Taking A Break from Your Relationship

Published on: 20 September 2018 Last Updated on: 19 November 2021
take break

Whether you’ve decided to take a break, spend a little time apart, or are otherwise separated from your partner, you’re currently, hopefully temporarily, single. No matter what words you used or how you went about setting up the arrangement, it sucks.

There is hope, though. Taking a break – or even fully breaking up – doesn’t have to be the end of your relationship. It’s normal for relationships to go through rocky stages.

To make the break work to your advantage, take it as an opportunity to self-reflect and figure out where your relationship went wrong and how to fix it.

Why Taking a Break Works:

Taking a break is usually the best thing you can do for your relationship.  If either of you is feeling stifled or aren’t feeling like the relationship is going anywhere, chances are you need some space for personal reflection and growth.

Taking a Break Works

Even though the goal is likely to get back together, you both need space to figure out your own life.

Taking a break gives you that space, however, if you don’t take the time to improve yourself and reflect on how you got to this point, you’ll be right back where you started.

Keeping the No Contact Rule:

When you agree to take a break, you should set guidelines. The first is how long you two will maintain no contact.

This one is going to be hard. You need to not contact your ex–period. No stalking Instagram and leaving likes on all the photos, nor vague posting on Facebook about the breakup while tagging your ex in the comments.

It hurts, but it’s for the best. You’re taking a break because you need a bit of breathing space. Talking to one another – even if it’s just social media interactions – won’t give you the space you need.

Sticking to the no contact rule is your best bet for making the break temporary.

If you didn’t set a limit on the no contact rule before your break became official, give it at least a week, then send a simple message. “Thinking about you a lot this week.” or “Hope you’re doing all right!” is just a casual check-in. If you know your partner had exams or something big going on during that time, you can ask about that.

Then just let it be. The no-contact rule is to make the break stick and not just have it feel like a continuation of your relationship. It’ll force self-reflection and growth alone – but not necessarily apart.

Follow the Guidelines:

Taking a break is only going to work if you follow any guidelines you set up. When in doubt, ask yourself if it’s something you would do while still dating your ex.

Don’t sleep around or go out on dates, unless you both said it was going to be okay. Even then, it can make things awkward if you patch things up with your ex and get back together.

Don’t start any long-term flings or relationships – it’s not fair to you, your ex, or your new partner.

This is the time for you. Reconnect with your hobbies, visit family and friends, and respect the rules you set with your ex. Breaking them will almost guarantee you won’t be getting back together anytime soon.


While you’re not likely enjoying your newfound singleness, you should still take the time to reflect on everything that’s happened leading up to this. Chances are you’ve both made mistakes, you both have areas of your life that could use improvement.

Focus on yourself and becoming a better person in this time. Don’t do it for your ex, do it for yourself. You want to become a better person to help your life become better. If it has the side effect of winning back your ex, all the better.

This will also have the benefit of showing your ex you have the ability to grow and change and accept that it takes both of you to make this relationship work.

Understand, though, that not all breaks are made equal and not all relationships are destined to continue. Try to use the experience to become a better person and maybe find a friend in your ex-partner.

The most important part is to respect your ex’s boundaries. A short break isn’t the end of the world – nor is a break that ends up lasting longer than originally thought.

Take advantage of your single status to grow and become a better person and it won’t be a waste of time, no matter how it ends.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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Platinum DJ

5 Reasons You Should Have A Platinum DJ At Your Wedding

Platinum DJ services can make all of the best parts of your wedding even better. From creating tasteful, heartfelt moments at your ceremony to masterfully blending tracks at your reception, a platinum DJ is uniquely qualified to elevate your wedding in a meaningful way. Here are the top 5 reasons why a platinum DJ is the perfect pick for your wedding. What Is A Platinum DJ? A platinum DJ is an elite DJ who has performed at many weddings, comes highly rated, is an experienced public speaker, and has their own event insurance. Platinum DJs blend experience and expertise to give you the perfect wedding-day service. When it comes to your special day, a platinum DJ can deliver an experience like no other. Top Reasons To Hire A Platinum DJ For Your Wedding: 1. Quality One of the first trademarks of a platinum DJ is quality. As mentioned, they’ve got a fair bit of wedding experience. That means no stage fright when they announce your first dance or fumble the track in between dance-offs. If you want a specific song, genre, or event at your wedding, a platinum DJ has the track record to ensure they execute their performance to the letter. A platinum DJ brings their own sound equipment, so you don’t have to worry about whether your venue’s setup is compatible with your DJ’s equipment. They’re technical wizards regarding audio equipment, setting the tone, volume, and mix to the perfect level for the acoustics in the room. All in all, platinum DJs deliver the highest-quality experience you can expect, and they often double as makeshift coordinators if something isn’t going according to schedule. 2. Pacing A critical aspect of your wedding, particularly during the reception, is the pacing. You might have the perfect schedule outlined in your head for every little event, but when it comes to the wedding day, you might find that your best-laid plans go astray. That’s one underutilized skill set of a DJ—especially a platinum DJ. They know the game well, which grants them plenty of familiarity with the structure and natural flow of a wedding. As a result, not only can they help pace your background music, dances, and partying based on their intuition, but they can also emcee for you to make sure everything stays on schedule throughout the evening. The last thing you want is to overstay your welcome at the reception and have an angry venue staff trying to usher out the guests. On that topic, these special invitees—in the politest possible way—often need coaxing in the right direction. A platinum DJ can emcee your important announcements, let the party know when dinner is ready, and give the audience a heads up when they need to sit down or get on the dance floor. You can expect every aspect of a platinum DJ’s role to be executed with flair and professionalism, giving you time to focus on enjoying the moment. 3. Peace Of Mind Weddings are joyous but stressful. Planning a wedding is a logistical nightmare, and whether you’ve got a planner or not, odds are you’ll be nervous when the big day arrives. A platinum DJ is peace of mind exemplified. All you need to do is explain what type of music you’d like, tell them what to wear, and give any other specific instructions. You can rest assured they’ll show up in appropriate attire, kitted out with all the necessary equipment to make your wedding run as smoothly as possible. Coordinating your own music and planning who will emcee each important wedding event is an additional hassle that you probably don’t want to deal with. Handing over the reins to a trusted platinum DJ is extremely helpful to ease your mind. Remember, weddings aren’t an everyday occurrence; it’s worth the extra expense to ensure your big day is memorable for all the right reasons! 4. Perspective Some moments in your wedding are intimate to your wedding party, such as the toasts. Others require a careful, professional approach to unfold at the right pace. Such is the case with a wedding DJ. The difficulty with impromptu DJs—besides the fact they may not know what they’re doing—is that they may be too involved or invested in the wedding events to carry out their duties properly. A relative or friend might forget when they’re supposed to emcee or be too bashful to interrupt and let you know when the party is off schedule. A little perspective helps. Platinum DJs bring a cordial, detached approach to everything they do; their reputation depends on your approval, after all. That’s why some distance between your party and the professional managing your music is a solid step of faith in the right direction, ensuring that the reception stays on track through the watchful eye of a professional third party. 5. Variety Lastly, platinum DJs offer unparalleled variety in music. Depending on how you want to structure the night, they can line up just about any song you or your wedding party want to hear so that you can dance the night away. You can set this up beforehand, too. Just let the DJ know what genre you’re into and a couple of specific songs you’d like played throughout the night, and you’re all set to enjoy the variety and creativity of your DJ. Better yet, a DJ knows how to read the room and can cue up the right song for the right moment, making your special day one to remember. The Bottom Line A platinum DJ brings professional etiquette and musical know-how to bear in their services, delivering a premium quality service to make your wedding even better. Music is an integral part of celebrations around the world, and marriage is one of the most exciting and meaningful human traditions—all the more reason to invest in a professional who can bring that aspect of your wedding to fruition in the best way possible. Whether it’s keeping your wedding party on track throughout the evening or cueing up the right song at the right time, platinum wedding DJs are well worth considering for any wedding event. Read Also: Wedding Planners in Berkshire How to Organize an Eco-Friendly Wedding with Zero Waste? 6 Tips For Having A Perfect City Hall Weddings!

First Date

Planning Your First Date: Here Is How You Can Blow Them Off Their Feet

Are you planning to have your first date? If yes, then you must know some of the crucial points in the light of this matter. You must make your efforts to make your first date memorable with your partner. In the Forbes study, it has been found that 90% of the men feel shy to talk with women freely. Make your partner happy on your first date. Make efforts to keep your partner happy. There are several ways that you can employ to make your first dating plan with your partner. You must arrange the first date in such a manner that you make it the most memorable one for yourself and your partner. Things To Do In Your First Date Some of the essential things you must take care of on your first date are stated in this article. Therefore, let’s explore some of the crucial points to get a better insight into them. 1. Don’t Be Shy In Your First Date  It has been found that most people feel shy on their first date. They cannot open up with their thought process or with their feelings on their first date. They get stuck in their own set of ideas and feelings. It is the most common factor in the dating paradigm that people often face. You must feel confident about yourself and your partner to share your feelings and thoughts with them. You close yourself and boar your partner on the first date. It can result in ending up your relationship before it gets started. 2. Start Your Date By Gifting A Flower Red roses and flowers are the symbols of love that you can use to start your conversation with your date in the first place. It will make you feel confident and comfortable on your first date. You can purchase the flowers from the flower store Dubai. The fragrance of the flower can make your conversation beautiful and heart touching. You must allow your partner to speak on your first date. Listening skills here play a vital role in making your first date memorable and pleasing. Develop a plan to talk before you go on a date. One way communication sometimes can ruin your image towards your partner, and they may feel annoyed. 3. Make A Two Way Communication Allow your partner to speak; do not talk all alone. It can ruin the tempo of your conversation. Try to make your discussion pleasant with your partner. Ensure that you convey your feelings to the other person and allow that person to express his/her feelings towards you. The more you listen to the other person’s words, the more you are giving importance to the other person’s point in the conversation. It will help you to develop a healthy relationship with your partner. The foundation of every relationship is trust, and when you listen to the words of the other person, it reflects that you have confidence in the other person with whom you are conversing. 4. Start With A Nice Gift  A nice well-wrapped gift can easily win the heart of your partner. It will make your attempt easier, and your conversation will go smoothly after this. It shows how precious your partner is to you. It will make you and your partner comfortable in starting the conversation smoothly. If you want to build a strong relationship with your partner, you must build trust and confidence in the other person’s mind. Develop an aura that attracts the other person towards you. 5. Go For A Nice Fooding   Dating without excellent food is like a rose without a fragrance. Select a nice restaurant and spend some time at the table with some delicious dishes. Order the best cuisine of the country and make your partner feel special. A date without delicious food is like something is missing from the party. You must not miss any moment that will hurt you in the process. Book a table in advance to your favorite restaurant and spend some memorable moments with your partner there. Conclusion Hence, if you want to enjoy your first date, you must remove your shyness and have faith in your partner. Develop a strong relationship that ends up in a marriage. Win the heart of your partner in your first meeting so that your bonding in the relationship becomes more vital than ever. Avoid any kind of distractions on the first date. Read Also: Make Your Boyfriend Feel Extremely Loved with These Gifting Ideas Unpredictable Valentine’s Day Gift to Surprise Your Lover 7 Interesting Gifts for Your Best Friends 10 Awesome Gift Ideas for the Person Who Has Everything Make Your Boyfriend Feel Extremely Loved with These Gifting Ideas Taking a Break from Your Relationship

Magnetic Personality - 10 Skills To Generate

Magnetic Personality – 10 Skills To Generate

Have you ever met someone and want to become like that person? The way that person carries himself and attracts others, with his magnetic personality. Do you often question yourself, “How can I develop a magnetic personality?” Here, we will refer you to some skills to develop a charismatic personality.  Top 10 Skills To Generate Magnetic Personality Developing a personality is not something that you will get overnight—sleeping with the thought of being magnetic and waking up with a lot of attention from others. This does not work this way. Here are the best 10 skills to have a magnetic personality. Learn to develop these skills.  1. Self Confidence As they say, what goes around comes around. We receive the same thing that we give to others. If you can not believe in yourself, how will others believe in you? Know your worth and be confident about yourself.  Do not waste your precious time with others who can not see that.  Your confidence will work like a magnet to attract people to develop a magnetic personality. When you are clear about yourself and know weaknesses and strengths, you will be least bothered about what other people think of you. The negativity that they are having won’t be able to distract your positive energy. 2. Genuine And Real We never get attracted to fake things. We prefer original gold over counterfeit imitations. Though they look mostly similar now, or when we get to know which one is real and unreal. This also applies to your personality, as well.  Never fake about yourself. Be genuine and authentic. Never show your false interest in anything or to anyone.  Your Genuinity will attract people more than your false pretending. Plus, you can not even just pretend for a lifelong.  3. Good Sense Of Humour A great sense of humor is the best skill to ease people with your magnetic personality. We love to laugh and enjoy life. Being around a person who cracks funny jokes or has the ability to take out the humor from a normal bald conversation is the last thing we want to avoid.  However, a good sense of humor is that which excludes making fun of anyone’s weakness or disabilities. That is not humor; that is negativity that you are spreading. So, feel free to absorb the mood and make people laugh and enjoy themselves around you.  4. Think Outside Of The Box Free your imagination to stand out from the crowd. Imagination and creativity are not something that you should limit and especially for a magnetic personality. The more you make them free, the more they will bloom.  Do not hesitate to share your different ideas with people. You do not need anyone’s approval to imagine. So, before sharing your idea, never think it less important or how people will react to it. Along with presenting your thinking, you should welcome other’s ideas as well and connect them in order to form the perfect conclusion.  5. Healthy Positivity Positivity is something that you should create around yourself. Rather than negative things, we prefer positivity in most cases. Your healthy, optimistic behavior is a must for developing a magnetic personality.  Others may feel different from you and have negatives to dislike something, but that doesn't mean you have to change your positive thinking. It is not always that the glass is half empty. It should be that the glass is half full, which is able to quench the thirst of a thirsty person. The half-full glass can save a life in a deserted land.  6. Active Listening To be a great speaker first, you have to be an active listener. It is the key to a healthy conversation. People with magnetic personalities do this. And when I am asking you to listen, this is not because you have to wait for your turn to speak and win an argument.  But listen more to understand what the other person is saying. Would you like to communicate with a person who does not listen to you and only expresses his thoughts? This goes the same with others.  7. Full Of Energy Do you remember the person whom you met and who wanted to gain that magnetic personality that he has? Does he carry a bag full of energy with him? Yes, that is the key to having an attractive personality. The same energy he uses for helping others, learning new things, and making life better.  With your never-ending energy, you will develop the skill to share your energy with the people around you. This energy does not only imply physical energy but your mental activeness as well.   8. Honest And Sincere As I have said earlier, a magnetic personality doesn't pretend or false anything. Always be honest about your beliefs, intentions, and values.  Never lie to anyone. That does not mean you have to share everything with everyone but avoid lies. Develop sincerity in any relationship without considering how long it lasts.  9. Inspire Others The person with a magnetic personality you met with has inspired you. That is why now you want to be like him. This is what a charismatic person does. Your optimism, healthy behavior will inspire others to do more good.  Inspiring does not mean forcing your personality on others. To benefit others you love or care about; you need to work on yourself. When people around you start feeling this, they will also do the same.  10. Knowledgeable And Well Versed People with magnetic personalities never stop learning. Whatever you will learn, will affect your personality. The more you will know, the more you will enhance your personality. And learning or gaining knowledge does not always imply bookish knowledge. Learn more about yourself, along with others. Go deeper if you find something interesting and learn as much as possible.  Final Tip Developing a magnetic personality is not winning an election or gaining more followers. With your charismatic personality, you automatically attract more people.  Just make sure that you are committed enough to your personal growth and well-surrounding growth. Always spread your helping hands, treat your soul with meditation, become better versed. Read Also How Many Jobs Are Available In Real Estate Investment Trusts? How to Download Game Of Thrones Putlocker Online for Free? 0123Putlockers And Servers – Watch Movies Online Is Real Estate Investment Trusts A Good Career Path?  Which Type Of Portfolio Might A Young Investor Who Is Not Afraid Of Risk Choose?