The Decline of Cars Sales Has Led to an Increase of Motorcycles in the UK

Published on: 23 April 2019 Last Updated on: 02 March 2020
Cars Sales

There has been a gentle decline in the number of cars that are being bought all over the UK. In 2018, car sales had plummeted to a record low of 7%. Even during September, which experiences an upsurge in car sales, the 9th month of 2018 saw a double-digit slump in the number of cars sold. This comes in the backdrop of the new testing rules, waning demand for new cars, weak customer confidence and the fears on Brexit.

The majority of vehicles in the UK are diesel-operated and are over 20% more in number than their petrol-operated counterparts. The downward trend has continued since the start of 2018, but the end of the year experienced the highest decline.

Worldwide Harmonised Light Vehicle Test Procedure (WLTP)

Part of the reason was the introduction of a new test for all cars entering the EU market. The test, called Worldwide Harmonised Light Vehicle Test Procedure (WLTP), measures all emissions from the car, including carbon dioxide. It also checks on the fuel economy.

Unfortunately, there are very few WLTP testing centers across EU countries, and this has created bottlenecks in the delivery of new vehicles to customers. All new cars have to undergo the tests. This is causing delays with customers feeling the pinch of having to wait for the cars for too long. Some customers are either turning to car leasing to cater for their transport needs while others are going for motorcycles as a cheaper means of transport cross short distances.

This reason and other factors discussed below have led to a rise in motorcycle sales volumes. The rise in the number of motorcycles on roads had led to a high demand in motorcycle parts and rider gear. This, in turn, has led to increased sales volumes for motorcycle parts and rider gear online dealers such as XLMoto.

Brexit Uncertainty:

Brexit talks seem to have hit a dead end. There are no concessions made so far on Britain’s pullout from the EU. Due to this uncertainty, most consumers are unwilling to commit lots of cash until the Brexit talks have been concluded. In this case, they are going for cheaper alternatives especially where the customers are singles. Some of these more affordable alternatives are motorcycles. In fact, major automotive manufacturers are urging the UK government to consider the plight of the industry in their negotiations. If there will be differences in car legislation after Brexit, many car makers may have to move factories into the EU affiliated countries.

There is also waning confidence in many newer models getting into the market largely due to few improvements on previous models. Therefore, most customers do not see the need for changing their existing cars. The financial challenges affecting the middle class are also leading to many not buying cars.

In the same time, motorcycles are fast becoming the travel mode of choice especially across major cities in the UK. In addition to the reasons provided above, motorcycles get you around jam-packed city roads faster than cars and they have less cost on maintenance and fuel consumption. The rise in motorcycle sales is expected to go up the post-Brexit UK and into the future. Online motorcycle sales lead to showroom sales of motorcycles across the UK.

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Used Cars In Tucson

Used Cars In Tucson Offer You The Best Range Of Driving Options

Tucson is a city in the United States. Its population has grown up to one million in 2021. This city is awarded as the best city in the USA. There is the best transport system in this city including buses and taxis etc. But still, numerous people have their cars. Having used cars in Tucson is not bad at all. It is a sign of freedom indeed.  Even with the best transportation system, cars are still a prior need of our lives. It also shows the status and symbol of yourself-style. With personal cars we can go anywhere we want regardless of time and area.  Why Buy The Used Cars In Tucson? Buying used cars in Tucson is not uncommon or bad. Your target is to reach your destinations without wasting time. Any new or used well-functioning cars can successfully handle the work. Are you not having faith in buying a used car? In Tucson, used cars are easily available. But only you have to know the right place and process to buy the used cars. And when you know where to get a well-functioning used car in Tucson, you can buy the car even with the blindfold. How To Get Your Dream Used Car In Tucson? The method of getting new or used cars in Tucson is very simple. Visit the dealership either on the internet or in your local area. They will guide you about everything according to your needs. Most of the dealers offer three services: financing, leasing, and renting new and old cars. Select the one of them which is best for you according to your needs and financial plans. If you haven't read these terms before, keep reading. We will guide you all about it. 1. Financing: Financing used cars in Tucson implies getting them with the assistance of a car credit. You make regularly scheduled installments, and when the credit is taken care of, you own the vehicle. You own the vehicle and will keep it, use it how you need, however long you need, and add any customizations or alterations that you need. Financing installments are normally higher than leasing since you're paying for the whole worth of the vehicle. You can sell or exchange your vehicle whenever you need it, and the cash you create selling it very well may be utilized towards taking care of the credit. 2. Leasing: Leasing resembles renting a vehicle for a decent term. You make regularly scheduled installments, and toward the finish of the term, you return the vehicle and begin the interaction once more with another vehicle or the same. You don't claim the used cars in Tucson; you pay to utilize them for a decent time frame. Toward the finish of the term, you either return it or get it. Leasing installments will be lower than financing installments since you just compensate for the deterioration of the vehicle during the hour of the rent, in addition to intrigue, lease charges, duties, and expenses. Assuming you need to end the lease early, you should pay contractually allowable charges, which normally can cost as much as staying with the remainder of the rent's term. 3. Renting: Renting used cars in Tucson means hiring the car service for a couple of hours or days. Like the leasing, you likewise will not appreciate possession privileges to the resource. Consequently, any worth that could be recovered through a deal is lost.  Not at all like the other two choices concerning buying a vehicle. This one restricts the cash-based expenses to just paying for a vehicle when you want it. It is the best choice if you do not need a car regularly. It saves a lot of money for you. You only have to pay the 100th part of purchasing the car. Conclusion: Finding used cars in Tucson is not mountain-high work. When you are going to follow these easy tips, you can buy used cars in a few hours. But if you want a car for a couple of days, renting is a much more profitable way than obtaining a used car. For buying a used car, online portals are the best place. Or also, you can search for used vehicles from your neighborhood. Read Also: How to Choose a Perfect Used Car for Tour Family Why You Should Choose Used Cars Canandaigua NY Over Brand New Vehicles

Exploring The World Of E-Scooters

The Electrifying Revolution Exploring The World Of E-Scooters

In recent years, urban transportation has undergone a remarkable transformation, and at the forefront of this revolution are electric scooters, commonly referred to as "e-scooters." These sleek and eco-friendly modes of transport have become increasingly popular, zipping through city streets, offering an efficient and sustainable way to get from point A to B. In this article, we will dive into the electrifying world of e-scooters, exploring their history, benefits, environmental impact, and safety considerations. The Genesis Of E-Scooters E-scooters might seem like a recent innovation, but their origins trace back to the late 19th century. In 1888, an American inventor named Gustave Trouvé patented an electric scooter. However, it took more than a century for e scooter canada to gain popularity, thanks to advancements in battery technology and urban mobility solutions. E-Scooters: A Sustainable Alternative Reducing Traffic Congestion A primary advantage of putting e-scooters to use is their potential to lessen traffic congestion. As the number of vehicles is ever-growing on the road, especially in densely populated urban areas, e-scooters offer a practical solution for short-distance commuting. They can effortlessly weave through traffic, helping people reach their destinations faster and with less hassle. Environmentally Friendly E-scooters are a green alternative to traditional gas-powered vehicles. They produce zero emissions, making them an eco-friendly choice for environmentally conscious individuals. By opting for e-scooters, users contribute to a cleaner and healthier urban environment. The E-Scooter Experience Convenience And Accessibility E-scooters are synonymous with convenience. They are readily available for rent in many cities through smartphone apps. Users can locate and unlock e-scooters with a few taps, making them a convenient last-mile transportation option. Cost-Effective Travel Compared to owning a car or relying on ride-sharing services, e-scooters are a cost-effective mode of transportation. Users pay for their ride duration, avoiding expenses like fuel, insurance, and maintenance. Safety First: Riding E-Scooters Responsibly Helmet Usage Safety should always be a top priority when riding e-scooters. Wearing a helmet significantly reduces the risk of injuries in and around the head in case of accidents. It’s essential to encourage and enforce helmet usage among e-scooter riders. Respect Traffic Rules E-scooter riders must follow traffic rules, consisting of obeying traffic signals, pedestrian yielding, and making use of designated bike lanes where available. Promoting responsible riding behavior is crucial for the safety of all road users. The Environmental Impact Reduced Carbon Footprint As mentioned earlier, e-scooters are environmentally friendly. They play a part in reducing carbon emissions, which is a pressing concern in today's world. By choosing e-scooters over gas-powered vehicles, individuals contribute to a more sustainable future. Decreased Noise Pollution E-scooters are not just silent, but they also contribute to decreased noise pollution in urban areas. This quieter mode of transportation is a boon for residents who live in bustling cities. In conclusion, e-scooters have ushered in a new era of urban mobility. They offer a sustainable and convenient mode of transportation that benefits both individuals and the environment. However, it's vital to use e-scooters responsibly and prioritize safety at all times. Read Also: The Absolute Best Method To Pick Out Best Subs For Your Vehicle How Does It Feel Like Riding A Bike As Your Passenger?

Used Car

How to Choose a Perfect Used Car for Tour Family

As your family grows, the kind of car your family needs will also change. You will want to look for a car that comfortably seats your family and all the extra luggage that comes along with your growing family. Make use of the Used Car that can work well in your favor.  From SUVs to station-wagons, a lot of cars are offering options that are family friendly like extra storage, more leg room, backseat DVD features, and additional safety features. Different Ways The Used Car Can make Your Life Easy  There are multiple ways the used car can make your life easier than ever for you. Outline a budget: Before you drive down to the dealership, do thorough research on which features are important for your family and which models are best for you. Outlining a budget will help you conduct your car-buying research more effectively. Calculate your down payment: With a growing family, it is important to manage your finances effectively. So it is important to figure out how large a down payment you are able to make without making a huge dent in your financial planning.  Decide on how much you can afford to make in payments towards your car every month. It is helpful to know how long you would want to be paying off your car loan before the car belongs to you. Research new cars as well as used cars: New as well as used Nissan cars in the UAE are good models and easily available at most dealerships. Depending on your budget you can do some research online and narrow down on cars or SUVs that meet both your family needs and fit your budget. Most car dealerships have both new and used options. Do a comparative search online for used cars for sale in your budget and for new cars for sale in that budget. For example, Ford cars are known to be solid cars and to fit your budget you could look for used Ford cars in Dubai. Look for family car features: While some families focus on the seating capacity and extra room for storage and leg room, some families focus on the additional safety features available. Before you head to the dealership take some time to make a note of some points like who will be driving the car? Is it just you?  Or will your spouse be driving the car as well? If you have teenagers, will they be allowed to drive this car? If you have children, do you have children that require extra space for booster seats? How many seats will your family require on a regular basis? If your children are going to be seated at the back on a regular basis you will want to ensure that the car you buy comes equipped with side airbags. Size of your car: Depending on the size of your family you can consider a sedan or if your family is larger,  consisting of five or more people you can look for an SUV, station wagon or a minivan. Car interiors: If you have a family with small children you will want to choose interiors that can be cleaned easily. In such cases, leather seats or other smooth materials are easier to clean than fabric seats. Usually, darker interiors are easier to maintain as the stains are not very obvious in these interiors. Additional features: Try to think of the features that will let your family get the most out of the car. Maybe you are looking for a car that has entertainment options for your children. Sometimes small additional features like cup holders or armrests can add to the comfort of traveling. Review and compare: Once you’ve finalized your car options according to your priorities, research for specific car models that meet these needs. Find as much information that you can through reviews, ratings, and comparisons. You can find all this information and more online. You want your family to have comfortable and pleasant riding experience in your car. So it is best if you get as much information about your potential buyers before your purchase. All the features, major or minor addition to the comfort of your family to take time to list these down. Involve your family in the buying process or take them along for a test drive, that way you can see first- hand if the vehicle fits your family comfortably. Read Also: Best New Cars For Teenagers Spring’s Favourite Car: The Ford Mustang 2018 Tesla Model S: The Complete Electric Vehicle Buying A Used Car? Few Negotiating Tips, You Can Use Choose The Best BMW Model: The 5 Best BMWs Of All Time