10 of eSports Most Popular Video Games

Published on: 31 May 2019 Last Updated on: 19 January 2022
Popular Video Games

The most popular of all the video games that people play in eSports are contested in leagues all over the world.  These are great places for people to come when they want to make friends and play interesting games.  Plus, these games have shifted over the years to make them more interesting.

You might be completely new to gaming, but you can get into these games at any time.  There are ten here that you need to get to know, and they are all going to give you a new perspective on gaming that you have not seen before.  also, you need to start thinking of what it would mean if you were playing these games with friends or actually playing them for money.

Millions of users all over the world play these games. The technological development of gaming in the last few years is something that has taken the world by storm. The growth of professional gaming leagues in countries such as India and the Philippines is a testament to the soaring popularity of the games in these developing regions.

Most Popular Video Games

1. League Of Legends

The eSports UK world is dominated by this game.  Actually, this game dominates everything.  Anyone who wants to play in this world can go for this game because it is the biggest in the world right now. Plus, you can watch people play these games on TV because they have leagues just for this game.

In terms of the sheer number of people who play this game, League Of Legends has been able to carve a separate niche and audience for itself in the past few years.

2. DOTA 2

DOTA 2 is a battle game that a lot of people love because they can get into leagues in many different places to play it.  If you are new to this game, all you need to know is that it offers you the best fighting experience you can get.  This also means that you can improve your gaming by playing with novices who are just starting like you.

3. Fortnite

Ninja plays this game, and there are many other people who play this game in leagues all the time.  In addition, this means that you will be able to have more fun because there are so many friends to be made in the game. For more info about Fortnite, you can reach Best Fortnite Settings.

4. Overwatch

Overwatch is a great game to play with a really cool story.  There are a lot of fun characters to meet, and you can get involved in the lore of this game that is being revealed over time.

5. Call of Duty

Call of Duty is something that people will find that they can use to have a good time in something that feels like a SEAL team.  There are other games like this, but this game is the one that people play because it has the most action and team options.

6. Hearthstone

You can play this game for the story, and you will find that this game can be very fulfilling.

7. Rocket League

Rocket League is very popular, and this is another game you can see on TV.

8. Rainbow Six

Rainbow Six is like the older cousin of Call of Duty, and it is still a big deal even today.

9. Heroes Of The Storm

Heroes of the Storm gives you a story that you cannot forget, and it sucks in all your friends as you play out the story.

10. Starcraft II

Playing in another world is a great place for you to play when you love futuristic games, and all these together change the way you play every day.


The age-old thinking that games are only for children has been countered and rejected. It has also been proven that gaming helps develop intuitive potentialities in a child. Most of these games on the list help children develop better thinking and reaction times. These are great assets to carry forward into the professional world. The problem-solving capabilities along with teamwork are critical to most games on the list.

We would love it if you would share with us your favorite game from the list. Please feel free to add value to the article in the comments section below.

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ps4 console

Are You a PS4 Console Gamer? Here Are The Top 10 Games You Must Play!

Doesn’t matter if you are picking up a ps4 console for the first time, or you have been playing for years. We have a list of top ten PS4 titles you must experience at least once in your life. PlayStation had players from all over the world vote for the top games of the decade and officially announced the list. Some standings might surprise you, but most will not. In any case, let’s take a look at the list and find out which ones made it to the top slots! One thing though, before you move on. If you do not already leverage a fast and stable internet connection, make sure you subscribe to one right after you finish reading this. Obvious as it is, reliable high-speed connectivity such as ensured by Spectrum Internet, is a prerequisite if you are looking forward to a seamless and immersive gaming experience. And when hooked to the Spectrum network, PlayStation Now is bound to stay connected while you keep earning points. Are You a PS4 Console Gamer? Here Are The Top 10 Games You Must Play! 10 – MARVEL’S SPIDERMAN   According to the IGN review, PS4 Spiderman has delighted players at every step of the 15-hour adventure, with the surprising depth of the tale that focuses on both characters i.e. Peter Parker and Spiderman. The story is made all the more exciting by web-swinging, web-based gadgets and web-centric puns that make for plenty of thrilling action. The Insomniac Game aims to make you feel like Spiderman and does succeed in doing just that with nearly every swings across Manhattan. Swinging around feels great, though there is a slight learning curve to that. Once you have mastered the basics, it becomes fairly effortless. Your Spiderman begins to swing and leap gracefully – and you can spend hours just watching him swing around the city, without actually completing tasks - jumping off the Empire State Building or the Avengers Tower. The adrenaline rush is real! The story’s biggest Boss Battles are both front and back-loaded, leaving the middle of the game devoid of major stints, and also tend to feel repetitive in the pattern. But outside the Boss Battles, Spiderman offers a satisfactory combat system with really cool gadgets put to u 9 – UNCHARTED 4: A THIEF’S END Visually speaking Uncharted 4 is one of the best games you’ll find out there. There are moments when you are forced to wonder how they did it so beautifully for a console. The environment, character-models, the science of clothing, precision of facial expressions, none of these things ever looked better in Uncharted. In terms of lighting, Uncharted 4 has the best in fact - even during the daylight hours lighting effects come across as real. For instance, when sunlight hits Nathan’s face at an angle and changes the color of his hair. Also the lighting in the caves, and other scenes like that, all that makes it very impressive. It is a linear game but even then, Naughty Dog has managed to do many cool things e.g. the water effect. In water areas, it feels like the character is really inside the water; the texture and the feel are highly realistic. Though in some scenes that show water from the surface, it does look kind of grainy as for instance, when Sam and Nathan are on the boat in the middle of the sea and its morning time. People did expect more in terms of characters, but otherwise, the game is a huge improvement if one looks at other uncharted games - in terms of voice-over, voice quality, the camera movement, and the overall finesse. 8 – BLOODBORNE Bloodborne comes from the lineage of Dark Souls. That does not exactly make it a successor but does reflect how the two share a mystical lineage and revolve around the idea of being transported into a new world. It is an incredible game, the mechanics are great, it is intense, it is rewarding, and it is gloriously frustrating. Certainly, a ps4 console game that is highly stimulating for people who like to take up challenges. Probably the thrill and the fierceness is what got Bloodborne to the 8th position by a majority vote - both factors hugely characterize the game. The downside, however, is the load-time can get annoying, and going back to the checkpoints repeatedly does tend to become somewhat frustrating. The ps4 console game can get rather brutal and unforgiving, so we would not recommend it for beginners on PS4 or those looking for something less demanding. Also, Bloodborne is bound to take up a lot of time. Only if you have played and enjoyed the Dark Souls saga, there is a chance you may just fall in love with the game. Overall, there is a lot to discover and experience in the game and that’s what makes it unique. Many people feel the game is only for Twitch experts and not flexible for common gamers, but in reality, it all depends on your skills and perseverance whether or not you are able to persist at it despite setbacks. 7 – HORIZON ZERO DAWN Horizon Zero Dawn is a role-playing game by Guerrilla Games that comes packed with action. The story revolves around Aloy – a wild hunter in a dystopian world full of machines, strange tribal laws, and a mysterious environment. Aloy is an outcast from the Norra tribe. The prologue depicts you as that child; you grow up and experience the environment, learn different abilities and participate in a contest which is kind of a coming-of-age contest for the braves of the Norra. And following that, you set out in a vast open-world full of weird and wonderful moments. The story is pretty standard where you grow up to be the chosen one - a pretty common plot – an ordinary person becomes the savior of humanity. But the way it advances, the graphics, the battles, and the exhilarating gaming experience renders it one of the top 10. As the story progresses Aloy becomes an esteemed leader and a role model for other characters. The ps4 console game world is stunning and you would be taken aback by how spectacular everything looks in there. Magnificently lush or snowy mountains, the mechanical creatures that inhabit these mountain ranges, everything goes very well together. In essence, the story is very earthy and set in a very natural atmosphere. The ps4 console game is very user-friendly with well-implemented controls and everything easily accessible, and it is your combat approach that brings out the analytical aspect. Predominantly a stealth game, you are not big on power or rich in weapons rather it is things like the long grass that allow you to crouch and wait before you get the perfect moment to strike. The weak points in the machine characters can be unraveled with focus; they are not just resourced fodder, rather you can tame them, and take advantage of them, particularly when traveling long distances. The audio element fits perfectly in every way. All in all, this is a great one to play and should be on your bucket list. 6 – THE ELDER SCROLLS V: SKYRIM Skyrim is undoubtedly a legendary game - a pure classic! An inspiration for many RPG games, it presents the fundamentals that make the foundation of the RPG genre and is frequently compared with a newer title. Skyrim is famed for its diversity and wide-ranging mechanics, the multiplicity of factions, the range of races and an abundance of choice. It is the kind of ps4 console game you won’t get bored of easily. There is no definite ending in Skyrim, with each playthrough you can make a number of different choices and choose to be part of different factions that’ll lead you to a new outcome. You can choose to be with the Imperials or the Stormcloaks, and you can choose to destroy the dark brotherhood or side with them. In other words, diversity is woven into the very fabric of Skyrim. No matter how many times you pick up the game, you will surely experience something new that will make the ps4 console game very interesting for you. One of the most fundamental and interesting aspects of Skyrim is the “dragon shouts”, blasting your enemies to death gives you a kind of satisfaction you might not have experienced before because there is hardly a game around with similar mechanics. Having a shout with the legendary dragons gets your adrenaline kicking. It is truly epic, and rather funny at the same time as you shout at bizarre NPCs - there are 28 shouts in total. Things like this keep the spark alive for ps4 console gamers. The story is simply impressive! You are a unique hero – the Dragonborn - and it is your destiny to defeat an entity that is intent on dominating the earth. What makes this ps4 console game even more charismatic is the progression; you start as a prisoner in rags and progress from there until with the help of other characters you rise to become a full-fledge dragon slayer. The law in Skyrim and the history of the cities make it all the more exciting to play, more so because it is a world very similar to ours only a lot more intriguing. Skyrim is something you can never get bored of simply because you become one with You May Also Like: Top 6 PC Games in History Which You Should Definitely Try 10 Top Games for PC Gamers 5 – RED DEAD REDEMPTION II After a long span of 7 years, people got to experience a Rockstar Game again - one of the most highly anticipated games of 2018 – Red Dead Redemption II. Often when you start a ps4 console game, it takes time only to get to the point where you actually feel like the game is about to start now. Red Dead Redemption 2, however, presents a perfect example of a captivating intro. You are thrust into the snowy and stormy mountains, and the game opens with you chasing the score of another gang. That is indeed a genius intro for a  game of this type. By putting you into the dreariest, most desperate environments, RDR2 pushes you to learn the ropes through genuine narrative. The idea is clever because it makes you appreciate what comes next. When you finally leave the harsh environment and the carriage hits the grass, everything around you looks so much more beautiful. RDR2 is proof that genuinely dynamic open worlds are possible when attention is paid to detail. The moment to moment gameplay is good; you might take a little time to get used to the shooting mechanics especially with Rockstar, but you are bound to end up feeling great. Though there is nothing revolutionary about the mechanics, the dynamism leaves you stunned. Rockstar has undoubtedly crafted one of the most realistic and dynamic gaming worlds, where everything is responsive – clothes look dirty, guns shine and the snow tracks are shot-for-shot realistic; a tress sways like crazy in the stormy weather, the towns are super realistic, you can actually indulge in a whole game of domino while playing your character, and you will have to pet the dog too so it can stop barking. Another great thing is the town always remembers, and that bears a reflection on your honor - so if you accidentally kill someone, people will talk about it and that will affect your performance. No game is perfect, but RDR2 comes real close to that possibility. Great value for money RDR2 is worth every second you spend playing it. 4 – GRAND THEFT AUTO GTA V succeeds as a game because of the lack of real-world consequences – artistic in its depiction of how the characters and consequence-free reactions combine with the consequence-free actions of the player in the open world! The story starts with Michael, Trevor and Brad robbing a bank. Unfortunately, they get into an accident and Brad dies on the spot, while Michael is also supposedly dead! Trevor somehow manages to escape. Nine years later, Michael is living under witness protection with his family, but circumstance returns him to the life of crime. That is when Trevor locates him and the two reunite. Having lost touch with old ways, Michael longs for adventure. Long story short, he gets back into the game, one that is nothing less than a police-chase action movie. T the graphics in the ps4 console game are excellent even by today’s standards. The lighting, the texture, and the animation, everything is of extremely high quality. The game even depicts a 28-day moon cycle, which isn’t something people usually notice, but this one detail reflects the developers’ commitment to quality. The gameplay is nothing less either. Motion-capture animation portrays movement realistically. There are many moments that make you laugh spontaneously at the gameplay and the movement of characters, making you fall in love with the ps4 console game even more. 3 – THE WITCHER III: WILD HUNT The ps4 console game of the Decade! High fantasy genre, and one of the most captivating games that can easily cast a spell on you and hook you on for eternity, so much so you may call it your destiny! What does it take to be the game of the decade? In one word – everything. How the ps4 console game makes you feel, how you play the game, and how you connect to it at a personal level. Playing Witcher 3 can feel kind of clunky - the small houses and the alleyways that make it hard to move around, the gluey feeling to the controls that sometimes makes you think maybe some controls are not very responsive. Yet The Witcher 3 stands tall as the game of the decade. Simply because in Witcher you create your destiny. A stunning amount of care has gone into making the story immersive and unforgettable. It is dynamic and thought-provoking, full of choice and packed with twists and turns, as well as nods to the prior game. Something interesting seems to be happening in every corner. The side quests are nothing but amazing - not something that you would take lightly. The cast and the roles, e.g. the alcoholic in the Red Baron synopsis, do not constitute a very original idea but the outcomes are surprising - twisted, knotted, morbid and something you’d never expect to happen. A simple trope, turned into a multi-hour spider web, rich in intricate details, full of immediate player choice, with none of the players ending up the same, this game hits on every emotional crest and trough. The content has an amazing number of intricacies and characterizations that take you into beautiful lands with mysterious people and new faces. Even the evil is not black and white - werewolves have emotions, and the ghost tree has a history-making it difficult to distinguish if the vampire is a friend or foe. The result is an incredibly engrossing and immersive experience for those who want to dive into the deep end and discover why they are playing it, and what it means. 2 – GOD OF WAR God of War is an excellent ps4 console game, to say the least! A technical masterpiece with a good story, interesting character arcs, and a satisfying and weighty combat system. It had a cultural impact on gaming, even though during the years leading up to GOW, top gaming publishers were adamant the single-player game was dead - too costly, unwanted, and out-of-date. But GOW slashed away that notion becoming one of the most successful games of all time. Kratos’ wife dies with a wish that her ashes should be spread on the tallest peak of the nine realms. To fulfill that, the father-son duo embarks on a journey full of adventure. Even during combat, the son is with Kratos, he can ask the son to summon animals and shoot arrows in order to stun the enemies. The third-person combat has never looked this good as with such epic visuals – the particle effect, camera movement, pauses, Kratos’ rage so perfectly captured, the careful depiction of how the combat builds, how it is framed, and the choreography that knits it all together, everything is owed credit. There is a small in-game too. Hard encounters make you see the true depth of the game – fighting three bosses at once, facing enemies with totally different abilities – all adds to the thrill making the experience inexplicable. You need skill, and precision to play this ps4 console game - it isn’t the kind of game you can get away with by button smashing, and because it is so well designed you can maintain control throughout There is a lot of mystery, puzzle-solving, and dungeon crawling as well. Overall, the ps4 console game is simply remarkable! 1 – THE LAST OF US This is a post-pandemic world that makes no sense, gives no room to people to live normal lives, and only allows essential survival, under military-rule. With survival all but uncertain things like love, connections and emotions seem to be a liability and can cost you life. In these times nobody, but Joel, the protagonist of the game, knows better the dangers of loving someone. Ellie is the emotional heart of the ps4 console game and as the game proceeds, you find yourself getting attached to her too. At launch, The Last of Us received universal praise, back in 2013, including many awards for its phenomenal storytelling, strong characters, and the presentation. The remastered version has only a slight upgrade in terms of visuals relative to the previous one - yet after seven years the ps4 console game fulfills the standards of today’s gaming world. Undoubtedly a testimony to focus on art direction, gameplay and story Keeping in mind the current events such as the Corona Virus outbreak this game seems more relevant - it shows an out-spread of infection which only, luckily, affects insects. If you have played the 2013 version, chances are you are older and wiser now and will be able to connect to the game at a deeper level. A lot of people can relate to the character of Joel, especially if they have a child of their own. Music too stands out in the presentation. People emotionally connect to this game so much that even after years it ranks number one on the official PlayStation list of the best games of the decade! Happy gaming! What are you waiting for? Hurry up, grab your consoles and play these games; get ready for a rollercoaster ride full of thrill, adventure, mystery, emotion, and fun! Read Also: Boomtown has the Best 5 Bingo Sites to Play Online, as well as Many Other Game Bonuses! 5 Addictive Time Killing Games to Play Online 3 Tips to Find the Best Mobile Crossword Game to Kill the Time

Games for PC Gamers

10 Top Games for PC Gamers

Despite strong showings from Microsoft, Sony, and Nintendo, PC gaming is still going strong. Analysts believe that by 2022, the PC games market will hit an impressive $37 billion in sales! Make no mistake, PC gaming isn't going anywhere. Whether this is your first foray into gaming on a PC or you're looking to refresh and optimize your current PC and get back into the digital waters, there's never been a better time to be a gamer. Why PC Games are still very Popular in 2020? Even though gaming consoles are investing heavily in wooing the crowd away from PC games, they have not been very successful. There is a reason why game developers still have to cater to the cult following PC games enjoy in 2020. One of the many reasons is that PCs allow for greater customizations in terms of hardware and software. This freedom of tuning, optimizing, improving performance becomes like a habit, which elevates the overall gaming experience. PC games also allow for far greater hacks than console games. Many platforms help players with cheat codes to improve greater performance within the game. The Pokemon Go walking hack for example, or the RuneScape Gold hack is popular ways, purists prefer PC games over any other format or type. This hype, craze, and fan following for PC games are not going to subside anytime soon in the future. Here are 10 of the top games you'll want to check out. 1. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim: Okay, okay, we know. Skyrim is far from a new game. In fact, Bethesda's open-world opus is already eight years old. But Skyrim remains one of the best games for new gamers and returning adventurers alike. If you've never experienced Skyrim, you're in for a wonderful treat. The game features rich, interwoven lore, exciting combat, and a map so big that you can explore for dozens of hours and still find new locations. So what's in it for returning players? Two words: Mod support. By installing mods, you can make the game look and play better than ever. From graphical updates to a strange mod that replaces the game's dragons with Macho Man Randy Savage, there are hundreds if not thousands of mods to check out. 2. Diablo III: Diablo III is Blizzard's latest version of the classic dungeon crawling adventure series. Choose from several different classes like the powerful barbarian or magical wizard and set out to save New Tristram from Diablo himself. It's hard to get bored with Diablo III, even years after its initial release. That's because the game features procedurally generated dungeons, making each journey into the depths different. What's more, Blizzard still supports the game through its Seasons program. Every few months brings new loot, enemies and more, so you can master new builds for years to come. 3. Overwatch: From one Blizzard game to the next, it seems as if the company can do no wrong. If exploring dark and dank caverns isn't quite your style, maybe you'd prefer the cute, cartoonish Overwatch instead. If you've somehow never heard of Overwatch, it's a multiplayer hero shooter where players switch between 29 characters. It's a simple yet fun shooter that embraces the lighter side of gaming. 4. BioShock: Would you kindly give BioShock a try? It's hard to believe that BioShock is over a decade old now. In fact, it seems like yesterday that we were taking our first dip into the underwater dystopia, Rapture. But time has been surprisingly kind to the game and its sequels. BioShock's shooting remains as tight and rewarding as ever, and the RPG-lite elements still offer tons of player choice. But it's BioShock's story that holds up the best. To this day it remains one of the best-told stories in video games, forcing players to question morality, agency, and more. To this day, BioShock is one of the best looking games on PC. And it's one of the most well-reviewed, too, currently sitting at 96% on Metacritic. 5. Black Mesa: While Half-Life may not look or play as well as it once did, a group of dedicated fans is out to preserve the game. Their solution is Black Mesa, a remake built from the ground up designed to introduce a whole new group of players to Gordon Freeman and his alien enemies. While the original Half-Life is still playable thanks to Valve's digital storefront, Steam, we recommend checking out Black Mesa instead. The game is currently unfinished, with the final level still in development. However, gamers can expect about 10-12 hours of gameplay at a minimum from the current product. 6. Stardew Valley: Some of these games are enough to stress you out. Why not escape for a while and get back to the basics? If you'd rather chill out and relax than blast opposing teams or aliens, Stardew Valley is the perfect game for you. Inspired by the classic farming simulator Harvest Moon, Stardew Valley is an exercise in the art of zen. Players can take control of a failing family farm and bring it back to greatness. Grow crops, raise livestock, go fishing, romance the townspeople, and more. Although it released a few years ago, the developer continues to offer regular updates that change and improve the game. Most recently, Stardew even received a multiplayer co-op mode. 7. Garry's Mod: So Garry's mod isn't one of the best looking games on PC. Nor does it have a great narrative. What it does have are tools. And lots of them! In Garry's Mod, players can create and play in their very own digital sandbox. Import assets like characters from your favorite games and create new game modes. If you'd rather see what others are up to, you can hop on a server and check out one of the game's hundred or so different options, like Prop Hunt, which is like a more ridiculous version of hide-and-go-seek. 8. Warframe: While other games on this list will run you between $10 and $60, Warframe is entirely free to play. Part shooter, part hack-and-slash dungeon crawler, Warframe is a great option for those looking for a great online experience. With several worlds to explore, countless missions to try out, and competitive multiplayer, Warframe is a complete console-game experience wrapped in a free to play packaging. 9. Doom (2016): Doom and PC gaming go together like peanut butter and jelly. Something about it is just right. In fact, the original Doom was one of the first games to launch the PC multiplayer revolution back in 1993! The latest iteration of the franchise, the soft reboot, 2016's Doom, is perhaps the best entry yet. With frenzied shooting, fast-paced gameplay, and one of the best soundtracks for any game ever, players owe it to themselves to check it out. It's also one of the best looking games on PC, making it a great game for those who want to test their new PC's power. 10. Call of Duty: Black Ops 4: Public opinion seems to have waned against the Call of Duty franchise in recent years. While it remains one of the best-selling franchises of all time, players seem to have tired of the shooter. Duty developer Activision saw this and sought to make things right. The result is one of the most enjoyable, freshest Call of Duty experiences since the first Modern Warfare. Not only will players get to enjoy the high-octane multiplayer and co-op zombies action the series has become known for, but BLOPS 4's latest mode may be the breath of fresh air gamers are after. Blackout mode is CoD's answer to the battle royale genre. Think of it as a middle ground between Fortnite and PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds. Take Your Gaming to the Next Level with These Top Games: If you're looking for something great to play, any of these top games make for a great pick. Whether you're a fan of shooters, high fantasy, or farming, there's something great on this list for you. But before you start your next marathon session, make sure you play in style. Check out our guide to choosing the perfect gaming chair so you can keep playing for hours. Read Also: Top 6 PC Games in History Which You Should Definitely Try 10 of eSports Most Popular Video Games 7 inexpensive games for teen girls

Parx Casino

Pittsburgh Sportsbook Is Now Available At Parx Casino In Bensalem, PA

The Parx Casino and Racing complex is located in Bensalem, Pennsylvania, and it is the largest gaming facility in the state. It is an all-encompassing entertainment complex with plenty of parking. Gambling is legal in Pennsylvania, and it is closely regulated by the Pennsylvania Gaming Control Board. The casino is in full compliance with the regulations set forth by the gaming board. Their patrons trust Parx Casino, and new members are signing on every day. Pittsburgh Sportsbook for athletic wagering is also very popular in PA. Pittsburgh Sportsbook Brings Sport Betting to PA: Sports fans in Pennsylvania now have a lot more to cheer about since the state legalized sports wagering. A casino such as Parx Casino can make an application to have a Pittsburgh Sportsbook Center on the floor of their casino. Parx Casino received approval last October. A sports bet can be placed in a wide range of denominations. High rollers, as well as the casual gambler, can take part in the action. The Pittsburgh Sportsbook wagering system is regulated making it a safe and secure wagering outlet. Sportsbook is a welcome new attraction for the players at Parx, and it has been available there since October. Players can place bets on teams of the NFL, MLB, NBA, and the NHL. They can even wager on the college basketball games. The casino additionally offers a wide variety of popular casino games in the industry today. A Look Inside Parx Casino and Racing: The casino is owned by Greenwood Gaming and Entertainment, Inc., a trusted casino operator in the industry. The company utilizes the top-ranking software providers. Parx, powered by http://gan.com/, has thousands of casino games on site, and they also have the downloadable mobile app for gaming anywhere. Their software comes from leading companies such as NetEnt, NextGen Gaming, and Microgaming, and more. These are brands that are well known to deliver quality and performance. The app is available from the Apple store and the Google Play store which only selects a limited number of mobile applications. The fact that Parx Casino is available on Google Play speaks highly of its online platform ss one that players can trust. Parx Casino is open 24 hours. Guests can attend a variety of live entertainment shows in their newly-opened Xcite Center. There are numerous dining options and bars on the premises offering everything from fine dining to a quick bite or snack. Horse racing fans can enjoy thoroughbred racing and wagering at the track, formerly the home of the Philadelphia Race Track, located within the complex. The casino has a dedicated poker and card room, live table games, electronic table games, and slot machines. They have roulette, baccarat, craps, blackjack, casino war, and chuck-a-luck. There are themed slots, video poker machines, keno, and more and all equipped with very good limits. The casino floor consists of over 150,000 square feet. Bonuses and Promotions: Parx Casino offers a sign-up bonus to new players. It is completely free to sign up at Parx. The promotions are generous, and they change regularly. Players will also get bonus money placed in their account every day that they sign into their account as a daily login bonus. These bonuses are in the form of virtual credits. It is very easy to redeem bonuses and promotions, whether they are for free spins, free play, or free food. The casino also offers free bonus points by entering the monthly code that is available to all of the casino members. Read Also: How To Improve Your Online Gaming Experience Ultimate Fight Club: Who’s In Control Of The UFC Empire?