Journeying With The Dying: How Hospice Chaplains Facilitate End-Of-Life Spiritual Transitions

Hospice Chaplains

When individuals approach the twilight of their lives, they often confront a whirlwind of emotions—fear, regret, hope, acceptance, and more.

This intense period termed the end-of-life phase, sees many grappling with existential questions and seeking answers to life’s most profound mysteries. This search for clarity and solace is where the spiritual dimension of human existence comes to the forefront.

Many turn to spirituality as a source of comfort, a beacon of hope, and a framework for making sense of their experiences. It’s within this complex tapestry of emotions and spiritual quests that hospice chaplains, representing the realm of hospice chaplaincy, emerge as pivotal figures.

These professionals dedicate themselves to guiding individuals through this intricate journey, helping them find spiritual serenity amidst the tumultuous currents of approaching mortality. The subsequent sections delve deeper into understanding the multifaceted role of these spiritual caregivers.

The Integral Role of a Hospice Chaplain

  • Defining the Role in Greater Detail: Hospice chaplains stand at the crossroads of spirituality and caregiving. They aren’t just religious figures; they are trained professionals skilled in offering spiritual support tailored to the unique needs of each individual. Their role goes beyond mere ritualistic practices. They act as confidants, counselors, and guides, providing a listening ear, heartfelt advice, and spiritual interventions tailored to the individual’s beliefs and wishes. Whether helping patients find peace with their life’s journey, facilitating forgiveness and reconciliation, or simply being present during moments of deep reflection, hospice chaplains are there to ensure that the spiritual dimension of end-of-life care is addressed with the utmost sensitivity and respect.
  • The Spectrum of Interfaith Approaches: One of the most remarkable aspects of hospice chaplaincy is its inclusiveness. Recognizing the diverse tapestry of beliefs and spiritual outlooks in our globalized world, hospice chaplains are trained to cater to various religious and spiritual traditions. Whether a person identifies with a major world religion, a lesser-known spiritual path, or even if they consider themselves secular or agnostic, chaplains are there to provide support. This approach ensures that every individual, irrespective of their belief system, has access to spiritual care that resonates with them. By adopting such an inclusive approach, hospice chaplains affirm the idea that every end-of-life journey is unique and every individual’s spiritual needs deserve to be met with understanding, respect, and personalized care.

The end-of-life journey is a deeply personal and transformative phase. While medical professionals focus on alleviating physical pain and discomfort, hospice chaplains address the soul’s yearnings, questions, and quest for peace. By offering tailored spiritual interventions and an inclusive approach that honors diverse beliefs, they ensure that individuals and their families find the spiritual solace they seek during these poignant moments.

Delving Deeper: Spiritual Needs, Interventions, and Family Impact in the End-of-Life Journey

Spiritual Needs at the End of Life

  • Seeking Meaning and Purpose: The imminence of death often prompts deep introspection. Many individuals reflect upon their life’s journey, trying to discern its purpose. These reflections might encompass personal achievements, missed opportunities, unfulfilled dreams, and significant life events. In such times, spiritual guidance assists individuals in navigating these contemplations, helping them find peace with their life narrative, celebrating accomplishments, and making peace with regrets.
  • Reconciliation: Estrangements and unresolved conflicts become especially poignant during the end-of-life phase. Many individuals desire to reconnect, apologize, or seek forgiveness from loved ones. The urge to mend relationships, settle old disputes, or express unspoken feelings becomes vital. The spiritual guide aids in facilitating these reconciliations, offering counsel, and, if necessary, acting as a mediator.
  • Fear and Hope: The mystery of what comes after death is a source of both trepidation and anticipation. The fear of the unknown contrasts starkly with hopes or beliefs of an afterlife, reincarnation, or spiritual continuation. By addressing these concerns, chaplains help balance these emotions, emphasizing the transformative nature of death in various spiritual traditions.
  • Cultural and Traditional Rites: Every culture and religion has rituals that honor the dying and the deceased. Whether it’s a specific prayer, a song, a way, or even silence, these rites are paramount for the person passing and their family. Respecting and facilitating these practices is crucial to providing a sense of closure, continuity, and respect for the individual’s spiritual and cultural identity.

Interventions by Hospice Chaplains

Active Listening: One of the most profound gifts a chaplain can offer is the gift of presence—simply being there, offering a listening ear. By actively listening, they provide a safe and non-judgmental space for individuals to voice their deepest feelings, concerns, and reflections, guided

Meditations and Prayers: Tailoring spiritual practices to individual needs, chaplains might guide patients through meditations or prayers that align with their beliefs. These sessions can instill a sense of calm, acceptance, and connection with the divine or the universe.

Scripture Readings: For those who find solace in religious texts, chaplains can read passages that resonate with the patient’s current emotions or questions. Scriptures, whether from the Bible, Quran, Torah, Bhagavad Gita, or other religious texts, can offer comfort, guidance, and a sense of continuity.

Ritual Facilitation: Be it sacraments, candle lighting, or even non-religious rituals like listening to a specific song or watching a sunset, chaplains assist in organizing and facilitating these rites, ensuring the  Grief Support: The dying process isn’t just about the individual; it encompasses the family and loved ones. Chaplains extend their support to these grieving souls, offering a shoulder to lean on, words of comfort, and guidance through their emotional journey.

The Impact on Families

  1. Emotional Anchoring: In the tumultuous sea of emotions, chaplains act as an anchor for families. Their calm presence and experience in navigating such situations provide a stabilizing effect, helping families cope more effectively.
  1. Guidance through Rituals: Families often seek direction in performing end-of-life rituals correctly and meaningfully. Chaplains offer insights, respect cultural nuances, and sometimes even take the lead in ensuring these rites are conducted reverently.
  1. After-death Support: The journey doesn’t end with the passing of a loved one. Grief, memories, and the void left behind are real and profound. Chaplains continue to support families, providing bereavement counseling, helping them process their loss, and guiding them toward healing and acceptance.

The spiritual dimensions of the end-of-life journey are intricate, deeply personal, and encompass more than just the dying individual. Hospice chaplains, with their nuanced understanding, play an instrumental role in ensuring that this journey, for both the individual and their families, is navigated with dignity, respect, and profound compassion.

Continuous Education and Self-care

  • Training: The importance of ongoing training for chaplains to stay updated on best practices and religious rites.
  • Self-care Rituals: Chaplains must cultivate personal rituals or practices to manage their well-being.
  • Peer Support: Engaging with fellow chaplains or professionals to discuss challenges and share experiences.


The journey towards the end of life is deeply personal, and the spiritual terrain can be complex. Hospice chaplains, with their expertise and compassion, play an indispensable role in facilitating spiritual transitions during this phase. Their ability to address the deep-seated spiritual needs of the dying and their families ensures that the end-of-life journey is one of meaning, reconciliation, and peace.

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Ankita Tripathy loves to write about food and the Hallyu Wave in particular. During her free time, she enjoys looking at the sky or reading books while sipping a cup of hot coffee. Her favourite niches are food, music, lifestyle, travel, and Korean Pop music and drama.

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Superfoods for Glowing Skin

10 Foods for Vibrant, Glowing and Younger Skin

Do you face a lot of questions about maintaining your skin? Did you know that the most delicate thing in the human body is our skin and we have a great role in keeping our skin refreshed, moisturized, and glowing? There are tons of agents out there that keep polluting them and extra care is needed to keep them protected. But luckily, there are so many great natural foods that are born and grown in nature’s fields that help us maintain rocking and glowing skin. Check out these 10 foods that are selectively chosen and believed to work as a super-agent in keeping our skin rejuvenated, young, healthy, and glowing. 10 Superfoods for Glowing Skin: After a lot of research and elucidation of the scientific properties of the food, we have a conclusive list of these superfoods to keep yourself young and be skin healthy without having to go to other artificial methods that harm us rather than good. Turmeric Leafy and dark green vegetables. Avocado Papaya Aloe vera Carrot Fish derivatives Green tea Yogurt Bitter guard Now, let's see the properties of the above superfoods that make them so nutritious and healthy resulting in our glowing and younger-looking skin. 1. TURMERIC: The most effective medicine that works for skincare is turmeric and we believe that its roots are so powerful that ingestion of this power foot root can also prevent various deadly diseases. The main properties of turmeric that helps you save your delicate skin are its antibacterial, antifungal, and anti-inflammatory property that prevents germs build up in the skin. It also fights against oil accumulation in the face and hence preventing open pores, blemishes, and acne. Usage: add a pinch of turmeric to your face pack on a daily basis and also you can grind their roots and use them to see noticeable results. By adding the turmeric with olive oil to soups, salads, and other dressings you also add additional nutrition value to your food. 2. Leafy and dark green vegetables: Green vegetables like spinach, kale, broccoli, and many other greens are the powerhouse of nutrients and serve a major role in enriching nutrients into our diet. Not just that, they are also a great source of antioxidants with a bumper pack of vitamins and minerals. They remove dullness from the skin and make it shine. Usage: Add portions of these dark and leafy green vegetables to your diet every day for at least two times a day on a regular basis and you will be seeing a notable difference in your skin health and glow. 3. Avocado: This buttery fruit comes with loads of nutrition and adding this to your daily diet will prove to be a savior for the nutrition-deprived cells in your skin. They are enriched with vitamin E and also act as an antioxidant. The avocadoes are also termed butter fruit due to their buttery appearance and nature. They act majorly in slowing down the aging of skin cells, repairing inner skin cell damage, vanishing the acne in the skin, stopping face wrinkles, and many other wonders that you may have never thought of. Usage: The avocado is similar to butter and is also termed as healthy butter and can be added to your morning toast like butter, it can also be made in the form of a dip called guacamole and can be combined with chapati dough and make it healthier. Other than that, it can also be added to salads, soups, and other dressings. 4. Papaya: The ever-healthy golden fruit that is giving out abundant nutrition for the human body in many ways. They are a rich source of beta-carotene, antioxidants which are visibly proven to enhance the skin cells and remove the impurities locked in your skin. It is also considered the best superfood for the whole body mechanism as they also prevent and destroy harmful tumor cells. Usage: Take the pieces of papaya and grind them to a paste. Add them to your face pack or apply as it is with rose water and make a facial mask. Keep it on for at least 15 minutes and the face will glow no less than a star. 5. Aloe vera: Nature's gift to us that grows generously in any place and climate is the aloe vera. They are loaded with auxin and gibberellin hormones that have anti-inflammatory properties. The gel also helps in relieving many dermatology-related problems and can be applied to burns, cuts, etc. This also helps in keeping acne, dark skin, blemishes, blackheads under control. Usage: Scape out the aloe vera gel from the plant with a spoon and add them to the face pack or apply directly. 6. Carrot: The wonder vegetable that is loaded with Vitamin A is a savior as it enriches our skin glow with the carotene. They help by flushing out the toxins accumulated in our skin. Usage: Eat carrot raw as a vegetable once a day and also include them in salads or juices. 7. Fish derivatives: The world-known fact about fish is the presence of omega 3 fatty acids. This brings nutrition to our skin by helping them glow and repairing all the dead cells. They help in maintaining the overall skin and body health when consumed in small amounts. Usage: We can add them as grilled or baked fish to our diet. It can also be added as readymade supplements. 8. Green tea: The most recently found study reveals amazing properties. It contains flavonoids, phytonutrients, and primely a nutrient called epigallocatechin gallate which removes harmful toxins and keeps you rejuvenated.  They also have antioxidants that fight against skin oil build-up, acne, and more. Usage: Consume them as a tea by boiling them in hot water and adding honey for taste. Consume this tea on a regular basis after your workout and you will notice the changes in your skin. 9. Yogurt: The yogurt which is a traditional derivative of milk comes loaded with good bacteria lactobacillus that improves blood circulation, removes skin's dead cells, and keeps you replenished with body glucose that keeps your skin glowing and fresh all day. Usage: The yogurt can be consumed as a part of your meals every day. It can also be added to your face pack to add an additional glow to your face. 10. Bitter gourd: The wonder green veggie which is loaded with good nutrition also has the capacity to add a superb glow and shine to your skin. This particular veggie comes with the bitter taste that is essential to your diet as it kills all the bacteria in the body and also removes scars, giving a great resistance towards skin allergies. Usage: This vegetable can be added to your diet in numerous ways. The most efficient way is to boil them in hot water and consume their juice. They can also be added to dal and curries with less amount of frying involved. Conclusion: After looking at these superfoods you may definitely rethink your idea of involving harsh chemical treatments for your skin that brings more side effects than cure. You can avail of these at the growers offers anytime. These foods when consumed on a regular basis help you get rid of all your problems in one shot and result in younger-looking and glowing skin. Read Also: Effects Of Sleep Deprivation On Your Skin & Good Sleeping Habits 7 Tips For People With Hypersensitive Skin Top 7 Superfoods For Healthy Skin And Hair

sleep better

How to sleep better when you have cancer

Did you know that a poor sleeping schedule could increase your risk of cancer? It may be responsible for raising the risk of heart conditions, diabetes, and other major illnesses, as well as impair your immunity system. Experts have realized the importance of sleep in addressing these risks. They suggest that people should focus on improving the quality of their sleep to improve their lives. There are a large number of people who are already suffering from these conditions who may have trouble sleeping as a result. Do you have cancer? This guide can help you sleep better at night. How does cancer interfere with sleep? Cancer and cancer treatment can induce sleep problems even in people without a previous history of troubled sleep. You may be faced with excessive fatigue throughout the day from both your condition and treatment, which will impact your ability to get a full night's rest. Both could increase your risk of developing a sleep condition significantly. Sleep better for your better health habits during times of cancer. Cancer may cause both physical and emotional distress, which will affect your sleep. These can be very disruptive to your sleep patterns. The medication and treatment plans on offer for people with this condition will also cause sleep problems. Chemotherapy and radiation treatment will often carry side effects such as pain, night sweatband nausea, which will make it difficult to sleep at night.  There are many secondary conditions that may cause other sleep complications that could arise from treatment. You may also face trouble sleeping from anemia and hypothyroidism. The most common sleep disorder among cancer patients is hypersomnia, which increases the urge to sleep throughout the day. Some symptoms of hypersomnia include having trouble staying awake, sleeping for more than 9 hours at a time and experiencing persistent sleepiness despite actually getting recommended amounts of sleep. It is linked with certain types of cancer, but may also be a result of treatment. About one-third of cancer patients experience the reverse condition, insomnia. Some of the symptoms of this include difficulty falling and staying asleep, feeling unrefreshed after a full period of sleep and regular early mornings. Most insomnia in cancer patients arises from chronic pain, but may also result from treatment. Cancer also increases the risk of disruptive sleep apnea and sleep-disordered breathing problems. It may be symptomized by poor concentration and memory levels, headaches, excessive sleepiness, chronic snoring, dry mouth, and sore throat, and decreased libido. How to sleep better when you have cancer Cancer can cause chronic pain, which will affect your sleep. You may also have a poor sleep schedule because of the treatment options which can take a toll on your body and mind. It is important that you maintain a healthy sleep routine to maximize your ability to get recommended amounts of rest every night. These are a few tips to help you sleep better when you are living with cancer. Restore balance to your sleep/wake rhythm You will be less likely to sleep if your circadian rhythm is compromised. Since it is affected by exposure to light, you can control your sleep/wake cycle by regulating your exposure to light. During the day, you should take in as much natural light as possible. At night, you should limit the amount of light to improve your ability to fall asleep. If you are facing increased fatigue from your treatment, you could consider healthy and energetic food options, as well as exercise, to build up your energy levels. This will help you stay up during the day and restore your natural rhythm for a better night. Maintain a sleep schedule You should limit your sleep to about the same length every night for consistency. Even on the weekends, you should only allow yourself at most one more hour in bed. This will help your brain build a positive association with your sleep environment, which will enable you to sleep and wake up within your schedule. You will be better able to get a good night's rest if you have an orderly schedule to help you out. Try out essential oils Essential oils are great for addressing chronic pain and managing other effects of cancer. You should incorporate these oils into your lifestyle because they can alleviate some of the effects of both your condition and treatment. Essential oils such as lavender can be applied topically as a form of aromatherapy to induce sleep. Other oils such as peppermint and tea tree oil offer anti-inflammatory effects. The pain reduction and effect on snoring will help you sleep without any disruptions. Limit blue light Blue light exposure can confuse your brain into tanking that it is still day time. It is emitted by phones, computers and other devices with a screen. It could affect your ability to fall asleep. You should make sure to have all these devices off at least 90minutes before bed to help you sleep better. Create a good sleeping environment Cancer patients need an uninterrupted night. However, this can be difficult because of the pain and other effects of treatment. You can improve your ability to get a full night’s rest by improving the level of comfort in your sleep environment. You could consider getting new mattresses, sheets and pillows to elevate your level of comfort. Visit bear mattress for a great selection of comfortable options. Aside from having comfortable sheets, warm pillows and a great mattress, you may also need to limit your exposure t light and noise to help you get to sleep. Some music could help you sleep better, but care must be taken to ensure it is not disruptive and accompanies your night. You could also consider natural and patterned sounds to help you fall asleep. Final word Sleep is restorative and beneficial for your health. It has been linked with an increased likelihood of successful cancer treatment; with people who sleep better likely to go into remission. Having as little as 6 hours or as much as 10 hours of sleep in a 24-hour period could negatively affect your ability to beat cancer. You need to develop and commit to a great sleeping schedule to increase you odds of survival. Sleep quality and hygiene could be just as integral to your survival as a good diet and treatment plan. Read Also: Can Breast Augmentation Cause Cancer? The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Non-Alcoholic Spirits

Good Night’s Sleep

3 Health Advantages of Good Night’s Sleep

Sleep is critical to us, and it has a vital impact on our quality of lives. It is much more than just resting at night and feeling full of energy the next day. Getting enough shut-eye at night has a significant impact on our existence, and if we are deprived of sleep, we often can’t function properly. The lack of sleep can have an adverse effect on our health and well-being.Good Night’s Sleep can make you feel comfortable and agile. The main mistake that many people make is that they often underestimate the importance of sleep. They simply choose to stay awake till late at night watching TV and surfing the web instead of focusing on getting enough shut-eye. Going to bed on time and getting a recommended number of hours of rest is more important than many people think. You shouldn’t sacrifice sleep to get other things done as your health can suffer sooner or later as a result. However, many people have troubles falling asleep in the evening. Many factors contribute to this, and the primary factor is stress. It can be quite difficult to relax and drift off to dreamland at night if you are dealing with a lot of stress. In these situations, it would be the best idea to try meditation or to do some fun activities that will relax you in the evening. Another factor that contributes to sleep deprivation is improper sleeping surface. Many people sleep on old and uncomfortable mattresses that lack support. If you want to get a night of quality rest, you should consider replacing your old mattress with a new one. Luckily, unbiased reviews sites such as can help you find the right mattress and pillows for your bedroom. Comfortable and supportive sleeping surfaces will increase your chances of getting a good night’s sleep that you deserve. Some of the leading health advantages that you can expect to get from sleeping enough on a regular basis include: Your Immune System Will Improve: We all know that the key to fighting infections and diseases is the properly functioning immune system. When we get enough sleep at night, protein molecules that strengthen our immune system are produced. As a result, we are able to fight diseases and infections better. On the other hand, when we lack rest, we are more prone to getting sick as our bodies are not able to fight back. If you want to enjoy the improved functioning of your immune system you should focus on getting enough shut-eye at night. Your Heart Will Become Healthier: Cardiovascular problems are very widespread, and they affect people of all ages, especially seniors. These issues need to be taken seriously as they can have severe consequences. The major contributing factor to these problems is high blood pressure. When you don’t get enough rest at night, the production of stress hormones is affected, and as a result, blood pressure tends to rise because your heart needs to work harder. On the other hand, when you are well-rested, blood pressure levels are kept under control, and your chances of having cardiovascular issues are decreased. You Will Be Able to Control Your Weight Better: If you struggle losing extra pounds, you should focus on sleeping enough at night. Sleep is vital to achieving the desired weight loss goals. Not only it can help us keep our weight under control but it can also help lose weight at a faster pace. When we don’t get enough sleep, we are more likely to consume unhealthy foods, eat more than we should, and less likely to exercise. Of course, you already know that these things contribute to weight gain. On the other hand, when you sleep enough, you are more likely to eat healthily and engage in physical activity, which will help keep your weight under control. Read Also: Why Is Sleeping Well So Important For Job Performance? Effects Of Sleep Deprivation On Your Skin & Good Sleeping Habits