Dating versus Courtship: Which is right for you

Published on: 12 February 2019 Last Updated on: 08 August 2019
Dating versus Courtship

The 21st century has become a time-period for human beings in which they are frequently stressed or exhausted in all aspects of their lives. Everywhere around us, we see more and more young people and even some more mature adults becoming indecisive when it comes to the choices they make- whether it be personal or professional. One of the more personal issues that dominate the lives of individuals in their quest to find their ideal soulmate, a companion with who they can cherish moments, good or bad, joyous or miserable. In this regard, choosing between dating or courtship can often decide whether you want to be happy and content for the rest of your life, or end up being alone and sad. In this article, we refer to countless reviews of Elite Singles in the USA, our field studies about what individuals think about Courtship and Dating and find out the right options for you in your quest to find an ideal companion for yourself.

Dating versus Courtship: Which is right for you:

What kind of an individual are you:

From the outset, we would like to point out that we are not here to pass judgments, neither are we here to tell you that one is better over the other. Our purpose is to educate you on the pros and cons of each, in context to understanding who you are as an individual. The first question that one needs to ask oneself is what kind of an individual am I? People are different; they are different in terms of their values systems, their beliefs, their religious identities, their professions and their family upbringings amongst several other important things. Dating or Courtship is strongly associated to how one is as an individual.

Courtship: A Strong and Everlasting Commitment!


Acclaimed American author Joshua Harris states, “Courtship is a commitment, it’s a promise not to play games with another person’s heart.” We will try to decode what courtship means and stands for in the 21st century. Courtship is considered by many as a commitment to marriage, as a foundation stone for a period that precedes the institution of marriage. These are heavy terms, and we would request you not to be pressurized by the same.

Some individuals look for security, they look for a relationship where they can be secure and focus on their work, their careers, and continue being the good family boy or girl they are. We find that in societies where religion, church and family members play a crucial role in an individual’s life courtship is a much-acknowledged method of being with someone from the opposite sex.

There is often a belief that courtship can be a dull, humourless and less attractive proposition when it is compared with ‘dating’ or a drastically modern phenomenon like ‘open-relationships’. However, that is definitely not the case, as many critics of Courtship would like to point out. In our reviews of Elite Singles in the USA, we have found that Courtship is definitely very much in vogue, and is becoming quite a hit with many professionals, entrepreneurs, and other career individuals who are revisiting a strong ethos of family values and security as they try to navigate their future.

Most of these individuals had bitter experiences with regard to dating, as they kept feeling insecure, anxious and depressed in terms of the relationship and their partners. They also spoke about how this area took up so much of their lives that they were unable to concentrate on their careers, family, hobbies or any other elements of personal development.

Dating- Fun, Adventurous and Full of Life!

American supermodel Denise Vasi was asked about her views on dating, and we feel that what she said beautifully sums up the feeling of dating. She stated, “Dating is fun. It’s light…there’s the interesting, text messaging, flirting, There’s no weight…”

People should ask themselves the question that if Courtship was the best concept of modern relationship that had ever been evolved (and we know courtship preceded dating historically), why did society feel the need to evolve and strengthen the concept of dating? To answer the same, we feel that in comparison to courtship, dating is perceived by many as a freer method to express oneself in a relationship. Freer does not necessarily mean ethically wrong, and we should consciously remove the stigma that many projects in terms of dating- dating is a thing of vice.

Human societies have progressed to a level of development that has complicated lives in unforeseen ways. Individuals are too invested in their careers, be it a start-up entrepreneur, or a Wall Street finance executive. They seek companionship, but they also highly value their personal space. Such individuals look for companionships that are light, easy and without a lot of fuss or pressure in terms of an impending marriage.

In our reviews of Elite Singles in the USA, a lot of respondents frequently told us that dating gives the individual the chance to figure out more about who s/he really is. When there is freedom, there is clarity; there is less influence from strong and powerful institutions like the Church or the family. However, most of them stated that more importantly when a relationship ends when you are dating someone, the psychological effects of the same on you and your family members, the extended circle is comparatively less as compared to when a courtship ends.

Which One is Right For You- Courtship or Dating?

Borrowing from the age-old proverb- one size does not fit all, we would want to say that at the end of the day it is up to the individual to analyze himself and his personal traits before undertaking a serious courtship or a dating experience full of freedom. Both the concepts have their pros and cons, and we would suggest you think carefully and assess all the factors and resources at your disposal before selecting one or the other. In our reviews of Elite Singles in USA, we found that a lot of people started with dating and were successful in converting the same into courtships and happy married life. On the other hand, we also found some who had heavily invested in courtships see their marriages fail apart, and are now happily exploring dating options in their life.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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Face Washes For Dry Skin Type

5 Face Washes For Dry Skin Type

Shopping for cosmetic products and makeup products is extremely easy compared to picking the right skincare product. For example, there are many varieties of ladies perfume in India but choosing the right one is always a task because you would like to pick the best fragrance that will suit you and your personality. The same goes for your skincare products and especially your face wash. Choosing the right face wash not only helps in balancing your skincare routine but also helps in cleansing your skin gently. If you choose the wrong face wash then no matter what skin type you have it will act oppositely and dry out your skin extensively while leaving your skin irritated and inflamed. Therefore, choosing the right face wash is extremely important in your skincare routine. Here we have shortlisted a few of the best face wash for dry skin. Let us check them out. Cetaphil Gentle Skin Cleanser This face wash has a mild lathering formula which is great for everyday cleansing, and it is perfect for dry skin as well as for sensitive skin. This face wash not only helps in deeply cleansing your skin, but it also helps in moisturising your skin from within. This face wash has also been infused with a soap-free and non-irritating formula which is perfect for dry and sensitive skin. This face wash also helps in maintaining the natural pH balance of your skin and it does not clog pores. Since you are shopping for a type of face wash specially meant for dry skin, make sure you don’t forget to moisturise and hydrate your skin well after cleansing your face. When it comes to dry skin, don’t wipe your face roughly after washing your face but using a soft towel you can pat dry your skin. Dot & Key Barrier Repair Hydrating Gentle Face Wash There are different types of face washes available in the market, and this one right here has a mild cleansing texture infused with five essential ceramides. This face wash for women has been proven to be perfect for dry skin and users have agreed that this face wash does not dry out their skin. This face wash helps in revealing clean, healthy, and hydrated skin from within. You will definitely fall in love with this face wash because it gently cleanses your skin without drying your skin, it also helps in repairing your skin’s natural barrier while boosting resilience. This face wash also helps in balancing the skin’s microbiome level while restoring your skin’s hydration. This face wash comes in a clear gel texture which makes it an extremely hydrating product. This face wash has been specially designed for people who have extremely dry and dehydrated skin, flaky and itchy skin, and also people who suffer from redness and irritation. Iba Vitamin C Face Wash This vitamin C face wash has been infused with pure vitamin C, hyaluronic acid, and gentle exfoliating beats. All these ingredients make it a great face wash for dry skin and this face wash also helps in exfoliating your skin gently every time you wash your face. This face wash can also be used by people with other skin types because of its gentleness. The hyaluronic acid in this face wash gives your skin a beautiful natural glow which also helps against skin ageing. Using this face wash twice a day not only helps in keeping your skin clean and hydrated but it also helps in fighting against ageing and signs of ageing like fine lines, wrinkles, and dullness. Simple Kind To Skin Refreshing Facial Wash This is one of the best face wash for dry skin as well as for sensitive skin. This face wash helps in revitalising and nourishing your skin from within. This face wash also helps in removing dirt, oil, and impurities while leaving your skin feeling fresh and clean throughout the day. This face wash has been infused with pro vitamin D, vitamin E, triple purified water which helps in hydrating your skin, soothing and also cleansing your skin from within. The best part about this face wash is that it is free from soap that might strip the skin’s moisture, it is also free from artificial colour or dyes that disturb the pH level of your skin and also it is free from harsh chemicals. Neutrogena Deep Clean Facial Cleanser This is one of the best face wash for dry skin and it helps to remove dead surface cells for healthier and glowing skin without ripping off the natural moisture from your skin. This face wash helps in washing and dissolving dirt, oil, and make up while revealing clear and glowing skin. This face wash has been specially formulated for oily skin and it does not make your  skin feel dry and itchy. If you have been looking for a face wash for dry skin that is gentle on the skin then this one right here will be perfect for you. Learn More About: Are CBD Lotions Good For Your Skin? What Is The Best Vitamin To Take For Dry Eyes? Is the 10 Step Korean Skincare Routine Worth the Hype?

Beard Maintain

Growing a Beard: How to Grow a Beard and Maintain It

Growing a beard is a matter of choice for most men. Some consider it a matter of faith and for others, it may be a manly look, a casual look, or just a changing routine with the fashion trends. Whatever may be the reason behind it is the fact that most of the men like keeping a beard than the hassle of shaving on a daily basis. Beard is considered a symbol of "Man-ism" in many parts of the world (for some people this thing may be debatable though). Growing a beard and maintaining it is definitely a task that can only be understood by either a professional barber or a person who owns one. Most people think that growing and maintaining a beard is not a difficult task at all but the fact is that takes a lot of effort to build and maintain it well and good-looking. Many youngsters use stubble trimmers to keep the beard short and straightforward whereas others want it a full lumberjack. Growing your beard: Once you decide that you want to increase your beard then you should know that it will take a week or so to make a stubble look depending on your hair growth rate. Some will want it to keep it that way if you want a medium length or a fully-grown beard that it may take 4 to 6 weeks on average to reach to make a full form. Depending on your basic genetics, your beard may have thick and densely grown hair or relatively thin hair with hair in patches with low density. Whatever the case maybe you need to let them grow in the initial phase. Initial Phase of beard growth: While you get past the first week of hair growth, you need to keep patient and let it go further without any attempt of trimming and shaping your beard. If there is really think that there are some stray hairs, you may take care of them, but you shouldn't try to cut short or shape the rest of your beard. However, you should keep your face skin, and hair clean by using a quality face wash at least twice a day to keep away any dirt and dust which may have entrapped in the hair. Beard growing phase: From the second week onwards, you will see your beard start developing and taking proper shape. During this period, you will feel a lot of itchiness which maybe something new and painful for most of the guys. Don't fall prey to this and let it grow as this is a normal phase of growing a beard, some people make a mistake after getting irritated and shave it clean or trim it. To keep the itchiness to a minimum use facial cleaner and try to exfoliate skin for complete cleansing. Use face moisturizers to soothe your skin. Using good beard oil may also help to reduce itchiness during this growth period. Keeping your face skin and beard hair clean, and massage with a quality oil will get you through this phase of growing a beard. Your beard Style: After 4-6 weeks your beard will take its full form of a grown beard, now is the time for you to decide your style and start its proper maintenance and care. At this stage, if you want a full-length beard, you should only look to trim it slightly to maintain its proper shape or if you want it to be a medium or short length then you can get it shaved to the desired length by a barber or yourself using a good quality trimmer. You may use stubble trimmers to get it a clean, stylish look if you want to. Beard Care and Maintenance: It is a better way to train yourself to maintain your beard by acquiring some necessary tools; you may also use the services of a professional barber if you have a trusted guy within your reach. Most people prefer doing it themselves due to hygienic issues and avoiding unnecessary expenses. Regular maintenance of your beard will keep it clean and pleasant looking and will add to your style and personality. Some tips for beard maintenance: Use some of the following ways to maintain a keep good care of your beard. Use an electric trimmer or simple comb and scissors to trim your beard. Depending upon your hair growth you may need to trim weekly, every two weeks, or once a month. Make sure you can sharpen hair scissors so they do not become dull. Keep the beard clean and using facial cleansers face wash and occasionally some face masks to keep the facial skin and hair clean and flake-free. You can also use shampoo to wash your beard hair just like your head, this will be an excellent way to maintain and keep your beard clean. Use good beard oil to massage your beard; this will keep the hair healthy, shiny, and good-looking. Using a beard comb or brush keeps your beard well maintained and fresh. It also helps to stimulate the natural oils along the beard hair length which keeps them clean and healthy. Read Also: 7 Things to Know If You’re Considering a Beard Transplant  


3 Tips for Buying Bikes for Larger Guys

Even though bike riding is now common and a good way to beat traffic and maximize exercise, for the larger, bigger people, there might be some discriminations and restrictions in their choice of bikes. Regular exercise such as cycling is just as important to the bigger guys as it is for fitness enthusiasts, and there are bicycles for men out there that are well suited to their larger size. Bikes come in so many different types, and some are much better suited for large cycles than others. Bike Frames: You can get custom made chromoly bikes to beat the discrimination in shops and bike stores. Larger riders might want to consider the options of getting metal, carbon, chromoly or titanium bike frames. Carbon materials are an option that ensures strong frames but, not all carbon frames are good enough and some may have limits. For riders who are both heavy and have some height advantages, getting miles with metal frames might be the safest and best option. Steel is very affordable and a well known strong metal. However, bikes made out of steel might be a little heavier than the other non-steel counterparts. Titanium bike frames give the best option for truly impressive strength and added options for uniquely shaped tubes, but for a more expensive price. Bike Wheels and Components: Just like with picking the right frames, the wheels on a bike are an important element to ensure safety and maximum use of the bike. Metal wheels are an option for larger bike riders. However, they, of course, will have a higher weight capacity than regular bike wheels. Also look at the spokes of the wheels, 32 double-butted steel spokes can be a good way to go. The spokes cross over three others in a three-cross pattern. If you can not find wheels to fit your needs, there is always the option of building and customizing your own unique bike wheels. Consider the bar width before purchasing any bike. The narrower the bar, the more uncomfortable you will be, especially during long bike rides. To have an idea of how wide the handlebars should be, drop bars should be the same width as your shoulders. Also, saddle bars should be the perfect fit for your bones. Get proper measurements and ensure the saddles on the bike is a good fit for you. Consider Customization: For the much taller broke riders, or just any large biker who does not find a bike that suits his taste in the market, customization is always an open option. By customizing your bike, you get to design the bicycle in a way that best suits your tastes and needs. When building the handlebars, you can align them to the perfect height and distance that suits your size. Customization means there will be no compromises with making the perfect choice in bikes. You pick and decide on the bike seats you want, the wheels, and frame material to fit your bulk. It is truly the perfect option for larger bike riders. Conclusion: No matter how tall or big a man you are, you can always find a wide range of bikes for larger guys. But going the customization way is always a great idea to ensure your bike perfectly fits your needs. If you want to go biking on the beaches, you can a men’s cruiser bike. Read More:  Will eBikes Save the Planet? Tips for Buying a Beginner Mountain Bike. Benefits with riding a single speed bike in the city.