5 Of The Best Crime Documentaries On Netflix

Published on: 19 January 2022 Last Updated on: 05 February 2025
Crime Documentaries On Netflix

Documentaries focus on real-life events which particularly engrosses the viewer at the truthfulness and authenticity of the story and people involved.

As well as being entertained yet disturbed by the incidences, documentaries provide the viewers with facts and knowledge and are extremely educational. The dialogue and discussion most often involve a range of different people who are somewhat connected to the individual or story that the programme is focused on, and concerning crime documentaries, it involves those connected to the case, victims, and law enforcement.

After conducting some research, we found out that BBC One, Two, and ITV, in particular, have featured some extremely popular crime series throughout 2021. To access these series and any future documentaries that may be broadcast, ensure that you have a working TV aerial.

Click here for any aerial installation inquiries. Crime documentaries use to dominate on live national TV with the BBC portraying true-crime series regularly however, documentaries have made their way directly towards Netflix and alternatives and the streaming platform now features several crime documentaries based on events all across the globe. Stay tuned as we provide you with what we believe are some of the best crime documentaries on Netflix.

best crime documentaries

1. Crime Scene: The Vanishing at the Cecil Hotel

Released in 2021, this docuseries focuses on the vanishing of young Elisa Lam, a Chinese student who believes that she is staying in a cheap and cheerful hostel on her trip to downtown LA. Throughout the series, we get an insight into the past trauma that took place in the building when it was formally named The Cecil Hotel.

The hotel was home to killers, the homeless, and all-around generally unstable characters as all it seemed to attract were death and violence regularly. The audience then gets a closer look into Elisa’s disappearance and speculation occurs that this is a complete mystery case, meaning that conspiracy theories begin to arise. Give it a watch on Netflix to form your own opinion on her disappearance and the history of The Cecil Hotel.

2. Killer inside: The Mind of Aaron Hernandez

Following the wildly popular, New England Patriots NFL star, the docuseries focuses on Aaron Hernandez’s life and how a turn in events and mindset quickly lead to a dramatic change in behaviour. The documentary comes as a strange one to viewers as this convicted murderer does not fall under the typical image of a malicious serial killer.

His life looked pretty much faultless considering he had a wife, a young child, an excelling career, the perfect home, and a $40 million NFL contract. The series dives deeper into his psychological issues that come as a surprise to the viewer, leaving them shocked and concerned that this had all gone on behind closed doors.

3. Don’t F**k With Cats: Hunting an Internet Killer

One of the best crime documentaries on Netflix is also an unusual one. It begins with footage online of an unidentifiable suspect killing two small kittens. After this video goes viral, an online Facebook group then attempts to delve deeper into the character who committed this crime and come across several other factors that contribute towards a greater and more severe murder.

Through the assistance of this online community, law enforcement successfully tracks down a dangerous killer. The title of this documentary is seen as very misleading as viewers tend to anticipate a mockery after considering the title, however, check it out for yourself and you will soon realise that it is very much sinister and truly chilling acts of evilness.

4. Abducted in Plain Sight 

This documentary can be considered warped and weird by many, however, when watching, viewers appear to be extremely occupied and captivated by the strange and unnatural occurrence of events.

It is one of the best crime documentaries on Netflix as, unlike other kidnapping documentaries, the parents of the child being kidnapped, are aware of this and the kidnapper has their consent! With other events occurring throughout the series, the viewer realises that the family and their background are extremely eerie and unnatural leaving the viewers with so many questions.

5. American Murder: The Family Next Door

As one of the most viewed Netflix documentaries to date, the show was hard to grasp for the majority of viewers once they come to terms with the reality of a man murdering his pregnant wife and his two young kids.

The show portrays the dynamics of the family through social media posts, text messages, and camera footage which then leads to Chris Watts, the father, and husband of the suspects, confessing to killing his family. The eerie documentary is extremely chilling and disturbing for viewers to watch as the event is so raw and recent, taking place in 2018.

Now that we have given you an insight into 6 of the best crime documentaries on Netflix, we hope we have encouraged you to give some of them or all of them a watch. If none of the above appeal to you, which we are sure they will, head over to Netflix to discover the huge range of educational, eye-opening, and fearful documentaries and docuseries that they have to offer.

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Which Was A Real Star Wars Based Breakfast Cereal Sold In The 1980s

Which Was A Real “Star Wars” Based Breakfast Cereal Sold In The 1980s?

Do you know Which Was A Real Star Wars Based Breakfast Cereal Sold In The 1980s? I am sure you are looking for the answer everywhere, and that is why you are here. Well, at first, be assured that you will get your desired response to this question here. Now, let's begin. In the 1980s, a real breakfast, Star Wars Cereal, was sold in the market with packaging that is almost similar to boxes of any other sugary cereals. If you are from that era or have seen the box, you must have noticed the logo in front, haven’t you? But don’t you want to know which brand used to manufacture "star wars" based breakfast cereal in the 1980s? The answer, along with several other facts about the brand, is waiting in the section below. So take a quick look right now.  Which Was A Real Star Wars Based Breakfast Cereal Sold In The 1980s? "Star Wars" is an emotion in the kids of the 1970s. Indeed, it is one of the best creations in the history of American films and on a global scale. So aren't you interested to know which Star Wars-based cereal dominated the market in the 1980s?  Well, the answer is C-3PO!  Wait, are you confused about what it is and from where it suddenly came? Relax, here is all you are looking for! Have you come across the brand Kellogg's? Of course, you have; who doesn’t know the producer of yummy,  crunchy Chocos? In 1984, Kellog's introduced a product named C-3PO, which was considered to be a fresh force at breakfast. Kellog’s used to manufacture single-serving packaged boxes of C-3PO cereal as a segment of multi-pack grains. However, the box of this real breakfast cereal was super exciting as it used to come with Star Wars Trading cards and Stickers along with Rebel Rocket. In addition, it had Star Wars masks of plastic as well as a cool offer with real Star War Figures.  By any chance, are you wondering if you can get to see one now? Unfortunately, at present, these boxes have reached the path of extinction. Even if you search for them across the corners of the world, there are no chances that you would find a single one.  Hey, did you get disheartened? Alright, we have found another way through our research that would help you bring the antique box of C3PO to your possession. You can buy crates of 30-year-old C-3POs from eBay sellers at $75/quantity. Some Fast Facts Regarding Kellog’s C-3PO You Cannot Miss You are not satisfied merely knowing the product name - right? It's pretty natural now to have more queries or questions about the particular breakfast cereal. So let yourself dive into some more exciting facts about which was a real star wars based on breakfast cereal sold in the 1980s? There are so many informative details about this Star Wars-influenced breakfast cereal that you have not heard before. But I am sure you will love to listen to these now!  Thus I will be taking you now through some more exciting particulars about C-3PO in the following segment. When Kellogg’s showed C-3PO is one of the market-leading commercials, fans were fascinated to see such an advertisement like this.  It is because Anthony Daniels, the lead actor of Star Wars, reiterated his role as the iconic golden protocol Droid in advertisements. Another reason for this delight was his movie character image that appeared on the body of the jet-propelled cereal box. So naturally, this made the then fans too thrilled. After its arrival in the market in 1984, it got the tag “A New Force At Breakfast.” In addition, the shape of the cereals inside the box was like two look-alike rings intertwined with each other. As a result, it created a shape of 8.    Which Was A Real Star Wars Based Breakfast Cereal Sold In The 1980s? it will no longer be a big question for you after this article you read. You may wonder why the name is C-P3O when it looks like 8; there is nothing like "3" or "O.” Believe me, it's just the brand's product decision regarding physical attributes; nothing else.  Later, its name changed to Pro-Grain after the brand’s tie with Star Wars loosened due to internal troubles. Hence, they started marketing it in partnership with sports commercials.  Only a few know about a green edition of the C-P3O. It had printed pictures from Return Of The Jedi at the back. Cut-out masks of Star Wars figures like Luke Skywalker were included in the cereal packages. To the kids and teenagers of that time, it was truly an added slice of joy. Unexpectedly, during this 21st century, the Internet's fixation with cereals has gone on the wrong track. Consequently, C3PO has gradually obsoleted. The breakfast cereal C-3PO served was really delicious. The 3 key gold ingredients were - Oats, wheat, and corn. Nevertheless, here is not the end! You will also find 10 micronutrients in it crucial for physical and mental well-being. Actually, what was more important than the cereal inside was the Box. The box was everything to the kids of that time! As an add-on, the box had all kinds of actions, sensations, and joy of the 20th century's popular hype - Star Wars. Are you satisfied with the answer to which was a real star wars based breakfast cereal sold in the 1980s? Or still, have questions?  - Shower them in the comment area, and we would respond to them quickly. Which Was A Real Star Wars Based Breakfast Cereal Sold In The 1980s? It can make things easier for you.  Summing It Up I hope you have your answer to the query - which was a real star wars based on breakfast cereal sold in the 1980s? No wonder that famous brands like this have some specific trivia or fast facts. However, most of the time, they remain unexplored. Undoubtedly, these facts are not only entertaining but also capable of optimizing your general knowledge.  So if you feel that you have benefited from this post, make sure to hit the Like button and spread the word amongst others. Do you want to add any of your valuable opinions to this? Put them in the comment section; we are listening! Read Also: https://contentrally.com/glamming-home-curtains/


What Is Reaperscans? Is It Illegal? How To Find Comics On It?

If you are someone who likes to read manga, then you must have heard about the site Reaperscans. If you were worried that the site was legit or a scam and wanted to search for other important information regarding the same, you have come to the right place. While there are a number of websites that let you read manga for free, not a lot of them, provide you with the feature of downloading these comics. That is why you need to try visiting Reaperscans.com and get to your favorite sites. Keep reading till the end to learn more… Is Reaperscans A Legit Site? With a total of 19.2 million visits, Reaperscans is one of the most popular sites for people who love to read manga. This site lets you read manga for free. It is a legit site that offers some of the most exclusive and highest-rated manga in good quality. It is a website that is very easy to navigate and can be used on almost all platforms— Android and Windows. Available in various languages, Reaperscans has a huge collection of manga or comics across a massive library of genres. From horror to rom-com, you will find all forms of genres available on this site. On the WOT Scale, the trustworthiness of Reaperscans is 80 out of 100. This further proves that this site is not a scam. Statistics Of Reaperscans!  According to Similarweb, Reaperscans has a total visit of 9M while the bounce Rate is 47.81%. On the global scale, Reaperscans.com ranks 7859 by traffic. The core audience of this website is mostly based in the USA!   This was the last month data where after USA, Philippines was the country where people were visiting this site. Indonesia, France and India are other rankers in this list who are visiting Reaperscans regularly thus, contributing to its traffic.   The demographic of the site is 72.23% male while the female visits 27.77%. Basically, men visit the site more as compared to women. The largest group of visitors on this site age from 18 to 24 years old!  Features: Why Should You Try Reaperscans? You might be wondering why you should use the Reaper Scans manga site. Well, that is because of its massive library of manga, manhwas, and other comics. Here are some of the features that make this site different and popular among its users: 1. Great Home Page The home page of the website is great, and there is a reason why I am saying so. As soon as you head over to their homepage, you will be able to see that the page is divided into several categories of mangas that you can choose from. Some of the most famous category tabs that are present at the top of the page are: Latest Novels Comics You may also search for a series on the search bar of the page. Other than this, you also get to choose from the sections called: Today’s pick Latest Comics Latest Novels 2. Easy Sharing While a lot of people do not provide the ease of sharing the content, you can do so with the help of Reaperscans. With the help of the Reaper Scans Discord Server, which you can find at the bottom of the page, you will be able to trade manga. Not only does it help users to get in touch with newer comics, but it also helps them to get to know other readers from the community. 3. Available In Many Languages One of the best things about Reaperscans is the fact that you get to read high quality manga with great picture quality in many languages. This means that you can read them in major languages like English, French, Italian, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Vietnamese, and more. Reaperscans Reviews In case you were in search of some of the trusted reviews of Reaperscans, I have you covered. Even though it is a comparatively new website that was created in the year 2019, it has a massive following and a huge number of monthly page visits. One review in TrustPilot stated that Reaperscans is the “Best scanlation website.” it also mentioned it is “Absolutely the best website for reading manhwa, they are really proficient at scanlation and their team always works hard to keep us updated on a weekly basis.” Reaperscans Alternatives There are a number of sites that provide similar services as that of Reaperscans. If you have used this site and have not found the items or things that you were looking for, you might want to try out these alternatives. Here are the best alternatives or competitors of Reaperscans: Manganato.com Nitroscans.com Crunchyroll Mangadex.org Kissmanga Luminousscans.com Aquamanga.com When Does Servers Show Reaperscans Down? When you are unable to access Reaperscans, there must be some information displayed. With the implementation of HTTP status code, the server is updated when you are unable to access the website. The range of the HTTP code can extend anywhere within the 4xx or 5xx range!  Yes, I cannot explain why the site is down, but we can confirm the website status through the analysis of the status. This confirms that the site is down. Yes, I cannot explain why the site is down, but we can confirm the website status through the analysis of the status.  What To Do When Reaperscans.com Is Down? Of course, we are not directly affiliated with Reaperscans.com but there is a certain understanding of the site and its active status. Your web browsers, Firefox, Safari, and Chrome will show that the site is down or is it active!  There is a serve check that is performed from an edge node that is closest to you. The network is present across different countries and cities all over the world! In almost over 100 countries along with 285 cities, the network can be accessed.   The server status code is checked to evaluate the status of reaperscans.com! Once you know about the server's status, you can contact them to learn about the information. The site hosts several comic books and stories related to Manga!  If it is facing problems for a long time, then you must check the   How Will You Learn That The Site Is Active?  The HTTP status code will range from 2xx to 3xx thus, it will mean that Reaperscans.com is active again. Most of the sites will be responding with a 200HTTP code accordingly the site will function properly.  It is a successful status code as you can check the site however, there might be a concern with the body or the content of receiving error! If that is the case, then it is not working properly. It is not quite easy especially when it comes to you using the site when it shows also negative.  Wrapping It Up! Reaperscans is one of the most popular manga or manhwa reading websites that is available at present. It is a legit site that helps you to get to your favorite comics. It is known for its massive popularity when it comes to the genres and usability of the site. In case you were in search of some information regarding Reaperscans manga reading site, I hope that this article has been of help to you. If there is any doubt related to it, please feel free to write them down in the comment box below. Read Also: Animix Play Review – All You Need To Know Roobet Review: Is It Legit Or Not? Fake Or Real? Ogzilla App And Gaming Website Review: Is It Legit Or Scam?

index of game of thrones

Index Of Game Of Thrones – What You Need To Kno

Have you heard about the American Fantasy drama web series Game of Thrones? Wait, what a stupid question! There can be hardly anyone who doesn’t know about this popular series that tells the story of a medieval country’s civil war.  This series is set in the fictional regions of Westeros and Essos in a world where seasons extend on for years.  The game of thrones Putlocker is also a popular one that is trending online at present. Besides, if you are searching for the index of game of thrones, then we will tell you in detail about this query. Game Of Thrones - What You Need To Know? Game of Thrones is a streaming entertainment media that was discovered by D.B Weiss and David Benioff. This web series has a broad international fan base, and many have praised the acting and the story.  On the other hand, this series is roughly based on the storylines of the A Song of Ice and Fire book. When this series was started, it had a very small fan base, but with the passage of time and the index of Game of Thrones, it gained huge popularity.  This series was appreciated by historians as well as television critics for what was seen as a sort of medieval realism. This fantasy explored the relationship between good and evil. Unlike other web series, this fantasy allows audiences to view various characters from their perspective, and this is the best thing about Game of Thrones.  Index Of Game Of Thrones - All Seasons There is a total of 8 seasons of Game of Thrones, i.e., Game of Thrones Season 1, Game of Thrones Season 2, Game of Thrones Season 3, Game of Thrones Season 4, Game of Thrones Season 5, Game of Thrones Season 6, Game of Thrones Season 7, and Game of Thrones Season 8. So let’s know about the same in detail.  Game of Thrones Total Seasons Game of Thrones Season Titles Game of Thrones Season 8 Winter has come to Westeros Game of Thrones Season 7 You’re a Dragon. Be a Dragon Game of Thrones Season 6 Hold The Door Game of Thrones Season 5 I’m Not Going To Stop The Wheel. I’m Going To Break The Wheel Game of Thrones Season 4 What Good is Power If You Cannot Protect the One's You Love? Game of Thrones Season 3 If You Think This Has a Happy Ending, You Haven’t Been Paying Attention. Game of Thrones Season 2 Where is the God of Tits and Wine? Game of Thrones Season 1 Winter is Coming   Now, if you are willing to watch the popular episode of Game of Thrones, you can consider Hotstar and watch it online for free. Besides, the IMBD ratings of these seasons also vary due to the popularity and story behind each episode.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HJN1-nJOSxw Top Alternatives Of Game Of Thrones  There are also some other platforms where you can watch this popular series ‘Game of Thrones,’ and these are mentioned below.  Hotstar 0123Putlocker 13377x Moviesda Amazon Prime Netflix Popcornflix Watch Series Vumoo IMBD The Final Verdict  After the index of game of thrones, you can watch the episodes anywhere you like but just remember that there are both legal and torrent (illegal) sites present. Hence, you must always opt for legal sites because these are approved by the central authorities of your country.  Read More: Top 5 Facts To Know About Geiger What Are Some Alternatives To Netflix? Things You Need To Know About WoW Classic