How To Care For The Elderly: Tips For The Caregivers


07 December 2018

Health & Fitness


Ultimately, caring for the elderly can be very challenging. It can even be emotionally and physically exhausting. After all, the responsibilities of taking good care of a senior citizen may include help for anything like eating, dressing, and reminding them to take their medicine. With all these tasks, everything boils down to one thing – patience, patience, patience. If you’re new in caregiving and you’re planning to work in San Antonio nursing home, here are a few tips to consider when caring for the elderly.

Bathing and Personal Hygiene:

A large part of caregiving for the elderly usually includes assistance with daily activities such as bathing and getting dressed properly. With that said, you should be prepared to how much helping someone can be incredibly daunting. Below are some ways to help the elderly with grooming and dressing:

  1. Set a bathing schedule that suits their needs. While people would like to have a daily shower, a senior citizen may only need a daily sponge bath or even a full bath twice to thrice a week.
  2. Make sure you create a peaceful environment for bathing. You can use the music to keep them calm. Waterfalls sounds, birds, or classical music may help to soothe them.
  3. Be sure you prepare their bathwater before you bring them into the bathroom. This will help minimize the agitation of the senior citizen.
  4. Remove their clothes right away to prevent toileting accidents from happening.
  5. Be ready with the towel and clothing when they come out of the shower or tub. After the bath, put on the towel immediately to keep them warm and protect their modesty.
  6. Use assistive devices to make bathing and grooming safer. Look for shower chair or hair washing tray to help you carry out your caregiving tasks.
  7. Ensure there are no safety issues in the bathroom. Keep the throw rugs away so they’ll not create a risk of falling. Also, check the water temperature before the elderly gets into the tub and make sure the grab bars are installed properly.
  8. Prepare clothes in order and so dressing will no longer be difficult. If possible, try to encourage the elderly you’re caring to dress themselves
  9. If you think brushing their teeth is quite tricky, use mouthwash as an excellent oral alternative.

Safety Hazards:

Safety is one of the primary concerns when caring for the elderly. For instance, falls are the most dangerous accidents that may happen. Keep these things in mind to ensure the safety of older adults:

  1. Check whether the room has adequate lighting. Installing some nightlights can be a perfect idea.
  2. Be mindful of the clutter that surrounds the area. Make sure you don’t let clutter pile up on the floor and in other familiar places.
  3. Check all the electrical cords. Be sure they’re tacked to the baseboards and out of the elderly’s way.
  4. Reduce the number of furniture that may interfere with the smooth movements of the elderly. Remove extra pieces if possible to protect them from accidents.
  5. Be sure you have properly installed handrails and grab bars along the stairways and in the bathroom.

Physical Health:

Doing physical activities and exercise can be useful for an elderly individual. Thus, find ways to help them stay active as long as their condition permits them. However, be sure to ask the doctor first before doing any activity. Here’s how you can encourage an older adult to have an active lifestyle:

  1. As a caregiver, you can take a walk together on a daily basis.
  2. If walking is almost impossible, you can take them on a stationary bike or shop airline approved mobility scooters.
  3. If their condition allows them to do so, let the elderly do some stuff like sweeping, gardening, and dusting.


Being a caregiver means you have to communicate with an elderly individual from time to time. Moreover, when talking to them, make sure you do it directly, simply, and positively. Below are some communication tips that you may think about when dealing with older people:

  1. Use eye contact and mention their name when you’re trying to speak to them.
  2. Use simple questions when asking. Questions like, “Are you hungry?” or “Are you tired?”
  3. If you want to make a conversation, don’t hesitate to hold their hand.

The Bottom Line:

Taking care of the elderly is no easy task and without patience, time, and little hard work, you may find caregiving a completely daunting process. Hopefully, you see this article helpful as you take on this caregiving role.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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How Does Recreational Marijuana Affect Your Sex Life

It has been established that marijuana has an overall positive effect on human body and more and more people are starting to experience it and discover how cannabis can be used in many different forms to help treat certain conditions or it can be consumed recreationally for relaxation and fun. More and more countries are starting to open their eyes towards the idea of making the green plant legal and accessible. California legalized it in 2016 for both medical and recreational use, opening many new dispensaries like People’s OC. Now it is much easier for people from all walks of life to enjoy this wonderful plant, share experiences, and further test marijuana thus filling some gaps in practice which science tries to explain in theory. The topic for today will be the effect of marijuana on your sex life. We are sharing our thoughts and experiences on how cannabis you get from legal marijuana shops in California and other states where recreational marijuana is legal can make sexual experiences different and better. All in your head? You can say that this literally is true because marijuana directly affects receptors in the brain with its active component THC which stimulates the release of hormones of happiness and peacefulness (dopamine and anandamide). If you combine the high THC-rich recreational marijuana achieves with a regular sexual arousal, the results both of these conditions provide only complement each other and enhance the intercourse in terms of quality, duration and amount of pleasure. It is worth noting that not all people have the same experience when consuming cannabis, some feel like they grasp the whole cosmos with their mind, others claim that they feel nothing or just sleepy, and a similar comparison can be made for sexual experience and orgasms. Science can’t draw a definitive line and pinpoint precisely what type of experience a person is going to have, but it sure can answer many hows and whys of marijuana’s effect on human body. Benefits of mixing marijuana and sex We are well aware of the positive effect marijuana has on us, but here are some benefits which directly affect the quality of your sexual life and improve it on so many levels. It helps fight off anxiety, relieve tension, relax and gain confidence in your performance, it also reduces the accumulated stress. Increased libido and sharpened senses boost both mental and physical experience, meaning the feelings of joy and pleasure sex provides are raised on a new level. People have also experienced a stronger emotional connection with their partner during the intercourse in a sense that they can truly relax and shift all of their focus on the partner and sex, which means that the brain does not allow any other distraction to reduce the amount of joy even the slightest. This strong focus translates well to your physical performance as well, you feel more energized, and you can extend the duration of the intercourse and thus intensify and prolong your and your partner’s pleasure. This state of heightened concentration allows you to savor every single moment of sex until you reach the climax. Try to balance things out As in every other aspect of life, balance is the key. This is especially important for marijuana because it hasn’t been scientifically determined how much weed one should take to reach the optimal experience. Effect of marijuana are individual and the best way to determine how much weed you need is to test on yourself and see what works and not. What you ideally want is a moderate consumption in order to reach the level of joy we’ve mentioned before. Many factors influence how things are going to play out, but too much marijuana intake can lead to some undesired effects such as reduced motor skills functionality, lack of sexual drive and fatigue. Men and women are affected differently as well, and current circumstances and mood also play a big role, but if you are able to balance things out and find the amount that works for you, then pleasure and fun are the only side-effects you’d ever have. Read Also : Why Is Cannabis Good For Health? Best Grow Tents For Growing Cannabis

Role of Nutrition Therapy in Eating Disorder Treatment

The Role Of Nutrition Therapy In Eating Disorder Treatment

Eating disorders are severe medical disorders with high mortality rates. In fact, anorexia nervosa has the highest mortality rate of any mental illness. People with eating disorders are at risk for serious health consequences such as heart, kidney and brain damage. Individuals with eating disorders, including anorexia, also see a high incidence of suicide. Finding the right eating disorders counseling and treatment is essential to prevent these serious health consequences. Eating treatment centers should always include nutritional counseling as a treatment component for eating disorders, such as anorexia nervosa or bulimia nervosa. Nutrition Therapy in Eating Disorder Treatment. Eating disorders are complex diseases, and similar to other chronic illnesses, require a multi-faceted treatment approach. There may be a variety of professionals on the eating disorder recovery treatment team, including a psychotherapist, medical doctor, psychiatrist, and dietitian. Different Ways You Can Use Nutrition Therapy In Eating Disorder Treatment     There are multiple ways you can use nutrition therapy in eating disorder treatment. Work out the best diet disorder plan that can work well in your favor in all possible manners. Do not make your choices in the wrong way while you develop your business. 1.Nutritional Strategy and a Better Relationship with Food The role of nutritional therapy is important when it comes to eating disorder recovery. The dietitian works with the client to help them adopt a more flexible relationship with food and movement. Most clients with eating disorders have excellent nutritional knowledge. Many patients are more knowledgeable than the general public about how many grams of carbohydrates or calories a portion of food may have. They have the education needed to make good eating choices. However, a person who has an eating disorder generally has imposed strict and rigid guidelines on themselves about what they can or cannot eat. They learn to disregard their bodies’ internal hunger cues and avoid the feelings of hunger or satiety. Preoccupation with food stands in the way of mindful eating. 2. Nutritional Therapy Nourishes The Body  Nutritional therapy helps the person learn how to nourish their bodies, with a focus on increasing awareness of and responding to internal hunger cues using mindful eating practices. Nutritional therapy is about taking a flexible approach to food intake and developing a sustainable relationship with food. Nutritional therapy can also help clients learn about various medical complications that may be associated with eating disorders, such as electrolyte imbalances. It can also help them recognize the symptoms of these serious health issues and gain greater awareness of how to get help for these issues. 3. Applying These Lessons in Real Life Many people with eating disorders find it overwhelming to eat in social situations. Eating disorder therapy helps clients address the social anxiety that may accompany eating disorders, by learning how to manage emotions in difficult or triggering situations. Nutritional therapy teaches clients to acknowledge the emotional aspects of eating while respecting their physical hunger cues. They learn to pay attention to what is happening at the moment without emotionally reacting to it.  Nutrition therapy in eating disorder treatment can make things easier for you to digest. 4. Develop Mindful Eating Patterns  When someone is in recovery from an eating disorder, developing mindful eating patterns takes time and practice. Eating disorder therapy uses individualized meal plans to help the person achieve the goals set by the client and his or her treatment team. Specialized treatment provides support to clients during mealtimes as they overcome personal challenges and work toward the goal of becoming fully recovered. Clients are gradually exposed to more challenging exposures as they progress through treatment. 5. Make Eating Dis-order Counselling  With the help of eating disorder counseling and nutritional therapy, clients are taught the coping skills necessary to sustain their health by eating nourishing foods. They will learn to participate in social situations that involve food and overcome the anxiety and fear that can occur with mealtimes. Eating treatment centers help clients develop the skills needed to prepare simple balanced meals and mindfully respond to physical hunger cues. Final Take Away    Hence, these are some of the effective means to develop your eating habits. Nutrition therapy in eating disorder treatment can make things more complicated for you. Do not make your choices in the wrong order while you want to develop your eating habits in the correct order. Do not make your choices in the wrong manner while you want to improve your daily diet system in the correct order. Read Also: 5 Ways You Can Be Inhibiting Your Fitness Stay Away From These Foods To Remain Healthy

Birth Injuries

3 Most Common Reasons For Birth Injuries In Florida

The term "birth injury" refers to any injury to an infant before, during, or after the delivery process. Some birth injuries are temporary and may resolve in a few days, but others are permanent and costly. The conditions that lead to birth injuries determine whether the birth injury is temporary or permanent. Undeniably babies are delicate and improper delivery may cause debilitating injuries. There is no doubt that medical malpractice is the most common reason for birth injuries, affecting the child and the mother for the rest of their lives. For this reason, a parent whose baby suffered birth injuries must take legal action against family doctors by consulting a birth trauma lawyer because most birth injuries are avoidable. Here Are Three Prime Reasons For Birth Injuries In Florida Below are the 3 most common birth injuries in Florida. 1. Improper Or Poor Technique During the delivery of a newborn baby, the actions of an obstetrical caregiver are of the essence. Poor delivery techniques can leave the baby with lifetime disabilities and even cause death in worst-case scenarios. Undoubtedly, most parents trust the decisions of their healthcare providers, especially during the child delivery stage.  In essence, parents rely on the expertise of medical professionals regardless of standard delivery or complications. Some of the improper techniques used by medical professionals include the following: The wrong use of forceps and vacuum extractors Refusing to perform C-section so that the patient does not get shoulder dystocia Failure by healthcare professionals to handle maneuvers accurately Applying unnecessary force on the part of the baby's body like the head, neck, and shoulders Mismanaging infections In most cases, midwives and family doctors are to blame for poor delivery techniques. In difficult child delivery situations, they usually seek the assistance of qualified obstetricians, but this is usually only the case for some midwives and family doctors. Even though obstetricians are experts at handling difficult birth situations, they sometimes make mistakes. Some of the injuries that are caused by improper delivery techniques include the following: Cerebral palsy Development delays Death of the baby Brachial plexus injuries Suppose you or your baby were injured due to improper techniques that family doctors or midwives applied. In that case, it only takes a birth trauma lawyer to review the circumstances under which birth injuries occurred. It is the lawyer's responsibility to assist you in identifying the midwives or family doctors who need to be brought to justice. 2. Inappropriate Use Of Equipment As previously mentioned, parents often trust doctors' hands when they enter the labor room, hoping they will deliver safely. Sometimes, deliveries are more complex than others. For instance, the baby's head may be trapped inside the birth canal, and pushing is no longer a remedy. For this reason, doctors use birth assistance tools to solve such situations. Some of these birth assistance tools include the following: Ventouses - often used in the delivery of the baby. This tool resembles a vacuum with a small cup attached to the baby's head Forceps- if a ventouse is unreliable, the doctor will use forceps Curette- this equipment is often used during gynecological procedures, but doctors use it in the delivery room if a mother has a miscarriage Surgical kit - a complete kit usually contains sterilization equipment, necessary drugs, surgical instruments, renewable supplies, and titanium scissors, among others The doctor may apply tools like forceps and vacuum extractors for complicated deliveries. This is because the baby is in an abnormal position or is too big for the mother's pelvic bones. Injuries may occur if the doctor fails to use the tools appropriately or exerts too much force when they apply the tools mentioned above. Below are the types of injuries that result from inappropriate use of equipment: Head injuries- scalp swelling and blood pooling between the skulls occur when a family doctor misuses equipment leading to severe brain damage Neck and face injuries -when delivery tools are misapplied, the baby can suffer from lacerations and broken bones, among other birth injuries Arm and shoulder injuries like clavicle fractures and brachial plexus injuries can occur if forceps and vacuum extractors are used incorrectly If your child has suffered birth injuries following the inappropriate use of equipment, like forceps and vacuum extractors, consulting a birth trauma lawyer makes perfect sense so that you can discuss a possible malpractice claim. 3. Wrong Or Lack Of Decision By The Physician Or Medical Staff In most cases, babies are delivered safely. However, there are situations where a baby could suffer injuries when a doctor or any other healthcare professional makes a wrong decision that directly or indirectly leads to physical damage to the baby or mother. Many reasons lead to birth injuries, but it can be devastating when birth injuries occur due to wrong decisions. For instance, a baby may be deprived of oxygen during birth or stay in the canal too long. The doctor can also misjudge when the mother should undergo a C-section or when an expected delivery proves challenging. All these decisions are considered medical malpractice because, in one way or another, they leave the baby or the mother with long-term complications. In worst-case scenarios, doing the wrong thing or delaying the right decision often leads to more permanent consequences like nerve damage, mental development issues, and deformities. Treating these conditions is costly and may last for a lifetime. Because some of these birth injuries are avoidable, as a parent, it would be advisable to take legal action against those involved by consulting a birth trauma lawyer if you or your child suffered as a result of a poor decision or no decision at all by a healthcare provider. Consult And Work With A Professional Birth Trauma Lawyer It is devastating to lose or see your child suffer for the rest of their life due to medical malpractice during birth. If you have a child who died or was injured at birth, it is imperative to seek justice by consulting a professional birth trauma lawyer. When a child suffers a permanent condition due to a birth injury or medical malpractice, you may be entitled to compensation for the costs associated with the care. Read Also: What Is Considered A Personal Injury? 5 Common Types Of Personal Injury Cases 7 Most Common Types Of Wrongful Death Cases