6 Birthday Party Ideas – How to make it Pop!

Published on: 12 September 2018 Last Updated on: 26 March 2020
birthday party ideas

Some of my best memories from my childhood are the ones from my birthday parties. Birthday party ideas have a unique charm to attract youngsters, as well as grownups, and something that always brings a smile to everyone’s face.

Coming up with birthday party ideas is one hell of a job though! They’re not easy to plan, and you have to be creative enough to keep the kids engaging and enjoying. Here are a few ideas that are still a success at any party, especially if you have kids coming over!

6 Birthday Party Ideas – How to make it Pop!

1. Decorating Your Own Cup Cake:

This has always been a fun, a bit messy, but a very engaging contest. The kids love it as they are able to choose the colors and flavors of icing and their favorite candy to decorate their cupcakes. There are edible flowers, birds, trees, and tiny animals as well that can be added! I would recommend this activity to be done after eating something healthy.

2. Having a Piñata:

Piñatas have been a part of almost all birthdays back in our days, but I’ve not found them much common in parties these days. Piñatas can be of any shape and size of your choice. You can ask the kids to fill it up, or you can buy them from any nearby store, and then take turns to burst it. The breaking of piñata leads to a shower of candies, more than enough for everyone! Also, this should be done at the end, and have enough candy bags for everyone, so the kids can collect their candy and store in the candy bag and take it home with them.

3. Scavenger Hunt:

Another activity that brings back so many memories! Scavenger hunts are easy to create, and they can be tailored to any theme and any age! They add the element of competition and excitement.

4. Decorating with Neon Letters:

Neon letters or glow in the dark party ideas is something that isn’t very old. It is one of the newer versions of parties. These Neon themed parties are something that the teens have been raving about and I’ll be honest, it does look pretty awesome! You can cut alphabets or designs from neon-colored paper and paste it on a black back-drop to give a unique look to the event! You can also use neon lights and neon drinks to add to the theme. You can try Neon Signs Depot for the best neon decor items.

5. Sleep Overs:

This is one of the cheap but fun ways of having fun! Depending on the crowd, you can rent a movie of the majority’s choice, make popcorn, have cookies and milk, paint toenails, play board games, tell scary stories and what not!

6. Trick Candles:

This one always gets everyone! Place a few trick candles on the cake along with a few real ones. The birthday boy/girl will have a tough time blowing them out, and the rest of the crowd will have a good laugh!

Don’t get stressed about the planning birthday party ideas! These are only six ideas that have always made me very happy and that have helped engage the crowd the most. There are a ton of other ideas like musical chairs, and themed parties to make your party a memorable one. You can always brainstorm and make changes as you wish! Feel free to add that whatever you want, as long as you can manage it. If something does not go as planned, don’t freak out, roll with the punches. You should always remember that apart from planning the event, you should also enjoy the game equally! Your efforts will pay off, and people will have fun, and so should you!

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Clothing for Kids

Style Your Child: How to Find Comfy and Cute Clothing for Kids

Dressing your child right can contribute to their comfort, self-confidence, and even their success in school. So, the question is, how well are you dressing your kids to meet their needs? Each kid is different and so their various personalities, needs, and your family's personal priorities will vary. However, there are a few basic ways to choose the right designer clothes for newborns that will arm them to feel and look their best. Choosing the Right Clothing for Kids: Many parents tend to feel that overindulging their kids and dressing them in the latest "trends" is the best way to go. According to research, the opposite may be true. When it comes to picking what your kids wear, three main factors are key: 1. Budget: Let's be honest, even the most adorable Easter outfit is going to fit your little stud or doll for only one season. Kids grow way too fast to consider spending huge amounts of money on designer kid's clothing reasonable. You can maintain a wise clothing budget that accounts for the small amount of time your child will wear those clothes, and still find cute clothes for girls and boys to help them look stylish. One thing that may help is to establish a clothing budget before hitting the racks. How often do your kid's need a wardrobe update? If you have an active child that wears through things often, a slightly higher budget may be appropriate. Regardless of what budget you decide on, having it pre-determined will help you choose cute clothes for your kids, without breaking the bank. 2. Durability: While a proper budget is vital to styling your kids well, the old adage, "buy nice or buy twice," is still important. You can maintain that budget without resorting to getting "cheap" clothes that will just fall apart as soon as they hit the playground. If you're a fan of designer clothing's durability but it doesn't suit your budget, try shopping at an outlet or hitting the season end sales. You can find great quality clothing—designer status—that doesn't cost much. At the end of the day, you don't want your kids coming home with holes in their knees and toes poking through shoes. 3. Comfort and Personality: If your kid's clothing suits their personality, they are going to be comfortable in it. Clothing material and fit are important to comfort (of course), but what style of clothing you choose also adds to how comfortable your little one feels in their own shoes—literally. Don't choose ultra-tight skinny jeans for your daughter if she loves to run and jump on the playground. If your son likes basketball but has a fear of dinosaurs, opt for the "nothing but net," shirt instead of the T-rex. You get the idea. Just like adults, kids are freer to be themselves and enjoy life if they feel good in what they're wearing. Get Your Kid's Style Organized: Now that you're geared up and ready to choose the best clothing for kids that will help them thrive and enjoying being alive in, how about getting their closets ready too? Check out these 10 helpful kid closet organization tips before you hit the mall and start shopping. Happy styling! Read Also: Unique Christmas Gifting Ideas- Gifts For Everyone Are You Thinking About Buying Quad Bike For Your Kid?

Fall Asleep Faster

7 Secrets To Make Your Baby Fall Asleep Faster

No two babies are born with the same sleeping habits. While most parents have their work cut out for them when it comes to getting their baby to fall asleep, there are a few tips and tricks that are proven to be effective in helping baby to fall asleep faster. The following seven strategies will help your newborn fall asleep quickly: 1. Start Swaddling: One of the age-old techniques for getting a baby to fall asleep quickly is using a swaddle. Swaddling essentially wraps the newborn in a tight blanket that is wrapped in a specific way around their body. This method is a response to a baby's natural inclination to give into their startle reflex. This startle reflex causes babies to jerk awake when they are startled by a loud noise, motion, or something they see. With swaddling, parents are able to comfort their newborn and prevent them from waking themselves up. The swaddling allows the baby to feel comfortable and protected, reminding them of the comfort they experienced in the womb. Babies generally benefit from swaddling up until the age of five months, when they will likely outgrow the startle reflex. 2. Practice Dream feeding: Dream Feeding is the name for the last meal given to a child right before moms and dads go to bed. This dream feeding is designed to keep babies from waking up right after their parents have finally fallen asleep. While parents typically go on to alter their child's feeding schedule to eliminate this pre-bedtime meal, this dream feeding should be quite effective up until the baby is around four-months-old. 3. Limit Baby's Naptime: Nap Times is an essential part of a newborn's life. Newborns spend a majority of their days and nights sleeping, so it's important for them to get all their rest in when they do fall asleep. However, parents that are hoping to get their children to fall asleep at night need to pay careful attention to their child's nap tendencies. By shortening the duration of their baby's midday naps, parents have a better guarantee that their child will be able to fall asleep when the time is right. Napping babies should sleep up to 2 or 2.5 hours before their parents wake them up. After the 2.5 hour mark, parents should wake the baby, feed them, and then put them down to sleep for a bit longer if needed. 4. Play White Noise: Many adults use white noise to fall asleep, so why shouldn't babies? Since babies tend to wake up at the drop of a hat, the white noise helps to drown out any disturbing sounds that would otherwise keep baby awake. Whether you purchase a white noise machine or turn a fan on in the nursery, these calming sounds are another excellent way to keep baby asleep. When trying to get baby to fall asleep, it's important to make sure their nursery is conducive to the relaxing environment needed to keep them from waking up mid-sleep. In addition to playing calming white noise, it's also necessary to keep the room dark and the proper temperature (experts recommend between 68–72°F), so that the baby will sleep soundly. 5. Follow a Proper Sleep Cycle: For many parents that are new to babyhood, getting a child to sleep can seem like a free-for-all. Parents nap when they can and celebrate whenever their baby does fall asleep. However, this type of freeform sleeping schedule can only last so long. Parents hoping to make sense of their baby's sleeping habits should stick to a proper sleep schedule. A proper sleep cycle for a baby includes waking, sleeping, eating, and then sleeping again. This typical cycle encourages parents to give the baby full feeding as the baby eats after waking up. With this cycle, the baby has the most energy after waking up, which leads them to take another full feeding which allows baby to go longer without another feeding in between this cycle. Additionally, feeding baby after they wake up from sleeping instead of before sleeping prevents them from associating eating with falling asleep or seeing food as their sleep prop. With this cycle, a feeding before they go to bed is typically the only feeding before they fall asleep. 6. Use Bedtime Routines: Part of shaping a baby's sleeping habits and encouraging them to fall asleep quickly involves creating a routine around sleeping. Babies love structure, predictability, and consistency. By creating routines for baby, parents will be able to give their newborn the order they long for. Parents will likely have to explore to find the right pre-nap routine. A successful routine may include closing the curtains and blinds, placing baby in their wearable blanket or sleep sack, turning on white noise, singing a song, providing them with cuddles, saying "I love", and leaving the room. After this routine is performed on a regular basis, babies will start to associate getting sleepy and falling asleep with their routine, allowing them to fall asleep faster. 7. Change Baby's Diaper Strategically: While new parents are just getting the hang of when to change their child's diaper, finding a way to change them strategically will help the baby fall asleep faster. For example, changing a diaper before a midnight feeding will help to prevent the baby from waking up once their feeding is finished. Once the baby wakes up, parents should change their diaper and swaddle them again immediately after the night feeding. This method is preferable to a diaper change after a night feeding, as a baby might be awakened more by a post-feeding diaper change. Babies are naturally inclined to wake up at night. While parents can't avoid this midnight phenomenon for the first few weeks or months after their baby is born, over time, parents can establish a working routine that will help their baby stick to a consistent sleep schedule. keep these seven tips in mind as you work to help your child fall asleep faster. Read Also: 8 Newborn Baby Care Tips For First-Time Parents 3 Health Advantages Of Good Night’s Sleep

Outdoor Activities

7 Fun and Simple Outdoor Activities for Your Child Under Ten

Children, particularly under ten years of age, require more attention from their parents. Your child may like to watch TV or play indoor games all day but you have to make it to the outdoors. This is because doing regular outdoor activities keeps your child fit and healthy. Also, it enhances your child’s creativity and thinking ability. It is crucial for optimal physical and cognitive development. Here are seven simple yet fun-filled outdoor activities which your child can perform regularly to play healthily: 1. Draw with Colorful Chalks: Kids find colorful chalks very attractive and like to draw with them whenever they get the chance. So, you can take them outside the home to some muddy area where they could draw with different chalks. It’s a simple yet fun-filled activity which can also make your child more creative. Adding to it, they can learn various new things while drawing freely with chalks. In case you don’t find any nearby muddy area, you can use a mini blackboard for the same purpose. Moreover, doing any activity outdoor increases levels of creativity of your child. Therefore, you must take your child to a nearby park or garden for this purpose. 2. Play With Hula Hoop: Playing with hula hoops in the outdoors is an absolute fun especially for your child who is under ten years of age. On top of that, it’s a playful way to keep your child physically active and hence healthier. You can take your child to a garden or a nearby playground for playing hula hoops. 3. Get an Electric Scooter: Riding an electric scooter is the simplest way to have outdoor fun. It also keeps your child physically active and energetic. Electric scooters are not simply for the young ones but also for the adults. Therefore, you can opt for electric scooter racing with your child to make as much outdoor fun as possible with it. Click here to check out the best electric scooters for your child. 4. Head towards the Beach: Heading towards a beach with your child is a simple idea to have fun. Beach offers so much mud with which your child can play in various ways. For instance, your child can make sand castles or draw anything with fingers on the muddy area. You can also help him build sand castles on the beach. 5. Capture the Nature: Children under ten years of age are always excited to learn new things and explore nature. Just take your child outside, hold him a camera and ask him to take pictures of whatever he sees around. It could be greenery, snow, bridges, transport, roads, people or anything. 6. Gun Painting: Most kids like painting and playing with colors. They would enjoy doing it with a color splashing gun. You can take your child to a certain garden or playland for gun painting. It’s an enjoyable way of keeping your child happy and active. 7. Catch and Throw Water Balloons: Balloons are probably the favorite playable thing for kids. They actually find balloons really attractive and fun-filled objects. Hence, throwing water balloons on one another in an open ground or green area is a hell of a fun for kids. In addition, using colorful water to fill the balloons will make this activity more cheerful. Read Also: Ways To Improve Children’s Parties 7 Important Tips For Planning An Outdoor Event