Atlanta Law Experts: Know about Back Injuries Compensation


11 May 2019


Back Injuries

Injuries at work affect workers in Atlanta and other parts of the United States. Back injuries are the most common and many companies and insurance have spent billions when it comes to claims and workers’ compensation. Know more about a back injury in this link here. If you are one of the workers who is suffering from some kind of back pain because of your job, here are the things that you should know.

Know about Back Injuries Compensation:

The workers who are at risk of suffering from back injury are the following:

  • Construction Workers
  • People who do deliveries
  • Workers who are working in logistics
  • Janitors and Maintenance Workers
  • Drivers
  • Nursing Aides

The list is not complete, and any employee can suffer a back injury regardless of the kind of work that they do. When you are involved in carrying, lifting, stocking, twisting, shoveling, sweeping, or driving, the more you are at risk of back injuries at work. For some people who cause repetitive stress on their backs, it is possible for them to claim back injury compensation from their insurers or company.

What You Can Do:

You might have developed a herniated disk on your back spine or a lumbar sprain because of the nature of your work. Know more about herniated disk in this site: There are several things that you can do if these are the case. You have to report it to your supervisor as soon as possible. You also need to schedule an appointment with an accredited doctor.

The Value of the Claim:

When it comes to claiming a settlement, the worth may vary depending on a number of factors. There are Atlanta and other state laws that determine the amount and the nature of the settlement. Here are some of them:

  • Where the injury originated
  • The graveness of the injury
  • Characteristics
  • Medical attention needed
  • The wage of the worker in a week

Why Claims Get Denied:

The typical claim can take up to 6 months before it is settled. Some of the settlements may even take longer than this. The reason for this is that back injuries are complicated and medical treatment should be completed before the insurance company and the worker can reach an impasse. It might even take years before workers can receive something. In some cases, they do not get anything at all.

Believe it or not, many insurance and corporations deny back injury compensation. The reason? It is expensive and it takes too much. In fact, almost 60% of all the workers’ claim is denied in the first petition. Most of the insurance companies look for reasons as to why a particular worker should not get any compensation at all. Note that this is not the reason to get discouraged. If the first petition gets denied, it might be because of the following reasons:

  • A Pre-existing condition related to the back injury
  • The employee did not report the back injury on time
  • The worker did not get the injury at work
  • The worker is not in grave danger and requires minimal medical treatment
  • There’s no injury that occurred in the first place

These are all valid reasons. The trouble is that when the injury actually happened at work and the back pain that the worker is feeling is due to the nature of his work. Many insurance companies will look for loopholes, give a lot of reasons as to why they can’t provide the compensation and will do anything to avoid paying for the claim. This is because it costs them a lot of time and money.

Hiring a Compensation Attorney:

The good news is that there are a lot of ways that many employees can do in order to claim their compensation. You can know more about these when you visit sites such as There are skilled attorneys that can review the information, file paperwork, prepare motion and briefs, and convince the judge at the trial that you deserve to get the compensation that you need.

The Bottom Line:

injury law

Back pain and injuries can happen to any employee. They can claim compensation from their employers or from their insurance company, but it takes time. Some of the claims get denied but it is not the end of the line. There are attorneys out there who can help them get the claim and take everything to trial. The compensation can still be used to pay medical bills and to feed the family, so it is very important for the workers to get what they deserve.

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Business Fails

How Business Owners Can Protect Themselves if Their Business Fails

15% of startups fail in the first year and only 50% succeed in the fifth year. Therefore, failure to take steps to protect yourself if your business goes bankrupt can have serious consequences.  These assets can be lost very quickly if you do not protect your hard-earned personal assets. Certain registry laws with simple steps can ensure you greater protection in the event of a claim or lawsuit.  If you have the right legal tools like a Business Attorney Atlanta GA in place before litigation begins, you will be in a much stronger position to weather the storm. This article will help you understand some important steps that you must take to protect yourself in case your business fails.  Protect Yourself When Business Fails Given below are some of the major steps that you must follow to protect yours;f when your business fails: 1. Speak And Act Mindfully The way a firm is seen is crucial. This is one of the reasons why business owners and their staff shouldn't make controversial claims or engage in dubious activities.  This involves making derogatory or disparaging statements, as well as avoiding doing business with dishonest individuals. Additionally, in critical situations, avoid speaking in the absence of a Business Attorney in Atlanta GA.  However, if they are discovered, the company's name could be linked to them. Therefore, you and your staff must work to reduce conflicts of interest and avert potential problems. In addition, such events may compromise your credibility as a businessperson and result in legal issues.  Even if you don't make choices that benefit your business, having a conflict of interest would still exist if you were a city council member and contributed to the passage of ordinances that benefited your company. 2. Hire A Business Attorney Consult a lawyer before beginning a business to get legal counsel. Before you do anything, you might require legal representation.  It is ideal to employ experienced business attorneys knowledgeable about the regional laws and customs of the area where the firm works and who, if required, has experience in a certain field.  Engaging a tax attorney if your company is dealing with legal issues with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) or tax authorities could be prudent. You may discover an excellent attorney through a variety of sites. In addition, getting suggestions for experts from other business owners might be useful.  Alternatively, you might get in touch with the professional association your company belongs to, including your neighborhood chamber of commerce or sector association. Then, naturally, you may try making spam calls (and interviews) using the information in your phone directory. 3. Go For Insurance All businesses must have civil liability insurance, covering things like changing jobs and consumer collapse.  The purchase of errors and omissions insurance for allegations or contracts or contractual errors from customers or consumers must be considered. Again, you can consult professionals for advice on this matter.  You can also add liability protection to your contract in addition to purchasing insurance. However, this agreement shall not be accountable for unfinished work.  A Business Attorney in Atlanta GA may not be necessary early on in your business if you speak with one now about the clauses and legal terminology that should go into your employment contract. How To Hire A Business Attorney To Protect Yourself? Hiring a good lawyer is essential to a successful business. A good corporate lawyer can provide critical support in almost every aspect of your business.  In most small companies, the sheriff sends a lawyer in front of the door. This was very late after receiving maintenance and complaints. The larger the law firm, the higher the overhead costs and the higher the hourly rate.  Larger firms have more influence in the local, regional, and (perhaps) national legal community. Partnering with a large and reputable law firm can have intangible benefits. They will gladly refer you to a funding source or use your name as a reference.  You need a lawyer to help you decide if a limited liability company is the best way to organize your business. In addition, your attorney needs to know how to register your business for federal and state tax identification numbers.  Note: Don't be afraid to ask direct questions about your lawyer's experience. Your corporate lawyer should be like a "doctor". Beware of lawyers representing multiple competitors. Additionals: Debunking 7 Notorious Bankruptcy MythsWhat Is Chapter 7 On Bankruptcy Laws: A Beginner’s GuideWhat Is The Difference Between Chapter 7 & Chapter 11 Bankruptcy


Navigating The Workers Comp Legal Process: Tips From A Lawyer

The workers' compensation system stands as a safeguard for employees who endure workplace injuries or illnesses, extending medical care and financial sustenance throughout their recovery. However, the intricacies of the workers' comp legal process can be formidable, making the guidance of an experienced workers' compensation attorney of utmost value. Grasping The Workers' Comp Legal Process It's paramount to establish a foundational understanding of the workers' compensation legal process. The basic steps you'll take when working with a workers comp lawyer include the following. Swiftly Report Your Injury: The primary step in the workers' comp process entails promptly notifying your employer of your workplace injury. Any delay in this crucial step can potentially hinder your ability to claim benefits. Seek Timely Medical Care: After reporting your injury, it's imperative to seek medical attention without delay. Your health should take precedence, and an immediate medical assessment is vital for documenting your condition and establishing a causal link between your injury and your job. Comprehensively Document Your Injury: Maintaining meticulous records of your injury, the medical treatment you receive, and all related expenses is invaluable for the claims process. Formal Written Notification to Your Employer: While verbal communication is significant, providing written notice of your injury to your employer further strengthens your claim and preserves an official record of your injury report. In cases where immediate and secure delivery of these documents is crucial, particularly in areas like Metairie, employing the services of a specialized court courier can be invaluable. This ensures that your legal documents are delivered promptly, maintaining the integrity of your workers' comp process. Investigation and Assessment: The workers' comp insurance carrier undertakes an investigation to evaluate the legitimacy of your claim. This may encompass a review of medical records, witness interviews, and an assessment of the circumstances surrounding your injury. Medical Examinations: The insurance company may request an independent medical examination (IME) performed by a doctor of their choosing. It is imperative that you comply with this request, and your attorney can provide guidance throughout this process. Negotiations: Following an evaluation of your claim, the insurance company may propose a settlement. Your attorney plays a crucial role in negotiating a settlement that is fair and just, encompassing your medical expenses, lost wages, and any permanent disability. Appeals: In cases where your claim is denied or if you disagree with the offered settlement, your attorney can assist you in filing an appeal. This entails presenting your case to an administrative law judge. How An Attorney Can Help Working with an attorney is crucial during this process, as they can provide assistance where necessary to get a better outcome and help you get a larger settlement. Thoroughly Document Everything: Maintain comprehensive records of your injury and the entire claims process. This encompasses medical records, bills, correspondence with your employer and the insurance company, and all expenses related to your injury. These records will prove indispensable in substantiating your claim. Sustain Open Communication: Maintaining transparent and regular communication with your attorney, employer, and medical providers is essential. This ensures that all involved parties are apprised of your progress and can promptly address any issues. Exercise Caution with Recorded Statements: The insurance company may request a recorded statement pertaining to your injury. Prior to providing one, consult with your attorney. Insurance adjusters may employ recorded statements against you if handled imprudently. Comprehend Your Rights: Being cognizant of your rights under workers' compensation laws is imperative. A workers' comp attorney can elucidate your rights and guide you through the process, ensuring you obtain all the benefits to which you are entitled. Consult Before Accepting a Settlement: Before acceding to any settlement offer from the insurance company, confer with your attorney. Insurance companies may extend settlements that fall short of what you merit. Your attorney can evaluate the offer and engage in negotiations on your behalf to secure an equitable settlement. Maintain Patience and Perseverance: The workers' compensation process can be protracted and intricate. The maintenance of patience and persistence is essential. Your attorney will work diligently to navigate the legal system, ensuring you receive the benefits you deserve. Uphold Professionalism in Communication: Sustain professionalism in all your communications with your employer, the insurance company, and healthcare providers. Eschew emotional outbursts or unprofessional conduct, as such behavior may be wielded against you during the claims process. Contemplate the Future: Reflect upon the long-term consequences of your injury, including prospective future medical expenses and the impact on your earning potential. Your attorney can facilitate planning for these future requirements and ensure you receive the requisite benefits. Traversing the workers' compensation legal process can be a formidable endeavor. It is highly advisable to consult with a seasoned workers' compensation attorney. Bear in mind that the process may be multifaceted, but with the right counsel, you can obtain the benefits required for a smoother recovery and a more secure future. Read Also: Staking Claim To Receive Suitable Compensation Injured At Work? Claim Your Compensation!


Know What To Do When You Get In An Accident

Accidents are inevitable. They just happen, no matter how cautious you are, the other drivers will not do the same. You need to keep in mind that even if you do not drive a vehicle, you can be a part of an accident. What you can do, however, is to know your rights in an accident. You need to know the dos and don’ts and what should be expected of you and the consequences of your actions. The best place to know all about your legal rights is through a legal firm Bellevue car accident attorney is one of the best in the market for such situations. Apart from a law firm, here are a few legal rights you should be aware of when you get into an accident. Know What To Do When You Get In An Accident: 1. Call The Police: Most authorities necessitate that you make a report of car accidents including injuries or property harm. In any occasion, you will probably need the accident to be reported to help later with the insurance-related procedure. If you were not to blame for the mishap, getting a police report can help validate your case and may likewise give valuable evidence down the line. 2. Make Sure Everyone is Ok: Check if any of the people involved in the accident are alright or need medical attention. Notice the accident scene to see if any hazards could bring on additional damage, for example, spilling gas or electric sparkles. Call for help promptly if there are any wounds. 3. Talk To The Other Driver: Get the other driver’s name, address, driver's license number and license plate number. Likewise, record a description of the vehicle and request to see their insurance card with the goal that you can use this information later. Try not to talk about the reason for the mishap or apologize as these statements can be utilized against you. 4. Take Pictures: Take photos of the area of the accident. Make sure that you take pictures of the following: -          The area of the accident and position of the vehicles -          The damage to your vehicle and the damage to the other vehicle involved in the accident -          Evidence of debris on the roadway -          Injuries if any and other things you think might be important. 5. Look For The Witnesses: Assess the scene and decide whether there are any observers. Request the observer's contact info and ask them to remain at the scene to state what happened. Check for any surveillance cameras close by that may have caught the accident, for example, a traffic camera or a camera from a close-by business. 6. Be Polite: Even though it can be easier said than done, be polite. You should not lose your temper and say things that can be used against you in court. You should never under any circumstances ever threaten the other party. 7. Legal Actions: Last but not least, you should always get a lawyer on your side to handle everything – from insurance to damage claims, from court case to talking to the witnesses and looking for pieces of evidence, they will take care of it all. Make sure that you do not lie to the legal authorities or everything in your favor will backfire and you might end up in jail instead of roaming around freely. Read Also: Personal Injury Attorneys Denver Tips and Tricks to Hire the Best Lawyer for Your Case