5 Ingredients of a Healthy Relationship: Is Your Relationship Healthy?

Published on: 11 July 2018 Last Updated on: 07 May 2021
Healthy Relationship

Just because you think you’re currently enjoying a healthy relationship doesn’t necessarily mean you are. Couples have a habit of putting on a brave face rather than admitting anything behind the scenes could be considered less than healthy. But there are tell-tale signs indicating any partnership is in good health. Here are five of those crucial ingredients.

5 Ingredients of a Healthy Relationship: Is Your Relationship Healthy:

1. Communication:

 Whatever the situation might be, whether you are simply telling your other half how much they mean to you or there is something troubling that you wish to share, communication is one of the most important ingredients. You might think you have done something which would hurt your partner if you ever told them but they’ll be more upset if you don’t. Secrets and lies are like booby traps that will lurk in the background, ready to trip you up when you least expect it. Also, never be afraid to have it out. Much as few of us like confrontation, occasionally letting off steam is a positive aspect of open communication.

2. Honesty:

 Another essential ingredient is honesty. Because trust is the foundation of a healthy relationship you must be prepared to bring anything and everything out into the open. So one of her best friends made a pass at you? If you keep this to yourself and she finds out anyway, then she’ll wonder why you chose to hide it from her. She might well assume this was because it was more of a two-way thing. The only way you will maintain a trusting relationship is by telling the truth.

3. Compatibility:

 It might seem obvious but simply being on the same wavelength is vital for a successful partnership. Humans are so complex that one of the wonderful aspects of compatibility is there are no rules about who we find attractive, especially when considering that adage about opposites attracting: the tattooed biker chick who goes out with a stockbroker, the brawling ice hockey player, and the librarian. That list of mismatches could be endless but compatibility is more to do with the indefinable quality of chemistry. People click. Often they’ll share hobbies or passions. Other times their personalities just gel.

4. Intimacy:

 It goes without saying one of the key ingredients of a healthy relationship is down to being physical. This isn’t just about regular, lengthy, and mutually enjoyable bedroom sessions. It’s every part of being close with one another, from holding hands while strolling through the park to displaying warmth and kindness. Even the sight of loved-up emojis on a text can be enough to bring a beaming smile to a partner’s face.

5. Understanding:

This is an ingredient that will take time to evolve but it is certainly one of the most essential. Whether you met your significant other through Flirt.com or any other social encounter, getting to know them better is a natural part of the process. Upon first meeting someone you may well find them good-looking but it’s discovering those hidden layers of character traits that will truly cement your relationship.

The more activities and experiences you share, the more you will find out about their personality. Some people put too much emphasis on looks. But it’s those quirks and personality traits underneath that make someone individual, interesting, and ultimately exciting to connect with.

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I enjoy writing and I write quality guest posts on topics of my interest and passion. I have been doing this since my college days. My special interests are in health, fitness, food and following the latest trends in these areas. I am an editor at Content Rally.

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Lip Fillers

7 Things to Know About Lip Fillers

A study by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons estimates that a cosmetic lip injection is performed once every twenty minutes. That's once every episode of New Girl, not including the credits or title sequence! Lip fillers are, of course, super common. They're also super precise, low-key, and effective. Maybe you're thinking of sliding under the needle yourself, or maybe you're just trying to tear yourself away from your ninth consecutive 'side of KUWTK. Either way, there are some things you should know about lip fillers. Here are 7 of them. 1. Prep for Lip Fillers Matters: Maybe this seems like a no-brainer--but if you're looking to have an awesome experience with lip fillers and enhancement, it's worth noting. Although lip injections have become a really common procedure (thanks, Kylie!), it's still not a one-size-fits-all sort of deal. It's essential that you consult carefully with your doctor to ensure you're clear on your personal lips' limitations and potentials. On your end of the deal, it's important to consider your own expectations and desired outcomes. Although lip injections have become pretty low-key, it's still necessary to decide for yourself the sort of impact you want your new lips to have on you and your face. For additional preparation, specialists suggest abstaining from painkillers like aspirin, Motrin, and Aleve, as well as fish oil, multivitamins, and vitamin E. Each of these acts as a blood thinner and can serve to make recovery more...bruises. 2. Different Fillers Do Different Things: You can expect to pay anywhere from $400 to $1000 for your fillers. The actual numbers depend on a few different things, including specific location and practice. Price can also depend on the particular type of injections you choose. People typically choose between Collagen or Hyaluronic Acid (HA) bases as their filler material. Collagen works simply, by plumping the lip through its presence. HA, on the other hand, plumps the lip directly, while also trapping water within the lip. There are several different brands and forms of HA that can have various effects. For example, a filler such as Juvederm (s/o to Kylie!) will usually result in a really soft, youthful--let's just say it--Kylie Jenner-esque pout. Other fillers, like Restylane or Volbella, utilize smaller particles to achieve a subtler plump. It's important to talk with your surgeon and decide together which of the potential fillers will work best for your lips, goals, and budget. 3. Lip Shapes Depend on Your Face: You can bring as many close-ups of Kylie's bottom lip to your surgeon as you want--but nothing can really guarantee the precise way your lips will look after the fact. Sure, the specific type of injection you go with can have some impact on the outcome of your lips' shape, but it all comes down to your face's natural set-up and allowances. Lip injections typically work better on people with naturally fuller lips (lame, we know), and the way your lips look once they're healed really does have a lot to do with how your face moves with your injection. The downside is that it's nearly impossible to "copy" someone's lips. But the plus side of this fact is that your lips will probably come out looking more natural and fitted to your face. They're still your lips, just...fuller. 4. You Can Handle the Pain: Maybe you, like a lot of people, aren't super keen on needles. Or pain. Or needles. Surprise! There's no magical way to administer lip injections without injecting the lip (although we wish there were). If you want fuller lips, the fact is, you'll need to undergo the needle. The cool thing about lip injections, though, is that your lips are put under--a numbing cream, that is. The salve is applied generously to the lower parts of the face surrounding the mouth, then let sit for 20 to 30 minutes while the numbing agent activates. This means that, by the time the needles come stabbing at your face, any pain you feel will be more of a dull discomfort that most people find more than bearable; you can tell by the way they come back time and again for top-ups. 5. Recovery is Low-Key: The major difference you'll notice immediately following your injections is some slight swelling and soreness. Some experience slight bruising. As your appointment wraps up, your surgeon will place an ice pack against your lips. He'll encourage you to use ice if you experience any soreness after, but that's about it. The initial swelling and soreness should go away after a day or two. You'll be healthy, free and looking fine to go about your days as normal; go to work, have a drink, whatever. The only real thing to avoid in a day or two following your injections is drinking from straws and sipping on especially hot liquids, although even these are mostly related to the lingering numbness. 6. Injections Won't Last Forever: Depending on the person and type of injection used, the exact length of time fillers can be expected to last vary. Some fillers will stick around for only 4 to 5 months, while others have been seen to last for nearly a year. On average, people find their way back to their surgeon's office for top-ups every 6 months. Everyone's body metabolizes materials differently, and there's no real way to predict this at the outset, but talking with your surgeon on the topic is the only good way to decide what's best for your face. 7. Don't Love Your Fillers? Ditch 'em. In the Leslie Ash days of lip injections, fillers were a seriously permanent thing. The good news for the rest of us (sorry, Leslie, you're too far gone) is that, if you decide after the fact that you're not into your lip fillers, you can have them dissolved! While Collagen fillers aren't so easily taken out, HA-based fillers can vanish at the tiny flick of a needle. If you decide to get rid of your fillers, your lips will be re-injected with an enzyme designed to safely and quickly break down the filler material. You'll be back to your old face in no time. It's important, first, to give your lips that day or two to heal, as the swelling and slight bruising that can occur might be affecting the way your lips actually look. Either way, it's always good to know that, if you want, you can take this decision back. Need Lip Fillers, Like, Now!? Be sure to take your time in choosing the right surgeon and practice for the job. You want someone who makes you feel comfortable and certain they'll do the thing right--after all, you're getting lip fillers to help you feel awesome about yourself! If you're not quite ready to set up a consultation, that's no big deal. Stick around and check out more fun beauty content from us! Read Also : How To Achieve Kissable And Healthy Lips

boxing workouts

Boxing Workouts That Go Beyond Fitness

Want a mean right hook as well as a mean sense of general well-being? Boxing workouts may be the answer. Though it sounds counterintuitive, punching things can make you a happier and calmer person. Want to learn more about how that oxymoronic situation works? Learn more below. Mind-Body Benefits of Boxing Workouts: You already knew that boxing will get you shredded. But did you know it could make you a better dancer? A harder worker? Here are some examples of what boxing workouts can do for your mind and mood. 1. It Makes You Feel Strong: If you're a man, you can skip this one (unless you just want some perspective). Women aren't taught to fight, in general. A lot of us are taught to shy away from confrontation or how to de-escalate it. That means we don't know how to stand up for yourself in most cases. While we don't encourage trying out your hook every time you get in a confrontation, a boxing practice can make standing up for yourself easier. Boxing is a good aggression release, too, which is something women aren't taught how to do either. Basically, it'll make you feel like wonder woman after she realizes her power. 2. It Boosts Endorphins and Helps Release Emotions: If you’ve ever boxed before, you have imagined that the bag was a person (or at least one problem) once or twice. Working through your issues by hitting the heavy punch bag (not the person) is a great way to reduce negative feelings. The fewer negative emotions you have, the more room there is for positive ones. And boxing (exercise) creates positive feelings through the release of endorphins. Endorphins are brain chemicals that make you feel happy - it's scientifically proven. And if you're feeling murderous, go hit a punching bag. As Elle Woods says, "Exercise gives you endorphins and endorphins make you happy. Happy people don't kill their husbands, they just don't!" 3. It Gives You a Learners High: You know the feeling when you finally master something you've been working on for a long time? It could be anything: a song on the piano, a specific choreographic combo, or crushing your boxing workout. That sense of accomplishment literally gets you high. It increases the reward mechanism in your brain, dopamine. Every time you master or start to master a new move at Society Boxing & Fitness, you'll get a boost. 4. It Makes You More Coordinated: Have you ever heard that some professional sports players take dance lessons to help with their on-field performance? Boxing is like that too, but without the tutus. Since boxing is a full body workout and involves being hyper-aware of where your body is in comparison to your opponent, it's a lot like dancing. Get Your Gloves and Go! If you've never tried boxing, trying to find a cardio kickboxing class in your area. You'll learn the basics there and once you're comfortable, check out a boxing gym. Then you can start hitting stuff and really doing boxing workouts that will make yourself proud. Want to learn how to approach conflict (without punching someone)? Click here. Read Also: 5 Tips To Kick Start Your Fitness Routine 5 Ways You Can Be Inhibiting Your Fitness 7 Ways To Kick Off Your Fitness Routine 10 Winter Fitness Hacks To Help You Stick To Your Fitness Goals How Do I Get Back In Shape? Fitness Experts Share Their Tips!


What Doctor Says About Snoring

Snoring is almost an everyday topic. People are just too curious about it, as it has many explanations. However, to understand this issue better, you should actually hear what a doctor has to say about it. It is always better to hear advice from an expert, so that is why we talked to the doctor. We found out some interesting facts about snoring. Did you know that there is a doctor whose specialty is snoring? Inborn Deformities: Let’s start with the good news. Doctors say that snoring doesn’t have to be caused by health problems, at least not with the severe ones. The cause of snoring can be the anatomy or the deformity of the snorer. The doctor mentioned a crooked nasal septum as one of the reasons. The other reason is excess throat and nasal tissue. The tissue can also be too floppy. In the case of the floppy tissue, it will produce strong vibrations. Muscle tone doesn’t refer to biceps or triceps only. Tongue and throat muscle tone are important, as the poor muscles tone induces snoring. Muscle tone reduces during sleep and the tongue falls back to the throat. Obesity: The snoring is louder and stronger if a snorer has weight problems. The fat can press the airways in the neck and the throat and cause loud snoring. However, this still can be maintained if a snorer faces the problem in time. Losing some weight is the best solution here. Eat healthily and exercise. Go for a walk every morning. The fresh air will cleanse your nostrils and lungs. Sleep Apnea: Sleep apnea can indicate heart failure, a stroke, or a heart attack. If a person suffers from sleep apnea, the airways in the neck and throat will get completely blocked. This is the main difference between a person who is occasional, or a “fresh” snorer, and the one who has been snoring for years. The other one will for sure suffer from sleep apnea. The other difference is the blood pressure. Sleep apnea causes high pressure which can lead to a heart attack. This is the most severe snoring outcome. Be aware that you have your life in your hands. Devote some time to solving this problem. As you can see, snoring may have a deadly outcome. Social Issues: The doctor said that snoring may produce health issues, but also some social issues. Believe it or not, but snoring was the reason for many divorces out there. Of course that there were some more circumstances besides snoring, but it all began with those unpleasant sounds. One of the spouses couldn’t stand anymore the fact that their partner is snoring so hard, so they started sleeping in different bedrooms. This triggered a wave of dissatisfaction and complaints, as both partners became frustrated. However, even persons who aren’t committed are facing the social issue. The doctor said that one of the patients came in his ordination almost desperate. This patient had to miss all the house parties, weekends abroad, or seaside holidays because none of his friends was eager to sleep in the same bedroom with him. Yes, renting another room was an option, but as everybody else would sleep in the same space, this guy would feel completely neglected. Fast Solution: Have a look at some of the stop snoring mouthpieces reviews. There is a wide range of great mouthpieces which can really help with snoring. The goal is to live a more happy and healthy life. Conclusion: If you think that there might be a reason to be scared, visit a doctor. An otolaryngologist will be the one to say which kind of a breathing problem you have. The examination includes the nose, neck, mouth, palate, and throat. The doctor will do this precisely, so you can move on with the treatment. It depends on the diagnosis. Being aware of the problem is a great way to a solution. However. we would recommend trying out the mouthpiece first. If it doesn’t help, then you are faced with a more serious problem and would have to go and see a doctor. Read Also: Ensuring Quality Healthcare With Correct Diagnoses Is Consumer Non-durables A Good Career Path In 2021?