The Decline of Cars Sales Has Led to an Increase of Motorcycles in the UK

Published on: 23 April 2019 Last Updated on: 10 September 2024
Cars Sales

There has been a gentle decline in the number of cars that are being bought all over the UK. In 2018, car sales had plummeted to a record low of 7%. Even during September, which experiences an upsurge in car sales, the 9th month of 2018 saw a double-digit slump in the number of cars sold. This comes in the backdrop of the new testing rules, waning demand for new cars, weak customer confidence and the fears on Brexit.

The majority of vehicles in the UK are diesel-operated and are over 20% more in number than their petrol-operated counterparts. The downward trend has continued since the start of 2018, but the end of the year experienced the highest decline.

Worldwide Harmonised Light Vehicle Test Procedure (WLTP)

Part of the reason was the introduction of a new test for all cars entering the EU market. The test, called Worldwide Harmonised Light Vehicle Test Procedure (WLTP), measures all emissions from the car, including carbon dioxide. It also checks on the fuel economy.

Unfortunately, there are very few WLTP testing centers across EU countries, and this has created bottlenecks in the delivery of new vehicles to customers. All new cars have to undergo the tests. This is causing delays with customers feeling the pinch of having to wait for the cars for too long. Some customers are either turning to car leasing to cater for their transport needs while others are going for motorcycles as a cheaper means of transport cross short distances.

This reason and other factors discussed below have led to a rise in motorcycle sales volumes. The rise in the number of motorcycles on roads had led to a high demand in motorcycle parts and rider gear. This, in turn, has led to increased sales volumes for motorcycle parts and rider gear online dealers such as XLMoto.

Brexit Uncertainty:

Brexit talks seem to have hit a dead end. There are no concessions made so far on Britain’s pullout from the EU. Due to this uncertainty, most consumers are unwilling to commit lots of cash until the Brexit talks have been concluded. In this case, they are going for cheaper alternatives especially where the customers are singles. Some of these more affordable alternatives are motorcycles. In fact, major automotive manufacturers are urging the UK government to consider the plight of the industry in their negotiations. If there will be differences in car legislation after Brexit, many car makers may have to move factories into the EU affiliated countries.

There is also waning confidence in many newer models getting into the market largely due to few improvements on previous models. Therefore, most customers do not see the need for changing their existing cars. The financial challenges affecting the middle class are also leading to many not buying cars.

In the same time, motorcycles are fast becoming the travel mode of choice especially across major cities in the UK. In addition to the reasons provided above, motorcycles get you around jam-packed city roads faster than cars and they have less cost on maintenance and fuel consumption. The rise in motorcycle sales is expected to go up the post-Brexit UK and into the future. Online motorcycle sales lead to showroom sales of motorcycles across the UK.

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Run Accident

How Much Compensation Can You Expect Run Accident Claims

A hit and run accident is one in which a driver crashes into a pedestrian, hits another car, or crashes onto private property and then flees the scene without identifying himself or offering any emergency assistance. According to NHTSA, eleven out of a hundred traffic accidents are hit and run. Of this number, 4.3 percent leads to death. Consequences of Fleeing the Scene of the Accident: Depending on the type of injuries or damage caused in an accident, the penalties or charges for fleeing the scene of crime usually ranges from a felony to a misdemeanor. If you hit another person and had a reason to believe that they harmed as a result, then you could subject yourself to a jail term for not stopping to help them. A criminal conviction may be utilized as extra evidence in a civil case based on that particular accident. Usually, the civil case is placed on hold while the criminal case is ongoing, but once a conviction has been reached, then that is a powerful evidence of liability which could result in a faster resolution in a civil action. Therefore, a criminal conviction can go a long way in helping you to get the compensation you deserve for the damages you underwent during a hit and run accident. Handling Your Insurance Firm: If you are residing in a no-fault insurance state, it could be insignificant to identify or locate a hit and run driver because your insurer compensates you irrespective of who is at fault. In case you live in a state with traditional liability and carry uninsured or underinsured insurance, insurance firms should cover you for damages up to your policy’s limit. On the other hand, if you lack the UIM coverage, then you are most likely going to face serious problems recovering damages. You can also take a look at your homeowner’s policy. There may be a provision that covers the extraneous events. If your insurance cannot cover the damages, then you need to continue your search for the faulty driver. You also need to remember that every state has a statute of limitation and this may range from 2 to 5 years. If by the end of this period you don’t find the driver and file a lawsuit, then you are out of luck. The Limits of Your Policy: The value of your claim often depends on the amount of coverage bought. If you bought $200,000 in uninsured motorist coverage, then you have a maximum recovery of similar value. Buying low policy of limits less than $100,000 is a good thing, but this amount is not as much as it appears since hospital bills could skyrocket surpassing that limit. To be on the safe side, you should have policy limits of at least $500,000 in underinsured or uninsured motorist coverage. Final Word: In most states, the most common types of compensation for hit and run scenarios may be in the form of the uninsured/underinsured claim. It is therefore important to have the right amount of coverage to avoid getting stuck in case of a hit and run scenario. Read Also: Racing Games And Accidents; Is There A Link? Why You Need Classic Car Insurance?

Used Car

Used Car Buying – How To Do It Right.

Used cars tend to be the most popular amongst UK drivers and it can be easy to see why. Second-hand cars have a lower purchase price, suffer from less depreciation and there is an endless amount of choice! The main disadvantage of buying a used car is the lack of knowledge regarding its history. When you buy a new car, you will be the first owner and don’t have to second guess how the car’s been treated or if it’s been involved in an accident. Reduce the risk of something going wrong with your next used car purchase by following these top tips below for safe car buying.  Know your affordability.  Before you make any large purchase, you should know how much you can afford to pay for it. This can speed up the buying process if you only shop for cars within your budget. Your budget may be one lump sum to pay for a car with cash or spread the cost into monthly payments with finance. Whichever way you choose to buy your next used car, you should try not to stray from your budget as you may get into a deal that you can’t afford to pay back. Check the market value.  Once you know how much you can spend on a used car, it’s time to see which cars you could buy. A quick internet search of local, trusted dealerships can help you to find used cars you can afford. It also gives you an idea of how much the cars you like would cost. For example, if you’re striving for a used BMW on finance, knowing how much it would cost to buy one can give you an idea of how much your monthly budget could be. Knowing the market value of the cars you want to buy also helps if you’re buying with cash and wanting to negotiate the price. If there’s a similar model from a dealer down the road but with a lower price, you could use this as leverage or get a better deal.  Check credit score for finance. No matter if you’re looking for finance for a Volkswagen or a Porsche, the first thing you should do is to check your credit score. Your credit score can affect your ability to get approved for finance and not knowing where you fall on the credit scale can be costly. A low credit score can make it harder to get approved if your low score is due to missed or late payments in the past or a lack of credit history. This is because you are seen as more of a risk to lenders and are more likely to default on future loans too. If you need to improve your credit score you should do so before applying for finance.  Check insurance rates. If you’re buying your first car, insurance rates can be some of the highest around. Newly qualified drivers are more likely to have a road accident in their first year of driving which bumps up the premium. Searching around for cheaper cars to insure and in your budget could help you save money. buying a used car isn’t just about the initial purchase price but also about being able to afford the running cost too.  Use a reputable dealership.  You can buy a second-hand car from a dealer or private seller but to help protect your purchase, you should consider buying your car from a reputable and trusted dealer in the UK. Buying from a dealer gives you an added layer of protection and means you are covered by the Consumer Rights Act 2015. This act means you are entitled to a full refund, repair, or replacement if the car is not as described or fit for purpose. Check the status of the dealer with the FCA and read verified reviews of other customers before committing to the sale.  Check the history of the car. Used cars run the risk of having a hidden history but you can check the history of a car you are interested in buying for free. You can check the tax and MOT status of a car and get more information by simply entering the registration number into the DVLA website. You can also make a one-off payment of around £10 with a trusted Car History Check website to see if the car has been stolen, previously written off or still has existing finance on it.  Test drive and check the vehicle.  Before you commit to buying a used car, you should always test drive it first to see how you like it. Take the car out for at least 30 minutes, drive it on different types of roads, and perform maneuvers to get a feel of how it drives. Also, take this opportunity to park up somewhere and check over the vehicle for any imperfections or damage.  Read Also: Beginners Guide To Buying A Classic Car Buying a Used Car? Few Negotiating tips, you can use Used car: simple steps for buying from a reliable cars dealership

Uber Accidents

10 Causes Of Uber Accidents In The United States

With the rapid growth of rideshares, the number of Uber accidents is also increasing in the United States. Statistics say that in the year 2019, Uber will have completed around 6.9 billion trips. With the increasing market share of over 12 million rides in the year, the number of severe accidents is also increasing. Causes Of Uber Accidents In The United States What possible reasons work behind the increasing number of Uber accidents? Here are the major causes of Uber accidents in the United States of America. Knowing these will help you to check when you are thinking about How To Sue Uber for a Car Crash. If you want to know more on How To Sue Uber for a Car Crash, you can view website. 1. Speeding While Driving Speeding is not only a cause for Uber accidents but also for overall accidents in the USA. Uber drivers get paid on the basis of how many rides they have completed. Now, isn’t it obvious they will mostly want to overspeeding for completing more rides in a day? As a result of this, accidents happen. 2. Inattentive Drivers Recruiting inattentive drivers is another reason, which works behind the increasing number of Uber accidents. In order to get the job of an Uber driver, you just need to have a driving license and at least experience. They do not check one’s driving skills and end up recruiting some inattentive drivers, who become the reason for Uber accidents. 3. DUI Or Drunk And Driving Drinking under the influence is a common road accident cause in the United States of America. Sometimes, Uber drivers also break the rules and run and drive or drive under the influence of alcohol, narcotics. We all are aware of how dangerous drunk driving can be for drivers of any age group. 4. Driver Fatigue Prolonged duty hours make the drivers tired. They became tired and sleepy. Driver fatigue is really dangerous and causes some deadly road accidents. Sometimes it is about a fraction of a second, the driver feels drowsy and closes his eyes for a second, and the accident happens. 5. Tailgating Most of the Uber drivers have a tendency to drive too close to the vehicle in front of them. Eventually, in some cases, it becomes one of the reasons for the increasing number of accidents. So, always ask your driver to maintain a safe distance if he is tailgating with another vehicle. 6. Acts Of Nature Acts of nature are something where humans do not have any control. What we can do is avoid driving during tough natural circumstances, such as torrential rain, sleet, ice, or high winds. All of these can cause devastating road crashes. This is where you probably can not think about How To Sue Uber for a Car Crash. 7. Vehicle Maintenance Failure Safe driving is not enough to reduce the number of Uber accidents. Maintaining the health of the vehicle is also important. So, before riding a vehicle, if you feel that the vehicle is looking too old, you can deny the ride. Every part of the car should be in proper working condition for having a safe ride. 8. Unsafe Lane Change The drivers should follow all the traffic rules and norms. Unsafe or sudden lane changes often cause ugly car crashes. It is always advised to maintain the proper lane when one is driving, and there are no considerations for Uber drivers and you when you are in a hurry. 9. Road Rage Never get your Uber driver involved in road rage. Road rage comes with a lot of other accident causes like overspeeding, unsafe lane change. So, stay away from any kind of road rage and drive safely. 10.Running Red Lights And Stop Signs When there is a red stop sign, you should stop there. It does not matter how important the interview is for you or how long it is taking to go home. Always press the brake when you are in the driver’s seat of an Uber or any other car. Know About The Riders’ Insurance When you are in an Uber cab, and the cab is involved in an accident, you should know about the rider’s insurance. When you are hurt, the company has a rider policy to offer you the necessary amount. Read Also: What to Do When You’re Involved in a Car Accident in Albany How To Find Best Car Accident Lawyer Near You 5 Types of Damages You Can Claim After a Car Accident Lyft vs Uber: What’s the Difference Between the Ridesharing Giants?