Cycling – Learning to Safe Cycling

Published on: 18 February 2016 Last Updated on: 12 September 2024

Cycling is considered to be among the most enjoyable activity that one can do as they maintain fitness/keep fit. For anyone interested in learning to cycle, there are basic things/lessons that one must learn and simple instructions that one must follow to minimize accidents and have fun learning how to cycle. Below are some of the basic factors one needs to know about cycling.

  • To learn cycling, you do not need to have a special bicycle to use. You can use any functional bike you can find. After you have learned to cycle, you can invest in a good bike.
  • Ensure you have gotten your saddle right. You will not be comfortable riding a saddle that is either too low or too high. You have to set it to fit you perfectly for you to enjoy learning.
  • You will need to ensure that your bike is well greased and has no leaks for smooth cycling.
  • There is the important gear you need to have that will enhance safety in this experience. These are; mountain biking helmets – A full-face mountain bike helmet that protects your head in case of a fall, a water bottle- for water in case you get dehydrated, Repair Kit- in case something goes wrong, you may need to do repairs on your bike. Reflective gear is especially important if you are cycling at night for visibility by other road users.
  • You could use your exercise clothing and shoes for the cycling training. It’s important though that you put on something reflective if you will be using a road used by other types of vehicles.
  • You must remember to be slow, you will eventually learn. Secondly, be safe while cycling. Whether on park roads, estate roads, ensure that you are safe while training to cycle.
  • At this point, straddle your bike and life off and start peddling forward. Try to maintain your balance by using the front brake levers to ensure you stay in balance. Keep a firm grip on the pedals.
  • When using a road with vehicles, ensure that the drivers can see you avoid accidents and also watch out for car doors opening.
  • Also, while riding into intersections, try as much as you can to stay and lean into the intersection this could help you stay on the bike and not fall off.

Taking the above instruction when learning to cycle will keep you safe and keep you learning to ride. Be sure to never start cycling without a bicycle helmet. You can buy the best mountain bike helmet online at

Abdul Aziz Mondol is a professional blogger who is having a colossal interest in writing blogs and other jones of calligraphies. In terms of his professional commitments, he loves to share content related to business, finance, technology, and the gaming niche.

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Industrial Safety

Maintaining Productivity: The Basics of Industrial Safety

Health and safety in the workplace should always be a topic that is high on your agenda if you are working in any sort of industrial environment, and if you can achieve a good safety record it should also contribute to greater productivity too. Here is an overview of what sort of typical safety hazards you need to guard against and what steps to take to avoid an accident, plus a look at some of the main basic safety measures you should adopt in order to keep the production line rolling and workers as safe as possible. Understanding the hazards: A good starting point would be to make a checklist of the main hazards you are likely to have to deal with in your workplace, as a working knowledge of these dangers will help you to take counteractive measures. You can categorize industrial hazards under a number of broad headings. Physical threats to the safety of workers are a key issue and there are numerous challenges to account for in your safety procedures, such as slip and trip hazards, inadequate lighting, the risk of exposure to noise and poor air quality, plus the danger of fire, amongst others. You can take steps to manage these specific threats, such as maintaining good air quality throughout the building, for example, which you can read about on this page. Other key hazard categories include biological and chemical threats, injuries sustained through poor ergonomics and building design, and even the mental health aspect of working in a challenging or hazardous situation on a regular basis. A good suggestion would be to conduct a thorough health and safety review where you take a detailed look at the layout of your building and what specific dangers workers face every time they clock on. Make a comprehensive checklist of all the potential hazards that are relevant to your particular industry and then look to create a health and safety plan that deals with those issues in the best way possible. Dealing with fire risk: The risk of fire is a constant potential threat to every building and that risk is enhanced when you have machinery, chemicals, and other potentially hazardous sources all under the one roof. There are many different ways for a fire to start and electrical faults, chemical spillages, and a lack of safety awareness amongst workers, can all create a fire risk in an instant. You can’t always avoid a fire starting when an accident occurs through an unforeseen set of circumstances, but you can at least have a robust set of fire safety procedures in place to help deal with the situation and limit the potential damage. A good quality fire alarm warning system needs to be installed and regularly tested and maintained, and a sprinkler system might also be necessary, once you have carried out a fire risk assessment. Fire extinguishers installed at regular intervals around the building will allow immediate action to be taken to try and reduce the spread of fire and hi-spec smoke detectors provide a decent early warning of a fire or smoke hazard. Emergency lighting: All workers need to be fully briefed on what to do in the event of an emergency and how to evacuate the building in the quickest and safest way possible. One of the threats to a successful and safe evacuation of the building is when power in the building is lost and it becomes dangerous to walk around in the dark. Power cuts are always a possibility in an industrial setting for a number of plausible reasons and a lack of adequate lighting greatly heightens the prospect of an accident happening. The way to counteract this threat is to install emergency lighting that lights up the building to make it safer to see where you are going and minimize the risk of an accident. Falls are a leading cause of accidents and deaths: One of the main causes of death and injury in the workplace falls, and it should be noted that a worker doesn’t have to fall from a great height to suffer a bad or fatal injury. Nearly half of all fatal falls in an industrial setting occurred when the person fell from a height of fewer than 20 feet. More than 10% of recorded fatal falls were from a height below six feet. Some industries have a higher incidence of falls than others, and it should not be a surprise to learn that the construction sector is considered one of the most hazardous workplace environments for falls. It is reasonable to surmise that a very high percentage of these recorded fatalities and injuries could have been prevented with adequate risk assessment procedures in place and with the right use of safety equipment and adequate training. Large numbers of workers are treated for fall-related injuries each year but with the right precautionary measures and by raising awareness of the potential dangers, many of these accidents could have been avoided. Know your limits: Pushing your body to its limit and beyond is another leading cause of accidents in the workplace and overexertion is cited as the cause of about a third of all work-related accidents according to the National Safety Council. Every worker should be encouraged to assess and know their limitations before undertaking a task that might lead to an injury through overexertion. Ergonomic injuries are when you do something like tear a tendon, damage your spine, or overreach when attempting to lift an object that is too heavy, or is not being lifted and handled correctly. Every worker needs to have health and safety training that highlights and talks about the dangers of ergonomic injuries and provides guidance on how to work safely and know your physical limitations. It is not just physical jobs that create injuries and office workers can also suffer injuries if they don’t set up their work environment in an ergonomically efficient way and don’t take regular breaks away from their desk. These are some of the main causes of accidents but with some basic safety training and an ongoing risk assessment program, it is possible to significantly reduce the prospect of an accident happening in your workplace. Read Also: How To Improve Workplace Security

Outdoor Storage

5 Qualities of A Safe Outdoor Storage Facility

Over the years, we tend to accumulate many things that we want to keep or use only on occasions and, eventually, our homes run out of space. As much as getting rid of some things to declutter your space might be a good idea, certain items have special meaning or use to use, and we just can’t afford to lose them. That’s where storage facilities come in. Storage facilities provide people with room to use as storage for their items. While storage space facilities are available all over, you want to find one that checks all the boxes and ensures your belongings will be just as you left them the first time over. To help you find a safe outside storage facility, here are some tips you should consider as you conduct your search. How Much Space Do You Need? When searching for an outdoor storage facility, the most important factor to consider is the number and size of items you want to store. There are many storage sizes available for different needs so consider the quantity and size of what you need to be stored. If your things can fit in several boxes, small storage space might cut it. However, you would want to consider a larger space if your items are plenty in quantity, large in size, or if you plan on bringing in more things to the storage unit with time. How Safe Is Your Stuff? Naturally, you want to go with a facility that can ensure safety for your items at all times. For this reason, you should seek out a space that has a good security system. Are there guards on site for 24-hour security? Do they have surveillance cameras? Do they offer storage space opened using biometrics? These questions might seem many, but they will help you understand the level of security that will go into keeping your belongings safe. Check its Accessibility Storage space could be a long or short-term plan, so if you intend to use your box full of holiday decorations during the year, you will need a storage space that gives you access to the room 24/7 365. This is important in emergencies where you may need something from the storage unit because you have guests or an event at your home. Is It Pest- Free? Insects and rodents can damage goods in storage units. A good storage facility will ensure that their spaces are pest-proof to protect your stuff. Choose a facility with mouse-proof doors and constant extermination and fumigation practices to ensure that insects do not infiltrate your unit and destroy your property. Items such as clothes and books are especially vulnerable in storage spaces if the preventive methods are ineffective, so ask about their measures to save you the disappointment of losing your precious belongings. Can It Stand the Rain? If you are searching for outdoor storage space, weather conditions should always be at the back of your mind. In light of changing weather conditions, you want to be confident that your goods will not be exposed to harsh weather elements. As such, go for climate-controlled units that are not affected by weather changes. Rainy and dry seasons can do a lot of damage to items such as furniture, electronics, and clothes, so try and go for a waterproof and dustproof storage unit to ensure your belongings are always kept intact. In a Nutshell Storage spaces are everywhere, and you can find one quickly and easily. But you need to make a careful choice if you want your items to be safe and secure all the time.   Therefore, consider the tips highlighted above to find a professional and reliable outdoor storage facility for your needs. Read Also: How To Find A Locksmith To Trust With Your Home Security, Locks & Keys Learn More About Social Security Disability in Deland 3 Home Upgrades to Make Your Property Unique

Maternity wardrobe

How to Save Money on Your Maternity Wardrobe

Being pregnant is truly a blessing, even though it can be annoying and exhausting at times. This is the time when you spend hours doing research about what is best for you and your baby, and prepare your living space for an additional family member. Being a mom makes it a priority to stay healthy for the sake of you and your baby, but you also want to look good. Modern moms-to-be like to stay true to their unique style, and luckily this has never been easier. Do I Have to Change My Style? Remember seeing in the movies pregnant women dressed in what looked a flowy tent? This is because baby bumps were considered unattractive and women felt like they had to hide themselves until they get their pre-pregnancy bodies back. Luckily, those days are way behind us, and women all over the world are showing of their growing bellies and look amazing. You know that you will not be able to wear all of your clothes, but when going out to buy something new, choose items that wrap around your middle, since these will look stylish and will not restrict your movements. If you feel like hiding your stomach a bit, choose darker colors like navy or black because these will make you look slimmer. Read More: Yoga For Pregnant Women Layer Up! Listen, the more fabric, the less flattering it will look on you, so try to find a middle ground somewhere. The best decision is to layer up since you can choose the items and combine them to get the best look. All those lovely open-fronted cardigans and stylish denim or leather jackets can be worn over tunics, dresses, and jeans, and not only will they keep you warm but you can choose to wear ones in pastels or adorable prints which will show your sense of style and trends, but will still be wonderfully comfortable. The best thing is that you won’t have to go out buying new clothes, you can wear your old items and simply leave them open in the front. Remember, you will not be able to imagine life without your comfy maternity jeans, so choose them carefully. Thrift Stores? By All Means Yes! You are not going to be pregnant forever (thank God), so the clothes that you choose to wear n those months you will probably not wear later on. Instead of going out shopping and spending hundreds of dollars on clothes you will only wear for a few brief months. Try finding good maternity clothes on websites like eBay and; women who sell their maternity clothes probably didn’t wear them for a very long time and certainly don’t need them anymore. What you can do after childbirth is to collect all of your maternity clothes and simply give it to someone who needs it, or sells them to a thrift shop. This way you will not only be earning a few extra bucks, but you will allow someone in need to save a few as well. It is difficult not to compare yourself to so many celebrity moms and their perfect pregnancy and post-pregnancy bodies, but keep in mind that all of them have teams of experts to help them stay fit and get back in shape. What is important is to stay healthy and be comfortable, because your baby feels good when you feel good. Luckily, ‘comfortable’ does not exclude ‘stylish’, so go ahead experiment, and don’t hesitate to show off your lovely baby bump. See also 1. Wardrobe Dreams: Statement Pieces to Last