardless of their breed, age, and size. Fast breathing is a change in the breathing rate of the dog compared to its normal breathing. Dogs at rest have a normal respiration rate of 10 to 35 breaths per minute. The average dog at rest takes 24 breaths per minute. If you encounter such a problem as a dog respiration rate high, then it can be either a normal situation or a symptom of different health issues. Here is the information about the reasons for the dog’s high respiratory rate. 10 Reasons Why Your Dog Can Breathe Fast? 1. Overheating : Panting is one of the earliest and most common signs, so pay attention if your dog is panting excessively when the temperatures have soared. Breathing is usually fast and noisy. Other symptoms of overheating are sticky gums, abnormal thirst, a dark tongue, increased temperature and heartbeat, glazed eyes. This condition is extremely dangerous because if the body temperature exceeds 109°F (a dog’s normal body temperature is 100-102.5°F), heatstroke occurs. It leads to kidney damage, seizures, brain swelling. 2. Pain/Anxiety : Dog breathing heavily may indicate that the pet suffers from internal or external pain. In this case, make sure that your dog doesn’t have an injury – caress the dog from the neck, through the abdomen, and to the legs. Watch for a reaction. Besides, if the pet is stressed out, then panting may be a sign. There are various reasons for stress: punishment, a visit to the vet, inconsistent training, new experiences, changes in the environment. Some breeds are very sensitive and even minor changes can cause anxiety. 3. Poisoning : If your dog breathing heavily, it can signify poisoning. Dogs like trying new things and they shouldn’t necessarily be edible. Of course, this behavior can lead to poisoning. Check whether your dog can eat an obstruction (e.g. chicken bones), toxic foods (chocolate, fruit with seeds, nuts, onions), a toxic plant or household substance. If your pet has swallowed something, then an immediate visit to the vet is a must! 4. Different Health Issues : Dog breathing heavily can be a sign of many diseases such as heart disease, anemia (caused by a severe flea in puppies and young dogs). Along with this symptom, the dog can suffer from weakness and an increased heart rate. 5. Shock : Shock can be life-hazardous because in this case, the body systems don’t receive enough blood to work properly. There can be different types of shock. Thus, septic shock can be caused by different diseases such as heart failure. Another type of shock is caused by an allergy to food or insect bites. 6. Acid-Base Disorders : Some chronic problems cause certain changes in pH balance, and these changes can result in fast breathing. 7. Upper Airway Obstruction : Brachycephalic breeds or those breeds that have narrow airways, tend to snore. If these dogs suffer from illnesses, connected with inflammations and swelling, then it is difficult for them to get enough oxygen and they breathe faster. 8. Fluid in the Lungs : Dog breathing fast at rest is an everyday occurrence, and one of the reasons in the fluid in the lungs. Actually, some amount of fluid is always present in the dog’s lungs, but an excessive amount can be dangerous. Other signs are low body temperature, blue gums. 9. Cushing's Disease : A dog with adrenal glands, releasing too much cortisol, has Cushing’s disease. Cortisol is known as a hormone of stress, it results in high blood pressure and increased panting. However, this is not the only symptom. Other signs are weight gain, increased urination, hair loss, thinning skin. 10. Swollen Belly : If your dog has an unusual shape of the belly due to bloat or a buildup of fluid in the abdomen, then it can breathe fast. It puts pressure on the diaphragm and that is why the dog can’t take deep breaths. In this case, your dog needs veterinary attention. Thus, fast breathing is a common situation because it is needed for temperature regulation. However, in some cases, it can be a sign of any health problems. Pay attention to the general well-being of your furry companion, pay attention to the accompanying symptoms, and if it is necessary, see the vet.  Read Also : Can Dogs Make The Anti-Social Kids Socialize Better? Can Dogs Help Writers Stay Positive During Stress? 5 Reasons Why Your Child Needs A Dog  


Is CBD Oil & Edible Treats Safe for Pets – Dogs & Cats

CBD oil is on the rise among individuals as well as pet owners. Learning about CBD and how it helps different ailments many people have got on board. Who can use CBD oil and what is CBD oil? What are the side effects of CBD oil the good ones and the bad ones? What is CBD oil? CBD oil is cannabidiol; which comes from hemp. Hemp produces chemicals that can be extracted for homeopathic remedies. CBD oil derived from hemp contains less THC than that of its relative to the marijuana plant; therefore you will not get your pet high from the amounts of THC in the CBD oil according to SimplyPets.com. When CBD is used it affects the endocannabinoid system, which all mammals have. Researchers have found that phytocannabinoid cannabidiol is also responsive to the system as our bodies naturally produce certain cannabinoids. This research has claimed that cannabinoids such as CBD have been found useful in helping many ailments. How can CBD oil help pets? Many pets go through changes in their lives such as aging. When we as humans grow older we slowly develop conditions that cause inflammation, pains, digestive issues, cancers, and many other illnesses. Pets go through a lot of these same conditions.  Pets develop stress and anxiety that CBD oil can help with. CBD uses the endocannabinoid system to mimic our bodies’ natural receptors to help with pains, moods, and emotions. The natural ones our bodies make are more localize and don’t travel far. Side effects of CBD oil: The side effects of CBD oil in pets are considered minimal. Pets may get dry mouth from the use of CBD oils as CBD can decrease saliva production. Lowered blood pressure is another possible symptom of a temporary side effect. Pets may also experience bouts of drowsiness. These are the most common negative side effects of CBD oil found. The positive side effects of CBD oil include being more playful. This is because they have less pain and inflammation which are also side effects of using CBD oil. Pets may be able to handle noises and strangers better as CBD oil also helps calm their nerves; helping with stress and anxieties.  Pets may appear to be less grumpy due to CBD oil helping with pains and inflammations. Is CBD oil safe for pets? CBD is being tested by researchers to find what all it is capable of; they know that it aids in many benefits. CBD oil is safe for pets in small amounts; pet dosages are a lot less than human dosages as they don’t need as much to help with their illnesses. CBD oil can be given orally if the pet will take it but may need to be mixed in with food. The biggest answer to this question is to ask what medicines your pet is already on.  Are these medications safe, do they have a long list of possible side effects? What are those side effects in comparison to the CBD oil you can give your pet? Read Also: CBD The Solution To Insomnia How Does The Training Of Defence Dogs Look Like?