3 Must Know Accounting Tips To Help You Finance Correctly

Published on: 02 November 2018 Last Updated on: 30 October 2024
Accounting Tips

There is no magic button that can help you manage your finances. It takes time to learn how to manage your finances in the right way in order to avoid being stressed about money. Many people have a problem with managing finances and this is the reason why many people are always stressed about money. It is not about the amount of money you earn, it is how you manage it that counts.

Most of the people who are not able to finance correctly will always end up stressed and probably always broke. In such a case, it is important to ensure that you have a money coach, someone that can guide you through the process so that you learn.

3 Must-Know Accounting Tips To Help You Finance Correctly

There are firms like Marsh Tincknell Accountants that in addition to giving you accounting advice, can also help you in planning your finances. Here are the top 3 tips by Marsh Tincknell Accountants to help you manage your finances.

1. Write down your goals:

This is the first and most important tip when you want to plan your finances. Write down all your long-term and short-term goals that require you to spend money. Once you have your list of major goals, number them according to their priority and how soon you need to achieve them. Arrange them in order from the one you wish to achieve soonest to the one you want to achieve at a later date. For example, saving for retirement may be at the bottom of your list. This way, as you work on your short-term goals like reducing your spending, you are also able to work on your long-term goals slowly.

2. Create a financial plan:

This is one of the other important things to do to help you finance correctly. Your financial plan should have the steps to follow in order to achieve your short-term and long-term goals. For example, your plan may include steps like controlling your budget then coming up with a savings plan in order to get out of debt. This way, you are able to monitor how fast you achieve these steps towards reaching your long-term and short-term goals. When you see that you are taking too much time to conquer one step, you can then come up with strategies to ensure that you move faster toward your goal.

3. Create a budget and stick to it:

Having a budget is one of the most important tools to help you spend your finances wisely. This is because a budget acts as a boundary or restriction on the amount of money you are supposed to spend at a particular period of time. A budget also helps you to keep track of your spending. This helps you to evaluate and see where you are spending most of your money carelessly and cut down on that.


Many people today have a problem with finances and how to manage them correctly. Three of the main problems that may lead to financial chaos is not having a list of the goals to be achieved, not having a financial plan and not having a budget. People who have these three things in place rarely experience stress due to the management of finances.

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What are the types of debt that can be discharged in bankruptcy?

When it comes to unmanageable debts, it is common to think for a bankruptcy to avoid further issues. The law gives us the opportunity to discharge our debts through bankruptcy in order to recover our financial status. In this article, we are going to talk about the types of debt that can be discharged in bankruptcy. Some of the debts cannot be discharged, but they can be restructured to allow you to pay them easily. Others can be completely eliminated, which will give you the opportunity to keep most of your belongings, rather than selling them to pay off. How does it work? There are two main types of bankruptcy that can be found in Chapter 7 and 13. “Chapter 7 allows you to clean a great variety of debts in a short period of time, while the later Chapter is used to keep your assets in touch.” says Bankruptcy Lawyer Boca Raton With some cases, you’ll have to sell some of your property to pay off creditors. However, if you don’t own much property, you might be qualified as a “no asset” case, which would save you a lot of headaches. Debts that can be forgiven by Chapter 7 include the following: Personal loans Medical Bills Credit card debt Utility bills Repossession deficiency balances Auto accident claims Lease debts Student loans Attorney fees Civil court judgments. With Chapter 13, you can reorganize and consolidate your payments to prevent having any penalties. This way, you can pay most of your debt in a period of three to five years. Upon completion of the repayment plan, you will be discharged by most of the debts that remain. This Chapter is suitable for individuals who wish to keep their assets and those whose income is too high to classify for Chapter 7. To apply for Chapter 13, you must have a solid source of income and enough money left to add them towards your new payment plan. Debts cleaned by Chapter 13: Unsecured Debts Medical Bills Personal Loans Credit card debt utility bills lawsuit judgments income tax obligations The chances are that you’re going to repay some of the amounts through the repayment plan, but the remaining will be discharged. 1. Secured Debts : This chapter allows you to remove debts such as a second mortgage through lien stripping. This way, it will be marked as a non-priority unsecured debt It is important to check all of your debts whether they can be split up. For example, you can split your car loan into two parts - secured & unsecured. Obviously, the secured portion must be paid, while the other one will disappear after the repayment plan is completed. Debts discharged ONLY by chapter 13 Debts accumulated through a property settlement agreement in a divorce Retirement account loans Fines & Penalties owed to the government Condominium Fees Debts from previous bankruptcy that were denied for discharge Debts from malicious damage to a property What Bankruptcy can’t discharge Of course, you can’t discharge all debts using these two Chapters. By using the first one, you will still have to repay the debts after discharge. While using the second, the debts will remain after the repayment plan is completed. Furthermore, if you’d like to keep your personal belongings such as a house or a car, you can’t omit payments Non-dischargeable debts: Debts accumulated due to a personal injury caused by driving under the influence. Student loans Fines and penalties for violating laws Child & Family support Income tax debts within the past three years. If your creditor is against your request to discharge the following debts, they might be classified as non-dischargeable. Debts from willingly causing an injury to a person or property Debts owed due to a divorce settlement Debts due to fraudulent activity Credit purchases for luxury goods within the last two months. Bankruptcy will surely not solve your financial problems, but it will ease your situation, allowing you to make timely payments and recover quickly. Read Also : Debunking 7 Notorious Bankruptcy Myths Major Financial Problems That Can Affect A New Business What Are The Benefits Associated With Crowdfunding For Businesses?

Startup Revenue

Want your Startup Revenue to Skyrocket? Here is what You Should Do 

As a small business, you’ll want to make it your priority to begin creating revenue immediately when starting up.   This can be difficult, but it will set your company in good stead for what the future brings. Ultimately, you cannot rely on funding.  Plus, whatever you have in your pocket to get to where you not only want to be but also need to be. If you’re a small start-up, continue reading to find out four ways you can improve your Startup Revenue.  Try to Have Immediate Cash Flow Whilst it is useful having funding to create and attempt to grow your start-up, this money can be over rather quickly. Especially when you work out what you intend to do with it.  That said, it is impossible to continue as a small business without attracting immediate cash flow into the company.  Pumping money into the business earlier on will provide you with a great immediate start-up. However, it is essential that you make sure this money is spent on the right things and not useless items. It is possible to invest, too, but your investments are not wholly reliable.  Therefore, experts recommend that you attempt to sell and provide your goods and services. This is from the get-go to have some form of cash flow arriving promptly. Have Business Insurance Another practice that will improve your revenue as a small business start-up is investing in business insurance. For some sectors, it is a legal requirement to have business insurance.   Even experts generally recommend that business owners invest in it anyway.  Your certificate of insurance It is a great form of protection for your business and employees.   This insurance could improve your startup revenue as it could take care of your business. It could also act as a safety net if something was to go wrong.  For example, if your premises were broken into two weeks into the operation, the insurance would provide financial compensation. Recruit within Your Means Recruiting and hiring staff as a small business can be a daunting task, especially if it’s the first time you’ve tried it.   It is important that you don’t attempt to run the entire business yourself. This is because you’ll soon realize that your products and services suffer as a result.  Hiring and retaining staff within your means is a reasonable way to improve startup revenue.  Use Social Media The growth of social media has been an excellent tool for all businesses. It has even been a lifeline for smaller businesses.  This is because these businesses essentially don’t have the funding to invest in digital marketing. Therefore, we need to rely on free forms of advertising. Social media being the greatest of all!  As a start-up, you’ll save money by marketing yourself, and you’ll also increase revenue by connecting with a large audience online. This way, you’ll gain rapport with customers and clients as well as make money.  Consider these tips to improve your startup revenue from the get-go.  How to Improve your Cash Flow as A Startup  Starting a business is all good, but if you don’t have cash flow — a steady flow of incoming cash — your business will go belly up.   No matter how great the business idea or product is.  Just Start Selling!  It will never be the perfect time to finally launch that product or service and begin selling!  You will have to just bite it and do it for once!  You won't be able to start generating revenues if you just keep thinking about how to bring the money!  The key to immediate cash flow is to start selling your products or services as soon as possible. You don’t have to wait until everything’s perfect before you begin making sales.   Whether it’s pre-orders, minimum viable products, or service contracts, find a way to get money coming in right away.   Not only will this help you generate revenue faster, but it will also validate your business concept with real paying customers.  Watch Your Expenses  Every dollar a startup spends should be spent in expectation of ROI. Spend to grow and spend as late as possible, never earlier.   Don’t spend money on anything that doesn’t have a direct impact on your growth – especially when you are just starting.  Keep a Close Eye on Your Financials  Review your cash flow statement regularly so you know who is paying you and where your money is going.   Then, use that information to help you make better decisions about your spending, pricing, and growth strategy.   Not keeping an eye on this will cause unexpected shortages of cash flow but, more importantly, can put you in a financial bind.  To Wrap it Up! To be a successful startup entrepreneur, you must constantly improve your cash flow.   This means selling as early as possible, possibly before you are ready, managing your expenses against sales, offering the right payment terms to customers, and paying close attention to accounts receivable.  Read Also: 7 Growth Hacking Ideas that will Boost your Startup Best Server Management Tips for Startups Useful Marketing Tips for Startups

Rumors About Trading

Rumors About Trading – True or False?

Trading has become a popular discipline for all those, who´d like to make money by buying and selling exchange values. Before digitization share trading was a rather inert process, but today you can trade whenever you feel like it with just a few clicks – even from your phone. But where there is a lot of money, there´s also a risk for loss or scam. It´s not surprising that there are so many rumors about the exchange, about specific types of assets or financial instruments. In this article, we´ll find out which rumors are true and which aren´t. “Binary Options Are Illegal” Among all assets and financial instruments binary options are possibly the most ill-famed for being the riskiest ones when it comes to potential loss or even fraud. It is true that due to many fraudulent activities within the liquid and popular market some governments have decided to prohibit binary options trading for private citizens. Other governments have decided to prohibit or strictly regulate the binary options exchange because they put it on a level with gambling. The rumor of binary options being illegal may not be completely false, but it´s definitely not true either: Traders can still make a lot of money by investing in binary options without having to be afraid of legal consequences. They should make sure, though, to trade on a regulated market and with a regulated online broker like Pocket Option. For more information visit https://www.binaryoptions.cim/broker/pocket-option/. “As a Trader, You Can Become Rich Over Night” Most rumors do have a true core to them – just like this one. It is possible to buy a stock, cryptocurrency, or another type of asset, which all of a sudden goes through the roof. It´s rather unlikely, though. It´s rare that people become rich within a day. But that doesn´t mean that the exchange market doesn´t yield rich traders. Investors, who stay on the ball and who follow a clear strategy, can reduce their risk of loss and spot good opportunities to enter a trade. In the middle- and long-term, that can lead to a growing number of successes and therefore of profits. Some traders don´t even plan on becoming rich. They try to generate a second source of income instead and then find themselves to be on the wealthier side. Consider Reading: Reasons Behind Crypto Investors Need to Diversify “Cryptocurrencies Are the Future” A few years back, many skeptics would have played down this statement. Today, most people, who´ve actually informed themselves about cryptocurrencies, know that it´s the truth. Cryptocurrencies are based on blockchain technology – an open-source decentralized databank solution. IT-expert is tirelessly working on finding new fields of applications for blockchains and crypto. The price development of Bitcoin has shown us how successful cryptocurrencies can be. Today, many traders, who´d used to focus on stocks or commodities, have crypto coins or tokens in their portfolios, too. They use them for internet payments or as an investment. Active traders should therefore at least think about buying some coins. Investing in a financial derivative like a cryptocurrency binary option is an alternative method to profit from the crypto success. “Traders Are Gamblers” It is true that active traders are usually pretty venturesome. And they can be – as long as they´re aware of the possible risk and have a lot of expertise as well as a good strategy, their lust for appetite isn´t a problem. Most active traders know pretty well what they´re doing – even if it might seem different for others sometimes: Traders are not daredevils, but usually very strategically thinking people. Most of them set themselves a budget for trading and reinvesting their winnings so as to spare their private funds. On another note: Trading is not gambling. While casino games are based on numeric RNGs, which cannot be manipulated, the exchange market depends on various factors that can be followed in the media. That makes it a lot easier to make predictions about price lines and to make a buying decision. Read Also: Why Entrepreneurs Should Pay Attention To Cryptocurrencies In 2021 The Profit Revolution: The Best Bitcoin Trading And Investing Platform Exciting Facts About Cryptocurrency And Crypto Wallets 5 New Assets To Diversify Your Investments In 2021